German Judges Intimidated - House Warrant Executed on Weimar Judge for Political Reasons


Jul 8, 2019

Now they've charged him with "perversion of law".

He's retained some Big Kahuna defense attorney. Let us know if there's a gofundme for his legal expenses.



Feb 29, 2016
The tribe doesn't control it. A few people at the top control it.

And we've just seen their concern for the tribe with their vaccine mandate in Israel.
The tribe luxuriates in throwing out the victim card. It is pure BS


Feb 18, 2016
This. It‘s too late for income taxes that would cap the accumulation of wealth. Not long read I read an intersting article about it by some German philosopher. Not really applicable but dreams are the fuel of hope.
And it’s growing, I don’t know what they are going to do when we have a trillionaire, this is going to happen possibly within 10 years.
They have enough personal wealth to threaten nations with inflation, America worry about China doing this, soon it will be individuals with a capacity to it.


Feb 18, 2016
Only hope is to switch money (BTC, BCH, etc.)

The ruling class have this covered, BTC will be for dark ops CIA etc and the black market. I bet it’s hedge funds and intelligence agencies that hold most of the BTC.
The digital currency will be from the central banks, they use force if you don’t comply, the usual trope of potential terrorism will be used to justify it, most folks are priced out of BTC also, the transaction speed is too slow on top of that.


Mar 29, 2016
The ruling class have this covered, BTC will be for dark ops CIA etc and the black market. I bet it’s hedge funds and intelligence agencies that hold most of the BTC.
The digital currency will be from the central banks, they use force if you don’t comply, the usual trope of potential terrorism will be used to justify it, most folks are priced out of BTC also, the transaction speed is too slow on top of that.
Back to a batter economy. Down to basics first. Good, shelter, clothing, and of course, health. Self-sufficiency will be the elixir against globalism, ironically.

Back to The Little House on the Prairie education. We're going to be the New Amish or Mennonites. Or Mormons.

Important is a direct connection to community. Out with corrupted representation of a large mass called a country. All it does is breed corruption as good mission statements are just that. Over time, corruption sets in and decay begins.

Self-sufficiency applies as well to self-education. Love of learning and of discovery drives us to become educated without a piece of expensive and worthless credential getting in the way.

We can begin to form sentences instead of filling in the blanks or answering multiple choice questions. We form paragraphs with good flow. And then essays that are coherent. We regain the use of language to elucidate instead of to make it a tool of confusion.

We regain back our cultures, our arts and our sciences. The old becomes new. We regain the neutrality of the flow of information, preferring to have falsehoods mixed in with the truth, than leave some entity to decide for us what is false that has to be excluded.

As we have the ability to filter junk from gold.


Jun 14, 2018
I am german too and very concerned what is happening in this country.
The people will be so exhausted if the lockdown will really last until end of june that even many vaccine critics will get the jab to get around all the mandatory testing bull**** everywhere. Of course the "health pass" is supposed to be launched in June too. Hopefully they will be again too stupid to get it working in time.

My question is, what will you do to get around the vaccine? if you know of any possibilities which will allow us to be part of the society without getting this poison. Write here or shoot me a PM.
Thank you


Sep 21, 2014
I am german too and very concerned what is happening in this country.
The people will be so exhausted if the lockdown will really last until end of june that even many vaccine critics will get the jab to get around all the mandatory testing bull**** everywhere. Of course the "health pass" is supposed to be launched in June too. Hopefully they will be again too stupid to get it working in time.

My question is, what will you do to get around the vaccine? if you know of any possibilities which will allow us to be part of the society without getting this poison. Write here or shoot me a PM.
Thank you
I don't know if I even want to be part of this society anymore. This country is lost in my opinion, regardless of covid. I'm currently self-employed, so at least I don't have an employer to pressure me to get vaccinated. I often think about emigrating, but since this is a worldwide phenomenon, it is also more difficult now. Perhaps one of the "safe states" in the United States is still the best solution here. But nowadays you never know how long safe will be safe.

So no idea really. I'm a bit hopeless to be honest.


Mar 29, 2016
Gov. spends money thus creating it.
Thanks for helping me understand your position.

I take it to mean that under an economy that is fashioned very like that of a modern government, as exemplified by the US, government spends a lot of money and distributes this money to the economy by its spending. The health of the economy is dependent on government spending. Am I rephrasing it correctly?

