How Many Times Did You Get X-RAYed?



I was trying to count the number of times I received X-Rays.

There were lots of times during childhood and adolescence that I probably don't remember.
Many times for visits to the dentists, I guess at least 4.
Once to be able to be a member of a sports team, maybe twice actually.
Before discovering Peat, I had palpitations, food sensitivities, and anxiety symptoms for many years, overall I got I think 4 x-rays and one brain x-ray scan as well.

On a positive note, never went through the airport scanners. Chose a "pat-down" when I had the chance.

So easily between 15 and 20.

Last x-ray occurred in 2011. Started Peating in 2012, and no x-rays from that moment.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Guessing 40-50. But probably a lot more. :(


Does anyone know what's the damage it does and how to ameliorate it?

Peat said to someone who had a radiation treatment that it produces something like a permanent state of inflammation.

He also said that reducing PUFAs reduces the effects of the damage. Would complete elimination of PUFA theoretically produce complete elimination of the x-rays' effects?

What other lasting effects do x-rays produce other than that permanent state of inflammation?


Mar 29, 2014
30-40 dental (lots of fillings over decades)
+ 30-40 airport
+ 6-8 mammograph (just cancelled my recently scheduled one)
60 - 90
Not sure what to do about the dental - recently dentist found a hole by xray that needs fixing that he didn't find by visual inspection. Dental decay is a burden in itself, worth fixing.


Feb 12, 2014
From Ray Peat Articles
BSE - mad cow - scrapie, etc.: Stimulated amyloid degeneration and the toxic fats
Bone Density: First Do No Harm

X-rays accelerate the rate of bone loss.

X-rays do their harm at any dose; there is no threshold at which the harm begins.

X-ray damage is not limited to the area being investigated. Deflected x-rays affect adjacent areas, and toxins produced by irradiated cells travel in the bloodstream, causing systemic effects. Dental x-rays cause thyroid cancer and eye cancer. Recent experiments have shown that low doses of radiation cause delayed death of brain cells. The action of x-rays produces tissue inflammation, and diseases as different as Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease result from prolonged inflammatory processes.

I think that is it difficult to quantify how much damage each individual would obtain by getting a single x-ray and this damage might not show up immediately, but scientific study proves that it is accumulative.

There are lots of other factors such as- your grandparents and parents health (especially maternal) and mother's diet, post natal, childhood diet, food quality (GMO food) and environmental factors such as water and air quality. Also household environment such as estrogenic plastics, cleaning chemicals, laundry detergent and fabric softeners, lawn fertilizer, pesticides, etc…are damaging.

After the 1900's, the population has been increasingly and exponentially exposed to a wide band electromagnetic frequencies that human beings have never experienced before and these frequencies to cause harm. The Pandora's box was opened with the use of nuclear technology that has devastating consequences in human and environmental health . We are now blanketed with microwave radiation, dirty electricity in which high frequency transients created high spike radiation because our power lines are obsolete to carry the new load of electromagnetic currents that we use in our homes.

I think that there is a synergistic effect with all these stressors and they do cause injury, and where does one end and the other begin?

RP mentioned in his article that ultrasound would have been a much better technology for medical & dental imaging- far less damaging and beneficial to bones. I doubt that the medical/dental industry will do any R & D in this at all.


mas said:
RP mentioned in his article that ultrasound would have been a much better technology for medical & dental imaging- far less damaging and beneficial to bones. I doubt that the medical/dental industry will do any R & D in this at all.

They will if patients massively refuse to get x-rays.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Oh, I massively refuse now. Does that count? :lol:
Jan 24, 2014
I had many childhood x-rays too, but I have not been to the dentist in years. I like my dentist very much because his practice has always been mercury free. I guess I have sat in the chair three or four times in the last 23 years, no fillings tho. The last time I was there they wanted to take films and I declined. They said there might have been a soft spot in one tooth, but that they could just keep an eye on it. I have not been back since. :eek:

In August of 2010 I was out spraying roundup (don't judge, I didn't know) at a rental house and within 3 days I found myself in the hospital with acute appendicitis. This of course entailed a CT scan...which, if I understand correctly is a massive dose of ionizing radiation to my intestines/entire abdomen.

I begged and pleaded with three different doctors, all of the nurses, the entire universe and anyone who would listen to please not cut me open. They told me it was an emergency and that I might die and then prepped me for surgery with IV's and all that. And then nothing. I waited and waited and waited. Nobody came to get me for hours. Finally a female surgeon came in and told me that they had had a meeting and went over my scans with several different doctors. They said that my appendix had ruptured three days prior and that the debris field was so large and the inflammation so extensive that they would need to remove several feet of my intestines. I said NO WAY and that I was feeling much better and could I go home now? I flat out refused the paperwork that gave them the option to go in a dig around and remove whatever they wanted. I have heard horror stories where people woke up from surgery and were informed that "oh, by the way we took your spleen or gall bladder or ovaries" or whatever they felt like taking.

In the end, they insisted I stay in the hospital on IV antibiotics for days while they monitored me. I had to have a second CT scan to make sure I had no abscesses...MORE radiation. After a month of antibiotics I was instructed to make an appointment for the appendix removal........yeah right. I never made that appointment. :shock:

That was the pivotal turning point that eventually landed me here tho, three and a half years later...still on my quest for optimum health and feeling quite good about it.


X-rays are standard for the dentist here where I live so I would guess 15 times and then a CT scan when I was a young lad. Last year I was on my regular check up at the dentist and those bastards forced me to do an x-ray and after that i've decided screw those mother******.


I recall that shortly after I got my only CT Scan (absolutely unnecessary), at least the only I recall, on the brain, one wisdom tooth started to impact its neighbor, and I had it taken off. That was a few months before reading RP, unfortunately. About a month after the first was removed, the same thing happened to the other upper wisdom tooth. If CT scans can cause cancer, I'm confident they can also affect your wisdom teeth.

When the teeth were hurting, I of course had to get a dental x-ray for the dentist, if I recall correctly. I think the CT scan however is between 100 and 1000 times the radiation of a dental x-ray.


Jun 12, 2013
Countless xrays since childhood due to health issues... and of course, dentists.
Jan 24, 2014
j. said:
I think the CT scan however is between 100 and 1000 times the radiation of a dental x-ray.

I have read that CT scans are at least 400 times stronger than chest x-rays....I had TWO, directly to my intestines within weeks of each other. I often wonder if perhaps my current intestinal issues were caused or very much worsened by this. Prior to my appendix rupturing I had a tendency towards constipation, now it is very much the opposite.


lol, it almost makes you wonder: do they hate the patient?

they put you in a diagnostic equipment seemingly without much concern, get info as quickly as possible, remove whatever they want to remove from your body or give you some pills also as quickly as possible, get your money, and then you're out of their way.


the profession as a whole -except some specialties-, the way it is, might have served a good purpose at some point. but its usefulness might be expiring, allowing for something new to develop.
Jan 24, 2014
Well, we can certainly hope for that...but as I see see it the medical establishment, as it currently is, perpetuates and preys upon fear. Fear based business models are vultures.
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