Euphoria - The Last Question In Peat-dom


Feb 15, 2018
@Collden that was an absolutely incredible post and I completely agree with everything you said. Having experienced some incredible highs and lows in my life over the past few years (mostly highs but I've gone thru some anhedonia and perhaps dysthymia as well at points due to unwise biohacking). My main questions is how do we optimally biohack the positive hedonic feedback loop? Here are my latest thoughts on the subject below. I'm also incredibly interested in what my fellow biohacker @Lozko thinks about this topic (hope you chime in bro!)

Here's an update from me after some serious biohacking adventures. I became limitless, NZT-48 style, for a week somewhat accidentally after an LSD microdose and moderate to high doses of F-phenibut around the clock. That week was the best week of my life beyond any shadow of a doubt, intense hypomania consisting of really intense libido, massive energy and motivation to do anything I dreamt of, no anxiety/complete fearlessness, and intense "insights" especially the day and the day after my microdose that I felt revealed important things I would never have noticed while sober.

Unfortunately I cannot and would never recommend taking F-phenibut regularly at all (probably no more than 2 or 3 times a week in reasonable doses is best). The reason I was taking it around the clock is because I was tapering off phenibut but ran out and so started using F-phenibut, which rises and falls much faster, giving it much more recreational/euphoria inducing potential. The week after my limitless week was hell; I had really bad stress, insomnia, anhedonia, nausea, and many other issues. So to anyone considering trying to replicate my results consistently, I'll say clearly, don't do it!!! The high was glorious but it wasn't worth the low in the slightest.

However, I do believe that it is possible to consistently induce an incredible state of hypomania and pure (very natural) euphoria that is very different from the sort offered by opioids. Unlike those terrible drugs, the combination of the phenibut (or better still, f-phenibut) and a psychedelic microdose (either LSD, ALD-25, or I believe, MIPLA would be best of all) will induce a zest for life, fearlessness, motivation, and social charm that is quite difficult to match. Such a combo will far exceed the potential of traditional stimulants and downers for such purposes. Also, as an aside, I believe Mescaline microdosing actually has the most potential of any psych for these purposes. I haven't tried it yet but I should be able to soon.

Anyone else have any advice/suggestions/thoughts on this fascinating topic? Really love what we've dug up so far, and I believe that together we can discover the secrets to the universe (I sound crazy but I've found a few already).

P.S. I believe that the blog Area-1255 almost certainly has some key insights on this topic, that site is a wealth of great info in general if you can get past the weird parts of it hahaha.


Feb 15, 2018
does LSD damage the heart ?

Good question. Check this out (that site is a great resource for those looking to get into microdosing). Do Psychedelics Carry A Heart Risk? The short answers appears to be that we don't really know, it's probably safe in the short run but that site recommends not microdosing for longer than 90 days (and one only doses every 4 days of course). Personally I don't really have a microdosing schedule, I just do it occasionally when I want to have a great day, never more than every 4 days.


Feb 15, 2018
Hahaha quite a few, it would take way too long for me to explain all of these and I've already spent a while explaining things today so I'm just gonna list some out quickly. Y'all have to do your own research on these (and I haven't necessarily tried all of these by the way, I just think some of them sound very promising). Also I can't share all of haha, sorry, some of them are just too good but I'll say that the research chemicals and nootropics subreddits have some serious gems.

F-phenibut, phenibut
1,4 BDO

General life enhancement:
Intranasal insulin?
DXM microdosing
Psychedelic microdosing (especially MIPLA, mescaline, 4-meo-mipt in addition to normal psychedelics, very powerful for charisma/confidence)
7,8 DHF?

Social charm/charisma/magnetism:
Pheromones? (most don't seem to work but I think liquid alchemy labs' products are pretty good, especially bad wolf)
Watch the art of the charm and charisma on command

Red light therapy (on brain and/or testicles)
Intranasal red light?