Taxes create a demand for money, and remove some from supply.
True. Because an employer or an employee or a contractor will need money to pay for taxes. But this money will have to come from savings, or from debt. Because of this, there will be less money available for goods and services. In this sense, taxes lessen the demand for goods and services, but...

...if the revenues generated from taxes are put back into the economy in the form of wages (for government employees), and expenditures (for goods and services), it will redound to generating demand for goods and services, although...

the goods and services produced are used for servicing the needs of the government, and taken away from directly servicing the needs of the people.

This makes money valuable and allow a monetary economy.
So, taxes reduce the supply of money, and with the reduced supply of money, money becomes more valuable - because there is less money chasing after goods and services. But...

... this assumes the production of goods and services remains constant, while the pool of money shrinks, such that that there is a higher supply of goods and services chasing after a limited pool of money. But...

... with higher taxes, there may be less incentive to produce goods and services, because businesses would be less inclined to continue in operation because of the burden of high taxes.

What is meant by a monetary economy, as opposed to a non-monetary economy? How does not having taxes disallow a monetary economy?


But I don't know how we got into this detour.

I was saying that merely increasing the tax rates does not help the economy because the effect under the current corrupt system shifts the burden mainly on the middle class. I say so because the very wealthy has power to get exemption from paying the high taxes, and the burden of paying high taxes falls on the middle class, which has no choice but to pay the high taxes as they have no power.

And you say my point is ridiculous. And you say this from the standpoint of one who works and receives salary. You can't understand someone who has a business and works very hard to earn a profit. You can't distinguish a hard-working middle class business owner from a rich hedge fund manager who enjoys special tax privileges. You think because the system is corrupt, it's okay to shift the tax burden on the powerless middle class business owner because the hedge fund manager is getting away with not paying taxes. But the middle class business owner can put up with paying higher and higher taxes because the government is imposing them to compensate for tax revenues that are lost to exemptions the rich hedge fund manager gets; or the business owner can just shut down his business' and if many small business owners decide to do that, then what is the point of higher taxes when there are less and less businesses paying taxes? Isn't this happening in California now anyway, when business are moving out of state because of a tax heavy bureaucracy is running the show in Cali?

What I'm saying is taxation has to be equitable. If you earn more, you pay more. You don't get exemptions because the tax code allows for a lot of exemptions to accommodate the dictates of the ruling oligarchic class. This way the profits and earnings get to flow downwards equitably. This will pay for needed social services as well as for education and for maintenance of public infrastructure, as well as the upkeep of peace and order.

But I also say that the burden of taxation should also not be too burdensome for business. If the government becomes too big, it will just be a big burden. But then, I'm just a person who does not want to see the fruits of my labor taken away from me, as I want to enjoy them as I deserve to enjoy them. I want to be incentivized enough to be productive, and if I'm productive, I would join the rest like myself in contributing to the strength of the economy. When the economy is stronger, the more people will benefit in the form of jobs and needed government services.

Simplify the tax code. Let the very successful among us share their bounty, and still have enough to enjoy. And let the wealth be distributed downwards in the form of needed social services for the poor among us. And have good education available that allows social mobility. The hope for a better future should not be taken away from the least among us.

What I don't like though, and I know you said you don't care if it's corrupt but I do, is that the tax dollars are put to use wastefully, such that society doesn't get a good social return on the investment. Such as schools miseducating due to politicization. Or public sector unions getting absurdly high salaries and benefits for their members, for doing work that has little commensurate value. The tax paying base deserves better use of their tax dollars.
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2018
I don't know if I even want to be part of this society anymore. This country is lost in my opinion, regardless of covid. I'm currently self-employed, so at least I don't have an employer to pressure me to get vaccinated. I often think about emigrating, but since this is a worldwide phenomenon, it is also more difficult now. Perhaps one of the "safe states" in the United States is still the best solution here. But nowadays you never know how long safe will be safe.

So no idea really. I'm a bit hopeless to be honest.
fair point. But if you have job, family and friends you like it is not so easy. I would consider emigrating too if it will get even worse here, but I also don't know what could be a safe place.

For now I hope there could be doctors who could help us out.


Mar 29, 2016
Exactly how do you define Zion, yerrag?
Not as defined by the movie Matrix. That's for sure.

But as a clandestine brotherhood with an ideology of superiority and entitlement arising from this superiority that consider themselves a breed apart from the rest of humanity, with special privileges. If God has given man dominion over the rest of the creatures on earth, they believe they have dominion over all humans, and if you're not them, you can be treated as a second order human, not much unlike we treat our cats and dogs.


