How To Be Happy?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
@pinacolada "The production of euphoria has been mentioned as a side effect, but I think euphoria is simply an indication of a good physiological state.”- Ray Peat

"if you're far from the euphoric state you're structurally degenerating" - Ray Peat
What is your definition of Europhia? Mine is feeling good in my body, being able to feel energy flow through me, having a high potential for pleasurable and complete orgasm. It’s not “happiness” with a side of mcfries

Maybe I’m just biased because the word reminds me so much of happenstance. It’s like you have to be lucky to be happy, it’s depending on external conditions. To the extent that a good environment and plentiful food are external conditions, I guess that could make one lucky. And maybe the Welsh were on to something.

happy (adj.)
late 14c., "lucky, favored by fortune, being in advantageous circumstances, prosperous;" of events, "turning out well," from hap (n.) "chance, fortune" + -y (2). Sense of "very glad" first recorded late 14c. Meaning "greatly pleased and content" is from 1520s. Old English had eadig (from ead "wealth, riches") and gesælig, which has become silly. Old English bliðe "happy" survives as blithe. From Greek to Irish, a great majority of the European words for "happy" at first meant "lucky." An exception is Welsh, where the word used first meant "wise."
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
IMO listening to Wayne Dyer is critical for the unhappy minds
I just looked up a synopsis of you erroneous zones. Self reliance, controlling how your respond to people, being independent, not depending on others to validate you or your self worth. Sure I can jive with all that. I am in full belief that we should discover the things we can control and as much as possible regain control of the things that are barriers to our well being. But we are organisms existing within the limits of society. Agency is the ability to change a society and to change and effect influence on our environment. If the organism only knows growth and infinite expansion then why do humans create cultures that are so limiting? It’s like everyone hates the trap, complains about the trap, but for the most part humanity continues to recreate the trap.


Jan 26, 2016
@pinacolada Euphoria should be a step beyond in my opinion- feeling amazing, bliss, nirvana, perpetual orgasm, boundless calm energy, the perception of endless possibilities. I don't see much of a difference between happiness or euphoria especially when we are talking about maintaining the euphoric state almost constantly. Euphoria is usually used to describe short term temporary states. Usually euphoria is used in terms of drug usage or a specific very pleasurable event- I think that's the source of people not relating happiness with euphoria. Its always said that pursuing euphoria will not lead to happiness (really meaning not long term feelings of well being) but that's when you're using physiologically inappropriate euphoriants. Euphoria is also associated with mania, which is not the state Ray is talking about. You're still "orientated towards reality". You can be unhappy about the course of humanity or events of your life or even where you're at in life but still be "happy". Not sure if I'm answering your question adequetely but I'm just trying to get my thoughts out. Just found out I was fed formula as a baby, which was stressful for me. It took a hit to my bliss and my brain so this probably isn't as coherent as I'd like it to be. But I'm rallying... sitting under 2,500 watts of light, building myself back up, moving towards perfection and bliss. Lol I once told ray that my main goal in life is to become a perfect organism and he told me that he thinks its probably best for me to just try to meet my needs as efficiently as possible and then use my energy towards becoming useful and developing new knowledge. Sorry Ray. But this is what Rays work needs! A breath taking N=1. If I can get to 80 without aging, looking like I'm 20 my mere existence could cause a complete paradigm shift in science, healthcare and nutrition. I appreciate all that Ray does but he's speaking in an echo chamber. I'm gonna become Ray's masterpiece... he's the George Benton to my Pernell Whitaker. He's Ravel and I'm "Gaspard de la nuit".

"Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire" - William Blake

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - William Blake
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
@pinacolada Euphoria should be a step beyond in my opinion- feeling amazing, bliss, nirvana, perpetual orgasm, boundless calm energy, the perception of endless possibilities. I don't see much of a difference between happiness or euphoria especially when we are talking about maintaining the euphoric state almost constantly. Euphoria is usually used to describe short term temporary states. Usually euphoria is used in terms of drug usage or a specific very pleasurable event- I think that's the source of people not relating happiness with euphoria. Its always said that pursuing euphoria will not lead to happiness (really meaning not long term feelings of well being) but that's when you're using physiologically inappropriate euphoriants. Euphoria is also associated with mania, which is not the state Ray is talking about. You're still "orientated towards reality". You can be unhappy about the course of humanity or events of your life or even where you're at in life but still be "happy". Not sure if I'm answering your question adequetely but I'm just trying to get my thoughts out. Just found out I was fed formula fed as a baby, which was stressful for me. It took a hit to my bliss and my brain so this probably isn't as coherent as I'd like it to be. But I'm rallying... sitting under 2,500 watts of light, building myself back up, moving towards perfection and bliss. Lol I once told ray that my main goal in life is to become a perfect organism and he told me that he thinks its probably best for me to just try to meet my needs as efficiently as possible and then use my energy towards becoming useful and developing new knowledge. Sorry Ray. But this is what Rays work needs! A breath taking N=1. If I can get to 80 without aging, looking like I'm 20 my mere existence it could cause a complete paradigm shift in science, healthcare and nutrition. I appreciate all that Ray does but he's speaking in an echo chamber. I'm gonna become Ray's masterpiece... he's the George Benton to my Pernell Whitaker. He's Ravel and I'm "Gaspard de la nuit".

"Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire" - William Blake

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - William Blake
Well if you ever start a commune let me know


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
You can be unhappy about the course of humanity or events of your life or even where you're at in life but still be "happy"

Yes, this is exactly what I am referring to also, that's a good way to describe how I felt when I was metabolically healthy. I was still aware that some things in my life I wanted to change, but the difference is, I had the motivation and drive to now do so.

Hypothyroid - recognizes things you don't like about life, but no energy to make changes, complains about negative things in their lives, hopes for "good luck" to come their own way

Metabolically Optimal person - recognizes things you don't like about life, but lots of energy to make changes, sees negative things as opportunities, "creates their own luck",

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yes, this is exactly what I am referring to also, that's a good way to describe how I felt when I was metabolically healthy. I was still aware that some things in my life I wanted to change, but the difference is, I had the motivation and drive to now do so.

Hypothyroid - recognizes things you don't like about life, but no energy to make changes, complains about negative things in their lives, hopes for "good luck" to come their own way

Metabolically Optimal person - recognizes things you don't like about life, but lots of energy to make changes, sees negative things as opportunities, "creates their own luck",
Well put


Feb 22, 2018
Even though I believe the pursuit of good physical and mental health are worthwhile, true peace, contentment, freedom, and happiness cannot be found apart from a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through His Son Yeshua (Jesus). I found a facebook post recently from one of my mentors Patty Juster that I think sums it up:

"There is much debate about why God has allowed such evil to exist. Many great thinkers have sought to search out the answer to the problem of pain and suffering. I have found no significant satisfaction to this issue apart from believing in a good and loving God who is ultimately sovereign over all that happens here. All other words leave me in despair.

In this life it is difficult to see the real answer. If this life is all that we have then we are indeed to be most pitied. On this side of eternity there is no balm that can competely heal the broken hearted…the scars always remain. Is there real justice for the one who has been raped, or the parent whose child was murdered or killed by a drunk driver? How about the injustice of so many children dying in poverty around the world…is there any words of comfort? What do you say to a parent whose child has committed suicide or has run away from home? How about the people who lost homes and everything they owned in natural disasters of flood and fire…is there some hope offered them of a better future? And then there are all the issues raised by such an unspeakable horrors as the holocaust and other stories of ethnic cleansing. Can any of us answer give a satisfying answer without taking into account eternity?

