Coffee causes joint stiffness or collagen lapse(?)

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Ah, I see. I was only aware of it depleting B1. I guess I could try coffee with a B-complex and see what happens. Do you happen to know if it depletes anything else? I've noticed if I take electrolytes after feeling sick from coffee, I begin to feel better.
doesnt coffee have b1 to make up for those thiamniases

Coffee depletes B vitamins in general. That's a part of the euphoria of it... it's like stepping on the biological gas pedal harder.

does sugar, calcium and salt do the same thing...? vitamin d3?
do you need b vitamins even for table sugar? since it has fructose, isnt that self oxidizing even in diabetics and etc.

regarding raw dairy, how come it seems to digest worse for some? it seems its the bacteria...? sme people do best on ultra pasteurized dairy...?

vitamin C is present in meat and milk in dehydroascorbic acid form right? so orange juice and fruits arent needed for vitamin C?
Because coffee burns the jing. Stimulants aren't free even if you name caffeine a vitamin... Pure caffeine is way more potent to OD on versus cocaine...
Jing is required to heal and is your body's source of post natal vitality, by definition, in TCM.

how do you increase Jing? what else depletes Jing, what increases it?

I think these only work if your problem with coffee is glycogen depletion. But for many the problems are related to the adenosine blocking effects of caffeine. Rheumatic joint pain, insomnia, panic attacks etc. are more likely related to the blocking of adenosine.
i was asking your thoughts on those things in general. how do the work for poor metabolizers. are those metabolizing things related to just overall metabolism in general?


Jul 19, 2020
been with some serious stiff knees and pain in the left one lately,worth a try a week without coffee,would be good to experiment with other source of caffeine like mate,its kinda high in B complex,way more than coffee,and more mineral dense in general,otherwhise,monster cans on the way
Apr 22, 2019
does sugar, calcium and salt do the same thing...? vitamin d3?

do you need b vitamins even for table sugar? since it has fructose, isnt that self oxidizing even in diabetics and etc.

regarding raw dairy, how come it seems to digest worse for some? it seems its the bacteria...? sme people do best on ultra pasteurized dairy...?

vitamin C is present in meat and milk in dehydroascorbic acid form right? so orange juice and fruits arent needed for vitamin C?

1 Timothy 6:4-5
[4] He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
[5] Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.


Sugar ferments, produces alcohol in the gut, causes a detox reaction. If the person isn't fat enough for the toxins to be absorbed into the fat, symptoms manifest as they're pushed out the skin from the lymphatic system. As an energy source, it burns like paper on a fire.

Calcium has a place in the diet, sure.

Salt is rocks. Plants eat rocks, but not us. It's less useful to us than this forum tends to purport.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble isolated hormone. Does anyone know where it's stored in excess?

Table sugar is devoid of nutrition, so probably yes.

All foods are "self oxidizing." Not just fructose.

Some people have incredibly stagnated guts. Very little peristalsis, almost like ongoing constipation. Since milk sugar digests slowly, it causes problems when the colonic bacteria that are present in the small intestine steal it.

Good luck getting your vitamin C from meat. Keep that up and you'll morph into Paul Saladino, Paul Mason, Frank Tufano from 2 years ago, or any of the rest of maniacs who think that's a real conversation.
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Apr 22, 2019
been with some serious stiff knees and pain in the left one lately,worth a try a week without coffee,would be good to experiment with other source of caffeine like mate,its kinda high in B complex,way more than coffee,and more mineral dense in general,otherwhise,monster cans on the way
Lol aluminum goes straight to the bones, stores in the connective tissue because it has a magnetic affinity for the minerals that are held in the bones.

Knee problems are correlated with leaky gut and track towards arthritis. Please save yourself the experiment, energy drinks won't solve any problems. I've literally tried to nullify their damage for years, but nothing works as well as abstinence. A word to the wise.


Jul 19, 2020
Lol aluminum goes straight to the bones, stores in the connective tissue because it has a magnetic affinity for the minerals that are held in the bones.

