Silicic acid is the cure for cancer?


Sep 13, 2012
I'm sure some of you will remember natedawggh, Nathan Hatch, he hasn't posted since 2016, but he's been around the Ray Peat groups for a long time and wrote a book "F Portion Control". He is now claiming he found the cure for cancer. f portion control blog

"It is not well known that mitochondria concentrate silicon, and although silicon does not receive much attention at all in medicine, biology, or even nutrition, silicon is in nearly every food we consume (even meat) and is proven by a few studies to be necessary for some aspects of human health like bone and cartilage, which is why cartilage and silicon utensils have similar physical properties because silicon possesses useful polymerization properties for pliable durability in both biology and industry. While silicon’s importance in plant physiology has also long been established it has not been considered in terms of biology that silicon is also a semiconductor, which is an element that directs elections in one direction only, and for the very same reason silicon is used in the manufacture of computer chips silicon would function in mitochondria to direct electron flow and insulate the electron transport chain from leaking electrons to the surrounding environment. The Warburg Effect is thus caused by mitochondrial silicon deficiency which then allows electrons to escape or leak from the electron transport chain, which not only slows the production of ATP due to incomplete transfer of electrons but also causing uncontrollable, premature reduction of other cellular factors, such as the very oxygen destined for the terminal end of the transport chain which not only can no longer act as an acceptor but also forms the harmful superoxide ion also highly present in states of cancer which damages cells and causes significant oxidative stress.

This problem is also not isolated to cancer nor relevant only for those with very serious disease, and in fact affects all metabolic stress, aging, and illness. Because it is catalyzed by pathogenic and dietary stress silicon loss from mitochondria begins as soon as metabolic disease starts to set in, even at very early ages, and oxidative stress causes agitation and irritation because the deficiency of silicon also prevents cells from producing enough energy to rescue themselves from the damage caused by oxidative stress, so general emotional restlessness is one of the first signs and symptoms of mitochondrial silicon deficiency. Silicon dioxide is a widespread mineral found in nature and industry but silicon’s incorporation into plants and our own tissues comes does not come from those sources and is expressly and only from dietary silicic acid. Silicon must be acidified by stomach acid before it can be absorbed into the body and used in mitochondrial function, otherwise is can and does contribute to harmful conditions of silicosis such as during industrial exposure breathing in silica particles. Silicon also has an apparent relationship with water, which may be a primary reason for its incorporation into cells where it can help manage water and hydronium (and why silicon is used as moisture packets in product packaging), and studies show that aquaporin channels in cells which transport water also transport silicon and function better when cells are replete with silicon. This may be from silicon’s support of ATP production but silicon is also requisite for collagen and bone and likely performs similar support roles in cellular architecture to help stabilize channels such as aquaporin. But because ammonia is structurally identical to water, aquaporin channels also transport ammonia into cells for metabolic processing, giving ammonia direct opportunity to react with imported silicon. In response to severe mitochondria dysfunction cancer cells then express higher and higher quantities of stress hormones in their attempt to rescue normal energy production and mobilize glutamine, sugars, sulfurous amino acids, and other nutrients from other tissues in the body but since this dysfunction is never reversed it continues unchecked until it causes wasting and eventual death as the body is entirely depleted of energy and nutrients.

Silicic acid is the addition of hydrogen atoms to silicon molecules, and silicon which is not acidified will instead spontaneously form polymers which then prevent its absorption into the body. Toxic factors like ammonia or hydrogen sulfide produced by opportunistic microbes which prevent normal stomach acid production also neutralizes silicic acid into insoluble silicon species which instead promote silicon polymerization and prevent absorption. But acidification of mitochondria which sustains integration of mitochondrial silicon is also achieved by the hydronium ion (H3O) which is the acidification of water taken up by aquaporin channels which is prevented and also likely neutralized when reacting with ammonia (more on hydronium is also discussed in the chapter on diabetes), so while exogenous factors like radiation or carcinogens can also trigger silicon loss or mitochondrial dysfunction, the Warburg Effect is caused primarily by the presence of opportunistic microbes producing a excess of ammonia to disturb the normal acidification of dietary silicon which then impairs both uptake into cells and incorporation into mitochondria, both from ammonia in the gut but also in local tissue where parasites and other ammonia producing microorganisms can and do colonize.

