High Energy Angstrom Foods, Electrical Universe, Higher Consciousness


Aug 6, 2017
OK, so where is the primer on this, the root of the theory? Angstrom is a unit of length, how is this converted into energy levels? I tried looking for "more details" on this in the linked morse pdf but all i could find was unsubstantiated mumbo jumbo.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
If you're too triggered by the racist comments I occasionally make to pick up these metaphysical gems of wisdom I'm dropping that's up to you.

I'm going to heaven you stay here on this lowly realm where petty things like race and pride matter
I just think you are whiny and defensive, and you are not important enough for me to remember your past posts.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
It is very easy to find out for yourself. :ss2
Okay so we’re dealibg with subjective findings.. is that what you’re saying? I do t mind if that’s the case but I was interested to see if it had been qualitatively measured.. we’re talking energy here so it ought to register.. I will see how I ‘feel’..


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
People are actually seeing it quite the opposite. When they were on meat, and even supplementing B12, they were low on B12 or had troubles raising it. But after switching to fruits, these "deficiencies" fixed themselves.
To be clear, as someone who treats a few fruitarians, they are allll v low in B12.. and have anxiety.. and don’t sleep.. but a few are considering just living on sunlight for a while to see if that helps.. because, you know, the energy absorbed etc..


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I don't think anyone here is promoting fruit to the exclusion of other foods. A few people might be attempting that, but I don't think that should be the take home message here. I think it would be very easy to achieve deficiency in many nutrients doing that. I do think most carbs should be intaken in the form of fruits probably (and some well cooked tubers), which pretty much agrees with Ray Peat BTW.

Some meat may be OK as long as the vast majority of foods are high energy (and btw not all the high energy foods are fruits, some are veggies, some are even potatoes, fish, oils - so there is plenty of enough variety to get all your needs from high energy sources and not need to be a fruitarian). Again this actually agrees with RP - he considers muscle meats to be mostly anti-metabolic but they may be necessary evil in some situations in order to get the RDA of protein.

Consuming "high angstrom energy" foods is part of a holistic healing strategy that does not exclude the importance of total calories, Protein, Carbs, Fats, or micronutrients.

At least, that's my personal interpretation of all this. Instead it is an additional weapon in the arsenal of healing to consider ON TOP OF Macros, Calories, Micros, red light, sleep, etc etc.

An interesting sidenote - this theory of "Body Energy" might help to explain why hanging around toxic people is so detrimental to our health and why hanging around positive people can be healing. We probably "Absorb" other peoples' energies to an extent, whether its negative or positive.
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Oct 11, 2016
Oh I'm certainly not discarding Peat's views. And if you look carefully (most) of the high energy foods jive with RP with a few possible exceptions.

One in particular is Ice cream is not good (Unless perhaps you make it yourself fresh with raw milk), and Milk & OJ are both very low (or even DEAD) foods if they are not fresh and un-pasteurized. Andre simeontone says that pasteurization brings the EM energy to ZERO.

Again this is very quantifiable - Andre says that the best state of energy for a human is around 6500A. Cancer patients are generally around 4900 or less A. This is very measurable. So to obtain best health we should eat foods that are more than 6500A as much as we can, and exclusively if we're sick.

I also don't believe in excluding Protein or Fats. Olive oil is very high energy (9000A) and Fish is also very high. It's muscle meats which are the problem (which agrees with RP also).

I doubt most people have tried this approach. It's true that many have incorporated many foods on this list, but in a very disorganized and also incorrect way. For example, I go back to Milk - it's only high energy if its Fresh and Raw (not commercial sold in wal-mart). Same with OJ, all fruits. Also water is generally 0 energy, unless its energized prior. Thus people who drink water all day long are actually trashing their energy, not bringing it up. Just a few examples.

Who is Andre simeontone and how exactly do we make these energy level measurements?


Oct 11, 2016
if a pineapple grown in Costa Rica has a particular wavelength, does that mean every pineapple grown all over the world shares that same wavelength? Wouldn’t the conditions of a particular environment make every single pineapple individual and unique?

