Colloidal Silver

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I like the Results RNA nano silver. Check out their website, they have some good clinical data behind their silver. It is called ACS 200.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Since Colloidal Silver kills all bacteria good and bad, isn't it compromising or outright exposing the gut to all kind of disease?
Well, Peat likes antibiotics, and that is just what they do. Recent studies show that it can take a year for the microbiome to get back to where it was after antibiotic usage. I have a feeling that on this forum there may never be an agreement regarding these substances. I would trust silver before antibiotics, antibiotics and silver may have the same problem, they can help, and they can hurt.


Mar 29, 2016
Hi Mike. You are so wise. I appreciate the tips on ascorbic acid use. I tend to learn then unlearn these sorts of health matters. I take som many supplements, yet can't remember why I take half of them =)
Thanks Nikki, that is nice to hear but I only wish. I used to take a lot of supplements, but found I needed less when I could get it from food. It's much easier if less processed foods are available, and also if there's time and space to have real home-cooked food. I would go back to taking many supplements though, if I should go back to living out of a box.

My dad gets 3g ascorbic acid daily. Any more than that is beyond bowel tolerance for him. He had chronic constipation so I use Vit C and magnesium (to help his brain/vessels) to keep him regular, but it's a fine line between being regular and messy messes. His doctor wants him on an intestinal +stimulant, Senna, but I wonder if I should forego that once-daily boost and put in another gram of C instead. I did get a kidney stone while on high-dose C for about a week or two. I don't want to risk that with him and am not sure if one more gram is risky or not. We use®-C-Scotland/dp/B00C6C3GCY.

I'm starting now to use a mixture of ascorbid acid with baking soda, and dissolving it in water, before taking it. There is a fizz from the reaction of ascorbic acid and baking soda to make sodium ascorbate, with CO2 and water being byprodcts.It's because I noticed that over long term use, I end up urinating more often, and that affects my sleep. I also find my metabolism going lower, in lower heart rates (didn't take temperatures as it's too time-consuming without an ear thermometer), and I was flatulent (with neutral odor), and I burped often. I think these are signs of excess acidity, both in the gut and in the blood, and this ends up affecting my metabolic health. Taking sodium ascorbate is better because it has an alkaline pH.

Magnesium is also a good thing for your dad to take. Magnesium and vitamin A is needed together with thyroid for metabolism. Metabolism won't be mazimized when there is a deficiency of magnesium. I think that most people are deficient in magnesium, and because the test for magnesium is so expensive (and insurance doesn't pay for it) people don't ever know their true state of magnesium deficiency. Not knowing so, they never even attempt to address that deficiency. A deficiency of it will always detract from maximizing metabolism, and lessening metabolism is a diminution of energy that might have been used in improving the condition of the individual. I believe that it is that energy that is used for peristalsis, to enable good bowel movement, and that is why magnesium is beneficial for moving the stools. It's also that extra boost of energy needed by phagocytes to attack foreign bodies, be it of infectious or cancerous in nature. I didn't take a test for magnesium, but just thought about my past magnesium intake through food, and realize I had been deficient. I decided to take a large daily therapetic dose of 4800 mg of magnesium chloride, spread over three meals, and taken after meals dissolved in a glass of water. I've been doing it for 5 months and continue for a six month before I considering changing to a maintenance dose of 800 mg, which would roughly be equivalent to 400 mg of elemental magnesium.

I just know I'm not taking too much, as I would have experienced loose bowels. It may be that the form of magnesium I'm taking gets absorbed more easily, or because I'm taking it right after my meals. But I've noticed that my left knee pain has improved considerably with the magnesium I took. I also noticed that the scaly spots on my scalp had subsided as well. But they reappeared when I started to feel the effects of taking the ascorbic acid over an extended period, and I feel the re-emergence of the scaly scalp condition has to do with my metabolism becoming impaired from the resulting increased in blood acidity, which makes less oxygen available to the tissues for metabolism.Today, I am on a modified protocol of vitamin c (with baking soda, resulting in sodium ascorbate ) and magnesium, and I hope I would get better results. In my case, better results would be lower blood pressure (from the lead chelating ability of vitamin c and magnesium that would be helped by a body that has the metabolic energy to expel lead from the mitochondria).