The only explanation in which I have found comfort is that this life is not all that there is. I believe that this life prepares and equips us for what we will be doing for eternity. What is a mere 70 to 90 years compared to forever? In this life we learn to trust because we are tested in this almost every day. In the natural, trust is gained when we see and experience tangible proof that someone is trustworthy. Usually all it takes for some people, especially if they have unresolved wounds from past relationships, is one act of disloyalty on the part of another person to cause a permanent breach in relationship. But, we are called upon to trust in an invisible God that appears to be disloyal almost every day. After all, what kind of father allows his kid to suffer when he has the power to prevent it? What kind of father would a man be if he did not “beat up” the young man who defiled his daughter? Innate in normal parents is the all pervasive drive to protect and provide for their child. I know that when my son had to go through surgery on his leg I plead with God that he would take me instead! Gladly parents would take on the suffering of their child. So, isn’t it a miracle that billions through the ages have remained faithful to the end, putting their trust in God even though at times it seems that God does not protect and does not provide and does not work justice?

Therefore, it stands to reason that we cannot judge the character of God by what happens in this life. We can see that indeed God loves us so much that he gave His son to suffer for us. He experienced death (the ultimate suffering which in real terms is separation from God) and bore in his body the pain and suffering through the ages and in his soul the consequences of all of our sins. So, here is proof of a loving father who is willing to suffer in place of his child. However, we still suffer. And, God does not always protect us from bad things…natural disasters, sickness, war, famine, rape or murder, etc. Also, how many criminals go unpunished while the victims are never compensated for their pain and loss? Then, even when a murderer is sentenced to death for his crime, the loved one whose life was so cruelly taken can never be restored. Where is justice?

Hence I am convinced that this life is preparation for something that comes after when we pass from this life into our next life. In the heavenly kingdom there will be recompense for what we have suffered in this life and rewards for our persevering faith. The other day we stayed at a Hilton Hotel which cost about $200 a night. Thankfully, we were not the ones paying the bill. However, because of the cost of this hotel was at the high end for hotels in the area, we expected greater service. Needless to say, the maid did not clean the room until after five each day, she did not refill our in-room coffee supplies, the laundry service did not pick up and deliver at the promised time, the bell boy did not come in time to take our luggage so we had to do it ourselves, and the dinner tray was not removed for many hours. At check out I dutifully registered a strong complaint and the desk clerk, apologizing profusely, asked me, “What can I do to compensate you for our failure so that you will feel like we made it up to you?” So my question to God is, “What are you going to do to compensate us for all the sacrifice and suffering we have endured in this life?”I already know his answer. Through persevering in the midst of trials and hardships, somehow we gain hope, learn love and our faith is refined. God considers this of such great importance that all that happens to mankind in this life cannot be compared with the glory that will be revealed in the last days. This is the glory of a bride that has learned to love and to trust contrary to what her senses dictate. She has persevered knowing that one day the guilty will be punished, the faithful rewarded, the mourners comforted and intimacy will be restored…and God says this is good! I know that one day we will agree and declare that all his ways are good and that indeed his loving kindness endures forever!"


Feb 18, 2018
Even though I believe the pursuit of good physical and mental health are worthwhile, true peace, contentment, freedom, and happiness cannot be found apart from a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through His Son Yeshua (Jesus). I found a facebook post recently from one of my mentors Patty Juster that I think sums it up:

"There is much debate about why God has allowed such evil to exist. Many great thinkers have sought to search out the answer to the problem of pain and suffering. I have found no significant satisfaction to this issue apart from believing in a good and loving God who is ultimately sovereign over all that happens here. All other words leave me in despair.

In this life it is difficult to see the real answer. If this life is all that we have then we are indeed to be most pitied. On this side of eternity there is no balm that can competely heal the broken hearted…the scars always remain. Is there real justice for the one who has been raped, or the parent whose child was murdered or killed by a drunk driver? How about the injustice of so many children dying in poverty around the world…is there any words of comfort? What do you say to a parent whose child has committed suicide or has run away from home? How about the people who lost homes and everything they owned in natural disasters of flood and fire…is there some hope offered them of a better future? And then there are all the issues raised by such an unspeakable horrors as the holocaust and other stories of ethnic cleansing. Can any of us answer give a satisfying answer without taking into account eternity?