Even poor diets are usually high in silicon so it is taken for granted that this nutrient should even be at the root cause of cancer, but even a diet high in silicon or use of a silicon supplement will not reverse this deficiency since the primary problem is acidification of silicon, which is mediated by stomach acid (or short chain fatty acids produced by commensal microbes), and directly inhibited by chemicals oppositional to stomach acid such as ammonia.

Cancer cells are in fact trying simply to heal themselves, which is why cancer is actually one of the easiest metabolic disease to treat, since restoring this pathway enables cells to once again produce sufficient energy so they can properly reorganize and restore their normal function. But this role of silicon in the function of mitochondria is also the mediator of migraine and headaches because loss of silicon during local colonization by parasites or other ammonia producing pathogens causes massive electron leakage which then results in significant inflammation and oxidative damage which the body cannot resolve due to severely impaired ATP production which would otherwise rescue that inflammation. While full blown migraines were not a common symptom through most of my experience with metabolic illness, the reason I was able to confirm mitochondrial silicon deficiency as the cause of the Warburg Effect was because this same treatment also rapidly cured a particularly painful and nauseating migraine in less than forty-five minutes, where normally migraines take more than a day to resolve and I was back at my computer doing work and listening to music as if I had never been sick.

While there are parasites that can colonize the brain and may be a major cause of migraine, the sinuses also extend deep into the skull and Trichomonas parasites, discussed in the chapter on immunity which are very widespread and specialize in colonization of mucosal tissue, are the likely culprit. To better demonstrate how this works, the migraine I got which led to this discovery originated from eating a large helping of homemade macaroni and cheese. Although a thickened sauce might not seem very watery, a white sauce for macaroni is just milk and cheese thickened with a roux and in fact contains an abundance of water and protein for the production of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. That night I only experienced a slight headache but the migraine really began after breakfast the next day as a large helping of carbohydrate strongly stimulated mitochondrial respiration but now absent of silicon instead caused massive electron leakage to cause severe inflammation, pressure, and an inability to rescue the tissue due to the impaired ability to synthesize ATP. After taking some tea and carrots and then a large dose of silicic acid (700 mg) in juice or tea with added citric acid to the acidity of lemon juice, followed a little later by several apricots, an apple, and a small slice of cake the migraine was completely gone within forty-five minutes. The reason recovery from such a severe migraine was so quick was because a migraine is caused by active electron chain activity, so sealing up mitochondria with silicon in this way immediately restored the production of energy (if there is still ample blood sugar) and thus the ability of my brain cells to reverse inflammation and repair damage, and this same principle applies also to cancer.

It is important to only take silicon with dietary acid in this therapy and not combine it with other supplements or dilute it excessively, to make sure nothing interferes with the chemistry that facilitates the uptake of silicon (for instance also taking salt with this formula). While most migraines are facilitated by parasites, some food factors are also significant triggers. I’ve often heard that collagen peptides give people migraines, and this occurs because collagen is especially high in arginine which is the substrate used by parasites and the enzymes arginase and arginine deiminase to produce ammonia using water as a cofactor. But Streptomyces which cause autism and diabetes by inhibiting B vitamins as described in that chapter also produce ammonia and respirate on nitrate, and consuming high nitrate leafy greens like kale without first boiling them, since nitrate is water soluble (especially if they are not grown organically since artificial fertilizer dramatically increases their nitrate content), can also lead to headaches, migraines, and nitrate poisoning.

