What would happen if i become totally socially and sexually celibate? also the idea of “relaxed manic” state in perpetuity


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
i am particularly focused on my work and study. other than going out for food and supplies i dont really see many people outside my immediate family. even if lockdowns hadn’t happened my life wouldn’t have been very different. i used to socialize alot but i changed since i got quite ill and in recovery i never really want to go out. i sometimes talk to my neighbors but im not really enthusiastic. yet im not depressed, i dont think, i feel kind of content lately. a lot of it is because i am really motivated and happy to engage in self directed study and work.

i had an online friend in a chat group i was in who wanted to meet but he has a lot of issues and i simply refused. it seemed like he was too much trouble and some of his ideas and attitudes annoyrd me. as for women i don’t really meet any who i like. i have in my mind the ides of the type of woman who i’d prefer the company of but she is probably exceedingly rare. even so i dont feel lonely. there are certain store clerks who seem like nice people who i look forward to seeing for a few minutes and that basically refills my tank for social interaction. i have no interest in reconnecting with my old friends, i dont really like them anymore.

ive done nofap for over two years now, and i somehow spontaneously just stopped having sexual fantasies to much of an extent. when i feel really good the thought of having sex seems fun but it isn’t a desperate longing like it used to be. i dont care much. once in awhile ill look at pictures of naked women but it is for a few minutes and i find myself doing it less and less for lustful reasons but instead just for curiosity.

all i really want to do is continue studying and learning for my work. i feel excited for the possibilities and i have absolutely zero irl peers in this line of work and i dont have to go work for a company or anything, it is entirely self managed and directed.

anyways a few years ago i was utterly blackpilled, obsessed with lustful things and the idea of getting a gf, and i went down a really bad path of drug abuse and depression . just these past few weeks ive felt so good that i am quite thankful i perservered.

@TheSir i think talked about what life is like without lust. id like to hear more about it. the other day i felt kind of underfed and cold and when i was grocery shopping i saw a nice looking woman and i got that weird longing feeling i used to get when i was perpetually cold and depressed. i thought that instead of finding a relationship to avoid that feeling (probably futilely in some way) that the better thing to do would be to not even feel that type of feeling anymore in the first place.

last night i was up really early in the morning and i got this really interesting and poetic feeling i hadnt felt since before i began abusing drugs and quit, and which i wondered if id ever feel again.

so anyways all of this isnt to say that i will actively go against finding socializing or a romantic partner but i dont think its even worth caring that much about in the first place. there has been such a lifting of neuroticisms and anxieties lately that i just want to write all this to try and explain how im feeling so good lately. i might be “manic” in a small sense but not the dysfunctional kind of manic. a kind of relaxed manic. maybe i could approach this state somewhat permanently.


Oct 11, 2021
i am particularly focused on my work and study. other than going out for food and supplies i dont really see many people outside my immediate family. even if lockdowns hadn’t happened my life wouldn’t have been very different. i used to socialize alot but i changed since i got quite ill and in recovery i never really want to go out. i sometimes talk to my neighbors but im not really enthusiastic. yet im not depressed, i dont think, i feel kind of content lately. a lot of it is because i am really motivated and happy to engage in self directed study and work.

i had an online friend in a chat group i was in who wanted to meet but he has a lot of issues and i simply refused. it seemed like he was too much trouble and some of his ideas and attitudes annoyrd me. as for women i don’t really meet any who i like. i have in my mind the ides of the type of woman who i’d prefer the company of but she is probably exceedingly rare. even so i dont feel lonely. there are certain store clerks who seem like nice people who i look forward to seeing for a few minutes and that basically refills my tank for social interaction. i have no interest in reconnecting with my old friends, i dont really like them anymore.

ive done nofap for over two years now, and i somehow spontaneously just stopped having sexual fantasies to much of an extent. when i feel really good the thought of having sex seems fun but it isn’t a desperate longing like it used to be. i dont care much. once in awhile ill look at pictures of naked women but it is for a few minutes and i find myself doing it less and less for lustful reasons but instead just for curiosity.

all i really want to do is continue studying and learning for my work. i feel excited for the possibilities and i have absolutely zero irl peers in this line of work and i dont have to go work for a company or anything, it is entirely self managed and directed.

anyways a few years ago i was utterly blackpilled, obsessed with lustful things and the idea of getting a gf, and i went down a really bad path of drug abuse and depression . just these past few weeks ive felt so good that i am quite thankful i perservered.

