Gut Health And Diabetes


Dec 6, 2016
I was (am) intrigued by this thread here: Amazing "Croissant Diet" Experiment Results (Stearic Acid/Saturated Fat).

A lot of what is discussed in there, on the forum in general and in related subreddits seems to be how to avoid PUFA and mitigate the damage caused by them. Also discussed on here a lot is gut health in general. I wondered if the two overlap somehow.. Maybe PUFA is so damaging not only b/c it's now a much larger part of westernized diets, but also b/c our guts can no longer process ("detoxify") PUFA's either b/c of damage to the gut or microbiota caused by PUFA itself, or something else damaging our guts that allows PUFA to cause more damage than it otherwise would. Maybe it's some of each..

In doing a little research into this stuff, I ran into this: Gut microbiota confers host resistance to obesity by metabolizing dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pretty interesting, IMHO.. What if some strains of gut bacteria (maybe normally present in a healthy gut) could saturate or otherwise detox PUFA? Or what if a healthy gut might normally do that, and did that for previous generations, but no longer does b/c of something else introduced into our diets?

Looking into gut health supplements, I came upon this: Dietary Supplement for Gut-Brain Health | ION*Biome. Searching on here under the active ingredient ("Terrahydrite") I only found one mention a couple of years back. The whole premise of that supplement is that it seals "leaky gut" and in so doing fixes digestion, the immune system and even the balance of chemical messengers from our gut. The person who developed it claims that glyphosate is mostly responsible for leaky gut by both dis-regulating the gut lining itself and the gut microbiota. Note that he also apparently recommends a "plant-based diet" and seems to favor appearing on media outlets where that is a big part of their agenda. Even though I couldn't disagree more w/ that agenda, I'm hoping that doesn't necessarily make his theories on leaky gut wrong, or his product useless.

Seems like a lot of us are looking for a primary cause to the metabolic diseases ruining our health.. I take it most here (as do I) believe PUFA is the devil, whereas the developer of ION*Biome claims that glyphosate is the root of all of our problems, and is more or less recommending a diet loaded w/ the worst kind of PUFA, vegetable oil. Both PUFA and glyphosate not only seem to correlate w/ the rise in obesity and other metabolic diseases, but there seems to be a growing amount of science backing up the correlation for both.

What if there is more than one primary cause, w/ each of them working together to create a tipping point for many of us?

My own health history seems to bare this out.. As far as I can recall, my own metabolic health problems didn't start until a) PUFA became a larger part of my diet and b) I started to be plagued by gut problems.

Interested to hear other opinions on glyphosate and/or products like ION*Biome or it's mechanism of action..


Apr 30, 2015
from the study: "however, the abundance of Firmicutes was decreased by LA supplementation"

Edit: oops, I did not read further down, apparently specific bacteria do help:

"Moreover, we examined what species were related to HYA production in the Lactobacillus genus by in vitro bacterial-culture screening. Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus gasseri efficiently produced HYA from LA in 22 Lactobacillus strains, whereas Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus johnsonii produced very little HYA (Supplementary Table 1). Similarly, L. salivarius and L. gasseri, as HYA-producing bacteria, were markedly decreased in HFD-fed mice and significantly increased following LA supplementation, whereas L. acidophilus and L. johnsonii, as HYA non-producing bacteria, did not change following LA supplementation"


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I was (am) intrigued by this thread here: Amazing "Croissant Diet" Experiment Results (Stearic Acid/Saturated Fat).

A lot of what is discussed in there, on the forum in general and in related subreddits seems to be how to avoid PUFA and mitigate the damage caused by them. Also discussed on here a lot is gut health in general. I wondered if the two overlap somehow.. Maybe PUFA is so damaging not only b/c it's now a much larger part of westernized diets, but also b/c our guts can no longer process ("detoxify") PUFA's either b/c of damage to the gut or microbiota caused by PUFA itself, or something else damaging our guts that allows PUFA to cause more damage than it otherwise would. Maybe it's some of each..

In doing a little research into this stuff, I ran into this: Gut microbiota confers host resistance to obesity by metabolizing dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pretty interesting, IMHO.. What if some strains of gut bacteria (maybe normally present in a healthy gut) could saturate or otherwise detox PUFA? Or what if a healthy gut might normally do that, and did that for previous generations, but no longer does b/c of something else introduced into our diets?

