Ejaculation Pro-Metabolic, NoFap Retention Unnatural

May 21, 2015
what about spandex? i think many boxers are like 95% cotton, 5% spandex
I wear the baggy kind nowadays, easier to find 100% cotton ones and they feel nicer anyway. I do happen to love skinny jeans though and it's hard to find 100% cotton ones or they're really expensive if I happen to find them. Maybe the few % won't make much difference. :-p

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Wear and tear and bioenergetics each represent truth in their own corners within the holistic big picture. If someone forces you to choose one, run away, they're either a Dunning or a Kruger in disguise (and unlike with Jekyll and Hyde, they are both evil).

I don't know, I don't count days. I ejaculate a handful of times a year on average and this is my eleventh year.

Wet dreams are more about expulsion of prostate fluids than sperm and not of a significant concern. Their frequency will first reduce down over time and from that point onward be dependent on the amount of arousal you subject yourself to, as well as certain kinds of foods. The testicles readily break down unused sperm and recycle the byproducts through the lymph system.
but wet dreams are like an orgasm/ejaculation while asleep, youre saying the fluid composition changes depending on wetdream vs manual stimulation? even visually wet dream fluid looks feels the same. i think one thing is though wetdreams release less overall volume of fluid compared to manual stimulation, hence sometimes some people have two wetdreams in a day, wetdreams are comparable to a touch free release basically.
it was the opposite for me, when I did semen retention, there were no wetdreams for 3 months even though I was still looking at sexual images/videos randomly whenever i felt like it. i think there was some sort of reset process going on. i had significantly more energy and some noticeable strength improvements in the gym. after 3 months, wetdreams started, and i would get them every 2 weeks. sometimes wetdream two days in a row... it stayed that way for several months!

Well the high altitude thing isn't feasible for everyone...if that were a requirement, hypothetically speaking, then that implies some people should be doing semen retention. At least until they can move lol.

the better the metabolic rate the more you can tolerate, carbonic anhydrase inhibiting supplements or foods like pomegranate juice can provide some of the benefits of high altitude. theres a multitude of things that are affected, not just ejaculation, but also energy levels and exercise tolerance and more, if someone is at the point where ejaculation is making them fatigued and unable to exercise or do other tasks then its a sign the metabolism is slowing down!

I did it for few months when I was a teenager. Didn't read about it or anything like that, just stopped masturbating because it made me feel gross. After few months I started having leakage during the night, then while awake, even when I didn't have a boner. Then my libido and ability to have erections started to go down. Messed up my confidence and my relationship with my first girlfriend among other things. Became really depressed about it, almost suicidal.
This condition, very low libido, erection problems and continuous leakage bugged me for years. This happened when I was 15-22 or so. It was actually the main thing that got me interested about my health and how diet etc affects it because I was so desperate to heal it somehow. I'm 29 now and my libido and boners have never been better. The so-called golden years of sex drive etc were my worst lol and the older I get the better everything works.

how did you heal it


Jan 6, 2019
"I have never seen evidence that they ((our bodies)) contain any principle of mortality, and in recent years the suspicion that we contain all the equipment needed for perpetual renewal, given the right circumstances, is seeming to be increasingly plausible." Ray Peat
To confirm that we're on the same page, let me emphasize that what Peat is saying here is that there is no evidence for either view, only that he believes in one more than the other. The actual main point of interest is the 'given the right circumstances'. Namely, such circumstances could never apply outside of theory: perfect perpetual regeneration requires perpetually perfect circumstances, and perpetually perfect circumstances can only exist as a hypothetical. Thus, any theoretical model of perfect perpetual regeneration will inevitably get reduced down to wear/tear in practice. That's what I mean with both of them being right in what they are trying to assert: the bioenergetic model in that the human organism is potentially immortal, and wear and tear in that in life we are bound to accumulate stress/aging from which we will fail to recover. Rather than being opposing conclusions, they're merely highlighting different sides of the same one. You don't have to choose between them.

