[Discussion] President Trump's Annual Physical Results (January 2018)


Nov 20, 2017


Age: 71 years, 7 months
Height: 75 inches
Weight: 239 pounds
Resting heart rate: 68 bpm
Blood pressure: 122/74 mm Hg
Pulse-oximetry: 99% room air
Temperature: 98.4 degrees F
Physical Examination by System (to include studies)

Eyes: Uncorrected visual acuity was 20/30 bilaterally, with corrected visual acuity of 20/20
bilaterally. Visual fields were normal. Fundoscopic exam was normal bilaterally. Intraocular
pressures were normal bilaterally. No ocular pathology was discovered.

Head/Ears/Nose/Throat: Normal exam of the head, ears, nose, mouth, and throat.
Dental: Healthy teeth and gums.

Neck: Normal thyroid exam. No noted lymphadenopathy. Auscultation of the carotid arteries

Pulmonary: Lungs clear to auscultation. A screening Low Dose CT of the chest demonstrated
no pulmonary pathology.

Cardiac: Heart exam normal. Regular rhythm. No murmurs or other abnormal heart sounds
noted. ECG with normal sinus rhythm, rate of 71, normal axis, and no other significant findings.
Transthoracic Echocardiogram demonstrated normal LV systolic function, EF 60-65%, normal
LV chamber size and wall thickness, no wall motion abnormalities. RV normal, atria grossly
normal, all valves normal. Exercise Stress Echocardiogram demonstrated above average
exercise capacity based on age and sex, and normal heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac output
response to exercise. No evidence of ischemia noted and wall motion was normal in all images.

Gastrointestinal: Normal exam. No masses, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly noted. Normal
optical colonoscopy with no polyps or abnormal findings completed June 2013. Repeat
colonoscopy not indicated and was deferred until next periodic physical exam.

Genitourinary: Normal exam.

Extremities/Musculoskeletal: Normal throughout. Full range of motion in all joints. Strong
distal pulses and good capillary refill in all extremities. No swelling or edema noted.

Neurological: Examination of cranial nerves, cerebellar function, deep tendon reflexes, motor
function, and sensory system all normal. Cognitive Screening Exam using the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment was normal with a score of 30/30.

Dermatologic: Normal exam. No evidence of melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell
carcinoma, or any other significant dermatologic disease.
Laboratory Results

Lipid Panel:
Total cholesterol 223 (mg/dL)
Triglycerides 129 (mg/dL)
HDL cholesterol 67 (mg/dL)
LDL cholesterol 143 (mg/dL)
Cholesterol to HDL ratio 3.3

Complete Blood Count:
WBC 5.5 (K/UL)
HGB 16.1 (g/dL)
HCT 48.7 (%)
PLT 241 (K/UL)

Extended Metabolic Panel:
Fasting Blood Glucose 89 (mg/dL)
BUN 19.0 (mg/dL)
CREAT 0.98 (mg/dL)
ALT 27 (U/L)
AST 19 (U/L)
Hemoglobin A 1C 5.0 (h)
Vitamin D 20.0 (ng/ml)
PSA 0.12 (ng/ml)
TSH 1.76 (ulU/ml)

Appearance Clear
Protein Negative
Ketones Negative
Glucose Negative
Blood Negative
Past Medical History

Hypercholesterolemia Rosacea
Past Surgical History

Appendectomy (age 11)​

Social History

No past or present use of alcohol.
No past or present use of tobacco.

Rosuvastatin (Crestor). 10 mg daily to lower cholesterol.
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin). 81mg daily for cardiac health.
Finasteride (Propecia). 1 mg daily for prevention of male pattern hair loss.
Ivermectin Cream (Soolantra). As needed for treatment of Rosacea
Multi-vitamin (Centrum Silver). Daily for overall health maintenance.

Prevnar 13(to prevent pneumococcal pneumonia) and Twinrix (to prevent hepatitis A/B) given.
Routine vaccinations, to include seasonal influenza, all up to date. All indicated travel vaccinations up to date.

The President's overall health is excellent. His cardiac performance during his physical exam was very good. He continues to enjoy the significant long term cardiac and overall health benefits that come from a lifetime of abstinence from tobacco and alcohol. We discussed diet, exercise and weight loss. He would benefit from a diet that is lower in fat and carbohydrates and from a routine exercise regimen. He has a history of elevated cholesterol and is currently on a low dose of Rosuvastatin. In order to further reduce his cholesterol level and further decrease his cardiac risk, we will increase the dose of this particular medication. The President is currently up to date on all recommended preventive medicine screening tests and exams. All clinical data indicates that the President is currently very healthy and that he will remain so for the duration of his Presidency.
He purportedly sleeps 4 to 5 hours per night according to himself and his doctors: Trump's doctor says he only sleeps 4-5 hours each night — and there could be a scientific reason why

Comment below

Thanks and enjoy
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Nov 20, 2017
Things I noticed:

Takes baby aspirin daily (81 mg)
Vitamin D is spot on at 20 ng/ml
Body temp is a warm 98.4 F
Fasting blood sugar is spot on at 89 mg/dL
I'm not familiar with all the elements of this health exam, but I figured there would be others who are and those would like to discuss his health since he is a public figure and because all of his information is made available to the public it's perfect for discussion. Plus, at 72 he's seen as in excellent health for his age.
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Jun 29, 2018
Things I noticed:

Takes baby aspirin daily (81 mg)
Vitamin D is spot on at 20 ng/ml
Body temp is a warm 98.4 F
Fasting blood sugar is spot on at 89 mg/dL
I'm not familiar with all the elements of this health exam, but I figured there would be others who are and those would like to discuss his health since he is a public figure and because all of his information is made available to the public it's perfect for discussion. Plus, at 72 he's seen as in excellent health for his age.
I don’t trust doctor’s office temperature results. First of all, it’s not a basal temperature, just a quick swipe across the forehead most likely. D is very low! He probably takes enteric coated aspirin and of course no k2. Plus an iron rich multi and finasteride for the win!