Mar 29, 2016
Listen to Hugh a little better, yerrag. He is making good points.
I was trying. If you heard it loud and clear, you may just be in the same wavelength as he is. I have to rely on a little more clarification, and he did clarify his thoughts.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Thanks for helping me understand your position.

I take it to mean that under an economy that is fashioned very like that of a modern government, as exemplified by the US, government spends a lot of money and distributes this money to the economy by its spending. The health of the economy is dependent on government spending. Am I rephrasing it correctly?

True. Because an employer or an employee or a contractor will need money to pay for taxes. But this money will have to come from savings, or from debt. Because of this, there will be less money available for goods and services. In this sense, taxes lessen the demand for goods and services, but...

...if the revenues generated from taxes are put back into the economy in the form of wages (for government employees), and expenditures (for goods and services), it will redound to generating demand for goods and services, although...

the goods and services produced are used for servicing the needs of the government, and taken away from directly servicing the needs of the people.

So, taxes reduce the supply of money, and with the reduced supply of money, money becomes more valuable - because there is less money chasing after goods and services. But...

... this assumes the production of goods and services remains constant, while the pool of money shrinks, such that that there is a higher supply of goods and services chasing after a limited pool of money. But...

... with higher taxes, there may be less incentive to produce goods and services, because businesses would be less inclined to continue in operation because of the burden of high taxes.

What is meant by a monetary economy, as opposed to a non-monetary economy? How does not having taxes disallow a monetary economy?


But I don't know how we got into this detour.

I was saying that merely increasing the tax rates does not help the economy because the effect under the current corrupt system shifts the burden mainly on the middle class. I say so because the very wealthy has power to get exemption from paying the high taxes, and the burden of paying high taxes falls on the middle class, which has no choice but to pay the high taxes as they have no power.

And you say my point is ridiculous. And you say this from the standpoint of one who works and receives salary. You can't understand someone who has a business and works very hard to earn a profit. You can't distinguish a hard-working middle class business owner from a rich hedge fund manager who enjoys special tax privileges. You think because the system is corrupt, it's okay to shift the tax burden on the powerless middle class business owner because the hedge fund manager is getting away with not paying taxes. But the middle class business owner can put up with paying higher and higher taxes because the government is imposing them to compensate for tax revenues that are lost to exemptions the rich hedge fund manager gets; or the business owner can just shut down his business' and if many small business owners decide to do that, then what is the point of higher taxes when there are less and less businesses paying taxes? Isn't this happening in California now anyway, when business are moving out of state because of a tax heavy bureaucracy is running the show in Cali?

What I'm saying is taxation has to be equitable. If you earn more, you pay more. You don't get exemptions because the tax code allows for a lot of exemptions to accommodate the dictates of the ruling oligarchic class. This way the profits and earnings get to flow downwards equitably. This will pay for needed social services as well as for education and for maintenance of public infrastructure, as well as the upkeep of peace and order.

But I also say that the burden of taxation should also not be too burdensome for business. If the government becomes too big, it will just be a big burden. But then, I'm just a person who does not want to see the fruits of my labor taken away from me, as I want to enjoy them as I deserve to enjoy them. I want to be incentivized enough to be productive, and if I'm productive, I would join the rest like myself in contributing to the strength of the economy. When the economy is stronger, the more people will benefit in the form of jobs and needed government services.

Simplify the tax code. Let the very successful among us share their bounty, and still have enough to enjoy. And let the wealth be distributed downwards in the form of needed social services for the poor among us. And have good education available that allows social mobility. The hope for a better future should not be taken away from the least among us.

What I don't like though, and I know you said you don't care if it's corrupt but I do, is that the tax dollars are put to use wastefully, such that society doesn't get a good social return on the investment. Such as schools miseducating due to politicization. Or public sector unions getting absurdly high salaries and benefits for their members, for doing work that has little commensurate value. The tax paying base deserves better use of their tax dollars.
I never said I don't care if it's corrupt. It's just that all systems are corrupt and imperfect, and it does not make them useless.

Also, without the gov taxing people money has no value guarantee. Because it can be used to fulfill tax obligations it is always valuable. Without this you can use commodities like cigarettes, which are also always valuable or an honor system, but neither is a stable solution. Non-monetary economy is one where you trade goods and services, without using money.