This mechanism of electrons escaping mitochondria which causes migraines is also why light potentiates migraines, because light stimulates mitochondrial respiration because photons of light change to electrons when they strike matter and are channeled through the mitochondrial electron transport chain which, missing its silicon, then add to the quantity of escaping electrons to cause inflammation. Because parasites are a major and primary source of ammonia which catalyzes mitochondrial dysfunction, silicon loss, and cancer, lithium-tannin-vitamin C treatment as discussed in the chapters on gut health and immunity are absolutely required to support cancer recovery. Silica and silicone are not interchangeable terms for the element silicon—they are different types of silicon chemicals and will have the opposite effect of silicic acid and can actually promote oxidative stress and cancer and conditions of silicosis (no doubt predatory purveyors will try to cheat consumers with products just like this when my work becomes well known, and care must be taken to avoid predatory products and only use quality sources), but in support of this discovery there are surprising studies which show no association between breast cancer and breast implants, even though breast implants do cause other harmful complications, since silicone leakage from breast implants would actually provide some silicon that could be converted to silicic acid in the body. There are also other toxic forms of chemical silicon used in industry and manufacturing and even personal lubricants that do cause cancer because of the other elements and chemical structure of those silicon molecules, so all silicon is NOT universally protective or safe. The only nutritionally relevant source of silicon comes from plants, as silicic acid, or a supplement of silicic acid produced from plants like bamboo even if those supplements are labeled as silica (horsetail is a source but also contains thiaminase which causes thiamine deficiency, so don’t use whole horsetail as the source for this therapy). Even when using a supplement of silicic acid or bamboo silicon it can and does form insoluble silicon polymers in the gut if there is excess ammonia or deficiency of stomach acid, and the key point to this information is not that a silicon supplement can cure cancer or migraine, which it can’t, but that impairment of silicon metabolism and its integration into mitochondria is the cause of the Warburg Effect, which impairs the ability of cells to produce energy, which then leads to migraine and cancer.

After resolution of gastroinestinal microbial ammonia and hydrogen sulfide production through the use of tannin and carotene as discussed in the chapters on gut health and diabetes, silicic acid taken from a supplement mixed into an dietary acid medium like lemon juice, citric acid in water or tea, cream of tartar, or vinegar can then be highly effective in promoting immediate absorption of silicic acid and restoration of mitochondrial respiration. DO NOT just take a capsule of silicic acid and chase it with some lemon juice—it must be added to the acidic solution and allowed to hydrate, distribute, and react with acid. No more than 200-400 mg of silicon per dose per day is required for the treatment of cancer, although larger and more frequent doses can be taken for a week or two to better resolve the deficiency, as silicic acid has no side effects in reasonable doses, and this same treatment can be used to address and prevent migraine if ammonia and hydrogen sulfide have been properly inhibited through use of tannin and carotene, and if accompanied in strong acid like lemon juice, but for migraine it especially must be followed by consumption of sugar or else the injured tissues will not have anything from which to produce ATP by which to activate ATPases to resolve inflammation.

Interestingly, there are many studies which have explored the relationship of migraine with cancer and there has been an established association of cancers of the head and neck with migraine, and of childhood cancer with migraine, but an inverse association of breast cancer with migraine. The connection with childhood cancer and migraine is especially interesting because pathogenic colonization as the primary explanation for most cancer, including childhood cancer, demonstrates how childhood cancer can be mostly prevented by a diet high in fruit because of its tannin, sugar, carotene, and silicon which children should be having anyway, which protects them more effectively from pathogenic colonization since childhood physiology is designed specifically to be more resistant to pathogens. One of my nephews developed a brain tumor before he was three years old and while his parents fed him a supposedly healthy diet free of refined and processed foods high in plants and vegetables it was mostly high in grains and legumes which do not contain carotene but do contain lots of protein substrate for ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, while they were also discouraged from eating sugary fruits as his mother had the typical, harmful, misguided attitude that sugar is bad which she took so far as to feed him foods like avocado in preference to grapes, apples, and oranges where avocado is also very high in polyunsaturated fats which lead to the production of malondialdehyde, eicosanoids, oxylipins, and other toxic products of PUFA oxidation which also impair mitochondrial function. As a toddler he began presenting with frequent headaches, which is not normal in children and can indicate such problems. Fruit is high in silicon but fruit also promotes microbial short chain fatty acid synthesis which further helps to promote silicon uptake. Luckily my nephew’s tumor, although the size of a small apple, was not cancerous and the surgery to remove it and his subsequent recovery was entirely successful, and I was eventually able to convince my sister that fruit is not only safe for children but required for their health and development.