@TheSir i think talked about what life is like without lust. id like to hear more about it. the other day i felt kind of underfed and cold and when i was grocery shopping i saw a nice looking woman and i got that weird longing feeling i used to get when i was perpetually cold and depressed. i thought that instead of finding a relationship to avoid that feeling (probably futilely in some way) that the better thing to do would be to not even feel that type of feeling anymore in the first place.

last night i was up really early in the morning and i got this really interesting and poetic feeling i hadnt felt since before i began abusing drugs and quit, and which i wondered if id ever feel again.

so anyways all of this isnt to say that i will actively go against finding socializing or a romantic partner but i dont think its even worth caring that much about in the first place. there has been such a lifting of neuroticisms and anxieties lately that i just want to write all this to try and explain how im feeling so good lately. i might be “manic” in a small sense but not the dysfunctional kind of manic. a kind of relaxed manic. maybe i could approach this state somewhat permanently.
Your post reminds me very much of my state of mind these days.

I’d say it’s just premature enlightenment.


Jan 22, 2021
Socialization should be natural and not enforced, especially in the context of damaged health, Ill animals naturally isolate themselves until they heal. Take your time and do not be guilt tripped by our evil social conditioning, follow your instincts.


Jan 6, 2019
@TheSir i think talked about what life is like without lust. id like to hear more about it. the other day i felt kind of underfed and cold and when i was grocery shopping i saw a nice looking woman and i got that weird longing feeling i used to get when i was perpetually cold and depressed. i thought that instead of finding a relationship to avoid that feeling (probably futilely in some way) that the better thing to do would be to not even feel that type of feeling anymore in the first place.
I hope I've not given the impression that I manage to live completely without lust. That would be an impressive feat indeed, if even doable. There is a saying how not even the highest perfection attainable by man is a safeguard against sexual temptation. Similar to what was said above, I think you're going through growing pains of sorts. You are adapting to a changing relationship between you and the world, and even more than that, you are adapting to a new way to relating to yourself. As you say, you are alone, but not really lonely. You may have realized that ultimately being alone is liberating, as it is the closest we can get to absolute freedom. If you have any questions to ask or further thoughts to share, I'll be here.

last night i was up really early in the morning and i got this really interesting and poetic feeling i hadnt felt since before i began abusing drugs and quit, and which i wondered if id ever feel again.
There is something magical to staying up so late. Some of my fondest memories in life consist of taking a walk outside in an early summer morning, just moments before the sunrise, after having stayed up the whole night. There is an extraordinary juxtaposition between the world that is waking up to its daily routines and the state of timelessness in which you're finding yourself. You feel like you are no longer bound to anything worldly. Just a blissful observer passing by.


Jun 7, 2016
I read a German philosopher who said that men don’t need to socialise as much as they mature because they just don’t need to be around people, men have a spirit and an inner world and there character can be strong enough to be totally sane and healthy and alone.

It’s women, children and young men that need to be around people.

He went as far as measuring a man by his ability to be alone.


Jan 15, 2016
I read a German philosopher who said that men don’t need to socialise as much as they mature because they just don’t need to be around people, men have a spirit and an inner world and there character can be strong enough to be totally sane and healthy and alone.

It’s women, children and young men that need to be around people.

He went as far as measuring a man by his ability to be alone.
Only because men are forced to develop these characteristics under our current cultural structure.. The rejection of companionship between men, the enforced rigid sexuality used to promote the endless growth model that our civilization follows, yet can't sustain without violence. The shaming and promotion of subjective concepts like "masculinity", this infectious use of language digging into every fabric of their lives.

Solitude is a blessing, but people need more than that to thrive, and men are not excluded from this regardless of what some old "stoic" says.
Nov 21, 2015
I find your post sad.

NoFap is harmful beyond a week or two. Drives are important to us. Treating your body this way isn’t so great.


Sep 15, 2021
United States
Literally monk mode. A lot of people seem to think “lust” is normal and good, but in Christianity lust is a sin. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re saying. Many people work to curb their lust every day. We fail, but it’s ideal to not be a lustful person. Lust reduces another human being to an object whose purpose is to fulfill your desire, it is the opposite of love. Watch this video, father Spyridon in general has great content. Even if you aren’t religious at all you will probably get something out of it.

View: https://youtu.be/daxywGGJPMw
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May 21, 2015
Bunch of high serotonin bull**** on the forum lately

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I read a German philosopher who said that men don’t need to socialise as much as they mature because they just don’t need to be around people, men have a spirit and an inner world and there character can be strong enough to be totally sane and healthy and alone.

It’s women, children and young men that need to be around people.

He went as far as measuring a man by his ability to be alone.
Youve never met a cat lady, I gather

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I find your post sad.

