How to peat my way out of this?

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
2 years ago at 19 years old (male) I started to embark on my weight loss journey at 6'4 340 lbs. I was a noob at the time when it comes to all things health obviously and I found as time went on the only thing my body responded to was violent calorie restrictions. I went from 6000 cals a day in jan 2021, to around 2000 by june of 2021, then to 1750 or so by fall of 2021 and by the one year anniversary of trying to lose weight I had lost 115 pounds and got to 225. By this time I had developed a very odd skinny fat body and decided to take the gym more seriously and implemented some programs I learned of from natural hypertrophy along with a more bulk friendly diet of around 2500 calories a day. My new routine worked from a muscle building standpoint, all my lifts went up by nearly double in every field but I also gained probably 30 lbs of fat along the way which still puzzles me because 2500 cals a day at my height is still not outrageous. Fast forward to fall of 2022 I am 6'4 258 and happy with the muscle gains but displeased with the fat so I decided to go on the cut of all cuts.I get down to around 1200 calories a day by January of this year at 210 lbs and this is when I learn of Peats word. I read Generative energy, Mind and tissue, nutrition for women, Progesterone in Orthomolecular Medicine, and printed out a question and response book I created myself that is about 110 pages of Peat answering peoples questions. All of This was done in about 3 weeks, I was very moved by what he had to say. The thing is is that now I know what I did to lose the weight was not peated, I just don't know enough to try and reverse my destroyed metabolism without making another grave mistake and ballooning. So here I stand now, at 6'4 202, all my lifts at an all time high as I have learned to lift through weakness, eating 1000-1200 calories a day through cane sugar, milk, and ice cream mostly. Every time I try to eat slightly more I gain 3 pounds over night and that truly terrifies me and what has really lead me to this stalemate. Truth be told I never felt bad when I was at 340 pounds eating 6k cals a day, it just was neither an honorable, attractive, or aesthetic state so I had to make a change and am happy I did. I feel fine now at a 1000 cals a day at 202, I do all my school work, train 5 times a week, read hours a day at about a 100 pages an hour depending on what it is and am generally doing fine from that standpoint which is why I have not felt a great urge to buy any idealbs products. I just know this is not pro-metabolic or sustainable. I have also completely stalled when it comes to weight loss and have been hovering between 203 and 198 for nearly three months now and going below 1000 cals a day would be dangerous. Unfortunately I am also very prone to stress and anger and create an authoritarian environment for myself and others everywhere I go which I have tried to fix I just get very irritable without strict rules and guidelines when it comes to every aspect of my life from time, to calories, to my training regime, to how I read, the cleanliness of where I am, really everything. That has played a factor in the extremes I have gone to thus far but at least now I have learned to ease my way into and out of things to some extent. I have not seen one interaction with peat himself where he had to address someone in my specific situation so I came to the forums for some more experienced peater advice and guidance when it comes to restoring my metabolism from this wretched state without becoming obese again.
faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
Bonus question, might not be related to this forum: I have a lot of lose skin on my stomach and inner thighs and I don't know if it can be filled with muscle realistically so I was wondering if anyone on here had any tips? If its not filled out/gone naturally by January of 2025 I will probably get surgery.