Supposedly the great scientist Louis Pasteur suspected that silicon would be useful for curing disease (I can’t find confirmation he said this but it seems legit), but not understanding the role of acidification and digestion in silicon assimilation the early attempts at leveraging its benefits were not successful since, again, this is a problem of pathogenic interference in normal silicon uptake pathways. Many plants are already very high in silicon, especially those which are naturally tough such as whole grains (especially oats), leafy greens, or bamboo shoots, but even soft fruits like dates, raisins, prunes, mango, and berries contain silicon which are more than sufficient for health if stomach acid and digestion are working properly, and because those foods often also contain carotene and tannin which inhibit hydrogen sulfide and ammonia they will better promote silicon uptake. I did find one study that showed a correlation between dietary carotene and silicon levels but not for foods that did not contain carotene. But plant foods are also very difficult (impossible, really) for the body to break down because we do not natively possess the enzyme cellulase for digesting cellulose which is instead the job of our microbiome which they in turn cannot do without the presence of cobalamin (vitamin B12) as discussed in the chapter on gut health. When there is B12, however, our microbes not only thoroughly digest plant foods to liberate nutrients like silicic acid but also produce more short chain fatty acids which help to acidify silicic acid to promote its absorption, as well as the production of vitamin K2 and liberation and increased absorption nutrients. In addition to having thyroid cancer and leukemia, a large skin lesion also appeared my back when I was thirty from a sunburn I got at the age of sixteen when when my father forced me to lay sod in the middle of a hot summer day while already having a sunburn from laying sod the day before. I remember thinking as a child this was probably going to lead to skin cancer, but even as my other symptoms of cancer resolved (leukoplakia, fatigue, wasting) the skin lesion never healed because skin metabolism is entirely independent from the rest of the body because circulation to the skin gets cut off during stress. It finally healed after eleven years around the time I discovered B12 could be used to assist the commensal microbiome in its metabolism of nutritional substrate, specifically from using it with dark leafy greens such as in salad dressing or sautéed kale. Not only do dark leafy greens contain silicon, carotene, and a little tannin, the vitamin K2 produced by gut microbes from vitamin K (if they have access to B12) very strongly helps cells manage calcium to prevent calcification of soft tissue and dark leafy greens are also very high in magnesium which is required to stabilize ATP produced by a stable electron transport chain. So foods like leafy greens taken with added B12 (it must be mixed into food, not simply taken along with it) is some of the most effective anti-cancer therapy if ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are properly inhibited, due to containing the entire set of nutrients required to support mitochondrial respiration.
Additionally, pectin, which results in the microbial synthesis of acetic acid, can also be added to a silicon solution (1/2 tsp would be effective) to better promote silicon acidification during digestion (which is accomplished also by eating fruit since it often contains lots of pectin). Remember also that the entire point of the mitochondrial electron transport chain is the production of ATP, and since ATP must be stabilized with magnesium it is also very useful to resolve magnesium deficiency as discussed in the chapter on diabetes. While foods like leafy greens are high in magnesium the use of a supplement with carotene will more effectively guarantee magnesium repletion to make up for any potential interference or deficiency and promote more efficient production of energy restored by silicon repletion."

He goes on to discuss things like aspirin, progesterone, coconut oil, carotene, vitamin E from diet, and using tannin (tea or coffee, fruit) and carotene to protect proteins you eat from pathogens, casein, vitamin C, antihistamines, niacinamide, avoiding vegetable and fish oils, using b12 from food to promote microbes that will break down plants, and keeping blood sugar elevated.

So he claims curing cancer is easy. Just need to get the silicic acid into the mitochondria. I didn't see any proof of this. He uses no references anywhere. He got a migraine from eating mac n cheese, then claims because he took tea, juice, carrots, silicic acid, followed by several apricots, an apple and cake his migraine disappeared therefore silicic is a cancer cure? Please help me understand this.

He also is of the opinion that ammonia and hydrogen sulfide from pathogens is the root cause of disease. He even went so far as to say he has cystic fibrosis from a pathogen:

"To demonstrate this fact I once experimented with zinc in a strong citric acic solution which helped acidify zinc and greatly increased its absorption, and while it successfully entered circulation it not only did not improve any symptoms but immediately reached the Pseudomonas aeruginosa which had colonized my lungs due to cystic fibrosis and induced severe coughing and symptoms resembling a cold. P. aeruginosa uses zinc to facilitate its virulence, and normally zinc (and manganese) are protected by proteins like calprotectin which sequesters them away from sites of pathogenic colonization. This clearly did not happen and although the zinc was technically “bioavailable” by entering my bloodstream it was not bioavailable for my cells and biology but certainly was for pathogens."

