How much protein do you guys eat?


May 31, 2013
pboy said:
1:6 to 1:4 is up...cause think like 17% to 25%, I know what you mean though it was trippin me out for a second writing it. You could get by with 1:2 ratio, but most of the protein will be turned into sugar and its kind of a waste of energy, when you could just use a carb. It sends your body a better signal. Also, don't go below 1:6 ratio, or youll be out of balance in the opposite way, and have blood sugar problems or mood lowering, I think it provokes serotonin when carbs are so high without enough protein. Its better and cleaner, youll probably be happier and more energetic if you change the ratio from 1:2 to more 1:4...- 1.6. If you know your calorie range, just adjust the protein down to match it. You wont suffer any consequences. Also, youll probably loose weight faster that way, because your body will me more likely to create immune, lubricating, and detox factors out of the carbohydrates

Thank you.
But one needs a certain amount of protein a day as a baseline minimum. Like 80-100gram like RP says to detox estrogen and help the liver and all that stuff ? so i should never go below 80-100g?
Like if the scenario is this. 60g protein and 240g carbs wich is 1:4 vs 100g protein 250g carbs wich is 1:2:5 ratio.

But what about muscle loss as well by going so low protein. All the research that has proven increasing protein will maintain muscle etc etc


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Yeah - I was probably hypo as a child. I had a lot of hypo issues, like eczema, sinus issues and asthma. But I don't ever remember having sore muscles or muscle swelling. In fact, I was always very quick and athletic - until other females developed their muscular structure and caught up to me, I would out sprint everyone on the track. I have the same leg structure as my dad. Now if I stress my muscles, they swell up a little, but I'm even taking thyroid and I have this issue. So I've just been choosing exercises that keep my muscles feeling good - like walking. Looking at images of Hoffman syndrome, that was definitely not my issue.


Nov 21, 2012
lindsay said:
And for a female, I also gain muscle very quickly, which I hate.

Hmm,I sort of do too though it seems to be more water retention related. Generally,I'm somewhere between 150 and 200grams daily,I crave especially proteins high in B6 like Beef,skinless Chickenbreast,Cod/Pollock.

I would absolutely love to have a lean muscly (athletic) strong toned feminine body.....God,I love the lean firm/dense toned arms of the Canadian actress Zoie Palmer:


Actually I love her entire body,she looks lean&toned athletic somewhat but still very feminine without looking like "Starvin'-Marvin":



Jan 22, 2013
superhuman said:
pboy said:
1:6 to 1:4 is up...cause think like 17% to 25%, I know what you mean though it was trippin me out for a second writing it. You could get by with 1:2 ratio, but most of the protein will be turned into sugar and its kind of a waste of energy, when you could just use a carb. It sends your body a better signal. Also, don't go below 1:6 ratio, or youll be out of balance in the opposite way, and have blood sugar problems or mood lowering, I think it provokes serotonin when carbs are so high without enough protein. Its better and cleaner, youll probably be happier and more energetic if you change the ratio from 1:2 to more 1:4...- 1.6. If you know your calorie range, just adjust the protein down to match it. You wont suffer any consequences. Also, youll probably loose weight faster that way, because your body will me more likely to create immune, lubricating, and detox factors out of the carbohydrates

Thank you.
But one needs a certain amount of protein a day as a baseline minimum. Like 80-100gram like RP says to detox estrogen and help the liver and all that stuff ? so i should never go below 80-100g?
Like if the scenario is this. 60g protein and 240g carbs wich is 1:4 vs 100g protein 250g carbs wich is 1:2:5 ratio.

But what about muscle loss as well by going so low protein. All the research that has proven increasing protein will maintain muscle etc etc

well, you wouldn't ever go below 80 grams unless your overall calorie intake was below like 2600...which is usually not enough or maybe bare minimum for a normal the recommendations seem accurate. And that's not really low protein, and you wont lose muscle as long as your calorie intake is sufficient. The ratio in breast milk is like 1:6.5 and babies triple in size with it. The other calories spare protein loss and keep thyroid levels up, which are important for muscles. If you went below your calorie needs or below a 1:6 ratio your muscles might start taking a hit. If your total calories were up around 3000 or a little more, you might need around 95-100 grams


May 31, 2013
pboy: get you.
Well i have to go below 2600 calories to drop fat. 2600 kcals is a good amount of calories. I know alot of people that go much lower then that to drop fat and they are not doing crash dieting either. They loose steady while under 2600 kcals. They are males aswell and active.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Dutchie said:
Hmm,I sort of do too though it seems to be more water retention related. Generally,I'm somewhere between 150 and 200grams daily,I crave especially proteins high in B6 like Beef,skinless Chickenbreast,Cod/Pollock.

