Dentist and X-ray advice/help!


Apr 3, 2013
What would Dr Peat advise if a person needs a root canal or extraction and all dentists in the US have a mandatory X-ray requirement. I've called all sorts of dentists even holistic dentists, and they all must have X-rays.
I've already had a head and chest CT scan about ten years ago. I've had dental X-rays a ton when I was younger. I've had X-rays to the digestive tract as well.
The last two years I've endured muscle myopathy, hypothyroidism, extreme estrogen saturation due to heavy endotoxin exposure, and now am in a state of chronic fatigue and have a pancreas cyst.

I feel like one more X-ray and I'm a goner.

What should I do? Please help!


I feel your pain - I mean it as someone who has been over exposed to all kinds of radiation, ct, x-rays over and over and over. When I started saying no I ran into trouble. I'm not sure what I will do when I get to the point of needing dental work again. Like you I have so much muscle damage I can no longer function properly and it's going to get worse with 5G. This article gives some tips about finding a sympathetic dentist. it's an old article but some of the points might be relevant.

There are some helpful tips on radiation damage here
Nov 21, 2015
I've been to 3 dentists over the past years and never an x-ray.

I have also walked out of a few offices. Find "alternative" dentists, dentists who are "biological dentists" -- and they are not likely to require x-rays.


Nov 12, 2021
It's a good point, and such a tragedy that these 'professionals' refuse to acknowledge any possible dangers from their 'undebatable' tools. There can be no discussion, and since you do not trust their undebatable tools, then you must be following 'disinformation' and treated like a 2nd class citizen.

Doesn't seem to be an end to this dilemma, does there?

To the OP, I guess the best you can do would be to prepare your body for the hit:
-Wear some additional EMF protection (in addition to the heavy vest they give you)? Don't have any testimonials to share as to the effectiveness though, so do your research.
Stuff like this: EMF Clothing

-Take the recommended detoxing levels of vitamin C, magnesium (apparently good for EMF damage/remediation), maybe hit the sauna for a few days afterwards.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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