You think about taxation in the wrong way. It is not exactly a burden on the whole, it is the cost of doing business. One can have high taxes on business, yet keep up full employment and regulation that make running business easy. Or no business taxes, while high unemployment and hostile regulations stifle business. This however does not apply very well under a globalized economy in which capital, which is mobile, plays countries against each other, forcing tax burden to be shifted onto labour.

You are correct about this system being unfair. It clearly is. Billionaires and large corps pay next to nothing while a worker can pay half is income in taxes. I lack time righ now but the issue is power and organization. Capital has it, workers don't.


Jul 8, 2019
Not as defined by the movie Matrix. That's for sure.

But as a clandestine brotherhood with an ideology of superiority and entitlement arising from this superiority that consider themselves a breed apart from the rest of humanity, with special privileges. If God has given man dominion over the rest of the creatures on earth, they believe they have dominion over all humans, and if you're not them, you can be treated as a second order human, not much unlike we treat our cats and dogs.

Excellent. We agree on that.


Jul 8, 2019
Capital has it, workers don't.

I keep thinking about the phony "siege on the Capital". Congress people who weren't in on the false flag seemed terrified.

You can't take them on openly with violence because they'd win. But maybe guerilla tactics.

I'm reading Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. It's amazing what people have accomplished just being passive aggressive and a terrible pain in the butt.


Jun 20, 2015
Now they've charged him with "perversion of law".

He's retained some Big Kahuna defense attorney. Let us know if there's a gofundme for his legal expenses.

This message below was sent by the corona investigative committee (translated with deepl). Mutigmacher is an association that wants to help and encourage whisteblowers.

Our friends at have set up a donation opportunity for the defense of the judge from Weimar. He has been unjustly accused of bending the law and has been the victim of a house search after he banned testing, masking and spacing in two Weimar schools. To the best of our knowledge, he is the first judge in the world to have taken the mandate for official investigation seriously, to have requested expert opinions and to have made these the basis of his decision. Please support the defense of the Weimar judge and any colleagues affected in the future by making a donation. Together we must defend the independence of our judges!

OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT: Mutigmacher e.V.
IBAN: DE76 7009 3400 0000 0033 36
REASON FOR TRANSFER: Verteidigung Richter

To use paypal click on the paypal button on their website: Spenden - Mutigmacher e.V.


Jul 8, 2019
This message below was sent by the corona investigative committee (translated with deepl). Mutigmacher is an association that wants to help and encourage whisteblowers.

Our friends at have set up a donation opportunity for the defense of the judge from Weimar. He has been unjustly accused of bending the law and has been the victim of a house search after he banned testing, masking and spacing in two Weimar schools. To the best of our knowledge, he is the first judge in the world to have taken the mandate for official investigation seriously, to have requested expert opinions and to have made these the basis of his decision. Please support the defense of the Weimar judge and any colleagues affected in the future by making a donation. Together we must defend the independence of our judges!

OWNER OF THE ACCOUNT: Mutigmacher e.V.
IBAN: DE76 7009 3400 0000 0033 36
REASON FOR TRANSFER: Verteidigung Richter

To use paypal click on the paypal button on their website: Spenden - Mutigmacher e.V.

I am donating right now and hope everyone else who can afford it will too.


Jul 8, 2019
Twitter is censoring links and screenshots exposing the AstraZeneca vax developers' ties with eugenics. Here's the censored article by Whitney Webb and Jeremy Loffredo:

Isn't it amazing that it turns out to be the "vaccine of choice" for the developing world?



Feb 18, 2016
Back to a batter economy. Down to basics first. Good, shelter, clothing, and of course, health. Self-sufficiency will be the elixir against globalism, ironically.

Back to The Little House on the Prairie education. We're going to be the New Amish or Mennonites. Or Mormons.

Important is a direct connection to community. Out with corrupted representation of a large mass called a country. All it does is breed corruption as good mission statements are just that. Over time, corruption sets in and decay begins.

Self-sufficiency applies as well to self-education. Love of learning and of discovery drives us to become educated without a piece of expensive and worthless credential getting in the way.

We can begin to form sentences instead of filling in the blanks or answering multiple choice questions. We form paragraphs with good flow. And then essays that are coherent. We regain the use of language to elucidate instead of to make it a tool of confusion.

We regain back our cultures, our arts and our sciences. The old becomes new. We regain the neutrality of the flow of information, preferring to have falsehoods mixed in with the truth, than leave some entity to decide for us what is false that has to be excluded.