Scientific thinking! Nice :)
Yes, these types of schemes have to be really careful. The proof is in the pudding of it's measurement methodologies. Wavelength and energy levels aren't exactly the same thing, by the way...


Oct 2, 2018
I don't think anyone here is promoting fruit to the exclusion of other foods.

Sounds like Charlie is promoting exactly that, based on the angstrom energy of foods as measured by Andre Simoneton, and then backed up by the word of God as written in the Bible.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Dousing is the method he used AFAIK.

True it sounds a little weird, but the results pretty much jives with common sense (Fresh, Raw, Unadulterated foods). Perhaps a little open-mindedness is needed given that this is the first attempt to measure what other cultures like the Chinese have dubbed "Chi" (the "lifeforce" in man) for example but have up until now never tried to actually "quantify chi" in a numerical fashion.

The comment on foods from different locations having different values is noted and almost definitely true. The main point of Andre's work, more than give an "Exact" number, would be to provide general guidelines (like most fruits would generally be considered high, 7000-8000+, when ripe, regardless of location for the most part).

I'm not sure on the origin of why "Angstrom" was used as the unit of measure. Perhaps it has something to do with the period of a sine wave related to its frequency of vibration. I want to read Andre's book, unfortunately it's in french. Have been searching for a translation to learn more.

Sounds like Charlie is promoting exactly that, based on the angstrom energy of foods as measured by Andre Simoneton, and then backed up by the word of God as written in the Bible.

Again, many of the foods other than fruits are very energetic, that's not the only thing you can eat to promote good health, though I do think fruits should comprise of a large portion.
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Mar 29, 2016

...oilseeds: fresh nuts, black olives, almonds, hazelnuts, coconut

Why are these oil seeds good? Aren't they PUFA-rich? Is it because they are also rich in Vitamin E? Since the PUFA and the vitamin E come together as a whole food, they are synergistic, or at least vitamin E would limit the harm of PUFAs that came with it?

Here is a video of Chris Masterjohn talking about the role of Vitamin E, and as to why Vitamin E is abundant in foods rich in PUFA, but scarce in foods rich in SFA (I'm not agreeing with yet, and I'd like to hear someone refuting him on this):

@charlie thanks for making this thread. What is your preference: yes to oilseeds such as fresh nuts, almonds, hazelnuts even if they're PUFA-laden? And these nuts mentioned, wouldn't sprouted nuts be better than fresh nuts as fresh nuts have plenty of anti-nutrient? Did Morse factor in the effects of anti-nutrients in seeds and nuts? Anti-nutrients are also known as enti-enzymes as they keep the seed from germinating. When soaked in water, these anti-enzymes deactivate and allow germination. Sprouts are a sign that germination has taken place and that anti-enzymes have been deactivated. Anti-enzymes interfere with our digestion.


...Nut oil : 8500 A

cod liver oil (Codex) 7500 A ° Not to be confused with brand cod liver oils x or y, which assay 0 ° Peanut oil : 6500 A °

Colza oil : 5000 A °

rapeseed oil: 5000 A °.

pumpkin seed oil: 3000 A °

Castor oil : 3000 A °

Poppy oil: 1000 A °

kernel oil (apricot and peach) 0 °

Sweet almond oil : 0 °

Fish oil: 0 °

Why is fish oil and sweet almond oil and kernel oil so low in angstroms? Is it because fish oil is so heavily processed as the oil from its skin has to be wringed that after all that processing so little vitamin E is left, whereas cod liver oil requires less processing and therefore has higher angstrom? Ditto with kernel oil, maybe squeezing the oil out of the seeds is so much more processing-intensive? I don't know about sweet almond oil though.


lemon balm ( 9000 A °)

orange leaves ( 8500 A °)

Walnut ( 8500 A °)

chamomile ( 8000 A °)

oak bark ( 8000 A °)

ash ( 8000 A °)

Mint ( 8000 A °)

This is interesting with tea. Why not just cook the leaves and eat them? I understand raw leaves are rich in phytic acid and oxalic acid, so eating them raw won't be a good idea as they bind to minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and get excreted.

