During the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, Aspirin was the leading cause of death and many perished with many perishing from severe Aspirin-induced Pneumon


Aug 13, 2020
Only 3 paragraphs making a claim without sources (could be my browser, post the links), and wasted space on Sesame Street paraphernalia.

"Now we have the NWO media pushing Aspirin as a prophylactic for clotting and inflammation. They are purposely overlooking the main problem associated with spike protein toxicity; endothelial wall damage causing leaks in the blood vessel. Introducing any drug or nutraceutical that causes blood thinning, like Aspirin or Ivermectin, will result in blood pooling in limbs and hemorrhaging from the eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Sounds a lot like Marburg doesn’t it"

The ivermectin docking site we identified, between the viral spike and the ACE2 receptor, may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Our observation is consistent with the findings of Caly et al. and Patel et al. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection.

The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.


Jun 18, 2016
Only 3 paragraphs making a claim without sources (could be my browser, post the links), and wasted space on Sesame Street paraphernalia.

"Now we have the NWO media pushing Aspirin as a prophylactic for clotting and inflammation. They are purposely overlooking the main problem associated with spike protein toxicity; endothelial wall damage causing leaks in the blood vessel. Introducing any drug or nutraceutical that causes blood thinning, like Aspirin or Ivermectin, will result in blood pooling in limbs and hemorrhaging from the eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Sounds a lot like Marburg doesn’t it"

The ivermectin docking site we identified, between the viral spike and the ACE2 receptor, may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Our observation is consistent with the findings of Caly et al. and Patel et al. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection.

The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bactThereerial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.
There is much evidence that the "Spanish Flu" started at a military base in Kansas via vaccine.
It wasn't Spanish at all, but was named that because Spain had a free press at the time and the "powers that be" opted to shame them because they wouldn't get in line with the program. 1918 was also the first year of cellular mobile networks. None of this is a coincidence (think 5G). Here is a diagram of upgrades to the network corresponding with flu outbreaks.

View: https://twitter.com/DarnelSugarfoo/status/1590085457995784193?s=20&t=FfmRwqZ3-EHCWKakfhSFcQ


Jun 14, 2020
There is much evidence that the "Spanish Flu" started at a military base in Kansas via vaccine.
It wasn't Spanish at all, but was named that because Spain had a free press at the time and the "powers that be" opted to shame them because they wouldn't get in line with the program. 1918 was also the first year of cellular mobile networks. None of this is a coincidence (think 5G). Here is a diagram of upgrades to the network corresponding with flu outbreaks.

View: https://twitter.com/DarnelSugarfoo/status/1590085457995784193?s=20&t=FfmRwqZ3-EHCWKakfhSFcQ

It makes no sense that outbreaks be matched to the deployment of a technology when that technology remains in place. Shouldn't the Spanish flu have lingered on if these "cellular mobile networks" are so toxic? I'm not trying to be an apologist for these technologies, I know that there are potential dangers, but I'm really disappointed at people's lack of ability to make coherent arguments.
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Jun 20, 2015
Again a lazy anti-aspirin thread by @NOBRU.


The Spanish flu and aspirin have been discussed before:



Jun 18, 2016
There is a lot we do not know, but I don't believe in coincidences on this level. 5G towers were put all over the highway routes in the US (and elsewhere) in the last few years. Even hidden in cactus's and trees to make it less obvious.

On topic of this thread, aspirin probably helps. Just like we saw the MSM mock Ivermectin, HCQ, sunlight, etc. They do not like cheap cures.


It makes no sense that outbreaks be matched to the deployment of a technology when that technology remains in place. Shouldn't the Spanish flu have lingered on if these "cellular mobile networks" are so toxic? I'm not trying to be an apologist for these technologies, I know that there are potential dangers, but I'm really disappointed at people's lack of ability to make coherent arguments.

Just because we don't know the answers and it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it is wrong. One should never overlook patterns, especially patterns like that. If there truly has been a flu outbreak exactly at the time of every new upgrade in cell technology, every single time, 6 times? Every time a new upgrade to the cell technology ensues a flu outbreak? That is actually damning, the chances of that being mere coincidence is practically impossible.

Is it not possible the human body's adaptation ability allows us to relatively quickly adapt to the new frequencies? Adapt in the sense we can live on with the higher frequencies, not necessarily live as healthy as we would without them. There is a seemingly non stop rise in all forms of disease, especially the big killers like Alzheimer's. Yes there are many reasons that can attribute to this, rising frequencies of cell tower technology could be just one of them?

Just thinking of a laymen's example to compare it to. You have a large glass of water, it's filled to the brim. As if flicking a switch on and off, you wave your arm, and move the water quickly from point A to point B and abruptly stop. There is a large splash upon acceleration, and another upon abrupt deceleration. There is chaos with the abrupt changes in motion.

However if you get in a car and accelerate quickly, as if flicking on the switch, your glass of water will splash on acceleration, but you continue at that accelerating speed, no off switch. The water comes to balance, the splash only happens with the switch on and off of the abrupt acceleration or deceleration.

So, you switch on the cell tower frequencies for the first time, it causes a moment of frenzy or chaos in our bodies. The technology is left on, and our bodies come to some sort of balance with the new frequency. Not optimal for our health at all, but most can live with it.