He claims psoriasis is a carotene deficiency of the skin. He says to cure autism you just need biotin, bioavailable zinc, frequent carrot eating or other carotenoid fruit consumption to suppress hydrogen sulfide microbes. And also molybdenum and sulfur:

"The problem is that sulfur has a high affinity for molybdenum and when there is gastrointestinal hydrogen sulfide this forms an insoluble thiomolybdate complex which in turn has a high affinity for copper and poisons copper dependent proteins in the body, so the presence of hydrogen sulfide not only causes molybdenum deficiency but also disables copper dependent pathways and since so many important pathways in the body are also dependent on copper the production of microbial hydrogen sulfide is one of the most harmful problems which underlies metabolic illness. Thiomolybdate induced copper deficiency is a common problem for livestock which have foregut digestion since most of their food is first accessed by bacteria, and when livestock have diets excessively high in sulfur and molybdenum they rapidly develop fatal copper deficiency. Because we humans like to consider ourselves better than our fellow animals we ignore such potential problems in our diets and physiology with absolutely no rational justification, and when gut dysbiosis occurs it allows this same problem to occur in our own gut to then cause derangement in sulfur, molybdenum, and copper.Molybdenum is present in many foods but it is also chelated by toxic agrochemicals like glyphosate, and industrial diets commonly cause metabolic disease by interfering with such trace nutrients as molybdenum that are so important for our metabolic health since we require molybdenum to produce sulfates like taurine from dietary sulfur. The molybdenum cofactor on which these pathways are dependent is one of the oldest biological molecules and is found in every life form, and molybdenum is such a fundamental requirement for life that its deficiency easily disturbs other basic biological pathways like the normal metabolism of sulfur.

Foods highest in molybdenum are fruits from the Cucurbitaceae family like cucumbers, watermelon, chayote, other melons, squash, pumpkin, etc., but also peas, nuts, and spring water, so molybdenum is also often supplied by the same foods like nuts that provide zinc, sulfur, and other important nutrients. Molybdenum is in fact the taste of spring water, as the taste of spring water is actually the taste of molybdenum, and are other refreshing foods like cucumbers, peas, and watermelon, and after suppression of hydrogen sulfide these foods work so well to supply enough molybdenum that a supplement is never needed if there is regular, consistent intake. One large cucumber daily is enough to supply my needs and I’m six-foot, seven-inches tall and two-hundred-fifty pounds, but because watermelon and squashes also contain carotene they are ideal dietary sources when available and other sources like nuts and cucumbers which do not contain carotene absolutely be accompanied by carotene when suffering from illness to prevent synthesis of hydrogen sulfide and thiomolybdates. Any skin malodor which does result from eating a lot of sulfur such as an entire head of garlic can be rescued by immediately consuming one or two large cucumbers or other molybdenum source, protected by carotene, as molybdenum is rapidly absorbed and transported into the body. This step is most important in reversing sulfur deficiency because without molybdenum it won’t matter how much dietary sulfur is consumed, as the body will not be able to use it, which will thus impair synthesis of taurine necessarily for assimilation of nutrients like zinc and molybdenum. To be clear, supplementation of these strategies is not something that must be done every day in perpetuity. Several days of twice daily zinc with taurine then another few days of manganese with taurine should completely replete the body, which can then be maintained by less frequent doses such as once or twice a week, using any potential symptoms as diagnostic to determine need."

I think he needs to be introduced to the toxic bile theory, he may have to re-write his entire book if really delved into it! But if anyone wants try out the silicic acid I would be happy to read about your experience!


Mar 23, 2016
It’s odd that he says to consume Taurine when Taurine is one of the most important sources of Hydrogen Sulfide in the gut…


Sep 13, 2012
It’s odd that he says to consume Taurine when Taurine is one of the most important sources of Hydrogen Sulfide in the gut…
Oh wow! Seems he is trying to link all these things together for practical application, but it's very piecemeal.


Sep 8, 2017
The way this person writes is like someone trying to fill pages with content just for the sake of it, painful to read. I stopped reading but I'm going to take a guess that they never get around to telling you specifically how to "cure" cancer (supplements, dosage, cadence etc).