Knee problems are correlated with leaky gut and track towards arthritis. Please save yourself the experiment, energy drinks won't solve any problems. I've literally tried to nullify their damage for years, but nothing works as well as abstinence. A word to the wise.
Ok, i will start today the no coffee experiment anyways,will drink some mate if i feel that i need the bost

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
1 Timothy 6:4-5
[4] He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
[5] Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.


Sugar ferments, produces alcohol in the gut, causes a detox reaction. If the person isn't fat enough for the toxins to be absorbed into the fat, symptoms manifest as they're pushed out the skin from the lymphatic system. As an energy source, it burns like paper on a fire.

Calcium has a place in the diet, sure.

Salt is rocks. Plants eat rocks, but not us. It's less useful to us than this forum tends to purport.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble isolated hormone. Does anyone know where it's stored in excess?

Table sugar is devoid of nutrition, so probably yes.

All foods are "self oxidizing." Not just fructose.

Some people have incredibly stagnated guts. Very little peristalsis, almost like ongoing constipation. Since milk sugar digests slowly, it causes problems when the colonic bacteria that are present in the small intestine steal it.

Good luck getting your vitamin C from meat. Keep that up and you'll morph into Paul Saladino, Paul Mason, Frank Tufano from 2 years ago, or any of the rest of maniacs who think that's a real conversation.

what do you mean with that quote mate? i didn't think I was being proud.

i thought there is something special with fructose, Peat said diabetics can oxidize it whereas they don't oxidize glucose properly. it seemed like you need the b vitamins etc for glucose but not for fructose


Oct 11, 2016
doesnt coffee have b1 to make up for those thiamniases

does sugar, calcium and salt do the same thing...? vitamin d3?
do you need b vitamins even for table sugar? since it has fructose, isnt that self oxidizing even in diabetics and etc.

regarding raw dairy, how come it seems to digest worse for some? it seems its the bacteria...? sme people do best on ultra pasteurized dairy...?

vitamin C is present in meat and milk in dehydroascorbic acid form right? so orange juice and fruits arent needed for vitamin C?

how do you increase Jing? what else depletes Jing, what increases it?

i was asking your thoughts on those things in general. how do the work for poor metabolizers. are those metabolizing things related to just overall metabolism in general?
What about studying TCM for a day? I don't know how I could summarize a fundamental aspect of the energy system as a potentially offtopic rabbit hole in this thread. Feel free to DM, but there are potentially unlimited sources on this; people just don't want to read, listen, or hear them.


Aug 5, 2022
from my own experiences I feel like coffee gives power to mental operations I always think sharper after coffee better problem solving skils and all but I also feel like after that high you pay it with low energy I believe it drops blood sugars which can explain the reason of anxiety panic attacks after it. I solved that issue by drinking it only after strong meal and with milk and sugar. In Turkey we eat lokum which is a turkish traditional dessert after coffee as a rule I believe coffee must go with sweets. Btw I started consuming more coffee recently but I dont feel dry skin its contrary bc I also consume 10 gram of collagen everyday and my skin is the softest ever. Also my mom has terrible knee issues which forced her to surgery even but she never drinks coffee. I believe there must be other explanations to that


Apr 15, 2015

Sugar ferments, produces alcohol in the gut, causes a detox reaction. If the person isn't fat enough for the toxins to be absorbed into the fat, symptoms manifest as they're pushed out the skin from the lymphatic system. As an energy source, it burns like paper on a fire.

Calcium has a place in the diet, sure.

Salt is rocks. Plants eat rocks, but not us. It's less useful to us than this forum tends to purport.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble isolated hormone. Does anyone know where it's stored in excess?

Table sugar is devoid of nutrition, so probably yes.

All foods are "self oxidizing." Not just fructose.

Some people have incredibly stagnated guts. Very little peristalsis, almost like ongoing constipation. Since milk sugar digests slowly, it causes problems when the colonic bacteria that are present in the small intestine steal it.