The only explanation in which I have found comfort is that this life is not all that there is. I believe that this life prepares and equips us for what we will be doing for eternity. What is a mere 70 to 90 years compared to forever? In this life we learn to trust because we are tested in this almost every day. In the natural, trust is gained when we see and experience tangible proof that someone is trustworthy. Usually all it takes for some people, especially if they have unresolved wounds from past relationships, is one act of disloyalty on the part of another person to cause a permanent breach in relationship. But, we are called upon to trust in an invisible God that appears to be disloyal almost every day. After all, what kind of father allows his kid to suffer when he has the power to prevent it? What kind of father would a man be if he did not “beat up” the young man who defiled his daughter? Innate in normal parents is the all pervasive drive to protect and provide for their child. I know that when my son had to go through surgery on his leg I plead with God that he would take me instead! Gladly parents would take on the suffering of their child. So, isn’t it a miracle that billions through the ages have remained faithful to the end, putting their trust in God even though at times it seems that God does not protect and does not provide and does not work justice?

Therefore, it stands to reason that we cannot judge the character of God by what happens in this life. We can see that indeed God loves us so much that he gave His son to suffer for us. He experienced death (the ultimate suffering which in real terms is separation from God) and bore in his body the pain and suffering through the ages and in his soul the consequences of all of our sins. So, here is proof of a loving father who is willing to suffer in place of his child. However, we still suffer. And, God does not always protect us from bad things…natural disasters, sickness, war, famine, rape or murder, etc. Also, how many criminals go unpunished while the victims are never compensated for their pain and loss? Then, even when a murderer is sentenced to death for his crime, the loved one whose life was so cruelly taken can never be restored. Where is justice?

Hence I am convinced that this life is preparation for something that comes after when we pass from this life into our next life. In the heavenly kingdom there will be recompense for what we have suffered in this life and rewards for our persevering faith. The other day we stayed at a Hilton Hotel which cost about $200 a night. Thankfully, we were not the ones paying the bill. However, because of the cost of this hotel was at the high end for hotels in the area, we expected greater service. Needless to say, the maid did not clean the room until after five each day, she did not refill our in-room coffee supplies, the laundry service did not pick up and deliver at the promised time, the bell boy did not come in time to take our luggage so we had to do it ourselves, and the dinner tray was not removed for many hours. At check out I dutifully registered a strong complaint and the desk clerk, apologizing profusely, asked me, “What can I do to compensate you for our failure so that you will feel like we made it up to you?” So my question to God is, “What are you going to do to compensate us for all the sacrifice and suffering we have endured in this life?”I already know his answer. Through persevering in the midst of trials and hardships, somehow we gain hope, learn love and our faith is refined. God considers this of such great importance that all that happens to mankind in this life cannot be compared with the glory that will be revealed in the last days. This is the glory of a bride that has learned to love and to trust contrary to what her senses dictate. She has persevered knowing that one day the guilty will be punished, the faithful rewarded, the mourners comforted and intimacy will be restored…and God says this is good! I know that one day we will agree and declare that all his ways are good and that indeed his loving kindness endures forever!"

So you would say that the Buddha did not find true freedom, peace, happiness, and contentment?


Feb 22, 2018
1“I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber! 2But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice. 5They won’t follow a stranger; they will run from him because they don’t know his voice.”

6Those who heard Jesus use this illustration didn’t understand what he meant, 7so he explained it to them: “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. 8All who came before me were thieves and robbers. But the true sheep did not listen to them. 9Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures. 10The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.

11“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep. 12A hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. He will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. 13The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep.

14“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, 15just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep. 16I have other sheep, too, that are not in this sheepfold. I must bring them also. They will listen to my voice, and there will be one flock with one shepherd.