It's good that your dad's bowel tolerance for vitamin C is low. It must mean that he is healthy enough to not require so much. In fact, he is healthier than I am, from that metric. Still, if he needs that much daily, continue to give him vitamin C, but see if you could see improvements in him with sodium ascorbate instead. The mix of 2:1 by volume ascorbic acid and baking soda would result in sodium ascorbate when mixed in water. If your dad is on 3g ascorbic acid, he may need to take another C Flush test to determine what his bowel tolerance is for sodium ascorbate. This is because sodium ascorbate has only one hydrogen ion to give, whereas l-ascorbic acid has two. This was a reason I began with using ascorbic acid, thinking that it is more cost-effective. But when I noticed long-term ascorbic acid intake was contributing to a lower metabolic state for me, I realized that I should give sodium ascorbate a try. Luckily, I can still use the ascorbic acid I have, and simply mix it with baking soda, in a suitable ratio, to come up with sodium ascorbate.

BTW, incontinence is not the main culprit in male UTI. My understanding is that it's usually paralysis or prostate enlargement preventing emptying of the bladder that makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. I think all men reading this should remember and tell their friends that when their doctors tell them an enlarged prostate isn't a health hazard, they should remember the potential for UTI. The problem is as most people age, the UTIs cause mental frailty and who is going to remember this info when they need to remember it? In my early forties I've already experience what I could only call "dementia" from what I think was a mild UTI. If I hadn't had this "sudden dementia" experience with my dad, I'd never have figured my memory problems were related to my bladder health. I believe the infection only set in because I was lax in taking the silver. I deliberatly skip a dose or a few doses now and then just to see what happens and to give my immune system a chance to work. Other times, I just forget and don't realize until a day or so has passed. I think even at my age my immune system is challenged and I could be prone to UTI and it's related delerium. I really want to take the probiotics which I hear are good for our immunity and bladder health, but RP has me scared out of doing so. What's your thought on this topic?

It's been a while since I took probiotics, but it's also been a long time since I used any pharma-based antibiotics since I haven't had acute cases of infection that required pharma antibiotics. Back then, pharma-based antibiotics was my only recourse since I had no knowledge of other antibiotics that can be obtained from nature. Now, being in this forum, I'm just as torn as you are on whether pro-biotics are good or are giving us a false sense of health. But Ray also in an interview has mentioned that while a sterile gut is helpful, he also thinks that one one has to consider how the body would deal with being exposed to pathogens that are common outside a lab environment. I personally feel that there we already rely on a lot of bacteria within our body. And not only bacteria but fungus and archaea. We can't possibly be alive without all these microorganisms with us. Candida albicans is always within us, but in balance as it is controlled from harmfully proliferation because of other microoganisms. The different forms of bacteria (clostridium dificile, krebsiella, or even e. coli ) that are involved in UTI, they did not come from outside our body either. Even the retroviruses exist in our body, in a dormant state, because the balance in a healthy organism keeps them from ever expressing themselves.

For me, if the gut has been bombarded by pharma-based antibiotics, it is to on the side of caution to take probiotics. Only because I believe pharma-based antibiotics are on a scorched-earth mission to bomb all inhabitants whether friend or foe. Fut after a scorched earth mission, the survivors would not be in any mood to coexist, but to dominate, out of the need to survive. Their focus on survival would be paramount and they're not going to think of things such as coexistence and balance for the good of everyone. After all, they have been at the brunt of a genocidal mission. If the probiotics are given and it helps to restore the diversity of the gut, it would keep any microorganism from having to dominate. What we want is a Switzerland and not a failed case of Iraq nation-building by idealistic neo-conservatives. This is a bad analogy, I admit, just because I cannot offer an analogy that would permit a good outcome for Iraq.