Yes, there can definitely be water retention muscle issues - like after doing an activity for the first time and using dormant muscles. I always get this if I go jogging. But I wonder if the muscle that is retaining water feels "squishy" or is it firm? Either way, I actually feel better eating less protein (but what feels "enough") - lately I've been craving lots of hard cheese, some fermented dairy and eggs. And occasionally fish. I really like ham, otherwise I'm not really into "meat" - I guess I got so used to not eating it when I was vegetarian. However, I do want to try beef tongue. I've heard it's delicious. But usually when I eat animal meat, I feel the inflammatory effects of it, so I tend to not like that. I LOVE shellfish though.

Dutchie said:
God,I love the lean firm/dense toned arms of the Canadian actress Zoie Palmer:

I'm always amazed by Jennifer Morrison's arm muscles - turns out she does Yoga and runs. She says running keeps her legs lean, which is why I used to run. But her arms are like "Bam!"


Jan 22, 2013
yea I cant say I know about that for sure...but it makes sense, cause if I don't get 2700-2800 ill be very hungry and feel catabolic, and im light for a male...haven't weight myself in a long time but I presume in the 130's...and I still need that many cals. My metabolism is running pretty hot so maybe its requiring a good amount, but its a nice turn around from being frozen last winter!
the best way id say would be to keep protein and carbs about the same and just lower fat, cause if you lower protein and carbs too much you might lose weight but also metabolism might suffer


Oct 3, 2014
What do you guys think would be a good baseline for me? I'm 20, woman, fairly active-I walk to school and back every day, always get at least 5 miles in. I try to lift weights 1-2x per week. I also do a little bodyweight stuff (handstands, planks, etc.) and dance around because I have been so energetic with this diet. 5'0" and around 120 pounds-a good portion of muscle (don't we all say that? ;) ) but I would like a lean out a bit, especially my legs. Guys, I know you won't really understand that part, but ladies-any tips you have for leaner legs? Besides running-yes, theoretically that should work, but I would like to do anything else I can to lose weight without having to default to running. I've had running phases before and my knees just can't handle it.
Should I shoot for 80 g as a baseline? Or just try for a 1:4 or 1:6 ratio?
Thanks in advance! You guys are being really helpful and I appreciate the feedback!


May 31, 2013
pboy said:
yea I cant say I know about that for sure...but it makes sense, cause if I don't get 2700-2800 ill be very hungry and feel catabolic, and im light for a male...haven't weight myself in a long time but I presume in the 130's...and I still need that many cals. My metabolism is running pretty hot so maybe its requiring a good amount, but its a nice turn around from being frozen last winter!
the best way id say would be to keep protein and carbs about the same and just lower fat, cause if you lower protein and carbs too much you might lose weight but also metabolism might suffer

Jeez thats nice. Maintaining weight on 2800 kcals when weighing 130s thats awesome. Whats your height and activity level?

Ofc its easier to maintain weight then to loose weight/fat.

Have you managed to increase your RMR/BMR ? since you said you where frozen last year so i guess u have?
What have been the major contributers to raising your metabolism/calorie needs?


Nov 21, 2012
lindsay said:
Dutchie said:
Hmm,I sort of do too though it seems to be more water retention related. Generally,I'm somewhere between 150 and 200grams daily,I crave especially proteins high in B6 like Beef,skinless Chickenbreast,Cod/Pollock.

Yes, there can definitely be water retention muscle issues - like after doing an activity for the first time and using dormant muscles. I always get this if I go jogging. But I wonder if the muscle that is retaining water feels "squishy" or is it firm? Either way, I actually feel better eating less protein (but what feels "enough") - lately I've been craving lots of hard cheese, some fermented dairy and eggs. And occasionally fish. I really like ham, otherwise I'm not really into "meat" - I guess I got so used to not eating it when I was vegetarian. However, I do want to try beef tongue. I've heard it's delicious. But usually when I eat animal meat, I feel the inflammatory effects of it, so I tend to not like that. I LOVE shellfish though.