Deer antler velvet? (try this one? Pro-life NZ Farmed Deer Velvet 1650mg)

Dopamine boosting:
Bromantane sublingual
Psychedelics with risperidone? (leaves dopamine effects only)
piribedil? (partial dopamine agonist)
Read this: Area-1255: Re-Igniting and (Possibly) Finishing the Search for the "Dopaminergic Pot of Gold"
and this: Area-1255: TAL; Taltirelin (TA-0910) - A potent Dopamine Secretagogue and "SuperAgonist" at the human thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRH-R1) (highly experimental)


That some of the most promising things I've come across after 500+ hours of researching biohacking (probably more). There are more that I'm forgetting. Enjoy and research responsibly!!! I've caused myself some terrible times from not being responsible, this ***t is really powerful and you must always respect it.


Jan 26, 2016
“The production of euphoria has been mentioned as a side effect, but I think euphoria is simply an indication of a good physiological state.”- Ray Peat when talking about progesterone


Feb 15, 2018
Edit: I thought my earlier post didn't post (my computer crashed just as I clicked submit).

Anyway, you're welcome. I'd love to hear anyone else's obscure biohacking secrets!


Sep 28, 2016
A couple years ago I induced a pretty hypomanic state for a few months by the combination of a lot of caffeine, aspirin (meadowsweet is a good alternative that's easy on the intestines), and Nofap. More complex means never gave consistent long lasting results.


Sep 20, 2015
“The production of euphoria has been mentioned as a side effect, but I think euphoria is simply an indication of a good physiological state.”- Ray Peat when talking about progesterone

I didn't notice any positive mood results, much less euphoria, from any peaty practices or substances. Most of the stuff in this thread re resorting to drugs is, in my view, and in line with the Peat quote above, simply cheating. (You wanna feel good? All you gotta do is take yourself some heroin!) I've been doing one meal a day for a few weeks though (, ) and have been feeling euphoric at times, especially the last couple of hours before my 2 o'clock meal and while taking long hikes. I feel that I'm daily making progress toward generally feeling much better. Have also been steadily losing weight, whereas with Peaty eating all I did was get and stay fat and generally feel low energy and crappy.


Jan 26, 2016
@Ideonaut i did that for over six months (intermittent fasting) yeah it was euphoric at first and I lost weight (once again- at first) but it was damaging in the long term. Towards the end it was terrible. I don’t think labeling things as “cheating” has much merit here. Heroin is an inappropriate means of achieving euphoria because of opiates effect on endotoxin, histamine, prolactin, bowel transit times etc... and extreme respiratory depression that can lead to death. And Withdrawal symptoms should be taken into account too when judging a substances value. None of peats recommendations cause significant withdrawal symptoms (closest being caffeine which isn’t really much of a withdrawal and it’s mitigated by good thyroid function). There’s a ton of substances listed in this thread that I think would be problematic. I usually maintain a low level of euphoria all the time following dr peats ideas. The euphoria peat talks about is not really like the euphoria achieved from opiates- there’s no stupor but at the same time there’s no mania that’s associated with coke or amphetamines. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to move ones physiology in the right direction. But everyone’s gotta find their own way and I don’t wanna directly discount someone’s experience.
Last edited:


Feb 15, 2018
I think one meal a day is extreme (and it's been found to be worse than three meals a day according to this study: Impact of Reduced Meal Frequency Without Caloric Restriction on Glucose Regulation in Healthy, Normal Weight Middle-Aged Men and Women), I think two large meals or three medium meals within an 8 - 10 hour window is sustainable and healthy afaik (please post some studies on that if I'm wrong). I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds (which I think I gained because of stress and unintentional, somewhat intense caloric restriction) and I think intermittent fasting works well for me. The main thing for me is not going to bed too late after eating the last meal of the day to make sure my sleep is good quality and I don't get hungry while sleeping. I agree that I tend to feel pretty good in the morning before I eat, as long as I don't wait too long.