17“The Father loves me because I sacrifice my life so I may take it back again. 18No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.”

19When he said these things, the people were again divided in their opinions about him. 20Some said, “He’s demon possessed and out of his mind. Why listen to a man like that?” 21Others said, “This doesn’t sound like a man possessed by a demon! Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Even though I believe the pursuit of good physical and mental health are worthwhile, true peace, contentment, freedom, and happiness cannot be found apart from a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through His Son Yeshua (Jesus). I found a facebook post recently from one of my mentors Patty Juster that I think sums it up:

"There is much debate about why God has allowed such evil to exist. Many great thinkers have sought to search out the answer to the problem of pain and suffering. I have found no significant satisfaction to this issue apart from believing in a good and loving God who is ultimately sovereign over all that happens here. All other words leave me in despair.

In this life it is difficult to see the real answer. If this life is all that we have then we are indeed to be most pitied. On this side of eternity there is no balm that can competely heal the broken hearted…the scars always remain. Is there real justice for the one who has been raped, or the parent whose child was murdered or killed by a drunk driver? How about the injustice of so many children dying in poverty around the world…is there any words of comfort? What do you say to a parent whose child has committed suicide or has run away from home? How about the people who lost homes and everything they owned in natural disasters of flood and fire…is there some hope offered them of a better future? And then there are all the issues raised by such an unspeakable horrors as the holocaust and other stories of ethnic cleansing. Can any of us answer give a satisfying answer without taking into account eternity?

The only explanation in which I have found comfort is that this life is not all that there is. I believe that this life prepares and equips us for what we will be doing for eternity. What is a mere 70 to 90 years compared to forever? In this life we learn to trust because we are tested in this almost every day. In the natural, trust is gained when we see and experience tangible proof that someone is trustworthy. Usually all it takes for some people, especially if they have unresolved wounds from past relationships, is one act of disloyalty on the part of another person to cause a permanent breach in relationship. But, we are called upon to trust in an invisible God that appears to be disloyal almost every day. After all, what kind of father allows his kid to suffer when he has the power to prevent it? What kind of father would a man be if he did not “beat up” the young man who defiled his daughter? Innate in normal parents is the all pervasive drive to protect and provide for their child. I know that when my son had to go through surgery on his leg I plead with God that he would take me instead! Gladly parents would take on the suffering of their child. So, isn’t it a miracle that billions through the ages have remained faithful to the end, putting their trust in God even though at times it seems that God does not protect and does not provide and does not work justice?

Therefore, it stands to reason that we cannot judge the character of God by what happens in this life. We can see that indeed God loves us so much that he gave His son to suffer for us. He experienced death (the ultimate suffering which in real terms is separation from God) and bore in his body the pain and suffering through the ages and in his soul the consequences of all of our sins. So, here is proof of a loving father who is willing to suffer in place of his child. However, we still suffer. And, God does not always protect us from bad things…natural disasters, sickness, war, famine, rape or murder, etc. Also, how many criminals go unpunished while the victims are never compensated for their pain and loss? Then, even when a murderer is sentenced to death for his crime, the loved one whose life was so cruelly taken can never be restored. Where is justice?

