Dairy Almost Ruined My Teeth - WHAT? (calcium Vs Phosphate)


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles

Ehrm Yes, Indeed. Quite.

Now for teeth health health I of course would recommend a diet rich in calcium as well as eggshell powder. Although eating eggshells off of hard boiled eggs is not palatable so OP won't be able to complete that up for long if his palate is anything like mine. He should save his eggshells and grind them up in a processor, mixing a 1/8 tsp into his milk or coffee or smoothies or pancakes or even juice.

An important factor to remember is that dental hygiene is largely regulated by thyroid, Weston A Price was able to maintain impressive teeth and gums while never brushing. I feel similarly, I only brush and rinse with baking soda, floss every few days, and use an alcohol mouthwash when I am about to shmooze around, and my teeth are excellent.


Mar 1, 2017
Ehrm Yes, Indeed. Quite.

Now for teeth health health I of course would recommend a diet rich in calcium as well as eggshell powder. Although eating eggshells off of hard boiled eggs is not palatable so OP won't be able to complete that up for long if his palate is anything like mine. He should save his eggshells and grind them up in a processor, mixing a 1/8 tsp into his milk or coffee or smoothies or pancakes or even juice.

An important factor to remember is that dental hygiene is largely regulated by thyroid, Weston A Price was able to maintain impressive teeth and gums while never brushing. I feel similarly, I only brush and rinse with baking soda, floss every few days, and use an alcohol mouthwash when I am about to shmooze around, and my teeth are excellent.

Do your teeth get dirty at all, or do you think that is regulated by thyroid too? K2 keeps my teeth smooth as long as I'm not consuming starch or sugar... which does not happen often these days. No amount of rinsing and xylitol after meals has been able to change this.
May 26, 2016


Apr 13, 2014
Milk and cheese have more Calcium than Phosphorus. But yogurt doesn't. Greek yogurt (according to cron-o-meter) has more Phosphorus than Calcium.


Apr 18, 2017
Milk and cheese have more Calcium than Phosphorus. But yogurt doesn't. Greek yogurt (according to cron-o-meter) has more Phosphorus than Calcium.

Except that "more" doesn't cut it. A lot more is what you need. Neither milk nor some fresh cheeses have the Peat recommended ratio. Somene posted a very useful chart showing Ca: P ratios for many diary products some time ago. Can't find it now.


Jul 29, 2014
Milk has more calcium than phosphate (even if it was high phosphate). I doubt it's the sole cause of the issue - do you eat any low calcium, high phosphate foods?

Fructose helps to control phosphorous intake too.

Yep can't forget the fructose! (especially with all the fructose bashing here lately)

So meat is better than dairy as a protein source because it has less phospate? I find this hard to believe. Ray said it's the calcium to phospate ratio that matters. Meat has a ratio of 8:1 to 6:1 or something, while milk and cheese have 1:1.

I think milk is more like 1.2-1.3:1

Parmesan cheese has a 1.65:1
Tangerines have 1.85:1 ratio
Turnips 1.27:1 ratio
Turnip Greens 4.52:1
Spinach 2:1
Collards 9.28:1

The concern with greens would be the oxalates I guess.

Calcium carbonate works :cigar:


Oct 17, 2016
It seems next to impossible without supplements to both:
1) Get RDA calcium
2) Have high calcium/phosphorus ratio
I agree. I tracked my peat inspired diet for two weeks and I was still less calcium. I'm started adding half a teaspoon calcium carbonate to my delicious milkshakes to combat.

Maybe its because of the peaty emphasis on fruit and not vegetables? Perhaps the key is more steamed greens (snore)


Oct 15, 2016
I tried to get calcium from dried herbs extracts like holy basil, oregano etc... I ended up with numb tongue and itchy/weirdly dry throat.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Do your teeth get dirty at all, or do you think that is regulated by thyroid too? K2 keeps my teeth smooth as long as I'm not consuming starch or sugar... which does not happen often these days. No amount of rinsing and xylitol after meals has been able to change this.

Like I said I brush my teeth with baking soda, and generally rinse with baking soda if I have something like coffee or soda to drink. Important to keep the teeth clean I think, because carbs feed bacteria in the mouth that produce acid. These bacteria can be killed off easier if your thyroid is funcitoning well.


Nov 20, 2016
Recently I had been concerned by transparent teeth enamel and muscle twitching, along with occassional shortness of breath and insomnia. I thought I had magnesium deficiency, so I started supplementing with magnesium glycinate. No effect. Then I rationalized that perhaps I was deficient in D and K2. No effect.

Every symptom just seemed to worsen and worsen no matter what I did. A couple of weeks ago I noticed a new white spot of early decay in my front tooth. It had appeared despite the daily brushing and the "nutritious diet" I had engineered for myself. This was when I realized that I MUST be doing something wrong.

After logging a couple of days nutritional intake, I noticed that my calcium/phosphorus ratio was basically less than 1:1. I started looking up symptoms of hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, and of course, everything matched. It was time to begin supplementation with egg shell calcium. All symptoms were gone in MERE DAYS. My teeth look strong again, I have no shortness of breath and no more twitching muscles. The early tooth decay disappeared too.

I had thought my calcium intake was adequate from all the cheese and milk I've been consuming. It WOULD have been without the massive amount of phosphate that came with it. It seems that controlling your phosphate intake is absolutely crucial. Peat was right again.

when i started Peating i ate a lot of skimmed milk powder and my teeth were getting worse

i just looked on the label of the skimmed milk powder and it has even more phospor than normal milk

maybe it was because of this

i'll will now try to balance the high p from milk with calciumcarbonate and see how it goes


Dec 8, 2016
May 26, 2016
I believe your exhortation...
But do you know by what mechanism salt helps this?

"One important function of carbon dioxide is to regulate the movement of positively charged alkali metal ions, such as sodium and calcium. When too much calcium enters a cell it activates many enzymes, prevents muscle and nerve cells from relaxing, and ultimately kills the cell. The constant formation of acidic carbon dioxide in the cell allows the cell to remove calcium, along with the small amount of sodium which is constantly entering the cell.

When there is adequate sodium in the extracellular fluid, the continuous inward movement of sodium ions into the resting cell activates an enzyme, sodium-potassium ATPase, causing ATP to break down into ADP and phosphate, which stimulates the consumption of fuel and oxygen to maintain an adequate level of ATP. Increasing the concentration of sodium increases the energy consumption and carbon dioxide production of the cell. The sodium, by increasing carbon dioxide production, protects against the excitatory, toxic effects of the intracellular calcium." -Dr. Peat

I think of salt as insurance that calcium gets properly utilized by the body and as a hedge against excessive calcium:woot:
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