Feb 18, 2018
A huge bowl of salted white rice + mushrooms and fruit juice gives me insane euphoria. I always end up crashing a couple hours later though.
Jan 4, 2017
I didn't notice any positive mood results, much less euphoria, from any peaty practices or substances. Most of the stuff in this thread re resorting to drugs is, in my view, and in line with the Peat quote above, simply cheating. (You wanna feel good? All you gotta do is take yourself some heroin!) I've been doing one meal a day for a few weeks though (, ) and have been feeling euphoric at times, especially the last couple of hours before my 2 o'clock meal and while taking long hikes. I feel that I'm daily making progress toward generally feeling much better. Have also been steadily losing weight, whereas with Peaty eating all I did was get and stay fat and generally feel low energy and crappy.

I lost a ton of weight with fasting, 1 meal a day. I also started losing my hair. All of the weight I lost also came back. I'd venture a guess that the euphoria may be stress hormones.


Jan 11, 2019
I think, the whole idea, is to rest up and have an excess of energy, and to be able to just sit there and relax with it. Like once all of your needs are met and you just relax you end up feeling good just being alive. The bioenergetic pov is to have an abundance of nutrients and the correct habits that dont waste it


Aug 13, 2018
Hahaha quite a few, it would take way too long for me to explain all of these and I've already spent a while explaining things today so I'm just gonna list some out quickly. Y'all have to do your own research on these (and I haven't necessarily tried all of these by the way, I just think some of them sound very promising). Also I can't share all of haha, sorry, some of them are just too good but I'll say that the research chemicals and nootropics subreddits have some serious gems.

F-phenibut, phenibut
1,4 BDO

General life enhancement:
Intranasal insulin?
DXM microdosing
Psychedelic microdosing (especially MIPLA, mescaline, 4-meo-mipt in addition to normal psychedelics, very powerful for charisma/confidence)
7,8 DHF?

Social charm/charisma/magnetism:
Pheromones? (most don't seem to work but I think liquid alchemy labs' products are pretty good, especially bad wolf)
Watch the art of the charm and charisma on command

Red light therapy (on brain and/or testicles)
Intranasal red light?

Deer antler velvet? (try this one? Pro-life NZ Farmed Deer Velvet 1650mg)

Dopamine boosting:
Bromantane sublingual
Psychedelics with risperidone? (leaves dopamine effects only)
piribedil? (partial dopamine agonist)
Read this: Area-1255: Re-Igniting and (Possibly) Finishing the Search for the "Dopaminergic Pot of Gold"
and this: Area-1255: TAL; Taltirelin (TA-0910) - A potent Dopamine Secretagogue and "SuperAgonist" at the human thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRH-R1) (highly experimental)


That some of the most promising things I've come across after 500+ hours of researching biohacking (probably more). There are more that I'm forgetting. Enjoy and research responsibly!!! I've caused myself some terrible times from not being responsible, this ***t is really powerful and you must always respect it.

Which ones have you tried?


Aug 19, 2020
In theory, that would be possible. The greatest difficulty, however, is in maintaining this hypomania. One would have to fundamentally change the homeostasis and genetics of the body and that cannot be achieved with any substance. We still know far too little about genetics and the interactions between the individual genes.

A start might be to look at the neurochemistry of a psychopath. Real psychopaths have no real mood swings, are largely resistant to stress and trauma and do not have the need to question themselves or to want to change. That speaks for a deeply robust mood.


Mar 15, 2014
Euphoria is by definition unsustainable. The aim should be relaxed and calm energy.


Aug 9, 2019
I think, the whole idea, is to rest up and have an excess of energy, and to be able to just sit there and relax with it
And in that sense, working out should be ideally done when your body is in balance, harmony have that excess of energy.
Contrary to the mainstream view that you must work out to have energy and feel good.

"Feel fatigue, have brain fog?
- You gotta exercise, bro, cardio and cardio"

-Have depression? That's what you get for not exercising.

Just lol.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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