Nothing in the political military field could compare to using natural antibiotics in place of pharma antibiotics. I'm very limited in my views and I have zero clinical experience, but when you use things such as colloidal silver, or honey, or herbs, or aromatherapy, in any combination that would be suitable, you're not being too selective and your approach may involve raining arrows on both friend and foe, but at least you leave enough of each to survive and to repopulate. And if the gut was healthy with whatever was already coexisting, it makes no sense to try to eradicate all, nor to favor one over another. I think there is an innate sense or order that will be re-established, as that sense of order has been there to start with.

Sorry for the long answer, and in the end it's only my opinion.


Jul 3, 2016
According to Ted from Bangkok, hydrogen peroxide can be used to neutralize the free silver. If that is a way to avoid all permanent side effects of colloidal silver then that's pretty fortunate:

The only known way is to take colloidal silver regularly (with the H2O2 [HYDROGEN PEROXIDE] drops added to neutralize the free Silver), which prevents gray skin. The silver will cause the body, such as the lungs to regenerate or create new cells to dislodge the asbestos silica embedded into the lungs. Causing the lungs to regenerate completely new cells is not easy, perhaps inhaling colloidal silver may cause the lung tissue to regenerate. I have recalled one person who was able to cough out a lot of trash embedded into the aveolar of the lungs to clear out the lungs with black sooth and asbestos, however, I am not sure this can be done consistently in all cases.

Source: Ted's Remedies, Mesothelioma Remedies


Jul 3, 2016
I like the Results RNA nano silver. Check out their website, they have some good clinical data behind their silver. It is called ACS 200.

10. What about side effects such as the possibility of permanent bluish discoloration of the skin? Are there any instances or studies of this occurring with this product?

Toxicity of silver preparations used medicinally can lead to a rare condition known as Argyria. This is a non-fatal condition where the skin turns to a silver gray color. There is absolutely no risk of Argyria associated with the use of ACS 200. We also have a 15 year history of many thousands of people using our cellular silver without complaint. As a matter of medical silver use in history, there were over 5 million prescriptions of silver dispensed in the United States in 1929. Out of those 5 million users, there were less than 60 accounts of Argryia. None of those cases were associated with colloidal silver. These cases were associated with the use of silver nitrate.

Jul 6, 2016

What do you think about bismuth as an antimicrobial? Bismuth subsalicylate, aka pepto-bismol, has a long history of use, managed to slip through the cracks and make it 100 years in medicine, it's the last of it's kind as a heavy metal based treatment.

Bismuth subsalicylate breaks down into bismuth oxychloride, which because of it's low solubility isn't absorbed into the body. This is good, as it will act as an antimicrobial through the intestines, which you say silver doesn't do to well due to it's absorption.

Also, wouldn't bismuth subsalicylate break down into atom sized nanoparticles? The bismuth subsalicylate releases the bismuth in acid, thus you'd think this wouls automatically make bismuth oxychloride nanoparticle. Makes sense why subsalicylate is used instead if raw oxychloride, as the subsalicylate would have a lot more aurface area.

As you mention, bismuth's antimicrobial effect is said to be due to thiol binding. I hope it doesn't bind too strong because that could poasibly be a drain on protein absorption.

Anyways, what do you think? Is it toxic to humans? How does it's antimicrobial activity compare against silvers?

Bismuth subgallate is also used as an "internal deoderant".

Pepto-bismol tastes like wintergreen. I had read people say pepto-bismol tastes like that and I just assumed methyl salicylaye was added. After tasting pepto though, I realized that's just what bis sub tastes like.

Also crazy to think that the bismuth molecule accounts for 70% of the weight in the subsalicylate molecule. One atom is heavier than the entire salicylate molecule.