If this is indeed what happens, I wonder if all they need to do is switch on and off these frequencies on a large scale to continue to cause cases of flu outbreaks or other disease.


Dec 15, 2017
Again a lazy anti-aspirin thread by @NOBRU.


The Spanish flu and aspirin have been discussed before:

I'm not anti-aspirin, just send the blog of this curious of Dr Merville who criticizes the NWO and at the same time who wants us to swallow that it uses people controlled by this NWO by denying them toxic remedies such as NAC, aspirin and other natural products. I tried to contact him to see what he relied on, but no response from this doctor who is supposedly PhD !!!


Dec 1, 2021
If aspirin was so evil people wouldn't have used it as their primary anti inflammatory until paracetamols (acetaminophen) came out. The only propaganda they had against aspirin to shill paracetamols was the fact that aspirin can damage the gut.


Apr 28, 2018
It is my understanding that the tower systems fluctuate, not necessarily left "on". We know they can dial it up, we know they catch birds unaware and kill them en masse with even 4g. We know its been used as crowd control since at least 2012, AND we know it has nothing to do with phone reception since 2g is still adequate for comms.


Jun 18, 2016
It is my understanding that the tower systems fluctuate, not necessarily left "on". We know they can dial it up, we know they catch birds unaware and kill them en masse with even 4g. We know its been used as crowd control since at least 2012, AND we know it has nothing to do with phone reception since 2g is still adequate for comms.
Great points. Edward Dowd's theory is Covid (and then the shots) was all done to prepare for the world wide baking collapse/being able to control riots and such.
Seems like the most likely scenario. The Walmart near my home has installed two layers of metal to enter and removed their windows.


May 4, 2022
Roll out of wireless technology and exceptionally dirty vaccines. Read the book by Firstenberg. That book is 2nd only to the bible in its importance to mankind.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
If aspirin was so evil people wouldn't have used it as their primary anti inflammatory until paracetamols (acetaminophen) came out. The only propaganda they had against aspirin to shill paracetamols was the fact that aspirin can damage the gut.

They didn't know aspirin was toxic in high doses until 1971


Nov 29, 2017
Great points. Edward Dowd's theory is Covid (and then the shots) was all done to prepare for the world wide baking collapse/being able to control riots and such.
Seems like the most likely scenario. The Walmart near my home has installed two layers of metal to enter and removed their windows.
Slightly off topic but after reading this post I thought I'd chime in. I think everything we are seeing/experiencing is for distraction (and population control more obviously). I think the occultists know very well that a global cataclysm (outside of their control) is approaching and the easiest way to keep us in the dark and head in the sand is by distraction with all of their techniques including COVID and vaccines. It's easier that way....


Dec 1, 2021
They didn't know aspirin was toxic in high doses until 1971
You are more likely to assume the researchers of that time to be incompetent than to assume aspirin is not as toxic as nowadays is thought? Also interesting how they needed 50+ years to understand aspirin.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
You are more likely to assume the researchers of that time to be incompetent than to assume aspirin is not as toxic as nowadays is thought? Also interesting how they needed 50+ years to understand aspirin.

Aspirin has the same toxicity now as it had then. Like anything, it's not the poison, it's the dose. 8-32 g per day will kill a person now just as it did back then. I may be off by ten years on when they understood aspirin's toxicity; it might have been the 1960s.


Dec 1, 2021
Aspirin has the same toxicity now as it had then. Like anything, it's not the poison, it's the dose. 8-32 g per day will kill a person now just as it did back then. I may be off by ten years on when they understood aspirin's toxicity; it might have been the 1960s.
Well yes anything above 1 gram long term is a bit excessive.

In that regard it is much easier to overdose on acetaminophen and yet its more popular.

So I still think the anti-aspirin movement is very inorganic.


Jan 23, 2017
Isn't it funny that radiation level's are measured and called SARS. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). SAR Values & Radiation Levels Of Smartphones In 2022
At least they were being honest when they called it SARS Covid 2. I feel they needed a name for the illness that was casuing people to fall ill with high radiation levels.

Anyway Elenor Bean was around in the 1918 flu, and her family were not affected because they all didn't have any vaccines. She later became a doctor to understand what was going on then. THE POISONED NEEDLE by Eleanor McBean
Our worst epidemics now are epidemics of vaccination in which more people are killed every year by “vaccinal diseases” than by the diseases that the vaccinations were supposed to combat.

I feel that radiation is attracted to the heavy metal's in vaccines, in people's bodies and that's how the people got ill.
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Jun 20, 2015
I'm not anti-aspirin, just send the blog of this curious of Dr Merville who criticizes the NWO and at the same time who wants us to swallow that it uses people controlled by this NWO by denying them toxic remedies such as NAC, aspirin and other natural products. I tried to contact him to see what he relied on, but no response from this doctor who is supposedly PhD !!!

In the original post you linked to an article with the title "Do not take aspirin", and the title of this thread is "During the ... aspirin was the leading cause of death and many perished with many perishing from severe aspirin-induced pneumonia." In my books this is an anti-aspirin thread.

You have not invested anything in this thread; you just provided a link. This is what I mean when I say "lazy". You could have entered the discussion in one of the existing threads. You could have read the points made there, evaluated them ... You could have added missing points, but you chose to create a new thread with nothing but a link. Did I mention that I think this is lazy?

In this thread you did the same. This is why I said "again".
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