Perhaps taken as tea, the minerals as well as co-factors are steeped out into the water and together they are very beneficial to our health? Ray Peat speaks highly of teas as well - for the mineral content.

It seems to me that the concept of energy abundance in fruits is very sound. There is also the idea of structured water, and maybe the water in fruits are structured and have more energy in itself. Then the minerals and vitamins come together in a synergistic package, as well as co-factors that we don't know about, but make the package even more potent. Add in the enzymes. All together, there is life-giving force in the package.

But there appear to be some inconsistencies, such as the ones I pointed out. But I'm not throwing away the baby with the bath water. Call me guilty of cherry-picking, but if there are ideas of Morse that can be improved on, in light of our perspective grounded in Peat's "Perceive, Think, Act" approach, it would definitely benefit us.


Sep 13, 2012
I think for some people they will just feel a lot better by cutting tryptophan intake. Adults really don't need much of it. I can't seem to tolerate it in the winter which suggests excess serotonin.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
A lot of good points @yerrag . I don't have all the answers. Myself and Charlie are just the messengers if you will lol. Again, I really want to translate his book and read it. That should probably clear up a lot of questions. It's hard to get a PDF copy of it, and google translate isn't gonna work on a hard copy haha.

https://www.amazon.com/Radiations-aliments-ondes-humaines-santé/dp/2702900585/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545096882&sr=8-1&keywords=andre+simoneton - This is the book

I think it is totally fair to ask questions. I certainly don't want to completely blindly believe all the results. Asking questions and being skeptical helps us learn.

I personally probably will still avoid nuts, but that's just me. But I do believe natural foods generally contain the "Perfect" balance of nutrients at least when they're organic and unadulterated. Like you said, nuts while they have PUFA, also contain vitamin E.

Perhaps they are better assimilated in a healthy person who is not already PUFA over-loaded. As much as I love the nutrient profile of eggs as well, I find I don't react well to them due to PUFA. Then again, I usually cook them, which according to Simon, kills the energy of it. I can only stomach raw eggs if they're nearly fresh. Which, I suppose, also agrees with Simon (He wants you to ideally eat eggs / milk the day they are produced, raw, for maximum health). So basically you'd have to own your own farm / garden to truly obtain the best possible health. Realistically we can't all do this of course, so we just do the best we can.
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Jan 25, 2014
Dousing is the method he used AFAIK.

Almost a decade ago, I had a co-worker that would douse his food. Was very into the positive and negative energy of food. I remember asking him specifically about what foods he avoided. As far as I can remember (again, it was about a decade ago), the only negative energy foods he mentioned were onions, garlic, and mushrooms. I asked specifically about meat and alcohol, and they weren't as bad as onions, garlic, and mushrooms. He did still eat meat and did drink some alcohol, though I believe he was a pretty light drinker..... at least compared to my other coworkers.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Interesting. Yeah, again without the book I have very limited info. I have a feeling Grain fed vs. Grass fed beef makes a big difference for example. I wonder if Andre tested grain fed. Wouldn't be surprised if that's a "dead" food at all.

Kirlian photography clearly shows a bright aura around fresh organic mushrooms though.

I think what needs to happen is we need to find a way to convert a Kirlian photograph into a measurable unit. This would probably be a little more reliable than dousing.

Kirlian photographs definitely show that microwaving, cooking, and inorganic foods all seem to be reliable ways to reduce the energy levels though. Except for a few exceptions like cooked potato.


Mar 29, 2016
A lot of good points @yerrag . I don't have all the answers. Myself and Charlie are just the messengers if you will lol. Again, I really want to translate his book and read it. That should probably clear up a lot of questions. It's hard to get a PDF copy of it, and google translate isn't gonna work on a hard copy haha.

https://www.amazon.com/Radiations-aliments-ondes-humaines-santé/dp/2702900585/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1545096882&sr=8-1&keywords=andre+simoneton - This is the book

I think it is totally fair to ask questions. I certainly don't want to completely blindly believe all the results. Asking questions and being skeptical helps us learn.

