How Effective Is Exercise/movement At Increasing CO2?



Oct 14, 2013
Blossom said:
stressucks said:
My thyroid function is already good. co2 is still low.
I wouldn't worry too much. A lab result is just one moment in time. If you were nervous prior to the blood work you could have hyperventilated a little bit and it's not technically low or that low if you consider the normal range as 22-26. Lab normals vary a bit. I just don't think exercise will raise it any.

Ah. bloodwork definitely makes me a bit nervous. didn't consider that.

Milklove said:
stressucks said:
My thyroid function is already good. co2 is still low.

There a lot of different ways to increase your CO2 levels. For me the most effective are bag breathing, vitamin B1 and caffeine.

bag breathing just seems so weird to me. doesn't seem natural. and it's kind of annoying to do.

Blossom said:
Milklove said:
stressucks said:
My thyroid function is already good. co2 is still low.

There a lot of different ways to increase your CO2 levels. For me the most effective are bag breathing, vitamin B1 and caffeine.
I agree milklove. There's a website that has training information that might help you stressucks figure out the best ways to incorporate movement/exercise without negatively impacting CO2 levels ( The site is loaded with great RP information so I would trust what they recommend.

Wait, so exercise will make your blood co2 go down? so confusing.


stressucks said:
bag breathing just seems so weird to me. doesn't seem natural. and it's kind of annoying to do.

It's probably more natural than consuming table sugar. Think of how much equipment one needs to extract the sugar in such purified form? On the other hand, to rebreathe your CO2 you technically need just to cover your face with your hands, with a particular angle. Although a bit more difficult than using a bag, it's doable.

If you believe CO2 in your body is good, why would it be bad to get it form the air?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It's just heavy breathing that 'blows off' CO2. You can do a quick self experiment and make yourself breath as quickly and deeply as possible and you will soon notice what all the fuss is about. Just the breathlessness in exercise reduces CO2. I'm certain that is why Peat advocates for more moderate activities.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You just reminded me that I need to do my bag breathing! Try it, you'll love it I promise! I do look forward to it.


Sep 11, 2013
I'm now doing the following kind of breath walking, which I really enjoy.
It's some kind of rythmic breathing.
WIth every step you take, you tap your thumb to one of your fingers.

First thumb tabs index finger.
Second thumb tabs middle finger.
Third thumb tabs ring finger.
Last thumb tabs little finger.
And repeat.

You take a relaxed inhale the first time you tab your index finger.
The second time you tab your index finger, you exhale.
The third time you tab your index finger you repeat the process.

You can of course adjust this to your own breathing needs.
Some people may breath faster. Some people may breath very slow.
In the evening, when I'm very relaxed, I usually do, inhale, 4 steps, exhale, 4 steps, 4 steps, 4 steps.

I notice, that at some point, you get in some kind of rythm, where things goes automatic. I really like this.
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