Good luck getting your vitamin C from meat. Keep that up and you'll morph into Paul Saladino, Paul Mason, Frank Tufano from 2 years ago, or any of the rest of maniacs who think that's a real conversation.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
1 Timothy 6:4-5
[4] He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
[5] Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.


Sugar ferments, produces alcohol in the gut, causes a detox reaction. If the person isn't fat enough for the toxins to be absorbed into the fat, symptoms manifest as they're pushed out the skin from the lymphatic system. As an energy source, it burns like paper on a fire.

Calcium has a place in the diet, sure.

Salt is rocks. Plants eat rocks, but not us. It's less useful to us than this forum tends to purport.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble isolated hormone. Does anyone know where it's stored in excess?

Table sugar is devoid of nutrition, so probably yes.

All foods are "self oxidizing." Not just fructose.

Some people have incredibly stagnated guts. Very little peristalsis, almost like ongoing constipation. Since milk sugar digests slowly, it causes problems when the colonic bacteria that are present in the small intestine steal it.

Good luck getting your vitamin C from meat. Keep that up and you'll morph into Paul Saladino, Paul Mason, Frank Tufano from 2 years ago, or any of the rest of maniacs who think that's a real conversation.
Ray claimed he was urinating like several grams of vitamin c on a pure milk meat diet.
Didnt he also say something about sailors who ate meat or eggs not getting scurvy.

It’s important to keep in mind that there is much more to food and nutrition than whats on a nutrition label or what someone in a lab is studying or examining or saying.
Food labels are pretty much worthless unless they are telling you how much pufa or mufa or sfa is in something. Just because a food tester isnt able to find vitamin C in something doesnt mean its not there. Theres different forms of many vitamins and minerals. Vitamin K2 is another one where they dont test it in food and dont have an rda for it. Only K1 has an rda.
I’m inclined to believe Rays comments on vitamin C and dehydroascorbic acid. Food labels are a modern day invention that mean nothing. It’s arrogant to assume or claim humanity has figured everything out. Food labels only show the calories, fats, nutritional info that people are able to test for and find in the product. They probably aren’t even accurate when it comes to calories or carbs or etc. like they could be accurate as a minimum amount of sugar or fats but not as a maximum. Case in point something like high fructose corn syrup sodas which actually had much more carbs than on the label. They just werent able to test or were unwilling to test the starchy materials in the corn syrup, so its labelled as less carbs than it actually has. They are purely a flawed modern day invention… same with the rdas and other things themselves…

Regarding fructose it had an ability to oxidize which wasnt present in glucose, so it was considered superior for diabetics or just anyone with a slow metabolism. Oxidizing glucose requires certain things to occur, which arent required with fructose. I cant remember the specifics on those .

Can you advise what kind of diet plan you prefer or which foods you like or dislike or should be avoided? Animals do also eat salt from my understanding but even if they dont, its way too simplistic to say that salt is a rock, plants eat rocks therefore humans don’t really need salt. It just has no bearing on whether something is healthy or not, whether something is necessary or not, etc. its kind of like the milk is for babies argument made to argue that milk isnt meant for adults… or in some cases people will point out that grown animals dont eat milk but only eat meat or grass or something… whether a plant or animal does or doesnt do something i dont think has relevance as far as what the best things to eat and not eat are. Some people argue the big cats actually do even better on a milk diet than a meat diet. In nature they will only have the meat diet but in captivity they will get the milk or mixed diet.

Regarding sugar fermenting in the gut, from my understanding anything can ferment in the gut and it depends on digestion speed. Sugar actually digests much faster than bread and other foods so it should have less time to ferment in the gut compared to a starch. This is also shown when if you try a diet with sugar only carbs you will likely feel hungrier than if you had rice or bread. Even if the calories and grams of carbs are similar. Because it empties from the stomach faster.

I don’t understand the relevance or intent of the Bible quote but it seems to apply to you more than to me in this situation!
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