Estrogen Dominance - Right Sided Effect?


Jul 9, 2013
I've very curious about the mechanism of estrogen, and if there's any correlation to a "right-sided" effect when there's a case of estrogen dominance.

It could be purely chance, but any health issues I've experienced have always occured on my right side.
  • Birth defect in one eye - right eye
  • I have baby teeth that never fell out - right side of my mouth.
  • I fell playing soccer as a kid. Bruised the left wrist, broke both bones in the right one.
  • When I used to get leg cramps, always the right foot.
  • Right leg has more spider veins
  • Have two places on the right where I've cut myself (knuckle, knee) that healed with a scar and bumpy ridge. Cuts on my left heal completely with no scars.
  • Even though I'm right-handed, I'm left eye/left ear dominant. Right ear is the one that overproduces ear wax.
  • Liver - which is affected by too much estrogen - is on the right.

Given that there are left-handed / right-handed molecules, I was just wondering if progesterone / estrogen could also be thought of as a set that targets one side of the body or the other.

When absorbing Ray Peat information through articles and interviews, I've often been listening for something like this. Knowing that Ray Peat references William Blake, I did check and find that William Blake often uses right/left symbolism in his work.

Just wanted to throw this out for discussion.



Feb 7, 2013
mariange said:
I've very curious about the mechanism of estrogen, and if there's any correlation to a "right-sided" effect when there's a case of estrogen dominance.

It could be purely chance, but any health issues I've experienced have always occured on my right side.
  • Birth defect in one eye - right eye
  • I have baby teeth that never fell out - right side of my mouth.
  • I fell playing soccer as a kid. Bruised the left wrist, broke both bones in the right one.
  • When I used to get leg cramps, always the right foot.
  • Right leg has more spider veins
  • Have two places on the right where I've cut myself (knuckle, knee) that healed with a scar and bumpy ridge. Cuts on my left heal completely with no scars.
  • Even though I'm right-handed, I'm left eye/left ear dominant. Right ear is the one that overproduces ear wax.
  • Liver - which is affected by too much estrogen - is on the right.

Given that there are left-handed / right-handed molecules, I was just wondering if progesterone / estrogen could also be thought of as a set that targets one side of the body or the other.

When absorbing Ray Peat information through articles and interviews, I've often been listening for something like this. Knowing that Ray Peat references William Blake, I did check and find that William Blake often uses right/left symbolism in his work.

Just wanted to throw this out for discussion.

Interesting topic Mariange!

For me, my issues have all been on my left side! Most of the inflammation in my body is on the left side.
I actually mentioned this to Peat but the context had to do with properly interpreting the results of an Achilles Reflux Tendon test.

The side that's inflamed might have a bigger reflex, but it's the rate of relaxation that shows your thyroid status. If it returns to the resting position as if it's controlled by a pneumatic door-closer, that's hypothyroid. It should fall so fast that it bounces a little.

So, he is aware of inflammation affecting one side or the other but I never thought to ask him more about what may cause this preference to happen.

I don't think estrogen dominance is limited to right-sided inflammation or "effect", however, as I have major issues with it as well.


May 2, 2013
This is a question I have too. For me there's a lot stange things going on my left side, whereas my right side seem to not be affected.

What I find interesting is the TCM (traditional chinese medicine) knowledge about the Liver- Liver imbalances are manifested on the left side, especially the upper part of the body. I've tried several formulations supposed to affect the Liver, and almost all of them gives "sensations" on the left side where my problems are (hip, ankle, sinus area).
I actually suspect that some of those combinations are anti-serotonin, and also probably helps the liver to process/detox estrogens.

*Liver in TCM is not exactly the physical liver


Feb 20, 2013
In KMUD Serotonin and endotoxin he discussed how right side of heart is affected first by excess serotonin.
When lungs fail to detoxify serotonin then blood carrying serotonin enter the heart from the right side.
So the right side of heart is affected first. He also mentioned same thing happens to right side of lungs.


Jul 9, 2013
Interesting replies - thank you all!

And interesting as well that sometimes there's a Left clustering.

I apologize for not remembering the author/link, but posted on the forum somewhere, there was link to a blog that was discussing Viktor Schauberger, V.I. Vernadsky, and Ray Peat. I took some rough notes because I was fascinated by the concept of inflammatory items (estrogen, cortisol, etc) seeming to create a centriFUGAL (outward) spin on energy, where health-supporting items (progesterone, CO2, etc.) seemed to create a centriPEDAL (inward) spin on energy (pulling energy inwards for use and repair).

So now of course I'm wondering if that spin was also right or left directed.



May 2, 2013
Wow Mariange, really interesting!

I have many times wondered about all this, but all I have come to think of is differences in cirkulation and physiology, or another thought, if it has something to do with the brain side activity, like over/under -stimulation.
I should mention that my left side seems to be bigger/larger (?), not very much, I still use same size shoes :D though it's noticable to me.


Jan 3, 2013
I know this post is old, but wanted to chime in so we can amass experiences. I too have right side symptoms more than left and often wondered the reasoning. For me, it's liver/gallbladder pains, right side intestinal pains, and right ovary pains. Also, when I get pirformis pain it's usually on the right side (probably related to that right ovary inflammation).
Not sure if I'm adding much to the thread, but just wanted to throw it out there that I've noticed right side issues too.