Aug 17, 2016
2 years ago at 19 years old (male) I started to embark on my weight loss journey at 6'4 340 lbs. I was a noob at the time when it comes to all things health obviously and I found as time went on the only thing my body responded to was violent calorie restrictions. I went from 6000 cals a day in jan 2021, to around 2000 by june of 2021, then to 1750 or so by fall of 2021 and by the one year anniversary of trying to lose weight I had lost 115 pounds and got to 225. By this time I had developed a very odd skinny fat body and decided to take the gym more seriously and implemented some programs I learned of from natural hypertrophy along with a more bulk friendly diet of around 2500 calories a day. My new routine worked from a muscle building standpoint, all my lifts went up by nearly double in every field but I also gained probably 30 lbs of fat along the way which still puzzles me because 2500 cals a day at my height is still not outrageous. Fast forward to fall of 2022 I am 6'4 258 and happy with the muscle gains but displeased with the fat so I decided to go on the cut of all cuts.I get down to around 1200 calories a day by January of this year at 210 lbs and this is when I learn of Peats word. I read Generative energy, Mind and tissue, nutrition for women, Progesterone in Orthomolecular Medicine, and printed out a question and response book I created myself that is about 110 pages of Peat answering peoples questions. All of This was done in about 3 weeks, I was very moved by what he had to say. The thing is is that now I know what I did to lose the weight was not peated, I just don't know enough to try and reverse my destroyed metabolism without making another grave mistake and ballooning. So here I stand now, at 6'4 202, all my lifts at an all time high as I have learned to lift through weakness, eating 1000-1200 calories a day through cane sugar, milk, and ice cream mostly. Every time I try to eat slightly more I gain 3 pounds over night and that truly terrifies me and what has really lead me to this stalemate. Truth be told I never felt bad when I was at 340 pounds eating 6k cals a day, it just was neither an honorable, attractive, or aesthetic state so I had to make a change and am happy I did. I feel fine now at a 1000 cals a day at 202, I do all my school work, train 5 times a week, read hours a day at about a 100 pages an hour depending on what it is and am generally doing fine from that standpoint which is why I have not felt a great urge to buy any idealbs products. I just know this is not pro-metabolic or sustainable. I have also completely stalled when it comes to weight loss and have been hovering between 203 and 198 for nearly three months now and going below 1000 cals a day would be dangerous. Unfortunately I am also very prone to stress and anger and create an authoritarian environment for myself and others everywhere I go which I have tried to fix I just get very irritable without strict rules and guidelines when it comes to every aspect of my life from time, to calories, to my training regime, to how I read, the cleanliness of where I am, really everything. That has played a factor in the extremes I have gone to thus far but at least now I have learned to ease my way into and out of things to some extent. I have not seen one interaction with peat himself where he had to address someone in my specific situation so I came to the forums for some more experienced peater advice and guidance when it comes to restoring my metabolism from this wretched state without becoming obese again.
It's amazing how you read all the Peat books and this is your first post. Welcome! :yellohello
You have youth on your side.

When I went away to college I ate either nothing or garbage (pizza, candy, soda) and felt fine. I played in a punk band in bars that closed at 3am and got up and went to class. Felt fine. :crazy: In retrospect, I was living on adrenaline. I'd go for days with no sleep and little or no food. Felt fine. Tried different drugs. (nothing regular) Felt fine.

So, we're pretty tough when we are young.

Your temperament sounds like serotonin dominance. And you will have to fix your metabolism.
Have you tried pregnenolone? Haidut's Stressnon.
I'd try to incorporate homemade soups and stews, and fruit along with the dairy. And add copious amounts of salt. And take niacinamide.
Look at some of Rinse&Repeat's wonderfully gelatinous concoctions for some inspiration.

How are your parents? Home cook meals when you visit home? Or if you live at home?

It sounds like you could use more joy. You can practice doing deep "I love me" breaths through your nose into your big soft and loving heart. And smile.
Take novel walks and notice the wind in the leaves and the joy that that brings.


Mar 21, 2021
Losing all that weight you probably have been running on adrenaline and cortisol which will lead to the skinny fat syndrome.

You could try emodin with is a cortisol inhibitor

Among these compounds, emodin showed the strongest inhibition of the ACTH-induced cortisol production in cells (IC50 = 13.1 ± 1.9 µM). These results suggest that emodin may help of stress-induced illnesses such as depression.

It can help stop the cortisol adrenaline feedback loop your body has been running on while you try to increase your metabolism combined with a low fat diet combined protein and sugar to increase.


Mar 21, 2021
So when your body is running on cortisol it’s sending a signal to the body to break down muscle for sugar and to store fat and everytime you eat over your current set metabolism. If you eat a little more then your body is used to running on it will converted to fat.

So something like Emodin that inhibits cortisol and then chilling out on the workouts for about 2 week and going low-fat high carb will help change you metabolism from cortisol and adrenaline to thyroid.

Cortisol is catabolic and will also impede muscle growth and strength.

So that how you get the skinny fat.
faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
It's amazing how you read all the Peat books and this is your first post. Welcome! :yellohello
You have youth on your side.

When I went away to college I ate either nothing or garbage (pizza, candy, soda) and felt fine. I played in a punk band in bars that closed at 3am and got up and went to class. Felt fine. :crazy: In retrospect, I was living on adrenaline. I'd go for days with no sleep and little or no food. Felt fine. Tried different drugs. (nothing regular) Felt fine.

