Dr Robert Morse Take On Nutrition - Similar To Ray Peat - Your Opinion


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Was there any one thing that finally got your kidneys filtering?
Intermittent fasting for 15 hours.

I did 3 or 4 weeks of grape fasting, as much grapes as possible, nothing else. Darker the grape the better, seeded are better but do not have to be. Then after reading the dates and lemon protocol(on facebook based on Morse) basically dry fruit meal, wet fruit meal, dry fruit meal, wet fruit meal, etc etc,:

-15 hour intermittent fast. Although I watch my body closely and if I feel I need to break it due to too much stress I go ahead and break it with dry fruit. I do not push through stress hormones. IF is probably one of the best tools to get kidneys filtering but I am super careful with it, no stress. I also did a couple of 24 hour fasts, although for spiritual reasons, so maybe that helped to.
-Break fast with dry fruits, especially dates, apricots, raisins, figs. Basically this carries on the dry fast a little longer, but gets the fuel and nutrients going.
-before next meal which is the wet fruit meal, I do my herbs via tea and tonics. I only do this once a day due to financial reasons. I will probably do this twice a day when I can.
-Mono wet fruit meal, grapes, mango, etc etc.
-Dry fruit meal
-Mono wet fruit meal
-Sometimes for dinner will have veggie soup in coconut cream and honey. Or I will have greens.

*Not sure I would jump right into this, I slowly added more and more fruit to my diet and finally one day I went full grape fast, probably took a month to transition. Did that for about a month then went into with protocol above.
*Mono fruit meals are the best
*Structured water from fruits will handle my water needs, no need to drink extra water. Plain water stresses the kidney, they will stop filtering and work on dumping the extra water, once it dumps the extra water then it will go back to filtering.


Sep 13, 2012
Life is so beautiful you can have one person doing amazing on one diet and then take another person and if they do the same thing they feel sick. I know people who can drink 3L of water a day and feel great. I could never do that. Maybe it's a continuum like Jennifer said it depends on the health of the kidneys.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
This is what urine looks like when the kidneys are filtering:




Jul 8, 2014
I am on the charlie train. :D But if you must label it I am on a modified PeatMorse at the moment as I continue to Perceive, Think, Act.
Haha! Exactly! A sprinkling of Ray, a pinch of Dr. Morse and a heaping TBSP of Charlie! :D
Once my kidneys were filtering I was amazed at the crud that starts coming out. It is so stinky
Right?! The smell! I once left my urine out for 24 hours and was shocked to see I had sediment that wasn't present the first few hours, and the smell was something fierce. lol Now, when I do a filtration check, I leave it out for 24 hours if I don't see much sediment by the 3 hour mark.

Do you consume any unrefined sea salt or did you cut salt out completely and if so, did you notice any change in your filtration? I added it back into my diet when I was able to get my systolic up and stabilized and the only change I noticed was the complete disappearance of my anxiety attacks. Prior to this, I would still get one every so often.

That and I no longer get sick of fruit. I would get to a point where the thought of something sweet disgusted me and all I wanted was something savory and I now realize what I actually wanted was the salt that is typically in savory meals. My BP and UpH are still good so the unrefined doesn't seem to be acidifying me.

Oh, and so far so good with the raw alfalfa juice powder. :thumbsup: I'm still getting just as much sediment as before and I haven't had any back pain, bloating and lethargy like I experience when eating cooked greens/veggies.


Oct 29, 2016
I am on the charlie train. :D But if you must label it I am on a modified PeatMorse at the moment as I continue to Perceive, Think, Act.

Fruits, berries, melons, greens(collards in a homemade vegetable broth), egg yolks, some cooked veggies in soups(thanks @Jennifer for the awesome recipes!), some herbs, and will continue to keep adding and testing foods to see what interferes with my kidney filtering. Going to test raw goat milk in the future.