but wet dreams are like an orgasm/ejaculation while asleep, youre saying the fluid composition changes depending on wetdream vs manual stimulation? even visually wet dream fluid looks feels the same. i think one thing is though wetdreams release less overall volume of fluid compared to manual stimulation, hence sometimes some people have two wetdreams in a day, wetdreams are comparable to a touch free release basically.
Manual stimulation will prepare your body to ejaculate sperm by loading them up into the ejaculatory tube, the vas deferens. Once there, the only way out is, well, out -- meaning that the re-absorptive ability of the testes does not extend there. Any sperm within the vas deferens will get ejaculated during a wet dream. Generally no new sperm will be loaded into the vas deferens preceding the wet dream. By honing into the difference between an orgasm and a wet dream, you should notice that the latter feels a little more like peeing and a little less like the stimulatory explosion that the orgasm is. It neither satisfies nor drains you the same way an orgasm does.
it was the opposite for me, when I did semen retention, there were no wetdreams for 3 months even though I was still looking at sexual images/videos randomly whenever i felt like it. i think there was some sort of reset process going on. i had significantly more energy and some noticeable strength improvements in the gym. after 3 months, wetdreams started, and i would get them every 2 weeks. sometimes wetdream two days in a row... it stayed that way for several months!
That's a typical experience when coming from a background of a frequent porn/masturbation habit. It took several weeks for me to have my first ever wet dream too, back in 2011 or so, after which they were occuring quite frequently for a while. These days the frequency is once in a month or two.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
To confirm that we're on the same page, let me emphasize that what Peat is saying here is that there is no evidence for either view, only that he believes in one more than the other. The actual main point of interest is the 'given the right circumstances'. Namely, such circumstances could never apply outside of theory: perfect perpetual regeneration requires perpetually perfect circumstances, and perpetually perfect circumstances can only exist as a hypothetical. Thus, any theoretical model of perfect perpetual regeneration will inevitably get reduced down to wear/tear in practice. That's what I mean with both of them being right in what they are trying to assert: the bioenergetic model in that the human organism is potentially immortal, and wear and tear in that in life we are bound to accumulate stress/aging from which we will fail to recover. Rather than being opposing conclusions, they're merely highlighting different sides of the same one. You don't have to choose between them.

Manual stimulation will prepare your body to ejaculate sperm by loading them up into the ejaculatory tube, the vas deferens. Once there, the only way out is, well, out -- meaning that the re-absorptive ability of the testes does not extend there. Any sperm within the vas deferens will get ejaculated during a wet dream. Generally no new sperm will be loaded into the vas deferens preceding the wet dream. By honing into the difference between an orgasm and a wet dream, you should notice that the latter feels a little more like peeing and a little less like the stimulatory explosion that the orgasm is. It neither satisfies nor drains you the same way an orgasm does.

That's a typical experience when coming from a background of a frequent porn/masturbation habit. It took several weeks for me to have my first ever wet dream too, back in 2011 or so, after which they were occuring quite frequently for a while. These days the frequency is once in a month or two.
wetdreams felt just like an orgasm just usually without touching involved, the sensation was similar to a touch free orgasm. the fluid seems to be very similar if not exact same, as it dries up on clothing the same, i think the key thing is any wet dream or touch free ejaculation wont release the same amount of fluid as manual stimulation, so its not as draining or satisfying.
does sperm only go into the vas deferens from manual stimulation, not from any mental stimulation or mentally thinking sexual thoughts or dreams?
i dont think thinking sexual thoughts affects wet dreams too much, as certain times i had them frequently even without thinking sexual things, other times i didnt have them even while thinking sexual thoughts etc, it seems to just be when enough fluid builds up, or possibly if pajamas are too tight and rub against that area too much while asleep


Jan 6, 2019
does sperm only go into the vas deferens from manual stimulation, not from any mental stimulation or mentally thinking sexual thoughts or dreams?
I'm not sure, but it could be possible that strong enough imagination/intensity of dreaming, or high overall level of arousal could achieve that too.

i dont think thinking sexual thoughts affects wet dreams too much, as certain times i had them frequently even without thinking sexual things, other times i didnt have them even while thinking sexual thoughts etc, it seems to just be when enough fluid builds up, or possibly if pajamas are too tight and rub against that area too much while asleep
Friction against your underwear can be a major cause of wet dreams, I've had to let go of all tight underwear over the years due to this. Another possible causes are stress, certain stimulating foods/substances and sleeping too late.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I'm not sure, but it could be possible that strong enough imagination/intensity of dreaming, or high overall level of arousal could achieve that too.

Friction against your underwear can be a major cause of wet dreams, I've had to let go of all tight underwear over the years due to this. Another possible causes are stress, certain stimulating foods/substances and sleeping too late.
which foods did you find to stimulate wetdreams, is that a lot of pro metabolic foods and substances? why does sleeping late cause them?