NoFap is harmful beyond a week or two. Drives are important to us. Treating your body this way isn’t so great.
i find your post sad.

how is no fap harmfull beyond 2 weeks?considering that you can have ejaculations during sex dreams?do babies that do not masturbate for a week or two harm their self?
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Bunch of high serotonin bull**** on the forum lately
you can include some of your own comments into this,even this very one


Nov 1, 2019
Sexual lust is one of the best feelings that I’ve experienced. To me It just feels good to want to have sex with literally any walking woman :D
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Literally monk mode. A lot of people seem to think “lust” is normal and good, but in Christianity lust is a sin. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you’re saying. Many people work to curb their lust every day. We fail, but it’s ideal to not be a lustful person. Lust reduces another human being to an object whose purpose is to fulfill your desire, it is the opposite of love. Watch this video, father Spyridon in general has great content. Even if you aren’t religious at all you will probably get something out of it.

View: https://youtu.be/daxywGGJPMw

hi,he has some good intuitions about love and heart,but he is still afflicted by feelings of guiltiness,shame,submission to authority(wich could be god or any idol) and he is preaching these bad afflictions,he is confused


Aug 12, 2020
Ask people with PFS if you want to know what a life without lust really is.


Jan 6, 2019
Only because men are forced to develop these characteristics under our current cultural structure..
Is it not so that men across time and place have intuitively developed similar characteristics under any prevailing cultural structure? You speak of the concept of subjective masculinity, yet such concepts of masculinity in themselves flow naturally from the biology of what it means to be a male. As such, it is unsurprising that we find idealized masculinity to consist of largely identical attributes regardless of which culture we are examining. This is not to say that subjective variation in idealized masculinity between cultures does not exist, because clearly it does, but that such variation is but an embellishment to the grander undercurrent of biological imperatives that seek to be expressed in the universal behavior of men.
but people need more than that to thrive, and men are not excluded from this regardless of what some old "stoic" says.
Whose words are we imposing here, if the magnitude of these words is great enough to allow for a casual dismissal of someone's reasoning without offering any reasoning themselves?
Youve never met a cat lady, I gather
Would a cat lady not be evidence for the notion that women need to be around other people, lest they go mad?


Sep 6, 2020
Being overly lustful is often caused by high estrogen/estrogenic load. Which can send you down bad paths. Those people develop crazy fetishes and weirdo ***t.

I would say a balanced person can turn it on and off and is not enslaved by it. Most masculine men I know have very good libido's but they are not lustful looking at women all the time.

The most important thing is that the penis and sex chemistry works in the moments you need it. If it is constantly on you will just be a dumb **** easily fooled and controlled. Those type of guys are controlled by women like puppets. Which is bad as well.

You do need some of the estrogen. I have had low estrogen before and then you lose energy (physical) and you will have no desire for women at all.

Sex ain't bad at all. Nor is it worth it to do monk mode. I think if you cannot turn off your sexual desires you have too high estrogen and it is more of a body chemistry problem. This is age old though. Nothing new. Religions are made for those type of people. It is a tool but it does not repair the actual problem.
Nov 21, 2015
i find your post sad.

how is no fap harmfull beyond 2 weeks?considering that you can have ejaculations during sex dreams?do babies that do not masturbate for a week or two harm their self?

We’re not babies. When you don’t come after awhile, your sperm is resorbed into your body. Auto immune issues can result. It’s the worst idea ever. Of course if you don‘t use it after awhile you can lose it. It isn’t my business what other people do but that is my read on it. I am one who doesn’t ejaculate all the time, but I have a tremendous amount of sexual pleasure and it is so wonderful and makes life worth living.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
We’re not babies. When you don’t come after awhile, your sperm is resorbed into your body. Auto immune issues can result. It’s the worst idea ever. Of course if you don‘t use it after awhile you can lose it. It isn’t my business what other people do but that is my read on it. I am one who doesn’t ejaculate all the time, but I have a tremendous amount of sexual pleasure and it is so wonderful and makes life worth living.
I asked about babies because there is states where you manifest no sexual desire don’t ejaculate and feel great,so stating that no fap is harmful beyond 1 week or 2 weeks with out making any nuances is false.and why do you make no difference between no fap and not ejaculating considering that you can have ejaculations during sex dreams while not mastubating?


Sep 15, 2021
United States
hi,he has some good intuitions about love and heart,but he is still afflicted by feelings of guiltiness,shame,submission to authority(wich could be god or any idol) and he is preaching these bad afflictions,he is confused

I don’t see how that’s relevant to the topic at hand.
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