GABA Making Anxiety Worse

  • Thread starter pineywoodrooter
  • Start date


May 31, 2018
Exactly. Unfortunately these robots think all is well now that they got poked and wore a mask for two years. That's why we are stressed....we are living with the burden of truth while most people have no idea and don't even try to understand.



I agree with this too.

The part that screwed up my mind from this the most was when I tried to help people wake up from the lie. For the most part, if you even hinted at not believing in Covid, you'd see a very sudden change in people. Not similar to anything I've seen before, really. If someone caught you not wearing a mask, or not getting a vax, many of them immediately hated you. You were the most evil human being on the planet. I took more hatred from people out-and-about during Covid than any time in my life. As one of you said earlier, now I almost see most people as the enemy. I don't hate them, I'm not rude to them, but I get nervous when I have to interact with them. I I guess that's understandable, since most of them wanted me jobless, broke, or dead for not getting a vaccine or wearing a mask.


Exactly. Unfortunately these robots think all is well now that they got poked and wore a mask for two years. That's why we are stressed....we are living with the burden of truth while most people have no idea and don't even try to understand.

This is it. More is coming, and most will fall for it. It's always in the back of my mind. Only a few of us are really "awake", and I'm not sure why.


Forum Supporter
Nov 4, 2017
This is it. More is coming, and most will fall for it. It's always in the back of my mind. Only a few of us are really "awake", and I'm not sure why.
I think it's easier for people to live in ignorant bliss. Easier for someone else to tell them what to do, what to think, how to live. Then it's not their fault when something goes wrong. If you look back through history, we've been slowly brainwashed and conditioned to live this way. School systems, all the messages we get from commercials and TV shows, the media, entertainment, the list goes on and on. The evil has "surfaced" and most people are so primed to believe what they are told, they can't even see it.

There's no accountability anymore, you can just pay for a solution to ANY problem. Something breaks, you buy a new one. You get an illness, disease, health problem.....go to the doctor, use your insurance and there's a pill or surgery for that. Children are misbehaving at school? There are drugs and specialists to make them act the way we need them to, no need to change anything about their lifestyle. People have become so reliant on someone else to help them, to tell them what to do, to come up with a solution that they literally don't know any other way. To stop and truly think about what is going on right now and the potential of what is happening would cripple most people. The strength and independence that it requires to take a stand against something that is so wrong has been conditioned out of the masses.


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Nov 4, 2017
I took more hatred from people out-and-about during Covid than any time in my life.
Yes. This is for sure the source for my underlying anxiety. I've never had to deal with this before, like you said before, I've always been a happy person and well-liked. I had close friends that believed I shouldn't even receive medical treatment if something really bad happened to me. They actually said that to my face! People wouldn't be around me, wouldn't let their kids be near me, I was told at work (before I was fired for not partaking) that I was a threat to my coworkers newborn baby.

All of this to say, I'm very, very sorry that happened to you. I can relate so much, but the truth is we are so much stronger than these people. We are brave and independent and we should be proud of ourselves. We will be in such a better place after all of this crashes and we are on the other side. Know there are people out there that are proud of what you have done and appreciate you!


May 31, 2018
I think it's easier for people to live in ignorant bliss. Easier for someone else to tell them what to do, what to think, how to live. Then it's not their fault when something goes wrong. If you look back through history, we've been slowly brainwashed and conditioned to live this way. School systems, all the messages we get from commercials and TV shows, the media, entertainment, the list goes on and on. The evil has "surfaced" and most people are so primed to believe what they are told, they can't even see it.

There's no accountability anymore, you can just pay for a solution to ANY problem. Something breaks, you buy a new one. You get an illness, disease, health problem.....go to the doctor, use your insurance and there's a pill or surgery for that. Children are misbehaving at school? There are drugs and specialists to make them act the way we need them to, no need to change anything about their lifestyle. People have become so reliant on someone else to help them, to tell them what to do, to come up with a solution that they literally don't know any other way. To stop and truly think about what is going on right now and the potential of what is happening would cripple most people. The strength and independence that it requires to take a stand against something that is so wrong has been conditioned out of the masses.