Once my kidneys were filtering I was amazed at the crud that starts coming out. It is so stinky, and full of sediment, mucus strings and acidic metabolic waste(according to Morse). I just do not see how this could be ignored, if eating a certain way produces this much waste from my kidneys, I had to look into it. And from my initial observations and experiences I think Morse is onto something regarding the kidney filtration. The amount of people healing in the community is incredible, I have been watching it for many months. I could not ignore it and had to investigate.
@charlie my hair substantially thinned out on the raw vegan diet. At that time knee-, now tailbone length. Otherwise I felt energetic. But when you have long hair, you must be careful.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Right?! The smell! I once left my urine out for 24 hours and was shocked to see I had sediment that wasn't present the first few hours, and the smell was something fierce. lol Now, when I do a filtration check, I leave it out for 24 hours if I don't see much sediment by the 3 hour mark.
Besides the incredible healing stories and the amazing before and after pictures of people following Morse, kidney filtration is what caught my eye. I just kept asking myself, if the kidneys can excrete this type of metabolic waste, then why am I not looking into this? This is a ton of waste that comes out the urine once filtering kicks in, and like you said, the stench is wretched at times. I want that stuff out! lol And the thickness of the sediment blows my mind.
Do you consume any unrefined sea salt or did you cut salt out completely and if so, did you notice any change in your filtration?
I am still doing the canning salt ala Peat in my soups. Although my soups are maybe only every 3 or so days. I did go straight fruit for about a month with no salt, had no issues that I could see. Now with salt back in I have not seen a change in filtering.

Oh, and so far so good with the raw alfalfa juice powder. :thumbsup: I'm still getting just as much sediment as before and I haven't had any back pain, bloating and lethargy like I experience when eating cooked greens/veggies.
Fantastic! Gonna give it a go later on.

@charlie my hair substantially thinned out on the raw vegan diet. At that time knee-, now tailbone length. Otherwise I felt energetic. But when you have long hair, you must be careful.
Hi Rosie! I am aware about the hair thinning a possibility. According to the Morse community that can happen, they say, it will come back many times stronger. There is a thread going on right now where the ladies hair thinned out a lot, but she stuck with it and low and behold her hair is incredibly thick now and full of life. The before and after pictures speak for themselves.

Do you know if you were filtering while on raw vegan? Were you doing mostly fruits? I think doing mostly fruit is key, and making sure you are filtering.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I was searching for more information on accessory organ function and urine interpretation, and found this:
Urine Sediment Examination in the Diagnosis and Management of Kidney Disease

Don't get me wrong, I'm not this snobbish intelectual wannabe that refuses to look anywhere else outside of scientific publications. I usually go with the easier route first, but unfortunately the results left me empty-handed: either some vague talks from actual gurus about the subject or people raising their pee like a trophy and paraphrasing something in Morse code.
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Apr 30, 2015
Intermittent fasting for 15 hours.

I did 3 or 4 weeks of grape fasting, as much grapes as possible, nothing else. Darker the grape the better, seeded are better but do not have to be. Then after reading the dates and lemon protocol(on facebook based on Morse) basically dry fruit meal, wet fruit meal, dry fruit meal, wet fruit meal, etc etc,:

-15 hour intermittent fast. Although I watch my body closely and if I feel I need to break it due to too much stress I go ahead and break it with dry fruit. I do not push through stress hormones. IF is probably one of the best tools to get kidneys filtering but I am super careful with it, no stress. I also did a couple of 24 hour fasts, although for spiritual reasons, so maybe that helped to.
-Break fast with dry fruits, especially dates, apricots, raisins, figs. Basically this carries on the dry fast a little longer, but gets the fuel and nutrients going.
-before next meal which is the wet fruit meal, I do my herbs via tea and tonics. I only do this once a day due to financial reasons. I will probably do this twice a day when I can.
-Mono wet fruit meal, grapes, mango, etc etc.
-Dry fruit meal
-Mono wet fruit meal
-Sometimes for dinner will have veggie soup in coconut cream and honey. Or I will have greens.

*Not sure I would jump right into this, I slowly added more and more fruit to my diet and finally one day I went full grape fast, probably took a month to transition. Did that for about a month then went into with protocol above.
*Mono fruit meals are the best
*Structured water from fruits will handle my water needs, no need to drink extra water. Plain water stresses the kidney, they will stop filtering and work on dumping the extra water, once it dumps the extra water then it will go back to filtering.
Thanks for the write up man. I will stay tuned to see how it goes.


Oct 29, 2016
Besides the incredible healing stories and the amazing before and after pictures of people following Morse, kidney filtration is what caught my eye. I just kept asking myself, if the kidneys can excrete this type of metabolic waste, then why am I not looking into this? This is a ton of waste that comes out the urine once filtering kicks in, and like you said, the stench is wretched at times. I want that stuff out! lol And the thickness of the sediment blows my mind.