Dutchie said:
God,I love the lean firm/dense toned arms of the Canadian actress Zoie Palmer:

I'm always amazed by Jennifer Morrison's arm muscles - turns out she does Yoga and runs. She says running keeps her legs lean, which is why I used to run. But her arms are like "Bam!"

It defenitely feels squishy,so that's why I assume it's water and probably some fat. It's weird I go in these cycles,where I suddenly eat protein up to almost 200grams and then it drops to around 150grams,I estimate. I wish I could get by with lesser protein bc it's defenitely cheaper! but like I said,I get the impression that B6 is a factor in it.
Meat (beef) doesn't seem to have an inflammatory response in me,usually when I have eaten it I feel leaner/denser muscles afterwards.

LOL...I had to google Jennifer Morrisson bc I'd never heard of her. She has great arm too,what I like about Zoie's though,entire body actually,is that the contours(?) are really visible without the starvation look. And she has such a streamlined face with radiating natural beauty.


Nov 22, 2013
marcar72 said:
dukez07 said:
marcar72 said:
I eat roughly 100 - 150 g of protein/day, sometimes more. It's probably 125 - 175 g of protein/day actually, sometimes more...

The only way somebody can comfortably get this much protein is by eating a lot of meat, or using protein powders. You certainly won't get there by using milk alone. 150g, is 4/5 quarts. 180g of protein is three blocks of 200g cheese. It's a very high amount. If going that high is such a difficulty, perhaps we shouldn't be going so high with it?

I hit the upper end on days where I have 3 quarts of milk and Hamburger Hash with roughly 1/2 pound of hamburger. It's not that difficult to do really. I've been adding some gelatin to the Hamburger Hash here lately, too. Ray Peat has eaten this much protein daily before, not sure if he still does though.

Currently my job involves walking throughout my entire 8 hour shift dust mopping floors and running an auto-scrubber on them. So I feel I can use all the protein I consume. If it was causing me any trouble, well then I wouldn't be consuming that much.

Who's this "we" you speak of? You got a mouse in your pocket? :lol:

Don't worry, I am not trying to co-erce you. It was just a figure of speach. I could have used the term 'one', instead. I was just highlighting the difficulties from my side. 3 quarts is a lot for me. I have gone up to 5 quarts before. OJ is pretty sound. As long as I've got quality stuff, I can down it no problem. MIlk is difficult, though. Skimmed milk is far easier to drink in bulk, but it has an incredibly cooling effect on my body (gives me cold hands and feet). Whole milk is only slightly cooling. Cheese is very warming. So you'd think that perhaps it's the liquid issue with me. But it's not. Because OJ doesn't cool me. There is something in milk specifically that my body doesn't like. Yet cheese is fine. I, for sure, cannot work it out.

I have to agree that getting to high amounts of protein is fairly easy if you eat meat. That stuff is very high in protein, considering its size. I personally decide against using high amounts of meat.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Dutchie said:
It defenitely feels squishy,so that's why I assume it's water and probably some fat. It's weird I go in these cycles,where I suddenly eat protein up to almost 200grams and then it drops to around 150grams,I estimate. I wish I could get by with lesser protein bc it's defenitely cheaper! but like I said,I get the impression that B6 is a factor in it.
Meat (beef) doesn't seem to have an inflammatory response in me,usually when I have eaten it I feel leaner/denser muscles afterwards.

LOL...I had to google Jennifer Morrisson bc I'd never heard of her. She has great arm too,what I like about Zoie's though,entire body actually,is that the contours(?) are really visible without the starvation look. And she has such a streamlined face with radiating natural beauty.

I used to have the softer muscles, but now that I take thyroid, my muscle mass increases very fast and it's the pretty firm kind of muscle. I wish I could start running again because when I ran, I had really lean but strong leg muscles and I didn't fatigue as easily (that was before my thyroid kicked the bucket). I also ate very little protein at that time, which was not good. I definitely feel the mental difference eating more protein, but I don't crave it or digest meat well - this is common after being vegetarian for years. Lately I'm leaning more towards Pescatarian because I have easy access to fresh shellfish where I live and they are very balanced as far as the amount of glycine and other nutrients - especially scallops and oysters. Plus, the selenium is fantastic. But I do want to try beef tongue - I've heard it is delicious, I just need to get to the local butcher because it's not sold anywhere in the grocery stores. Really, I would just like to be like a normal petite female, but that's uncommon in many American women these days. This is a huge generalization, but many American women are built differently from European women - we are not so petite. Probably due to years of PUFA intake, birth control and pollution.

