Does high testosterone make you more likely to be gay or have ED? Some observations from guys I see/know

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
What would be the hormonal profile of such a guy?

Probably high testosterone and estrogen to start with AKA lots of unopposed hairiness/growth, muscle mass, & an overall "thick" look.

I had an older relative who had prostate cancer (estrogen) and he was super hairy and "thick" looking (like the powerlifter look @japanesedude mentioned), but was sort of balding, but matched that "look" in question mostly. I think there's some intrinsic mechanism through which testosterone or estrogen or etc. "thicken" & change pheno, cell structure, muscle mass/build, etc. I think it's can't be a coincidence since all of those powerlifters tend to have similar looks for a reason -- same possibly with "soy boys."
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Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Whats your supplemental stack lookin like? I need to build one up from scratch and I’m curious to know what you think the best bang for your buck is. T3 and DHEA?

All over the place since now I don't really have a "stack" anymore.

I just stick with the basics for now: coffee and/or caffeine, B-vitamins, slower breathing/aspirin, some magnesium & try to salvage whatever I can diet-wise (likely not good).

Some might not even bother wanting T3 with dark coffee or etc. on hand as it's literally almost the same exact feeling/effect sometimes -- same with DHEA & testosterone.

If you want "gains" I guess DHEA and T3 can be pretty decent for some ... But just for maintenance one can maybe cheap it out some with coffee/caffeine & DHEA, yeah. Some here have mentioned Kuinone had some anabolic effects or positive metabolic "jolt" of some sort, so I'm going to try that out ASAP with lots of cheese or etc.


Gold what? Winning what? He’s made an observation of a particular phenotype that homosexual men seem to be attracted to. He’s not an endocrinologist.
"I have no idea tbh."

I thought the honesty was great


Mar 22, 2022
How about this?

For anyone who is into bodybuilding, there MAY be some core gay issues. I mean, you're basically looking at dudes all day long. A percentage of homosexual men are going to be into that.

Ok next subject: professional bodybuilders use steroids.

Ok, so there are going to be some gay guys who are using steroids. It's not the steroids that made them gay, it's the fact they're bodybuilders who are gay. And because they are bodybuilders, they use steroids. I doubt they were not gay before using steroids.


Mar 22, 2022
Probably high testosterone and estrogen to start with AKA lots of unopposed hairiness/growth, muscle mass, & an overall "thick" look.

I had an older relative who had prostate cancer (estrogen) and he was super hairy and "thick" looking (like the powerlifter look @japanesedude mentioned), but was sort of balding, but matched that "look" in question mostly. I think there's some intrinsic mechanism through which testosterone or estrogen or etc. "thicken" & change pheno, cell structure, muscle mass/build, etc. I think it's can't be a coincidence since all of those powerlifters tend to have similar looks for a reason -- same possibly with "soy boys."
The coincidence is that the bodytype you describe is what tends to do awesome in powerlifting.

Dancers don't have that body because they dance; they dance because they have that body.


Jul 10, 2016
Gonadal T would never negatively impair an organism and sexuality is much more than just hormones after fetal stage.

It is too complex a puzzle to be a one cause for all.


Dec 28, 2021
Gonadal T would never negatively impair an organism and sexuality is much more than just hormones after fetal stage.

It is too complex a puzzle to be a one cause for all.
Biology can be simple.
It's not because something is complex that it's true.
It's not because something is simple that it's false.


Sep 6, 2020
A big portion of bodybuilders/steroid junkies have gay tendencies. Not even talking about trenbolone. They love being around men as well. I like being around male friends but these guys take it to a next level. Admiring each other almost to a gay level. Salivating over musculature. Majority of them also seems scared when they meet genuine dominant guys like fighters or people who went through a lot of hardship. A lot of it is a facade wanting to scare their predators off.

I think bodybuilding is gay to the core. You are judged by males as a pro bodybuilder. I understand young men falling for it. As muscles do make you more attractive to the opposite sex. But the "sport" and culture is gay and warped.

I know a few bodybuilders and they are slow as hell in the mind. You run circles around them. They don't even know this is their weakness. Yet they are quite arrogant often. Quite funny. Easy targets for sure.

Nothing against people who use steroids but know that taking high dosages of these hormones can severely imbalance your body chemistry. Esp. over the years.


Feb 18, 2018
All over the place since now I don't really have a "stack" anymore.

I just stick with the basics for now: coffee and/or caffeine, B-vitamins, slower breathing/aspirin, some magnesium & try to salvage whatever I can diet-wise (likely not good).

Some might not even bother wanting T3 with dark coffee or etc. on hand as it's literally almost the same exact feeling/effect sometimes -- same with DHEA & testosterone.