I am still doing the canning salt ala Peat in my soups. Although my soups are maybe only every 3 or so days. I did go straight fruit for about a month with no salt, had no issues that I could see. Now with salt back in I have not seen a change in filtering.

Fantastic! Gonna give it a go later on.

Hi Rosie! I am aware about the hair thinning a possibility. According to the Morse community that can happen, they say, it will come back many times stronger. There is a thread going on right now where the ladies hair thinned out a lot, but she stuck with it and low and behold her hair is incredibly thick now and full of life. The before and after pictures speak for themselves.

Do you know if you were filtering while on raw vegan? Were you doing mostly fruits? I think doing mostly fruit is key, and making sure you are filtering.
Hi @charlie
I don't know if I was filtering while being raw vegan. I don't believe in Dr Morse and even doubt he follows what he preaches but I might be wrong!
I know many long term raw vegans (gurus) non of them have impressive hairs, fullyrawkristina is an exception.
I don't believe that one should be a raw vegan while living in cold climates. The fruits here are just awful during the winter. How would you sustain if there were no airplanes?
This 'everything is poison' philosophy is not for me, I think this raw vegan thing is a joke. Not to speak of getting quality protein on it. All the best for everyone who follows it.


Jan 6, 2015
Agree with rosie. There some truth in morse philosophy but raw vegan is not optimal at all, especially with low quality fruits availability. There is no strict frugivore animal on planet , think about that!

@charlie have you tested letting your urine sit for 24h without being on fast?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie have you tested letting your urine sit for 24h without being on fast?
Yes. The protocol I shared above with @Tarmander was due to him asking how to get the filtering going. Now that the filtering is moving along well I do not need to IF.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Another thing I find super interesting about Morse is his iridology work. I took a picture of my eyes and matched it up on the chart and the places I am having issues with showed up on my eyes. Also there is only two true eye colors, blue and brown. Any other shades of color are from stagnated lymph, sulfur from antibiotics, etc etc. Fascinating stuff.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I mean was it different with or without fasting? Your urine quality.
Yes and no, sometimes it can make the filtering more, other times no. Now I am filtering most all the time so it is hard to say if it is better or not. Most important part is I am filtering.


Oct 15, 2016
Has anyone sent pictures to Ray and asked him what he thought the sediment could be?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Another fascinating topic on Morse is he recognizes we are an electrical universe. And that we are electrical beings. And he says that fruits have the highest electrical energy, they are very alive. I will try to hunt down the chart later but fruit towers over anything else in this aspect. The power that they give off compared to vegetables or even dead animals is quite a difference.

I have always wondered what Ray Peat would have found if he were able to test fruits like he wanted to.


Jul 8, 2014
Rosie said:
I know many long term raw vegans (gurus) non of them have impressive hairs, fullyrawkristina is an exception.I don't believe that one should be a raw vegan while living in cold climates. The fruits here are just awful during the winter. How would you sustain if there were no airplanes?
I have a full head of hair that I just recently cut — it was thigh length and is now at my tailbone. I follow quite a few raw vegans on YouTube who have a full head of hair, also and yet there are lots of people with thinning hair/balding who aren't raw vegan. I think thyroid health is possibly a factor.

I live in a cold climate. I buy extra fruit during the summer when it's ripe and freeze it for the winter months. I do consume products that have been shipped, but they aren't the majority of my calories. Most of my calories come from local fruit like melons and squash.

Plenty of people who live where fruit and veggies don't grow year round also consume products that are shipped in. I even have friends in northern countries who eat meat flown in from South America and New Zealand so it's certainly not something that's exclusive to raw vegans.
Another fascinating topic on Morse is he recognizes we are an electrical universe. And that we are electrical beings. And he says that fruits have the highest electrical energy, they are very alive. I will try to hunt down the chart later but fruit towers over anything else in this aspect. The power that they give off compared to vegetables or even dead animals is quite a difference.

I have always wondered what Ray Peat would have found if he were able to test fruits like he wanted to.
Yep, angstroms. Cool stuff!


