Housing Situation (Top Floor, Basement, Etc.)


New Member
Sep 20, 2014
So what type of housing would Ray Peat or any of you on here recommend to live?

I heard Ray Peat say high altitude is best, but he was more referring to being in countries that have high altitude. Would living in a top floor of an apartment translate and be what he recommends? I have heard that EMF attacks actually are more effective at the top of our buildings, maybe live in a basement?

Also smart meters are a big issue where I live and unavoidable so just wondering what you all recommend (main floor, basement, top floor, house apartment, etc.)

Thanks so much!!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Craigy2, welcome to the forum. :welcome

I do not think this has ever been discussed here. Interesting questions.


Jul 24, 2013
Craigy2 said:
Would living in a top floor of an apartment translate and be what he recommends? I have heard that EMF attacks actually are more effective at the top of our buildings, maybe live in a basement?

Also smart meters are a big issue ...

The benefit of elevation involves pCO2-carbon dioxide in air. The difference between upper and lower floors would be small, compared with living in a high elevation city like Denver, La Paz, Llhasa, or Mexico City.

I suppose basements are generally going to be shielded better from some wireless and radio waves. There are many sorts of bioelectric interference sources, even in a single building.

There are numerous web sources discussing smart meters. For locating within a neighborhood or building,it would be best to know where the meters, cell towers, and power lines are currently and be distant from them, and to minimize "smart" "appliances".


In the big picture, some factors that would render a dwelling more restorative would include friendly neighbors and neighborhood, safety, easy passage to outdoors, good air quality and ventilation, natural light, quiet, ease of access to and storage of good food and water. I recognize the list is basic and less distinctively Peat-y.


"Intelligence is an interface between physiology and the environment, so it's necessary to think about each aspect in relation to the other. Things, both biochemical and social, that enhance intelligence enhance life itself, and vice versa."

"Everyday social experiences affect metabolism, stimulating and supporting some kinds of brain activity, suppressing and punishing others."

"If ordinary family and social contacts could occur within such an atmosphere of mutual respect, psychopathology (including learning difficulties) would be much less common."

"The psychopathology of social isolation has been studied in a variety of animals, and many features are similar across species, including humans. Aggression, helplessness, and reduced ability to learn are typically produced in animals by social isolation,..."

"Any chemical support for intelligence should take into account the mind-damaging stresses that our culture can impose, and provide defense against those. In darkness and isolation, for example, the stress hormones increase, and the brain-protective steroids decrease."


Nov 9, 2012
Pure speculation here, I'd say basement might yield more EMF protection (your mobile should have less signal), but you also get less sun light. A bright room could make a difference in winter.


Jun 9, 2013
I don't think the average building will be tall enough to have an elevation effect. However, there are sometimes places you can live that are elevated quite a ways up on a large hill. Depends on where you live.

EMF can be measured with some simple devices, although I'm not sure how exactly, there are probably guides online.
If there's a particularly strong EMF source, you can block it out with either aluminium foil or copper mesh, and ground that too, I think.


Oct 27, 2013
Basement is more shielded from outside action, but I would not want to be near the electric panel (likewise wireless hydro meter), as it gives off strong pulses. So choose the opposite side of the house from where the meter & panel are, and made sure to check which side your neighbor has theirs on.

I was under the impression that the higher you go off the ground, the higher the radiation would be. The amount is noticeable on say a highrise of 20+ floors. So the ideal situation would be to be in a high altitude location, while remaining on the ground, or just below it. bub.

If you're overly concerned about the amount of electric pollution you are getting at home, buying a faraway cage netting for your bed would be the best bet, as most people spend most of their time at home in their bed. grounding mattress sheets also have some buzz around them, but it also seems plausible that the sheets may end up attracting more energy to them within the realm of an ungrounded room.


Jul 24, 2013
mt_dreams said:
...If you're overly concerned about the amount of electric pollution you are getting at home, buying a faraway cage netting for your bed would be the best bet, as most people spend most of their time at home in their bed. ...

I think spell-check may have skewed the intended suggestion and that a Faraday cage was the idea.


Though it sounds good to be faraway from electrical pollution...


Jan 22, 2013
this topic is extremely deep...and you could go into a lot of detail. There are so many variables...myself ive lived in 4 different places in the past 5 years or so...so its a huge eye opener as to how one or two small things can make or break something...even the layout of the place makes a difference

To sum it up, just basically if you can be anywhere far enough from roads the better, cleaner air...preferably with plants around. And anything that makes a buzzing electronic sound...like AC units, refrigerators, PC's...anything, you basically don't want around you as much as possible (PC isn't so bad if in wall). Neighbors can be a huge issue because you cant control them or the noises/odors or anything else they put out...I highly suggest wherever you live to try to have at least 2 sides of the building facing something that isn't more houses or road or something...like if you can get the place at the back, or end of the line...where you have the forest or ditch or grassy plain or whatever its a huge benefit. I find being on the top floor of an apartment is annoying because you cant put your feet on the ground whenever you want...bare feet that is. The only benefit is that most exhaust and fumes tend to stay near 10ft or below so you don't get gassed on your porch or whatever. You could even get into all the fung shui elements of it...but basically anything that puts out an electronic buzz that you can hear is subtly disturbing to our nervous system, any kind of chemical or industrial or construction type pollutions be as far away from as possible, and try to have as much space between you and neighbors as possible, opting to be the place facing the landscape if you can, and have many plants and trees around you if you can...make sure theres as much open space around so you can be in silence at night...no chance of interference. All it takes is a neighbor with a dog that barks at night to ruin an entire living space, or people who use power tools, or an AC unit outside with a broken fan...ect. This stuff might sound picky, but when you've had that clarity for a while then enter back into the main of the city you realize how polluted and bombarded the air and ethers are (one of my parents basically has an old style farm house...so its actually clean air and silent at night...I used to live there for a while)


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
aguilaroja said:
In the big picture, some factors that would render a dwelling more restorative would include friendly neighbors and neighborhood, safety, easy passage to outdoors, good air quality and ventilation, natural light, quiet, ease of access to and storage of good food and water. I recognize the list is basic and less distinctively Peat-y.

That may be the coolest thing I have read this year!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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