If you want "gains" I guess DHEA and T3 can be pretty decent for some ... But just for maintenance one can maybe cheap it out some with coffee/caffeine & DHEA, yeah. Some here have mentioned Kuinone had some anabolic effects or positive metabolic "jolt" of some sort, so I'm going to try that out ASAP with lots of cheese or etc.
Those were the two I was thinking of stacking. If only we didn’t need to take anything. Life is cruel

des yeux

every guy i know that's said the words "i don't ever want kids" now has at least one kid, because when you phuck pousseh, eventually pousseh phucks you :P

no offense to any budding parents out there, congratz on being well adjusted enough to manage another human being, but i am not in that boat lol

as far as sex goes, i'm a sadist and i enjoy fighting and violence but only so long as the other party consents. if the other party is a weak af slut that rolls over before i've even taken my clothes off, i'd rather **** myself.
I'm really sorry for your childhood, no human deserves to split their psyche like that in order to live. (How tragic that I keep saying that to so many people these days.) Perhaps sequestering yourself from your childhood up to now has worked well, but the next chapter of your life will probably require integrating your childhood. Your ability to read people correctly is directly related to how adaptable you were in dealing with your unavailable parents/care-givers. Alice Miller & Gabor Mate discuss that in their books. No moralistic judgments here, but the sadistic tendencies, the attraction to older women, the aversion to children... you seem like a smart guy and I'm sure these are things that you know need dealing with.


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
I think it's quite simple:
-Many steroid users are weirdos, or at least have quite "special" mindsets and tend to have multiple paraphilias.

-Extremely high testosterone steers your sexual fantasies (and therefore your paraphilias) toward dominance.

In the case of transvestites or transsexuals, it's not really homosexuality, otherwise the fantasy would rather be oriented towards men as they are.
It's more the desire to subject his sexual partner, the fact that the partner in question is a man who is reduced to a woman reinforces this feeling.

Before taking testosterone (about 750ng/dl at my normal levels) I was normal to dominant, but now (1000 to 3000 ng/dl depending on time of day I guess?) I have these kinds of fantasies that be sure about transvestites, non-white women, "ugly" women and anything that seems low/"inferior" to me in terms of value.

maybe high androgen/high 5ht combo or something like that

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I think it's quite simple:
-Many steroid users are weirdos, or at least have quite "special" mindsets and tend to have multiple paraphilias.

-Extremely high testosterone steers your sexual fantasies (and therefore your paraphilias) toward dominance.

In the case of transvestites or transsexuals, it's not really homosexuality, otherwise the fantasy would rather be oriented towards men as they are.
It's more the desire to subject his sexual partner, the fact that the partner in question is a man who is reduced to a woman reinforces this feeling.

Before taking testosterone (about 750ng/dl at my normal levels) I was normal to dominant, but now (1000 to 3000 ng/dl depending on time of day I guess?) I have these kinds of fantasies that be sure about transvestites, non-white women, "ugly" women and anything that seems low/"inferior" to me in terms of value.

maybe high androgen/high 5ht combo or something like that
you meant that now that your testostérone lvl lab value increase your fantaisy for the things you mentionned increased ? what was your estradiol lvl when you had this testostérone blood mesurement ?


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
A big portion of bodybuilders/steroid junkies have gay tendencies. Not even talking about trenbolone. They love being around men as well. I like being around male friends but these guys take it to a next level. Admiring each other almost to a gay level. Salivating over musculature. Majority of them also seems scared when they meet genuine dominant guys like fighters or people who went through a lot of hardship. A lot of it is a facade wanting to scare their predators off.

I think bodybuilding is gay to the core. You are judged by males as a pro bodybuilder. I understand young men falling for it. As muscles do make you more attractive to the opposite sex. But the "sport" and culture is gay and warped.

I know a few bodybuilders and they are slow as hell in the mind. You run circles around them. They don't even know this is their weakness. Yet they are quite arrogant often. Quite funny. Easy targets for sure.

Nothing against people who use steroids but know that taking high dosages of these hormones can severely imbalance your body chemistry. Esp. over the years.
It's possibly a little narcissistic, but not particularly "gay". And yes it's nice to have a beautiful and functional body...
Either way it's cheery picking, most of my friends who do this practice have girlfriends and sex with women.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
117 pmol/l, but that was over a year ago
when your testosterone blood mesurement was 750,your E2 was 117?have you had a recent blood test for both, or are you speculating your testostérone lvl to be between 1000 and 3000 ?how id your sleep since you started taking testostérone, do you remember your dreams ?


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
when your testosterone blood mesurement was 750,your E2 was 117?have you had a recent blood test for both, or are you speculating your testostérone lvl to be between 1000 and 3000 ?how id your sleep since you started taking testostérone, do you remember your dreams ?
I haven't retested estradiol, I just know my testosterone. My last blood test under testosterone before stopping (I just started again) was 1400ng/dl. (enanthate)

My sleep is very bad but it is also without testosterone, it's just "worse" (can have several sleepless nights in a week if I don't take antihistamines/melatonin/passionflower or something like that),

the other negative point is the perspiration, especially in the summer, when I can't put a t-shirt in and ruin it with perspiration in 10 minutes.
Besides, the smell of my perspiration has changed, going from an "acid" smell to scentless or a much more "firm" smell I sometimes think I recognize a smell of cannabis too lmao, even if I may be delirious.

That said, the positive effects largely outweigh (powerful anxiolitic effect, large increase in strength during training, confidence, etc.)
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