Regarding Jennifer Morrison, I have been watching Once Upon a Time lately - she's one of the main characters, so I noticed her ridiculous arm muscles. I think she used to do boxing too, which would make sense. I love that show. It's so good, but Snow White's character is my fav.


Jan 22, 2013
yea definitely...I can tell just by my resistance to cold. The main things I think that helped was I stopped drinking dilute drinks, stopped loading on fat (I used to add a lot of cream and eat large amounts of chocolate, It slowed down GI emptying so I couldn't get in as many carb/protein cals by day), and just upped milk and protein a significant amount. I think the iodine, selenium, b12...theres a lot of highly pro thyroid factors in milk...that and I guess just more consistent with calorie intake...I don't like to go, besides at night, 3 hours without refueling something, even 2 is better. But then I stop eating when it gets I sort of have a 10-12 hour 'fast' at night...I do that for GI regularity. Im 5 11 and not that active...well, in reality super active...I never exercise, but im never sitting still...almost never, I go hard in everything I do...even making tea! I dunno, just like moving really fast and kind of intense, like the energy of a kid...and I like to sprint when I get a chance just in daily going to get mail, parking lots, basic stuff, but no set out exercise.
When I was cold and probably slightly malnourished, or just overdiluted with water maybe like a year or 2 ago...cause id come from a failed vegan attempt...good intentions, but I didn't do it right at all, I had little energy or dope to do much, or to even just act energetically. You think youd lose athletic ability and stuff...the thing I found is that when I started recovering core health based on diet (and sleep I guess) alone, muscle memory comes back...and all the myellinated nerve pathways. Like...I really think we never lose capability we've learned, just health! And also, when I was rebuilding properly, I would pee out crazy amounts of water, like way more than I was taking in, so I think the vegan days and drinking plain or dilute water...I literally was holding probably...200-400 oz of water which is really heavy and burdening. When id be out in the sun or mowing the lawn or working somehow, id actually notice the rebuilding effort would stop! (urine flow would come to near halt) Like...I really don't think exercising at all, unless its in little bits of fun, is good for health, or weight loss! I really think Peat has it right when he says energy = structure...and if you waste energy, or over exert, its less likely then your structure will be correct. (energy could go to excersize, or to detoxing body and throwing out water weight) TBH its hard enough for me to get in all the calories during the daylight hours and take care of what I need to do, I almost have to be really quick in all I do, so I dont have time to exercise. But yea...metabolic energy can be used to hone structure and throw out waste...this has been 100% my experience, so if you waste your energy...youll have a harder time staying reality. I prefer to just do what I have to do in life, do it with power and intention, and let my body build itself to suit this lifestyle ideally...rather than force it to grow in an unnatural or inefficient way via forced exercise

btw taylor sorry for slightly hijacking topic, I hope you can still get some value here...and that theres some girls that can help you out


Nov 21, 2012
lindsay said:
Dutchie said:
It defenitely feels squishy,so that's why I assume it's water and probably some fat. It's weird I go in these cycles,where I suddenly eat protein up to almost 200grams and then it drops to around 150grams,I estimate. I wish I could get by with lesser protein bc it's defenitely cheaper! but like I said,I get the impression that B6 is a factor in it.
Meat (beef) doesn't seem to have an inflammatory response in me,usually when I have eaten it I feel leaner/denser muscles afterwards.

LOL...I had to google Jennifer Morrisson bc I'd never heard of her. She has great arm too,what I like about Zoie's though,entire body actually,is that the contours(?) are really visible without the starvation look. And she has such a streamlined face with radiating natural beauty.

I used to have the softer muscles, but now that I take thyroid, my muscle mass increases very fast and it's the pretty firm kind of muscle. I wish I could start running again because when I ran, I had really lean but strong leg muscles and I didn't fatigue as easily (that was before my thyroid kicked the bucket). I also ate very little protein at that time, which was not good. I definitely feel the mental difference eating more protein, but I don't crave it or digest meat well - this is common after being vegetarian for years. Lately I'm leaning more towards Pescatarian because I have easy access to fresh shellfish where I live and they are very balanced as far as the amount of glycine and other nutrients - especially scallops and oysters. Plus, the selenium is fantastic. But I do want to try beef tongue - I've heard it is delicious, I just need to get to the local butcher because it's not sold anywhere in the grocery stores. Really, I would just like to be like a normal petite female, but that's uncommon in many American women these days. This is a huge generalization, but many American women are built differently from European women - we are not so petite. Probably due to years of PUFA intake, birth control and pollution.