Nov 28, 2016
Hi Nikki,

Thanks for your nice thoughts and very thoughtful reply. From what you have recounted, it sure seems that colloidal silver has been a big help to your dad, as well as yourself. I have no idea that you were using large amounts of Mesosilver. At that rate, I can't imagine how many bottles of it you're saying per month. I have been too conservative in using it myself, not that I have felt a strong need for it at the moment. But your telling us that dosage quantity is very important, and not knowing how much to use, I always would tend to err on the side of caution, and end up using too little. This reminds me also of how most people approach vitamin C, and the low dosage levels that are used make vitamin C seem ineffective. With the right nderstanding of it, and with appropriate dosage, many have experienced its many benefits as well. Speaking of vitamin C, have you considered using vitmain C for your dad? I think it is worth to try it. With my recent experience on using ascorbic acid, I would suggest either using sodium ascorbate or mixing ascorbic acid with baking soda on a 2:1 volume ratio. It was only after my mom died that I got to read up on vitamin C, and I regret also not having found the time to read up on it earlier, as I think it would have helped greatly as well. I just think that a combination protocol of colloidal silver and vitamin C would be a good way to keep those bugs in check where the urinary tract is concerned. There are many videos on Youtube by Thomas Levy, and by Suxanne Humphries. And there is a book by Irwin Stone and an article by Dr. Cathcart on determining how much vitamin C is needed by a person. They're just a download away at

I was glad that your dad was able to recover from the antibiotics given him. I hope they're not fluoroquinolones such as Ciprofoxacian and Levoquin or Levofloxacin. They're very toxic to the nerves, especially when the patient is having hypoglycemic episodes arising from their treatments, which in my mom's cases was when they gave her parenteral food loaded with soya oil. Those antibiotics have a very excitotoxic effect and they could really excite brain cells and drain them of energy till exhaustion and death, especially when they ran out of sugar.

Thanks again for sharing on your use of colloidal silver in helping deal with your dad's UTI condition. I really think you are doing the right thing for your dad. I know it is a lot of time spent thinking of ways to deal with it. I just think of UTI as the Achilles heel of healthy people when they age. The loss of bladder control seems to many to be an unavoidable consequence of aging, and once there, it seems to be a foregone conclusion that they get chronic UTI. First, I wish they'd know of a way to balance their parasympathetic and cholinergic nervous systems such that they can still control their bladder, and secondly, when they lose bladder control, they would know to use the right substances to effectively prevent inflection of their urinary tract. You have found a way of doing it without the use of harmful antibiotics, but have another antibiotic in use that has none of the side effects.

All the best,

Just saw this thread...if anyone ever has concern about sepsis especially in a hospital setting, here is your go-to treatment IMHO...

Has Sepsis met its match? | EVMS Magazine 9.4

There are many more videos and there's a lot of research ongoing for the protocol.


Jul 3, 2016
This study really boggles my mind:

Ions, not particles, make silver toxic to bacteria

It says that it is the ionic silver that kills pathogens, not the metallic particles. The ionic silver can also form silver chloride when it comes in contact with chloride, which the body is abundant of. Silver chloride is toxic and can cause argyria (blue skin). Almost all colloidal silver experts and manufacturers claim that it's the metallic particles that's responsible for the killing of pathogens and that the ionic silver is not, whilst the study above shows the opposite.

So is the study above disinformation/false?

@Travis @Dave Clark

Austin Resch

Oct 11, 2020
if they are not backed by well referenced studies, then no, i dont trust it, unless it's someone i trust, like ray peat. yes, it means they are not worthy of consideration. especially something that turned someone blue in the past. i dont care that jennifer lost her license, i care that nothing is what she is saying is backed by anything.
It seems paradoxical to claim you only believe things to be true that are evidence based, when you post a bing image and a mainstream news report? Wouldn't this be the equivalent of saying coca cola causes diabetes in any person who drinks any amount, that there is no difference between using or abusing coca cola, and that all coca cola is the same, completely choosing to remain uninformed on the nuanced biochemistry?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
This study really boggles my mind:

Ions, not particles, make silver toxic to bacteria

It says that it is the ionic silver that kills pathogens, not the metallic particles. The ionic silver can also form silver chloride when it comes in contact with chloride, which the body is abundant of. Silver chloride is toxic and can cause argyria (blue skin). Almost all colloidal silver experts and manufacturers claim that it's the metallic particles that's responsible for the killing of pathogens and that the ionic silver is not, whilst the study above shows the opposite.