So, we're pretty tough when we are young.

Your temperament sounds like serotonin dominance. And you will have to fix your metabolism.
Have you tried pregnenolone? Haidut's Stressnon.
I'd try to incorporate homemade soups and stews, and fruit along with the dairy. And add copious amounts of salt. And take niacinamide.
Look at some of Rinse&Repeat's wonderfully gelatinous concoctions for some inspiration.

How are your parents? Home cook meals when you visit home? Or if you live at home?

It sounds like you could use more joy. You can practice doing deep "I love me" breaths through your nose into your big soft and loving heart. And smile.
Take novel walks and notice the wind in the leaves and the joy that that brings.
Thank you for your response. I have not tried any supplements but am open to trying some and have heard good things about Haidut. I am at home for the summer and everything is home cooked. The joy issue may be outside the realm of any supplement I fear. The lack of joy is for sure playing a part in my health as well as everyone else I know and really everyone that I see. I just don't know one person who isn't defeated by life and resentful and it's very discouraging to be around people like that so I end up isolating myself which then leads to loneliness. As we all know there is the material and nonmaterial side of what peat taught which is most dealt with in mind and tissue. And it is getting harder and harder everyday to deal with people who are both lacking materially and spiritually and they try to drag everyone down with them and its both upsetting in some cases and anger inducing in others. I live in a big city and the low stress type lifestyle is nearly impossible here because of all the sirens and shouting and the kinda impending sense of doom among most people. I myself am an eternal glass half full type of guy and am religiously locked in and have no insecurity's materially or non materially because of my faith but when literally everyone I come into contact with is ready for "the end" whatever that may be it is just discouraging. I will forever keep my hopes up that things can be fixed though and I'll meet at least one person in real life who still loves life.
faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
So when your body is running on cortisol it’s sending a signal to the body to break down muscle for sugar and to store fat and everytime you eat over your current set metabolism. If you eat a little more then your body is used to running on it will converted to fat.

So something like Emodin that inhibits cortisol and then chilling out on the workouts for about 2 week and going low-fat high carb will help change you metabolism from cortisol and adrenaline to thyroid.

Cortisol is catabolic and will also impede muscle growth and strength.

So that how you get the skinny fat.
Thank you so much for this advice this is exactly what I was looking for.


Aug 17, 2016
Thank you for your response. I have not tried any supplements but am open to trying some and have heard good things about Haidut. I am at home for the summer and everything is home cooked. The joy issue may be outside the realm of any supplement I fear. The lack of joy is for sure playing a part in my health as well as everyone else I know and really everyone that I see. I just don't know one person who isn't defeated by life and resentful and it's very discouraging to be around people like that so I end up isolating myself which then leads to loneliness. As we all know there is the material and nonmaterial side of what peat taught which is most dealt with in mind and tissue. And it is getting harder and harder everyday to deal with people who are both lacking materially and spiritually and they try to drag everyone down with them and its both upsetting in some cases and anger inducing in others. I live in a big city and the low stress type lifestyle is nearly impossible here because of all the sirens and shouting and the kinda impending sense of doom among most people. I myself am an eternal glass half full type of guy and am religiously locked in and have no insecurity's materially or non materially because of my faith but when literally everyone I come into contact with is ready for "the end" whatever that may be it is just discouraging. I will forever keep my hopes up that things can be fixed though and I'll meet at least one person in real life who still loves life.
"they try to drag everyone down with them"

Okay. You recognize that. You don't have to go with them. In fact, DON'T.
I'm tending to a "disengage and avoid" with those types once I have recognition.

The good thing about cities (we lived in manhattan and chicago) is the vast parks where you see faces and have very light interaction without enmeshment.
We moved to a small beach town and people are highly proned to enmeshment and backstabby.
And here there are less interesting classes to take. I used to belong to a great dojo in Chicago. The opportunity to find very high level conscientiousness and skill is available in a vast array of interests. Instead, you have to feign that the crappy quality and skill level is awesome among the fellow semi-retarded mouth-breathers.

So, you have to make your heaven your self. Solitude is not the same as isolation or loneliness. Use this time get great at what you take to the most.
Count your blessings on your family and opportunity.