And everything you said here is what the Demon-crats relied on and already knew. That is why they targeted (everything points to this, I could be wrong) the elderly and the minorities in this holocaust massacre. They knew they would blindly follow. They tend to be weak and easily turned hysterical. They knew they wouldn't do their own research on the sites of the very same people telling them the opposite. They could exterminate the people who, sadly, leech on the system for healthcare by not being fit, for having very large famillies that also drain the system, etc. It sure all points to a massive extermination of a sect of the population.. the news sure aimed the virus at minorities and the elderly, and these are the 2 groups I still see in masks. Can we blame them after they were named and targeted for 2 years though? I try to find compassion through their hysteria and backlashes. Do we really think the virus somehow stayed out of "rich white areas"? These areas didn't do the masks after the 1st year of the pLandemic. They did research and moved on.


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Nov 4, 2017
Do we really think the virus somehow stayed out of "rich white areas"?
In my experience this demographic believes they are smarter and wiser than everyone else and their moral and intellectual superiority protects them from everything. Where I live, this class of people are quadruple jabbed and send their jabbed kids to school in masks and have their kids friends wear masks on car rides, play dates, etc. That's why they think they are immune where I am. They think the jab lessens symptoms and masks work.

I agree 100% with everything you are saying. I hadn't even thought about the targeted populations, that makes me even more sad.


May 31, 2018
In my experience this demographic believes they are smarter and wiser than everyone else and their moral and intellectual superiority protects them from everything. Where I live, this class of people are quadruple jabbed and send their jabbed kids to school in masks and have their kids friends wear masks on car rides, play dates, etc. That's why they think they are immune where I am. They think the jab lessens symptoms and masks work.

I agree 100% with everything you are saying. I hadn't even thought about the targeted populations, that makes me even more sad.

Funny. In So CA, the "rich white areas" are the ones who gave up the masks long ago. They are also the ones who are against the RNS/DNA vaxes. Maybe it's a regional thing.

Wait, maybe I misunderstood. "This demographic".. I thought you meant "rich white areas".


Forum Supporter
Nov 4, 2017
Funny. In So CA, the "rich white areas" are the ones who gave up the masks long ago. They are also the ones who are against the RNS/DNA vaxes. Maybe it's a regional thing.

Wait, maybe I misunderstood. "This demographic".. I thought you meant "rich white areas".
Yes! That's exactly what I meant. Where I am the more educated and the more money, the more liberal and in support of the "agenda" that they are. Interesting that I'm on the opposite coast and seeing the opposite.

It's the blue collar, do-it-yourself crowd here that thinks the whole thing is a joke and doesn't want the gov't telling them anything, and certainly not telling them what to do with their kids!


May 31, 2018
Yes! That's exactly what I meant. Where I am the more educated and the more money, the more liberal and in support of the "agenda" that they are. Interesting that I'm on the opposite coast and seeing the opposite.

It's the blue collar, do-it-yourself crowd here that thinks the whole thing is a joke and doesn't want the gov't telling them anything, and certainly not telling them what to do with their kids!

How weird. All the "more educated/more money" people here are the rich people.

Here, the gov jobs are 99% Liberals.


Update on the situation. Thought maybe I had low T so I ordered one of those out-of-pocket blood tests. Nope, it's high, slightly out of range actually. E2 looked good.
Had to return to the office for a week last week. Went about as poorly as it could. I have some form of social avoidance/anxiety now. I have a stress reaction around most people. I tried 40mg of propranolol and .25mg of Xanax as an experiment too, and I still had a stress reaction. How anyone can have a stress reaction on that dose of propranolol is beyond me. What the hell?

Also tried KSM-66 despite knowing what it does. It helped slightly, but I got hit with the anhedonia/agitation right off the bat, so I dropped it.

Trying to fill in some gaps in my diet based upon recommendations from one of the smart dudes on here. Got some cypro yesterday in the mail I might try as well.

Other than that, I'm completely stumped. It feels like high adrenaline, but nothing brings it down. Seems like if it really was adrenaline, the propranolol would have knocked it out.

If any of the rest of you have ever dealt with something like this, give me some pointers.


Sep 13, 2012
It really does sound more like an anxiety disorder rather than something wrong with your neurotransmitters. Look up the book "DARE the new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks". It gives very practical advice to end the fear of fear for good. It worked for me. I do still get "attacks" but they are related to health anxiety and histamine. Cypro blocks the histamine and I recently went 7 weeks without an attack while on it. Got one again when I tried to go off.


