Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Just saying HALLO :eek:

28 year old male here:D I've been screwing with my body for years. Highly competitive athlete, obscene drug addict and binge eater since my teens...mixed with an obsession regarding nutrition that led me here after a few years of nonsense.

Have given up drugs successfully, I limit my exercise to mma training and stretches with a tiny bit of cardio and have switched my diet from high plant/fat + low protein to almost no plant/high protein+sugar recently.

I plan to use this place to monitor my progress regarding hypothyroidism (undiagnosed...but I expect that if my symptoms alight through experimentation, that's all the proof I really need...unless my head explodes or something later on :D).

I'm 6 4", about 13 stone and have a resting heart rate of about 55-60/bpm (thanks sports x.X) i was diagnosed with Raynaud's Syndrome as a kid due to cold extremities and noticed that diet had the biggest impact on fixing this, though nothing has come close to the effects of the last few days when I adopted a Peaty approach - I live in a very cold part of the world and am currently pretty toasty without any heating on...though I cannot be sure of my basal temp as I'm still without a thermometer :D...the only drawbacks I've had lately is insomnia, though I'm not actually tired during the day despite a total lack of sleep. I think it might be excessive milk consumption at night due to the tryptophan or something, but we'll see! Digression over!

Like I said, just saying HALLO :eek:!

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Hallo Blossom! Thought replying to my own HALLO thread before anyone else would be poor etiquette, but you saved me :eek:!

Just saw Charlie the Chipmunks thread at the top of the page so I'm going to outline my diet here too!

Currently It's something like this:


- FAT PURPLE SMOOTHIE (warm milk with chicken feet/kale gelatin blended with banana, apple, orange and frozen blueberries or cherries and some salt)

- Two cups of freshly made coffee with gelatin, sugar, milk and more salt

I make the little carrot salad in between my coffee and lunch, using 1 carrot, some warm coconut oil, some white vinegar, and lots and lots of salt :D!


- DEAD ANIMAL BITS (more warm milk with sugar and my green poulet feet goo/salt, plus either scrambly eggs, liver [once a week] or...umm...like soup or something. with lots of gelatin and salt! You've no idea how much I'm loving the salt :D)

- MOAR COFFEE with feet goo and sugar/salt!

- 1 cup of salt in salt water!

(kidding ;o)


- BALDRICK SOUP (Turnip and leek soup in home made broth with no salt. [kidding again X_X]
-orange juice and milk and stuff


-home made ice cream with bananers (might have to limit this as it's the only common denominator since my insomnia began!)

I try to snack on fruit and milk and sugar and salt and I supplement with D3/K2 in the mornings :P

Oh! I also have a little near infrared pad I use for pulled muscles, but it makes a "huge difference" to my cold extremities too, so I'm going to invest in a few light bulbs and see if they have any noticeable affect as well!

and...um I think that is it.



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Slappy Hands said:
Just saw Charlie the Chipmunks.....


Slappy Hands :welcome

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
Hello Peata! Hello Chipmunk!

So I was in work today and began crashing around four. One of the guys said I looked "defeated"...2 hours later I'd gobbled down dinner (literally some fruit and a big drink of salty gelatin hahaha) and was swimming laps in the pool with no problem (it was an obligatory swim :S). ! I think salt is my new super power.

Erm...I probably should make a thread for efficiencies sake but it's such a small quandary. I can't find any evidence regarding the anti-serotonin/endotoxin effects of the carrot salad? Now I know that a lot of people eat it, but a lot also don't seem to enjoy it (clearly not enough salt!) and I was just wondering if anyone had any resources I might have missed regarding it? See, I actually quite like it...it's just like cold salty slivers, but I do like to know the science behind the stuff I do...or else I just look crazy :mrgreen:

Many thanks either way!

Fingers crossed I pass out soon...starting to feel a bit dozy
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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