Feeling Terrible At 22 (f) Desperately Seeking Advice

Jul 6, 2016
Pregnenolone or progesterone if you can get it + bismuth subsalicylate aka pepto-bismol. The bismol is the best thing you can get for clearing out bacteria otc and same day.

I’d start eating beef liver, and switch out the sourdough for some alright quality white bread, and just slather the ***t out of it butter.

Get instant mashed potatoes, and start eating a lot of that with milk and butter and salt.

Magnesium supplements too.

That’s all for no, should be better than what you’re eating right now. Oh, and also remove he whites from the eggs, make an egg yolk omelette instead.


May 3, 2015
I came across this blog about Stephanie Seneff's work on glyphosate.

Looks like another good reason to avoid grains, seeds, beans and flour products like bread!


May 3, 2015
Hi @JazTee, did you fix your constipation / diarrhoea issue?

I find that mixing fruit and fat in a meal helps balance things, as fruit alone tends to diarrhoea and fat tends to constipation.

I make a smoothie of 2 bananas, 250ml pineapple juice, 50g berries and 3 teaspoons of desiccated coconut.

I might also eat an apple or grapes with cheese!

Scrambled egg with chopped tomato is tasty and avoids bread!

All the best!


Pregnenolone or progesterone if you can get it + bismuth subsalicylate aka pepto-bismol. The bismol is the best thing you can get for clearing out bacteria otc and same day.

I’d start eating beef liver, and switch out the sourdough for some alright quality white bread, and just slather the ***t out of it butter.

Get instant mashed potatoes, and start eating a lot of that with milk and butter and salt.

Magnesium supplements too.

That’s all for no, should be better than what you’re eating right now. Oh, and also remove he whites from the eggs, make an egg yolk omelette instead.
Progesterone needs to be used with caution with ehlers danlos


Apr 16, 2017
Hi there,

I hope you are all keeping well. I've been a lurker on here for a very long time and thought I might as well just ask for help instead of try to figure it out on my own because I've been unsuccessful in solving it.

I'll just get right to the point - I feel pretty terrible most days and my quality of life is becoming unbearable. I'm female, 22, 5ft 3, 130lbs, and I'm suffering from these persistant symptoms:
  • extremely fatigued no matter how much sleep
  • muscles feel weak and burn when I lift things despite exercising regularly
  • always hungry even after a meal.
  • regular constipation or have loose stools & wind.
  • have constant acne (dry skin)
  • keep getting severe joint pain in my fingers, wrists, knees, elbows, my spine.
  • get headaches and ringing in my ears every other day.
  • chronic low moods, suicidal thoughts near my periods that are pretty irregular.
  • cold, clammy hands & feet. (though starting to get warmer with current diet, still clammy though)
  • struggle with weight loss.
  • excess fat around stomach & hips - not very feminine body shape
  • low vitamin D
  • bloating
  • low pulse (68 - 70 last time I checked)
  • can't concentrate and struggle to listen in conversations due to tiredness
  • bipolar-esque mood swings

My whole health seems to be competely out of wack.

I grew up on a terrible diet -full of PUFA. I didn't start eating fruit or veg until I was 20 and I lived off gluten, chocolate, pork, pretty much everything that Peat says not to eat. I've also had trauma throughout my childhood, resulting in PTSD and OCD diagnoses - which I feel has definitely impacted my overall health as my body usually feels very tense and I clench my jaw through the day and grind my teeth in my sleep. I have had years of therapy but I found it actually never helped beyond the 1st year - which I believe my mood is mostly digestion related.