Looking into gut health supplements, I came upon this: Dietary Supplement for Gut-Brain Health | ION*Biome. Searching on here under the active ingredient ("Terrahydrite") I only found one mention a couple of years back. The whole premise of that supplement is that it seals "leaky gut" and in so doing fixes digestion, the immune system and even the balance of chemical messengers from our gut. The person who developed it claims that glyphosate is mostly responsible for leaky gut by both dis-regulating the gut lining itself and the gut microbiota. Note that he also apparently recommends a "plant-based diet" and seems to favor appearing on media outlets where that is a big part of their agenda. Even though I couldn't disagree more w/ that agenda, I'm hoping that doesn't necessarily make his theories on leaky gut wrong, or his product useless.

Seems like a lot of us are looking for a primary cause to the metabolic diseases ruining our health.. I take it most here (as do I) believe PUFA is the devil, whereas the developer of ION*Biome claims that glyphosate is the root of all of our problems, and is more or less recommending a diet loaded w/ the worst kind of PUFA, vegetable oil. Both PUFA and glyphosate not only seem to correlate w/ the rise in obesity and other metabolic diseases, but there seems to be a growing amount of science backing up the correlation for both.

What if there is more than one primary cause, w/ each of them working together to create a tipping point for many of us?

My own health history seems to bare this out.. As far as I can recall, my own metabolic health problems didn't start until a) PUFA became a larger part of my diet and b) I started to be plagued by gut problems.

Interested to hear other opinions on glyphosate and/or products like ION*Biome or it's mechanism of action..
There is hardly one reson for metabolic demage. Too good to be true. Most like, a combination of many factors, which really sucks.
Your assumption that our guts used to be able once to metabolize and detoxify pufa, and got messed up these days, is very good.


Dec 6, 2016
I've spent a lot of time looking for a "magic bullet" / root cause for my problems, so I too am coming to the conclusion that it's got to be more than one thing. Or at a minimum at least more than one major thing compounding the issues.

But, more and more I'm coming to believe I need to fix my gut first (while cutting PUFA of course) in order to really recover. I've tried RP's carrot protocol for example while doing the rest of his diet.. No perceived change in gut health, but it's possible I didn't give it enough time. Coming from a low-carb background I did have more energy of course, but also gained a lot of weight - most of it fat - and my Fasting BG levels crept up. I know I'm not processing food well at the gut level, and - in hindsight - the start of that coincides perfectly with when my metabolic problems started. I think RP's theories are largely correct, especially about PUFA, but in order for his remedies to work I at least need a solid foundation of gut health.

The creator of ION*Biome has a pretty compelling story and seems to be a very sharp guy, I just wish he wouldn't color everything with a vegan brush. To me he's simply ignoring that we thrive (and have for millennia) on animal proteins. The whole vegan/B12 paradox for example, and the fact that cows are much more efficient at turning plants into protein than us makes it better for both us and the environment that at least part of our diet is animal protein. Yada, yada, don't want to turn this into a debate on that, but to me it's self-evident that strictly vegan cannot be the way to optimal health over the long-haul. I go on about this b/c his insistence on a plant based diet calls into question the rest of his conclusions for me.

Anyhow, he stated that originally (w/o his product), he had about a 70% success rate in his clinic with a plant based diet being the major change for his clients. Those that failed still had gut problems as a major component. He tried to apply pre/probiotics & fermented foods but basically came to the conclusion that those would forever be too narrow spectrum since there are 10's of 1000's of bug species in a normal gut, and his results were temporary at best. His research led him to the conclusion that glyphosate was continuously altering the gut microbiota and that both of those things were lowering the effectiveness of our gut lining leading to all of the issues further downstream. He even mentions that his product repairs both the gut lining and the microbiota balance via redox signalling, which I'm seeing more and more of being discussed on here and seems to be in line w/ RP's thinking on things.

I've ordered some of his product and will post my impressions here. He has a FAQ on his site that gives a good rundown on his theories.


Dec 1, 2014
Interesting, the price isn't crazy either. Might give it a shot as well.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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