Sep 13, 2012
The way this person writes is like someone trying to fill pages with content just for the sake of it, painful to read. I stopped reading but I'm going to take a guess that they never get around to telling you specifically how to "cure" cancer (supplements, dosage, cadence etc).
I guess this is the treatment:

"After resolution of gastroinestinal microbial ammonia and hydrogen sulfide production through the use of tannin and carotene as discussed in the chapters on gut health and diabetes, silicic acid taken from a supplement mixed into an dietary acid medium like lemon juice, citric acid in water or tea, cream of tartar, or vinegar can then be highly effective in promoting immediate absorption of silicic acid and restoration of mitochondrial respiration. DO NOT just take a capsule of silicic acid and chase it with some lemon juice—it must be added to the acidic solution and allowed to hydrate, distribute, and react with acid. No more than 200-400 mg of silicon per dose per day is required for the treatment of cancer, although larger and more frequent doses can be taken for a week or two to better resolve the deficiency, as silicic acid has no side effects in reasonable doses, and this same treatment can be used to address and prevent migraine if ammonia and hydrogen sulfide have been properly inhibited through use of tannin and carotene, and if accompanied in strong acid like lemon juice, but for migraine it especially must be followed by consumption of sugar or else the injured tissues will not have anything from which to produce ATP by which to activate ATPases to resolve inflammation."


Jan 10, 2023
The body uses silicon as an adduct to bind to various heavy metals and toxins such as acetaldehyde and then excrete them from the body. With a silicon deficiency these things accumulate. Oligoscan which is mineral test that uses spectrophotometry to measure mineral levels in the cells is showing that most people have a silicon deficiency. Silica also increases uptake of magnesium in the cells and lowers calcium.

The issue I have with it is, it is a nano sized mineral so I'm not sure if it is safe to take, someone also told me they knew someone taking it for a few years that developed kidney cancer. I used it for a few months anyway and it did have some healing symptoms and made my brain feel really nice and improved gaba transmission, I also had issues with potatoes and never craved them either but after taking the silica that went away, skin and nails looked better from it too. But I stopped it because I have doubts about its safety.


Sep 13, 2012
The body uses silicon as an adduct to bind to various heavy metals and toxins such as acetaldehyde and then excrete them from the body. With a silicon deficiency these things accumulate. Oligoscan which is mineral test that uses spectrophotometry to measure mineral levels in the cells is showing that most people have a silicon deficiency. Silica also increases uptake of magnesium in the cells and lowers calcium.

The issue I have with it is, it is a nano sized mineral so I'm not sure if it is safe to take, someone also told me they knew someone taking it for a few years that developed kidney cancer. I used it for a few months anyway and it did have some healing symptoms and made my brain feel really nice and improved gaba transmission, I also had issues with potatoes and never craved them either but after taking the silica that went away, skin and nails looked better from it too. But I stopped it because I have doubts about its safety.
He said to never take silicon dioxide and to use bamboo silica mixed with acid to create silicic acid. He believes silicon can only work when reacted with acid. So someone with good stomach acid will be getting it from their food. But is it a cancer cure?


Jan 10, 2023
He said to never take silicon dioxide and to use bamboo silica mixed with acid to create silicic acid. He believes silicon can only work when reacted with acid. So someone with good stomach acid will be getting it from their food. But is it a cancer cure?
I don't know but I've seen videos saying it causes cancer, I saw you write before that Formaldehyde damages the mylein sheath can you show me the study please because I would like to read it.


Sep 13, 2012
I don't know but I've seen videos saying it causes cancer, I saw you write before that Formaldehyde damages the mylein sheath can you show me the study please because I would like to read it.
I learned it from Woodrow Monte PhD. Here is his website: Multiple Sclerosis: The Cause and the Solution…at last! | While Science Sleeps

He says alcohol is what protects from methanol and therefore formaldehyde poisoning. That is why it seems people can do well on some alcohol everyday. If there is some alcohol in the blood then methanol won't convert to formaldehyde. But I'd rather just eliminate the sources of it! Canned tomatoes cigarettes and smoked food. Pectin is also a source of methanol. But I wasn't convinced enough to get rid of fruit. Also I figured out bottled juice is actually pretty low in methanol.