I personally probably will still avoid nuts, but that's just me. But I do believe natural foods generally contain the "Perfect" balance of nutrients at least when they're organic and unadulterated. Like you said, nuts while they have PUFA, also contain vitamin E.

Perhaps they are better assimilated in a healthy person who is not already PUFA over-loaded. As much as I love the nutrient profile of eggs as well, I find I don't react well to them due to PUFA. Then again, I usually cook them, which according to Simon, kills the energy of it. I can only stomach raw eggs if they're nearly fresh. Which, I suppose, also agrees with Simon (He wants you to ideally eat eggs / milk the day they are produced, raw, for maximum health). So basically you'd have to own your own farm / garden to truly obtain the best possible health. Realistically we can't all do this of course, so we just do the best we can.
I eat eggs everyday but not raw, usually sunny side up or over easy. I just close my eyes and not think of the PUFA in them lol. But maybe they also have Vitamin E and for that reason the harm from PUFA is negligible. And I can contrast this with taking in PUFA oils that have zero vitamin E in them. All the bad and nothing good to balance it out. I'm just glad eggs come in a nice package and don't need to be processed to get to us.

Eggs are just one of the few foods city-dwellers can consume that still have the goodness of nature in them, at reasonable cost. They may not be as fresh as a day old, but they can reasonably be available without being too old. Bananas is another. It ripens nicely even when picked when they're not ripe, so you get plenty of good sugar along with potassium. When I take potassium without much sugar accompanying it, I feel depleted. And it's because potassium increases my sugar absorption rate, and without sugar going with it, I feel an energy loss from lowered blood sugar.

But not many foods can come to us in this way when living in the city. City dwellers are inherently malnourished and more prone to disease, when we view it from this prism. And this is a self-reinforcing phenomenom. The more of a city-dweller you are, the more you need the security of having a " good hospital with advanced equipment and specialists," and the more you are afraid of living in the countryside because the countryside is so much lacking in such facilities. Consider that the alternative healing practitioners like herbalists have been marginalized by modern medicine, it's also hard to find healers in the countryside. But I bet many of us don't have much of that fear, as long as we can find a meaningful livelihood living in the countryside.

In the countryside, you could have access to many fresh fruits and produce and livestock, and clean fresh air, and water (but test them for mining runoffs that could just negate all of these benefits). But in many ways, it seems you have to have a pioneering spirit as the countryside has also been wrecked by the slow decay of being marginalized by a system that favor processed, pesticide-laden foods that are preferred by the populace, given their ignorance and inability to appreciate the total-cost of ownership of one's life. If you get less income, but live a life that's not burdened by high costs, and a better quality, and this translates to better health and less dependence (or actually freedom) for the medical-insurance racket, you still would find more meaning in it. There will be an excess actually of energy, just like our body, to develop yourself. And your family and community and city and state would actual have a better and more cohesive culture. Why live in the city if you're just going to see your free time cut by traffic, and your health lost by trading off freshness for convenience and low initial cost? That's not seeing the big picture.


Sep 13, 2012
I eat eggs everyday but not raw, usually sunny side up or over easy. I just close my eyes and not think of the PUFA in them lol. But maybe they also have Vitamin E and for that reason the harm from PUFA is negligible. And I can contrast this with taking in PUFA oils that have zero vitamin E in them. All the bad and nothing good to balance it out. I'm just glad eggs come in a nice package and don't need to be processed to get to us.

Eggs are just one of the few foods city-dwellers can consume that still have the goodness of nature in them, at reasonable cost. They may not be as fresh as a day old, but they can reasonably be available without being too old. Bananas is another. It ripens nicely even when picked when they're not ripe, so you get plenty of good sugar along with potassium. When I take potassium without much sugar accompanying it, I feel depleted. And it's because potassium increases my sugar absorption rate, and without sugar going with it, I feel an energy loss from lowered blood sugar.