So is the study above disinformation/false?

@Travis @Dave Clark
According to Jay Newman, it is only the 'ionic' part of the silver that is useful. Too much to discuss, check his info out to see if you agree.


Mar 28, 2021
I have used silver as needed for sinus and any lung/respiratory issues with very beneficial effects and no negatives for around 15 years. I think as long as you get from a reputable source, like sovereign sliver or silver wings, it is very safe and very effective to use short term infectious sickness, especially involving the lungs.


Jul 29, 2020
I have used silver as needed for sinus and any lung/respiratory issues with very beneficial effects and no negatives for around 15 years. I think as long as you get from a reputable source, like sovereign sliver or silver wings, it is very safe and very effective to use short term infectious sickness, especially involving the lungs.
I'm very interested in trying silver to treat sinus issues but kind of discouraged by Ray saying it's toxic


Mar 28, 2021
I'm very interested in trying silver to treat sinus issues but kind of discouraged by Ray saying it's toxic
Honestly, I haven't heard what Ray has says about it, and he could be right? I've used it for years and years though, and it has by far been the most positively impactful thing I've tried for sinuses infections/congestion. I sort of drape my head off the sofa and put some drops straight into my nose and inhale, and typically all congestion is gone shortly thereafter. Have never noticed any negative effects, however I guess there is a chance the inside of my sinuses are now blue or something. Lol

...I do only use the stuff from the more reputable brands like Silver Wings and Sovereign Silver though. I think there is a much greater risk of toxicity, if you use something prepared incorrectly.


Jun 7, 2016
“It has been demonstrated that silver nanoparticles may be genotoxic to mammalian cells.”



Jun 19, 2023
Colloidal silver is a big NO NO for Andrew Cutler, the expert in mercury and heavy metal poisoning.
Few quotes from him:
"Never use colloidal silver. It is no less poison than vaccine or amalgam filling mercury. Never go back to that MD. Next time he gives you poison you might take it before you ask. "

"Giving colloidal silver to a 5 year old is a great way to give them epilepsy or a personality disorder."

"Colloidal silver (unlike larger scale silver particles) dissolves and will poison you. It is a biocide just like mercurochrome and merthiolate - heavy metals kill all life. When applied topically they just kill surface microbes before killing the organism - you - that the microbes are on. Of course, before it kills you, you get miserably sick and with silver that generally involves brain electrical activity problems."

"This is not a theoretical risk, I've consulted on cases where some criminal quack got the parents to feed their kid a lot of colloidal silver and they developed epilepsy as a result, and know of cases where adults used it and developed personality disorders. I've also seen high silver in many of the hair tests I've seen from epileptics. "
Check out this article... I think this Cutler fellow must be full of crap. And... there must be close to 100,000 POSITIVE reviews on colloidal/nano silver on Amazon. I've used it... it works... but the brand is important... Bottom line: Silver Wings is the best brand.


Jun 19, 2023
Honestly, I haven't heard what Ray has says about it, and he could be right? I've used it for years and years though, and it has by far been the most positively impactful thing I've tried for sinuses infections/congestion. I sort of drape my head off the sofa and put some drops straight into my nose and inhale, and typically all congestion is gone shortly thereafter. Have never noticed any negative effects, however I guess there is a chance the inside of my sinuses are now blue or something. Lol

...I do only use the stuff from the more reputable brands like Silver Wings and Sovereign Silver though. I think there is a much greater risk of toxicity, if you use something prepared incorrectly. Silver Wings beats the Sovereign.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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