Jan 10, 2023
I learned it from Woodrow Monte PhD. Here is his website: Multiple Sclerosis: The Cause and the Solution…at last! | While Science Sleeps

He says alcohol is what protects from methanol and therefore formaldehyde poisoning. That is why it seems people can do well on some alcohol everyday. If there is some alcohol in the blood then methanol won't convert to formaldehyde. But I'd rather just eliminate the sources of it! Canned tomatoes cigarettes and smoked food. Pectin is also a source of methanol. But I wasn't convinced enough to get rid of fruit. Also I figured out bottled juice is actually pretty low in methanol.
Ok thanks, how come you were looking at his work on MS, had you experienced anything like MS or maybe knew someone?


Sep 13, 2012
Ok thanks, how come you were looking at his work on MS, had you experienced anything like MS or maybe knew someone?
I was scared all the OJ I drank over the yrs was going to contribute to nerve problems in the future. He doesn't say to stop drinking juice though. I finally did do the research and realize bottled juice isn't as much of a concern as I thought. I'm still not certain on large doses of pectin though.


Oct 6, 2020
What about monomethylsilanetriol as supplement?


Jan 10, 2023
I was scared all the OJ I drank over the yrs was going to contribute to nerve problems in the future. He doesn't say to stop drinking juice though. I finally did do the research and realize bottled juice isn't as much of a concern as I thought. I'm still not certain on large doses of pectin though.
How much were you drinking per day, also did you ever get any neuropathy from drinking it ever?


Sep 13, 2012
How much were you drinking per day, also did you ever get any neuropathy from drinking it ever?
I was getting tingling in my hands and feet like if I were to do cleaning for a couple hours. That was probably something else though. Probably related to hyperventilation. But I had a dysregulated nervous system on the Peat diet.

I drank maybe 8-12 oz a day for the last couple yrs, before that I did grape juice for a few yrs. So not that much in comparison to Peat, but when you consider how many oranges it takes to get 12 oz, it's a lot.


Jan 9, 2019
I was getting tingling in my hands and feet like if I were to do cleaning for a couple hours. That was probably something else though. Probably related to hyperventilation. But I had a dysregulated nervous system on the Peat diet.

I drank maybe 8-12 oz a day for the last couple yrs, before that I did grape juice for a few yrs. So not that much in comparison to Peat, but when you consider how many oranges it takes to get 12 oz, it's a lot.
I drink 3-4x that amount and feel great IF it's ripe and sweet oj. Fruits that contain high amounts of water are safe to juice, because eating them is not really that different. Where as fruits and vegetables that don't have that much moisture juiced will likely cause more issues. Juicing fruit is actually dangerous however, not because of some toxicity, but because a lot of the protective factors that people like Max Gerson depended on (and maybe even silica) are present mostly in the pulp. That's why Gerson required his juicers to grind AND press hydraulically.

Nate's theory doesn't have enough backing behind it to be convincing. It is interesting however and I think the truth lies somewhere in between with silica. I can see how it can be dangerous and how it can be beneficial, but is the THE cure for cancer, I really don't think such a thing exists.

Considering what cancer is it doesn't make much sense for there to be A cure, but rather a series of things to help the cells respirate as normal.
Last edited:


Sep 13, 2012
I drink 3-4x that amount and feel great IF it's ripe and sweet oj. Fruits that contain high amounts of water are safe to juice, because eating them is not really that different. Where as fruits and vegetables that don't have that much moisture juiced will likely cause more issues. Juicing fruit is actually dangerous however, not because of some toxicity, but because a lot of the protective factors that people like Max Gerson depended on (and maybe even silica) are present mostly in the pulp. That's why Gerson required his juicers to grind AND press hydraulically.

Nate's theory doesn't have enough backing behind it to be convincing. It is interesting however and I think the truth lies somewhere in between with silica. I can see how it can be dangerous and how it can be beneficial, but is the THE cure for cancer, I really don't think such a thing exists.

Considering what cancer is it doesn't make much sense for there to be A cure, but rather a series of things to help the cells respirate as normal.
Yeah I agree with you about cancer. Respiration is the goal, don't know if silica gets you there quicker or not. I am going to err on the side of caution and only eat the whole fruit.
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