I try to be as good as I can be - so lots of fruit, raw carrot when I remember, liver 1x a week, eggs nearly every morning, lots of warm milk with sugar/honey, decaf coffee (regular coffee gives me headaches which I feel might be due to not enough sugar in the coffee so will experiment tomorrow),

Typical day - 5am wake up​
Breakfast 5:30am : 2 eggs, (often with 1 slice of sourdough but make my own ancient grain GF toast sometimes) 1 cup of warm skim milk with sugar or decaf coffe, a piece of fruit (banana/apple/grapes/whatever I have in). 1 aspirin, niacinimide, vit D.​
Snack 9am : 1.5 cups of warm skim milk with sugar - some fruit (used to be yoghurt)​
Lunch 12pm: well cooked rice/GF pasta/potatoes with meat, or chicken casserole, or homemade root veg/squash soup, typically with more fruit to finish.​
Snack 2pm/4pm: Whatever is in the house, sometimes I end up binging on fruit or chocolate, if there is junk food in the house I'll eventually cave in and eat the lot like a hungry bear.​
Dinner 6pm: Usually beef or white fish with well boiled veggies or potatoes. Something sweet to finish like a hot chocolate or sweets.​
Snack 8pm: usually another hot chocolate. (unsweetened cocoa poweder, 1/4 cup skim milk, 1 tsp sugar/honey)​

I salt everything loads too & fry in coconut oil or butter. I have constant cravings for more sugar. I counted the other day and I usually have around 1,500-2000kcal a day. I try to reach 100g a day protein, usually averaging around 70g-90g. Though, my fat levels have been quite high recently, usually at 40-50g. Carbs are like 300g a day.

I have recently (the past 5 days) cut out eating lots of yoghurt as I'm not too sure about the lactic acid.


I was eating loads of low fat health foods. Lots of salad with low cal dressing. Lots of unsaturated fat humus & mayo etc (because I was an idiot despite knowing the dangers). I was averaging around 1,000-1,200 kcals a day, feeling faint all the time and sick and I was exercising every day obsessively for 45 mins - 1.5 hours. I was 121 lbs at my lightest but couldn't continue due to feeling so sick.


I gradually increased my calories to 1,500kcal and then just became ravenously hungry. I started running to "off-set" the hunger and the increase of calories. I was running nearly 5k three times a week. I was also doing lots of pilates etc. But I only maintaned the weight and slowly started putting on weight. I was in the best shape of my life BUT this is when the problems started:

The constant, insatiable hunger started. The fatigue became extreme. I thought this was due to my body finding its feet after my stupid diet but THEN the joint pain started and that's what has really been awful about my health recently. The pain, mixed with always feeling hungry and exhausted, with my muscles burning when I use them, just makes me feel absolutely miserable.

I've had all of these symptoms on/off for pretty much my whole life but never all of them at the same time.

I've been looking at thyroid but I am very hesitant when it is to difficult to get in the UK. I'm also looking at potential estrogen dominance so taking progesterone maybe?

I've had my blood taken and they found that I had no diabetes, kidney & liver function normal, bones normal, rheumatoid levels fine, no coeliac (though my mother is coeliac & severe food intolerance) but they did find inflammation in my blood and my vit D levels are low.

I'm at a complete loss at what to do. I just want to get my life back and stop feeling so miserable all the time. I ate a carrot salad 1 hour ago and my stomach is already rumbling. :confounded::confounded:

I would appreciate any advice people can give.

Thanks so much for all you contribute on this amazing forum.

- Jaz
Just to note: I no longer run due to to the knee pain and also because it suppresses thyroid. I stick to pilates & strength now but weight lifting hurts my joints so I don't manage to do that too often.
Grace2u to you Jaz....I hope your journey to better health has continue seeing that this post is over 3 years. Been a Peat Forum and listener of all Peats recordings for 15+ years. Something peat mention over and over is stress—stress/trauma is something Peat never had time to dig into and a lot has come out in the last 5-10 years.. thanks to Gabor mate Stephen Porges. And a drug called LDN....here is some links

View: https://youtu.be/WdmOCAZ38Yg?si=9pW9tjJWYoC1V98h

View: https://youtu.be/ABHtOANTQ80?si=DAyVaVvj35rFaiRA

Grace2u All in these troubled times.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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