May 31, 2020
United Kingdom
I can't help but be fascinated by the idea of a possible connection. For me personally I feel as if the connection to the right side of my body isn't strong.

My right shoulder and right leg are both medially rotated. I also recall reading that people with autism (an estrogen-domimant condition) also tend to have their walking gait affected.

Like OP, my right is also overproduces too much wax, while I feel like my left eye I'd my primary eye.

It's an old threat but it would be interesting to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar, whether there's more an explanation (@haidut ) on how the brain is affected.

Capt Nirvana

Mar 25, 2018
I've very curious about the mechanism of estrogen, and if there's any correlation to a "right-sided" effect when there's a case of estrogen dominance.

It could be purely chance, but any health issues I've experienced have always occured on my right side.
  • Birth defect in one eye - right eye
  • I have baby teeth that never fell out - right side of my mouth.
  • I fell playing soccer as a kid. Bruised the left wrist, broke both bones in the right one.
  • When I used to get leg cramps, always the right foot.
  • Right leg has more spider veins
  • Have two places on the right where I've cut myself (knuckle, knee) that healed with a scar and bumpy ridge. Cuts on my left heal completely with no scars.
  • Even though I'm right-handed, I'm left eye/left ear dominant. Right ear is the one that overproduces ear wax.
  • Liver - which is affected by too much estrogen - is on the right.

Given that there are left-handed / right-handed molecules, I was just wondering if progesterone / estrogen could also be thought of as a set that targets one side of the body or the other.

When absorbing Ray Peat information through articles and interviews, I've often been listening for something like this. Knowing that Ray Peat references William Blake, I did check and find that William Blake often uses right/left symbolism in his work.

Just wanted to throw this out for discussion.

I've very curious about the mechanism of estrogen, and if there's any correlation to a "right-sided" effect when there's a case of estrogen dominance.

It could be purely chance, but any health issues I've experienced have always occured on my right side.
  • Birth defect in one eye - right eye
  • I have baby teeth that never fell out - right side of my mouth.
  • I fell playing soccer as a kid. Bruised the left wrist, broke both bones in the right one.
  • When I used to get leg cramps, always the right foot.
  • Right leg has more spider veins
  • Have two places on the right where I've cut myself (knuckle, knee) that healed with a scar and bumpy ridge. Cuts on my left heal completely with no scars.
  • Even though I'm right-handed, I'm left eye/left ear dominant. Right ear is the one that overproduces ear wax.
  • Liver - which is affected by too much estrogen - is on the right.

Given that there are left-handed / right-handed molecules, I was just wondering if progesterone / estrogen could also be thought of as a set that targets one side of the body or the other.

When absorbing Ray Peat information through articles and interviews, I've often been listening for something like this. Knowing that Ray Peat references William Blake, I did check and find that William Blake often uses right/left symbolism in his work.

Just wanted to throw this out for discussion.

Male = left side (front). Female = right side (front). Dolphins sleep with one side of their brain shut down at a time.



May 31, 2020
United Kingdom
Male = left side (front). Female = right side (front). Dolphins sleep with one side of their brain shut down at a time.

Are you talking about the left/right side of the brain, or body parts? It was my understanding that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Are you talking about the left/right side of the brain, or body parts? It was my understanding that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.
i have low t and high estrogen. im right handed but stronger in the left, and i like doing many things with my left hand. my right foot is tilted a bit outwards. my abs are bigger on the right side. right eye is dominant and will take over completely if im looking at something close without glasses.


Oct 7, 2020
I can't help but be fascinated by the idea of a possible connection. For me personally I feel as if the connection to the right side of my body isn't strong.

My right shoulder and right leg are both medially rotated. I also recall reading that people with autism (an estrogen-domimant condition) also tend to have their walking gait affected.

Like OP, my right is also overproduces too much wax, while I feel like my left eye I'd my primary eye.

It's an old threat but it would be interesting to see if anyone else has experienced anything similar, whether there's more an explanation (@haidut ) on how the brain is affected.
I suspect I have Aspergers and my gait is weird it feels kind of tight and jumpy and even if I try to relax and walk naturally it's just like my body just moves in a specific sort of way that despite attempts of changing something with the muscles or neurology itself gives this weird robotic gait and mannerisms however I don't really feel like I'm high Estrogen, I'm 190cm so it's possible I have had little amounts of E if my body was able to grow that tall and I have never ever been overweight or had gyno in fact I have always been lean and even slightly underweight now at 63kg which I assume is my maximum natural weight without the presence increased caloric intake I simply eat when I feel like and my appetite gets satied easily and I don't have that big one so I'm usually eating like 1800-2400 calories maybe it's hard to tell I haven't evr counted them consistently but I kinda memorized how much foods I usually eat have and thus can calculate it on the go buy yeah I don't really fit high Estrogen traits atleast physically and neurologically not really either except the Aspergers I'm actually calm type of person like the opposite of Estrogenic and Serotonigenic nervous system traits that based on Ray Peat's ideas as writen in Han's menelite blog that are said to appear.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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