Jun 19, 2016
Anti-androgen that has the reputation to completely ruin lives combined with cholesterol blocker... I wonder if he's taking SSRIs or other antidepressants behind the scenes, would they ever admit that world leader is having mental issues?


Jun 29, 2018
Considering how much PUFA he eats based on his penchant for Taco Bell and KFC, he’s not going to age gracefully over the next ten years.


Jun 29, 2018
Anti-androgen that has the reputation to completely ruin lives combined with cholesterol blocker... I wonder if he's taking SSRIs or other antidepressants behind the scenes, would they ever admit that world leader is having mental issues?
Probably not! I doubt 3/4 of what is said on here is true. First of all, the only health issues he’s EVER had are rosacea hypercholesterolemia and appendicitis?! Sure. I’m not sure why they’ve admitted he takes finasteride, probably due to some deal with the pharmaceutical companies to promote the use of finasteride for “prostate cancer prevention” (see article where the hairloss drug is considered safe for use as such!) Finasteride for Prostate Cancer Prevention


Jun 19, 2016
Probably not! I doubt 3/4 of what is said on here is true. First of all, the only health issues he’s EVER had are rosacea hypercholesterolemia and appendicitis?! Sure. I’m not sure why they’ve admitted he takes finasteride, probably due to some deal with the pharmaceutical companies to promote the use of finasteride for “prostate cancer prevention” (see article where the hairloss drug is considered safe for use as such!) Finasteride for Prostate Cancer Prevention
Makes sense, they paint him to be in perfect health


Oct 5, 2014
Probably not! I doubt 3/4 of what is said on here is true. First of all, the only health issues he’s EVER had are rosacea hypercholesterolemia and appendicitis?! Sure. I’m not sure why they’ve admitted he takes finasteride, probably due to some deal with the pharmaceutical companies to promote the use of finasteride for “prostate cancer prevention” (see article where the hairloss drug is considered safe for use as such!) Finasteride for Prostate Cancer Prevention
I know some people who take finasteride (have been for years) and have perfectly normal lives. It doesn't **** up everyone's metabolism. Just like SSRI do not ruin every patients life.

Maybe he just has a damn good health???
Nov 21, 2015
his blood pressure is quite good considering his temperament and high pressure. That's what stands out to me.


Jun 29, 2018
I know some people who take finasteride (have been for years) and have perfectly normal lives. It doesn't **** up everyone's metabolism. Just like SSRI do not ruin every patients life.

Maybe he just has a damn good health???
If he has good health then Ray Peat is full of it
Nov 21, 2015
If he has good health then Ray Peat is full of it

that doesn't make any sense.

Some people eat PUFAs and they seem fine for a long time.

I don't imagine Trump is all that healthy. He doesn't seem that healthy when you look at him. But he does have incredible stamina.


Jun 29, 2018
that doesn't make any sense.

Some people eat PUFAs and they seem fine for a long time.

I don't imagine Trump is all that healthy. He doesn't seem that healthy when you look at him. But he does have incredible stamina.
That’s exactly what I said. I’m not saying he doesn’t seem fine right now but that definitely doesn’t mean he’s in good health


Ya my grandpa had "healthy" blood pressure too, only made it to 75, died of heart failure. Ray says blood pressure should increase with age.

More curious as to why anyone cares about his health? Is he a specimen that beems health and an example of what we should strive towards for ourselves? I'm a bit confused.


Jun 29, 2018
Ya my grandpa had "healthy" blood pressure too, only made it to 75, died of heart failure. Ray says blood pressure should increase with age.

More curious as to why anyone cares about his health? Is he a specimen that beems health and an example of what we should strive towards for ourselves? I'm a bit confused.
I think it’s an American cultural phenomenon of peering over the fence into the neighbor’s yard...


Jan 23, 2016
One physical exam is not indicative of the present and future health of the entire being. It is a snapshot, and even then, there are things it cannot capture. You can be in bad health for a while before the markers show up.


Jan 25, 2014
I don’t trust doctor’s office temperature results. First of all, it’s not a basal temperature, just a quick swipe across the forehead most likely. D is very low! He probably takes enteric coated aspirin and of course no k2. Plus an iron rich multi and finasteride for the win!

Centrum Silver is free of iron


Oct 5, 2014
That’s exactly what I said. I’m not saying he doesn’t seem fine right now but that definitely doesn’t mean he’s in good health
A person that, besides running a multibillion dolar empire is capable of being the president of the united states at 72 MUST BE in quite good health. Wether we like him or not.


Jun 29, 2018
A person that, besides running a multibillion dolar empire is capable of being the president of the united states at 72 MUST BE in quite good health. Wether we like him or not.
I don’t doubt that his posh upbringing afforded him excellent nutriment in his formative years, resulting in a decent metabolism as an adult. Considering his eating habits I’m certain that he must be “ahead of the game” so to speak, however it’s clear that he’s not in great health underneath the surface. It’s the kind of stuff that doesn’t show up on the typical medical exam. I would think that of all forums this one would recognize that an allopathic practitioner’s clean bill of health isn’t a true mark of anything except the lack of a blatant defect or serious illness that’s alrea showing itself! I know several people in their sixties and seventies who have the gleaming health reports but are incredibly unhealthy behind closed doors. I don’t believe the numbers on that report show anything. Plus I can guarantee it’s riddled with lies. For instance, the high cholesterol yet seemingly miraculous tsh under 2? You’re telling me he’s not on synthroid or the like?
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