As we have the ability to filter junk from gold.
Many folks are feeling this way, they will keep pushing the panopticon, ironically the culture of narcissism encouraged by the ruling class control of pop culture may be its downfall, not so much the desire for community endeavors, everyone wants to be the emperor, they won’t want to see those at the top with so much control, green with envy or maybe they will just do more legalized drugs to numb the pain.


Mar 29, 2016
I never said I don't care if it's corrupt. It's just that all systems are corrupt and imperfect, and it does not make them useless.
Sorry I paraphrased what you said wrongly. I was probably thinking more along the line that because systems are corrupt, the burden falls on those who aren't corrupt to make up for lost tax revenues due to corruption. There are leechers and parasites that suck the life dry out of the hardworking people. And I hate that we can't do anything about it.

Also, without the gov taxing people money has no value guarantee. Because it can be used to fulfill tax obligations it is always valuable. Without this you can use commodities like cigarettes, which are also always valuable or an honor system, but neither is a stable solution. Non-monetary economy is one where you trade goods and services, without using money.
I can see where money is a convenient way to engage in commerce and very easy to use as payment for taxes. Without money, it is very inconvenient to trade goods and services for other goods and services, lacking the portability and wide acceptability and the stability of value. But I fail to understand why taxes would provide a value guarantee to money.

A monetary economy started well when notes were guaranteed by precious metals, which has value by virtue of their scarcity. But with it being abused by the use of fiat currency, the backing by precious metals has been replaced by the implied guarantee that you will not be killed by the US military. That has turned the monetary system into a quasi-scam where mickey mouse money is used for trading, as acceptance of the mickey mouse money is enforced by a feared hegemon.

You think about taxation in the wrong way. It is not exactly a burden on the whole, it is the cost of doing business.
Extortion is also a cost of doing business. And it is a burden. If only the government were not corrupt, I would not see taxation as extortion.

One can have high taxes on business, yet keep up full employment and regulation that make running business easy. Or no business taxes, while high unemployment and hostile regulations stifle business.
Hongkong developed very well in a low taxation environment with full employment and services were not lacking. It was because government was efficient and not corrupt. I suppose Singapore operates on that same model. While these are small states, it is beyond proof of concept nonetheless. Compared to countries with very high taxes, it would be reasonable for people living in a low tax environment paired with efficient and effective government to see high taxation as a burden.

I have yet to see low taxation being associated with high unemployment and hostile regulations.

I think the real difference is how corruption is kept under control. You can have a low taxation environment and see people have a low quality of life, just as you can have a high taxation environment with similar poor outcomes. I can probably use Papua New Guinea as an example of the former, and California as an example of the latter.

This however does not apply very well under a globalized economy in which capital, which is mobile, plays countries against each other, forcing tax burden to be shifted onto labour.
Yes, and that's why free trade does not serve the people well. Since the world is so large already, there really is no compelling reason to continue with free trade. In a smaller more local economy, there is enough economies of scale that can be mustered to keep the cost of production low enough, and there are enough competitors to keep business honest with their margins. And there would be enough work from all sectors from agriculture to manufacturing to services to keep people gainfully employed and to accumulate savings and capital.

You are correct about this system being unfair. It clearly is. Billionaires and large corps pay next to nothing while a worker can pay half is income in taxes. I lack time righ now but the issue is power and organization. Capital has it, workers don't.
Capital is corrupt. Unions as well. Trust is important in a system that seeks to serve all. That trust is lost, and the economy suffers.


Mar 29, 2016
Many folks are feeling this way, they will keep pushing the panopticon, ironically the culture of narcissism encouraged by the ruling class control of pop culture may be its downfall, not so much the desire for community endeavors, everyone wants to be the emperor, they won’t want to see those at the top with so much control, green with envy or maybe they will just do more legalized drugs to numb the pain.
I'm glad that people are seeing what I also see, but from where I'm at, with my contemporaries, I feel most have been silent - fence sitters. I am the only loud one, but gradually drawing in some fence-sitters. But the people tied in with the institutions - doctors, professors, high caliber consultants in the finance field, seem drawn to the narratives plied by magazines and newspapers sold in airports, and their corresponding websites. They are very loyal to this fenced-in worldview. They have self-censored themselves from sites that do not cater to their worldview. I cannot understand such closed-mindedness. They can read very well. It seems to be their choice to be tucked in to their own world, burying their head to the ground as ostriches.

They are for mass vaccination, drinking the manure the Zionists concoct. The slogan "No one is safe until all is safe." must have a strong control over them.
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