Jan 6, 2019
which foods did you find to stimulate wetdreams, is that a lot of pro metabolic foods and substances? why does sleeping late cause them?
Junk food like processed sugary and potato chips, excess meat, excessive calories in general. I don't know why, but most WDs take place during the final hours of sleep, and the further you sleep the more time you're giving yourself to have one. That being said, the top priority is of course to sleep as much as you need to.
Feb 7, 2020
Man I had no idea people were hand wringing so much about cum. I have sex with my girlfriend at least twice a day and still manage to work a intellectually demanding job, write music for videogames, paint, cook and do a daily bodybuilding routine. Hope everyone here who can't do fulfilling life + sex finds a solution.


Jul 29, 2019
Man I had no idea people were hand wringing so much about cum. I have sex with my girlfriend at least twice a day and still manage to work a intellectually demanding job, write music for videogames, paint, cook and do a daily bodybuilding routine. Hope everyone here who can't do fulfilling life + sex finds a solution.
It's not that. I have a fulfilling life. Plenty of healthy hobbies and ambitions

idk if you've ever gone through a period where you flossed and didn't floss. When you don't floss for a while you don't feel the food stuck in your teeth. When you do, you can feel every piece of food that gets stuck.

When you eat junk food for a while, you don't realize how ridiculously sweet/fatty some of the food you eat are until you're eating healthy for a while and try it again.

Same issue with ejaculation. There is a before and after. When you abstain, you notice a difference than when you're ejaculating a lot

I can still have a fulfilling life whether I do or don't do either of these. But you notice one option is better in the long run. It's a higher quality experience. It's a real thing, that's why many societies spent the time to write about retaining, and why many successful athletes, inventors, etc. have done periods without ejaculation. without reading scriptures. It's intuitive
May 21, 2015
how did you heal it
Hard to pinpoint any magic bullets per se, just overall listening to my body with the utmost attention and getting in tune with it. Lots of trial and error with diet. Lots. Can't fine-tune that antenna unless you go through mistakes. Also learning to respect your needs more than demands of authoritarians is a big thing in the whole picture of finding that spark that is health, confidence, the will to live, libido etc.

I think I first experienced relief with intermittent fasting, eating more saturated fat and cholesterol. Then when I found Peat things really took a major turn for better. Then Peaty plant-based even better.

Also urine therapy has been a massive help, with libido, boners, mental clarity, confidence, overall health. I heard Peat saying in KMUD Urea episode that he knows several people who do urine therapy who are extremely healthy. I asked Peat about it:

"Urine therapy increases hormones beneficially for some people, and some extra urea has a tonic effect for many stressed people." Ray Peat

It's gross in the beginning lol but man I tell you, it's like libido juice. Not the easiest subject to start a conversation about but it has been so dramatically beneficial for me I have to mention it.
May 21, 2015
Namely, such circumstances could never apply outside of theory: perfect perpetual regeneration requires perpetually perfect circumstances, and perpetually perfect circumstances can only exist as a hypothetical.
How can you possibly know that?


why many successful athletes, inventors, etc. have done periods without ejaculation. without reading scriptures. It's intuitive
Tesla! He had a successful relationship with a pigeon until it passed.


Hard to pinpoint any magic bullets per se, just overall listening to my body with the utmost attention and getting in tune with it. Lots of trial and error with diet. Lots. Can't fine-tune that antenna unless you go through mistakes. Also learning to respect your needs more than demands of authoritarians is a big thing in the whole picture of finding that spark that is health, confidence, the will to live, libido etc.

I think I first experienced relief with intermittent fasting, eating more saturated fat and cholesterol. Then when I found Peat things really took a major turn for better. Then Peaty plant-based even better.

Also urine therapy has been a massive help, with libido, boners, mental clarity, confidence, overall health. I heard Peat saying in KMUD Urea episode that he knows several people who do urine therapy who are extremely healthy. I asked Peat about it:

"Urine therapy increases hormones beneficially for some people, and some extra urea has a tonic effect for many stressed people." Ray Peat

It's gross in the beginning lol but man I tell you, it's like libido juice. Not the easiest subject to start a conversation about but it has been so dramatically beneficial for me I have to mention it.
Would a woman's urine be not as good because of high estrogen content?


Oct 20, 2021
United States
In the beginning stages quite regularly, got less the more you go on, benefits include euphoria, aggression, sometimes insane sex drive, insane will power ane physical/mental endurance, anti social behaviour sometimes, deeper voice, mental clarity, more on edge sometimes, lack of fear, random spurts of confidence --- these benefits arten't 24/7 btw they happen al0ot in the beginning stages and happen less as you go on but still happen spontaneously
May I ask why you are on SR at 17
Hard to pinpoint any magic bullets per se, just overall listening to my body with the utmost attention and getting in tune with it. Lots of trial and error with diet. Lots. Can't fine-tune that antenna unless you go through mistakes. Also learning to respect your needs more than demands of authoritarians is a big thing in the whole picture of finding that spark that is health, confidence, the will to live, libido etc.