But not many foods can come to us in this way when living in the city. City dwellers are inherently malnourished and more prone to disease, when we view it from this prism. And this is a self-reinforcing phenomenom. The more of a city-dweller you are, the more you need the security of having a " good hospital with advanced equipment and specialists," and the more you are afraid of living in the countryside because the countryside is so much lacking in such facilities. Consider that the alternative healing practitioners like herbalists have been marginalized by modern medicine, it's also hard to find healers in the countryside. But I bet many of us don't have much of that fear, as long as we can find a meaningful livelihood living in the countryside.

In the countryside, you could have access to many fresh fruits and produce and livestock, and clean fresh air, and water (but test them for mining runoffs that could just negate all of these benefits). But in many ways, it seems you have to have a pioneering spirit as the countryside has also been wrecked by the slow decay of being marginalized by a system that favor processed, pesticide-laden foods that are preferred by the populace, given their ignorance and inability to appreciate the total-cost of ownership of one's life. If you get less income, but live a life that's not burdened by high costs, and a better quality, and this translates to better health and less dependence (or actually freedom) for the medical-insurance racket, you still would find more meaning in it. There will be an excess actually of energy, just like our body, to develop yourself. And your family and community and city and state would actual have a better and more cohesive culture. Why live in the city if you're just going to see your free time cut by traffic, and your health lost by trading off freshness for convenience and low initial cost? That's not seeing the big picture.
I know plenty of country folk and they are not any more healthy, in fact some get sick just like city folk. Even the ones drinking farm fresh milk and day old eggs. The farm where we got raw milk for a few yrs the lady was very overweight and had a bunch of medical problems. The day old milk didn't cure her at all.

Quite honestly I am putting less and less faith in food. #mindmattersmost


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Too many factors besides just milk. What are their stress levels? Sleep? What other foods do they eat? Does she eat too little? Or too much? (She could be sneaking in lots of unhealthy things on the side). Did she have a lot of stressors like death in family, accident, etc? Nutritional deficiencies of some sort? Eating high quality foods don't necessarily magically make nutritional deficiencies disappear. I don't think you can properly live off just eggs or milk even fresh. Too many factors really to say what the deal is. Did she have enough fruit/high quality carbs? I don't think milk has enough carbs in it to sustain yourself on just that. All I'm saying, health is a complex subject, with many variables, and high quality foods is just one of many variables.

What about the Amish who have maybe a 3% cancer occurrence rate at most?


Feb 18, 2018
I know plenty of country folk and they are not any more healthy, in fact some get sick just like city folk. Even the ones drinking farm fresh milk and day old eggs. The farm where we got raw milk for a few yrs the lady was very overweight and had a bunch of medical problems. The day old milk didn't cure her at all.

Quite honestly I am putting less and less faith in food. #mindmattersmost

Food's important, but yes I agree psychological output may be paramount. Of course, food can influence psychology, but the placebo effect alone should demonstrate just how powerful our mind can be.

Living a good Christian life I think has some of the most powerful effects on health, but of course, I'm biased, being raised a Christian and everything =P


Mar 29, 2016
I know plenty of country folk and they are not any more healthy, in fact some get sick just like city folk. Even the ones drinking farm fresh milk and day old eggs. The farm where we got raw milk for a few yrs the lady was very overweight and had a bunch of medical problems. The day old milk didn't cure her at all.

Quite honestly I am putting less and less faith in food. #mindmattersmost

But do you know lady's context? She's not living off raw milk alone. And are the country folk knowledgeable enough, or are they indiscriminately googling for answers for health, just like most city folks? Perhaps they're buying fish oil from Amazon, popping Centrum multivitamins, eating canned goods, and living the city life, to compensate for their 'miserable' country life? Maybe they're watching too many amazing chef shows, and following the tasty but unhealthful cooking ways? Using heart-healthy canola oils with the AHA seal of approval?

If you have less faith in food, will meditation save you?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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