Hence I am convinced that this life is preparation for something that comes after when we pass from this life into our next life. In the heavenly kingdom there will be recompense for what we have suffered in this life and rewards for our persevering faith. The other day we stayed at a Hilton Hotel which cost about $200 a night. Thankfully, we were not the ones paying the bill. However, because of the cost of this hotel was at the high end for hotels in the area, we expected greater service. Needless to say, the maid did not clean the room until after five each day, she did not refill our in-room coffee supplies, the laundry service did not pick up and deliver at the promised time, the bell boy did not come in time to take our luggage so we had to do it ourselves, and the dinner tray was not removed for many hours. At check out I dutifully registered a strong complaint and the desk clerk, apologizing profusely, asked me, “What can I do to compensate you for our failure so that you will feel like we made it up to you?” So my question to God is, “What are you going to do to compensate us for all the sacrifice and suffering we have endured in this life?”I already know his answer. Through persevering in the midst of trials and hardships, somehow we gain hope, learn love and our faith is refined. God considers this of such great importance that all that happens to mankind in this life cannot be compared with the glory that will be revealed in the last days. This is the glory of a bride that has learned to love and to trust contrary to what her senses dictate. She has persevered knowing that one day the guilty will be punished, the faithful rewarded, the mourners comforted and intimacy will be restored…and God says this is good! I know that one day we will agree and declare that all his ways are good and that indeed his loving kindness endures forever!"
The holocaust didn’t happen because of evil. The holocaust happened due to complacency, blind faith and submission to power. You should also look into the catholic and Protestant churches role in the holocaust. Add to that the glorification of hitler as a god like leader and emulation of Jesus Christ by some German Protestants.

Protestant Churches and the Nazi State
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Feb 3, 2019
The holocaust didn’t happen because of evil. The holocaust happened due to complacency, blind faith and submission to power. You should also look into the catholic and Protestant churches role in the holocaust. Add to that the glorification of hitler as a god like leader and emulation of Jesus Christ by some German Protestants.

Protestant Churches and the Nazi State

Thread: How to be happy

First post I see: HOLOCAUST


Dec 11, 2018
I just can't understand the blind faith in any religion. There are hundreds of them (just a random number) and every single one preaches theirs are the only true religion, the rest are a path straight to hell.

A few posts above BMW1 said that ''true peace, contentment, freedom, and happiness cannot be found apart from a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through His Son Yeshua (Jesus)''. So some tribe living secluded in the wild somewhere with no contact to any modern civilization can't live happy lives, because they don't believe in Jesus? They have their own religion, gods and whatever else they believe in and haven't even heard of Jesus, so saying they can't be happy or find true peace is just ridiculous.

I don't deny there's a creator, god or whatever, but almost every Jack and **** believes in some god or religion, so either they are all wrong or they are all right and just describe the same thing differently. 1+3=4 and so is 2+2.
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Feb 3, 2019
Even if you achieved happiness, as you so claimed to do when you were healthy, is it really happiness if it sets you up for misery when that illusive happiness disappears? I mean if happiness were something you could experience and keep ok great. But that’s not reality. We all die, we all sag, we all have to deal with the reality of a deteriorating body. As much as you try to mitigate that and rationalize your attempts at stalling the process, the reality is no one has been able to solve the problem of life. People only enhance their time here, which is a worthy and honorable pursuit and everyone’s responsibility in my opinion. But to act like it’s the laziness and lack of health that makes people doubt the existence of objective happiness is ignorant.
Geez lady

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Thread: How to be happy

First post I see: HOLOCAUST
If you read the thread you could see I was responding to someone mentioning the holocaust and how there was no way to explain what caused it. Is there any point to your comment besides trolling?


Feb 3, 2019
If you read the thread you could see I was responding to someone mentioning the holocaust and how there was no way to explain what caused it. Is there any point to your comment besides trolling?
I was just making a joke, not casting any sort of judgement on your post. More like just pointing out the irony and funny how threads can evolve or shift into "what is happiness" to a discussion of the holocaust, which you have to admit would be the opposite experience of happiness


Feb 3, 2019
If you read the thread you could see I was responding to someone mentioning the holocaust and how there was no way to explain what caused it. Is there any point to your comment besides trolling?
You sounds pretty unhappy lol

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I was just making a joke, not casting any sort of judgement on your post. More like just pointing out the irony and funny how threads can evolve or shift into "what is happiness" to a discussion of the holocaust, which you have to admit would be the opposite experience of happiness
It would be. I guess this thread is a spectrum between people who think happiness is an individual choice, a metabolic state, a state of belief..etc etc
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