I think I first experienced relief with intermittent fasting, eating more saturated fat and cholesterol. Then when I found Peat things really took a major turn for better. Then Peaty plant-based even better.

Also urine therapy has been a massive help, with libido, boners, mental clarity, confidence, overall health. I heard Peat saying in KMUD Urea episode that he knows several people who do urine therapy who are extremely healthy. I asked Peat about it:

"Urine therapy increases hormones beneficially for some people, and some extra urea has a tonic effect for many stressed people." Ray Peat

It's gross in the beginning lol but man I tell you, it's like libido juice. Not the easiest subject to start a conversation about but it has been so dramatically beneficial for me I have to mention it.
Are there any supplements that helped you in the process?


Oct 20, 2021
United States
I don't use them anymore but vitamin K and aspirin were probably the best. It's been a few years since I've used any.
Thanks, good environment and nourishing foods seem to be the safest route. What are your thoughts on tobacco? I find occasional use pretty beneficial especially during winter.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Junk food like processed sugary and potato chips, excess meat, excessive calories in general. I don't know why, but most WDs take place during the final hours of sleep, and the further you sleep the more time you're giving yourself to have one. That being said, the top priority is of course to sleep as much as you need to.
ah you meant sleeping late as in sleeping a longer number of hours? not like sleeping at 12am vs 10pm, etc?
eating with a somewhat emptier stomach seemed to cause them or increase them. but the thing is, with an empty stomach there is much more blood flow down there, whereas with a full belly that blood flow gets inhibited. for health purposes you probably want the blood flow there.
most those foods sound anti metabolic, but improving metabolism should increase fertility and blood flow and encourage more wetdreams generally speaking?

It's not that. I have a fulfilling life. Plenty of healthy hobbies and ambitions

idk if you've ever gone through a period where you flossed and didn't floss. When you don't floss for a while you don't feel the food stuck in your teeth. When you do, you can feel every piece of food that gets stuck.

When you eat junk food for a while, you don't realize how ridiculously sweet/fatty some of the food you eat are until you're eating healthy for a while and try it again.

Same issue with ejaculation. There is a before and after. When you abstain, you notice a difference than when you're ejaculating a lot

I can still have a fulfilling life whether I do or don't do either of these. But you notice one option is better in the long run. It's a higher quality experience. It's a real thing, that's why many societies spent the time to write about retaining, and why many successful athletes, inventors, etc. have done periods without ejaculation. without reading scriptures. It's intuitive

intuitive and also automatic, as when metabolism gets worse youre less and less capable of sexual performance
Hard to pinpoint any magic bullets per se, just overall listening to my body with the utmost attention and getting in tune with it. Lots of trial and error with diet. Lots. Can't fine-tune that antenna unless you go through mistakes. Also learning to respect your needs more than demands of authoritarians is a big thing in the whole picture of finding that spark that is health, confidence, the will to live, libido etc.

I think I first experienced relief with intermittent fasting, eating more saturated fat and cholesterol. Then when I found Peat things really took a major turn for better. Then Peaty plant-based even better.

Also urine therapy has been a massive help, with libido, boners, mental clarity, confidence, overall health. I heard Peat saying in KMUD Urea episode that he knows several people who do urine therapy who are extremely healthy. I asked Peat about it:

"Urine therapy increases hormones beneficially for some people, and some extra urea has a tonic effect for many stressed people." Ray Peat

It's gross in the beginning lol but man I tell you, it's like libido juice. Not the easiest subject to start a conversation about but it has been so dramatically beneficial for me I have to mention it.

good stuff mate, whos urine do you drink, where do you source it from? hows it taste, you into breast milk at all also?
Would a woman's urine be not as good because of high estrogen content?

Peat and others have mentioned stress hormones and other hormones in urine, doctors use urine tests for cortisol sometimes, but i guess it can have benefits


Feb 25, 2020
in nature, wild animals only mate during mating season which is usually 2 month period every year and even long living animals like whales, elephants , parrots. Ejaculating is only created for breeding . Energy cannot be destroyed but can be transmutated . Semen is source energy , so if you have strong sex desire , you need to create something to use that energy for . Sex without ejaculation will help you to recycle that energy but it won’t work if lust is involved.
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