FEMA Camps ready for you to volunteer yourself into


Jun 22, 2021
In 2030 they're going to have many work camps set up - I have no idea how they will work exactly but I imagine it'll be some kind of modern slavery

This FEMA/covid camp stuff is just initial conditioning - getting people used to being forced work camps of sort

By 2050 all prisons will be closed and criminals will be executed on the spot


Jan 28, 2013
I think what we are likely to see as the West collapses into a feudal backwater are quasi prisons, call them labor "camporations.". Some will be there against their will (criminalization of poverty), others will go of their own accord as their only option for room and board. A mashup of jail, debtor's prisons, and company towns.

I remember when Mitt Romney ran for President he went to China and visited something of the like there. He got down-right misty-eyed about it. And it wasn't out of compassion for the laborers lot.

Speaking of Romney, I'm predicting if there is an election in 24, he will win as an "Independent", riding in on his white horse to save the Establishment and prove once and for all that democracy is alive and well and self- correcting (so, go back to sleep America!)

Furthermore, his VP will be a Democrat Hispanic from Texas. Probably one of those brothers( ones a congressman, one was mayor of San Antonio, one was in Obama's cabinet.). I can't rule out though that they are actually one and the same person...a glitch at the political hack factory. Like that episode of the Flintstones where there were multiple Fred's.

Speaking of which, has anyone noticed the striking resemblance between Mitt Romney and Fred Flintstone? It's all coming full circle.

Yab ba dab ba do.
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