My eyes used to be so dark you couldn't make out my pupils and they lightened up considerably when I did 80/10/10 over a decade ago and then when I went back to raw. Now my limbal rings (skin rings) are very prominent and my irises have a ton of green in them. I'm still on the fence when it comes to iridology, but I do find it interesting that my eyes lightened up while on raw. FullyRaw Kristina's eyes went from dark brown to blue so maybe there's some truth to it.

I saw this last week on Dr. Morse's YouTube channel. She's doing awesome, huh?

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Oct 29, 2016
Hi @charlie
I don't know if I was filtering while being raw vegan. I don't believe Dr Morse and even doubt he follows what he preaches but I might be wrong!
I know many long term raw vegans (gurus) non of them have impressive hairs, fullyrawkristina is an exception.
I don't believe that one should be a raw vegan while living in cold climates. The fruits here just awful during the winter. How would you sustain if there were no airplanes?
This 'everything is poison' philosophy is not for me, I think this raw vegan thing is a joke. Not to speak of getting quality protein on it. All the best for everyone who follows it.
Another thing I find super interesting about Morse is his iridology work. I took a picture of my eyes and matched it up on the chart and the places I am having issues with showed up on my eyes. Also there is only two true eye colors, blue and brown. Any other shades of color are from stagnated lymph, sulfur from antibiotics, etc etc. Fascinating stuff.
@charlie I was super interested in iridology and was hoping that my eyes would return blue after I 'detox'. I've been at two iridologists during the last few years. Then one day as I was reading about this topic, I came across an article. I don't know how genuine it is but found it very interesting:

Confessions of a Former Iridologist


Oct 29, 2016
I have a full head of hair that I just recently cut — it was thigh length and is now at my tailbone. I follow quite a few raw vegans on YouTube who have a full head of hair, also and yet there are lots of people with thinning hair/balding who aren't raw vegan. I think thyroid health is possibly a factor.

I live in a cold climate. I buy extra fruit during the summer when it's ripe and freeze it for the winter months. I do consume products that have been shipped, but they aren't the majority of my calories. Most of my calories come from local fruit like melons and squash.

Plenty of people who live where fruit and veggies don't grow year round also consume products that are shipped in. I even have friends in northern countries who eat meat flown in from South America and New Zealand so it's certainly not something that's exclusive to raw vegans.

Yep, angstroms. Cool stuff!


My eyes used to be so dark you couldn't make out my pupils and they lightened up considerably when I did 80/10/10 over a decade ago and then when I went back to raw. Now my limbal rings (skin rings) are very prominent and my irises have a ton of green in them. I'm still on the fence when it comes to iridology, but I do find it interesting that my eyes lightened up while on raw. FullyRaw Kristina's eyes went from dark brown to blue so maybe there's some truth to it.

I saw this last week on Dr. Morse's YouTube channel. She's doing awesome, huh?

@Jennifer I remember in one of your earlier posts, you were concerned about your thinning hair/hair loss.


Oct 29, 2016
I have a full head of hair that I just recently cut — it was thigh length and is now at my tailbone. I follow quite a few raw vegans on YouTube who have a full head of hair, also and yet there are lots of people with thinning hair/balding who aren't raw vegan. I think thyroid health is possibly a factor.

I live in a cold climate. I buy extra fruit during the summer when it's ripe and freeze it for the winter months. I do consume products that have been shipped, but they aren't the majority of my calories. Most of my calories come from local fruit like melons and squash.

Plenty of people who live where fruit and veggies don't grow year round also consume products that are shipped in. I even have friends in northern countries who eat meat flown in from South America and New Zealand so it's certainly not something that's exclusive to raw vegans.

Yep, angstroms. Cool stuff!


My eyes used to be so dark you couldn't make out my pupils and they lightened up considerably when I did 80/10/10 over a decade ago and then when I went back to raw. Now my limbal rings (skin rings) are very prominent and my irises have a ton of green in them. I'm still on the fence when it comes to iridology, but I do find it interesting that my eyes lightened up while on raw. FullyRaw Kristina's eyes went from dark brown to blue so maybe there's some truth to it.

I saw this last week on Dr. Morse's YouTube channel. She's doing awesome, huh?

You can eat local meat just as nature intended but wouldn't be able to do the same during winter with fruits. How would the Eskimos survive? Animals live in harmony with nature, most humans don't.
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