Regarding Jennifer Morrison, I have been watching Once Upon a Time lately - she's one of the main characters, so I noticed her ridiculous arm muscles. I think she used to do boxing too, which would make sense. I love that show. It's so good, but Snow White's character is my fav.

Alas,I have no thyroid to take so I pretty much have to kickstart things on my own. I wonder if the running made your (leg)muscles look like that bc the cardioing had a sligth catabolic process on your muscles?
Funny,bc last two weeks I've been tending towards a more Pescitarian way of eating in which most of my proteins come from whitefish and lowerfat semisoft goatcheese. There's this salad that I usually eat for dinner daily which is delicious and I love eating it....but I've noticed that I get warmer&somewhat more energetic and better endurance&strength when I eat beef even though I'd go for the salad when it would come down to taste&eating pleasure preferrence. Btw,I've never had beeftongue or saw it anywhere.....I did see cubed beefheart at the supermarket,which is quite cheap but also conventional meat.
Hmmm....I'm thinking if the petite women you mention are French women,bc Dutch women in general are quite tall....that's why a lot of them end up as Models.
I however am short (1.59m) and the only time I ever looked 'petite',was when I was on VLC Paleo eating only 2 meals a day and being underweigth.

Ah yes,I've seen trailers of that show (I don't have tv anymore,well broadcast/network....I do still have an actual tv itself),it's the one with all the fairytale characters,rigth?
I'm guessing most of Zoie's looks come down to luck&good genes,bc she mentioned in an interview that she's rather throw herself off of a cliff than go to the gym,go jogging etc. I also couldn't find anything about a possible dietary way of eating.
It's refreshing though to hear a celebrity say they don't like(&do) the gruelling exercising. Even though I go to the gym daily,I do agree with her statement on some level.


May 31, 2013
Thank you. What are you macro ratios now that you feel are optimal?
Right now im struggling with eating alot of fat aswell since i just crave and love chocolate so much. I guess its just a period but it really sux because its so heavy in fat and calories.
Up your protein means you still eating the 60-100g you mention? man u must have eaten little protein before :P

We come from the same background btw, i was also doing the vegan diet and the raw food 811 diet and all that jazz. Together with fasting and all that ***t.

Btw im 5 11 as well so we are the same height, and man you are weighing a bit less then me :p i have a decent amount of muscle but still.

Great experiences you are having and man i wanna feel like that as well. Any other things i should focus on ? supplements or other things that helped you?


Jan 22, 2013
the ratios I usually use are just carb to protein like I said, then only what fat is whole milk, or maybe cheese, but I don't ever add fat..i just let it be how it is, Im assuming its adding energy and probably helping GI tract. Yea I was eating real low 40 grams a day, sometimes up to maybe 50 but not much...not enough at all. As for supplements...ive actually been on a path of becoming entirely natural in all I myellinate my being no supplements, but ive never actually needed them! Just food, water, herbs
The last supplement I ever tried was iron, and the GI distress was a strong message to not do that again, and just drop the idea
Its not that I think some supplements are all toxic, but kind of just a burden and Im super committed to witnessing how life is more naturally


May 31, 2013
pboy: get you, thats cool.

Could you give me a sample day of the foods you eat? i struggle a bit with keeping the fat as low when i go for my favorite foods.


Apr 26, 2014
Yeah, pboy, this is very interesting stuff. I already took note of what you said about pre-emulsified fats versus free fats in another thread and have cut down on my added fats. I've been eating a 3:1 carb:protein ratio, but might try bumping that to 4 or 5 to 1, after your comments.

I'd like to second superhuman. It would be really helpful to see a sample daily food list from you. I'm curious how you cover your nutritional bases at 2800 kcal whithout any supplements (e.g. how do you do on E and K?).


Oct 3, 2014
I agree with dd99 and superhuman-a food list would be great to see. You have been so helpful pboy and I really appreciate it! I agree with you on the no supplementation and letting life go its way naturally-I want to get as much benefit as I can from food without turning to supplements.

I didn't see the thread about added fats-does anyone have the link or could summarize what was said?
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