It really does sound more like an anxiety disorder rather than something wrong with your neurotransmitters. Look up the book "DARE the new way to end anxiety and stop panic attacks". It gives very practical advice to end the fear of fear for good. It worked for me. I do still get "attacks" but they are related to health anxiety and histamine. Cypro blocks the histamine and I recently went 7 weeks without an attack while on it. Got one again when I tried to go off.

Yea I'm starting to think that as well. Guess it's mental instead of physical.


Feb 24, 2019
I have got just the thing for you, Rooibos tea it can modulate GABA by increasing taurine:

As taurine also participates in neurotransmission via agonism to GABAA receptors (however with smaller affinity than key inhibitory brain neurotransmitter GABA) therefore it may affect the equilibrium between excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in the CNS [33]. In vivo investigations in mice (elevated plus maze [39]) and rats (open field test [40]) revealed that taurine exerts anxiolytic effects. Thus elevated level of taurine, as it was observed in our experiment, in the brain structures engaged in cognitive and emotional performance, could support anxiolytic effect and exploratory drive in rooibos tea-administered rats.[“Fermented” rooibos herbal tea] FRHT-drinking animals had also lower content of GABA in the prefrontal cortex (R1 group, Table 2), responsible for working memory, attention, shifting of behavioural strategy as well as impulse and response control [41]. Massive prefrontal cortex hypoactivation (increased GABA-ergic inhibition) or disinhibition (reduced inhibition) is linked with cognitive and attention deficits [42] whereas mild decrease in GABA neurotransmission may improve spatial memory [43] and increase open-field locomotor activity of rodents [44] as it was observed in our animals.

Rooibos tea, brewed using Aspalathus linearis leaves, is a popular South African herbal infusion, but its everyday
intake is not fully described in terms of the neuropsychopharmacological outcomes. The cell-protective activity
of A. linearis is connected with the ability of reducing glycaemia, inflammation as well as oxidative stress. It was
already shown that “fermented” rooibos herbal tea (FRHT), which is rich in phenolic compounds, improves the
cognitive performance of rats in the water maze and impacts dopaminergic striatal transmission. The present
research was taken to extend the knowledge about the feasible behavioural and neurochemical implications of
sustained oral FRHT consumption. We hypothesized that it might affect brain amino acid content and thus induce
behaviour and neuroprotection.
FRHTs of different leaf to water ratios (1:100, 2:100 and 4:100), analysed by chromatographic methods as
regards their flavonoid characteristics, were given to rats as only liquid for 3 months. Their behaviour was
evaluated in the hole-board test (HBT). Brain amino acids concentration was analysed in the striatum, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex by HPLC-ECD. The rats drinking rooibos tea presented increased motor activity
defined as time spent on moving in the HBT. Their exploration measured by head-dipping and rearing was
enhanced. Longer time of the testing-box central zone occupation indicated to reduction in anxiety-related
behaviour. Excitatory amino acids (aspartate and glutamate) content was decreased in the striatum of animals
drinking the infusions whereas taurine level was increased both in the striatum and hippocampus. In conclusion
we suggest that long-term FRHT intake affects exploration and anxiety-related behaviour of the rats as well as
exerts biochemical outcomes in the brain that support the neuroprotective impact of rooibos tea.


  • rooibos-pyrzanowska2021.pdf
    662.4 KB · Views: 11
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Aug 17, 2018
Update on the situation. Thought maybe I had low T so I ordered one of those out-of-pocket blood tests. Nope, it's high, slightly out of range actually. E2 looked good.
Had to return to the office for a week last week. Went about as poorly as it could. I have some form of social avoidance/anxiety now. I have a stress reaction around most people. I tried 40mg of propranolol and .25mg of Xanax as an experiment too, and I still had a stress reaction. How anyone can have a stress reaction on that dose of propranolol is beyond me. What the hell?

Also tried KSM-66 despite knowing what it does. It helped slightly, but I got hit with the anhedonia/agitation right off the bat, so I dropped it.

Trying to fill in some gaps in my diet based upon recommendations from one of the smart dudes on here. Got some cypro yesterday in the mail I might try as well.

Other than that, I'm completely stumped. It feels like high adrenaline, but nothing brings it down. Seems like if it really was adrenaline, the propranolol would have knocked it out.

If any of the rest of you have ever dealt with something like this, give me some pointers.
Try cacao butter. I don't have adrenaline spikes too often but if I do cacao butter helps.
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