Serotonin - Dopamine is like a see-saw. So, you can smack down that serotonin. Maybe you inherited that hormonal imprint. When serotonin is smaked down, you'll skip passed those low frequency turds without feeling any of their drag. Liseride? But I thought starting with stressnon would be a nice overall regenerative reset. It will lift the heavy mood.

I agree with not always regimented workouts. Do like Hans. Get outside in the sun; take off your shirt and do some explosive sprints. Jump from rock to rock. (if in Central Park).

You sound scholastically very smart. Get great at something.


Dec 8, 2016
97.6..... I didnt know it was that low.
If you gained 33 pounds eating only 2500 kcal- I would assume that you were hypothyroid.

This temperature confirms that possibility.

You are young which is a giant giant plus

You need to move away from a stressed metabolism to a robust one

Keep reading what these guys are saying

Don’t overthink or complicate it for yourself…
Your body wants to heal and find balance

Best to you
faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
"they try to drag everyone down with them"

Okay. You recognize that. You don't have to go with them. In fact, DON'T.
I'm tending to a "disengage and avoid" with those types once I have recognition.

The good thing about cities (we lived in manhattan and chicago) is the vast parks where you see faces and have very light interaction without enmeshment.
We moved to a small beach town and people are highly proned to enmeshment and backstabby.
And here there are less interesting classes to take. I used to belong to a great dojo in Chicago. The opportunity to find very high level conscientiousness and skill is available in a vast array of interests. Instead, you have to feign that the crappy quality and skill level is awesome among the fellow semi-retarded mouth-breathers.

So, you have to make your heaven your self. Solitude is not the same as isolation or loneliness. Use this time get great at what you take to the most.
Count your blessings on your family and opportunity.

Serotonin - Dopamine is like a see-saw. So, you can smack down that serotonin. Maybe you inherited that hormonal imprint. When serotonin is smaked down, you'll skip passed those low frequency turds without feeling any of their drag. Liseride? But I thought starting with stressnon would be a nice overall regenerative reset. It will lift the heavy mood.

I agree with not always regimented workouts. Do like Hans. Get outside in the sun; take off your shirt and do some explosive sprints. Jump from rock to rock. (if in Central Park).

You sound scholastically very smart. Get great at something.
I belong to a gym that I go to 6 times a week and go to several different libraries every week and oddly enough the places are either empty or the people are generally and clearly in an off put mood. I like what you’re saying though I will never stop going out altogether. And yes stresson looks very helpful.


Mar 21, 2021
What would you say is the best brand of Emodin?
I used Lapodin - Liquid Emodin/β-lapachone Mix




Feb 14, 2022
Just to ease up a bit your mind - research backed by real life experience does show that when training, you always gain muscle+fat in relationship to your body fat %. So only lean people can gain "lean muscle" and what you experienced was fully expected no matter your thyroid function or kcal supply.

To be honest, I think the "peat way out" of this will take you another ~10 years at least. In your place I would choose diet-wise the non-Peat way and stay low in kcal, then use any supplement possible that raises metabolic rate, and any that lower estrogen, serotonin, prolactin, cortisol. Then see if you can eat low fat (10% of total kcal) to deplete unsaturated fats. Train max 4 times a week with heavy weights 8-12 reps.
faust jaeger

faust jaeger

Jul 3, 2023
Just to ease up a bit your mind - research backed by real life experience does show that when training, you always gain muscle+fat in relationship to your body fat %. So only lean people can gain "lean muscle" and what you experienced was fully expected no matter your thyroid function or kcal supply.

To be honest, I think the "peat way out" of this will take you another ~10 years at least. In your place I would choose diet-wise the non-Peat way and stay low in kcal, then use any supplement possible that raises metabolic rate, and any that lower estrogen, serotonin, prolactin, cortisol. Then see if you can eat low fat (10% of total kcal) to deplete unsaturated fats. Train max 4 times a week with heavy weights 8-12 reps.
What are some names of the supplements that could do this, im not too well versed in the idealabs world yet.


Nov 5, 2021
What are some names of the supplements that could do this, im not too well versed in the idealabs world yet.
Haidut once mentioned in a recent podcast (can't put my finger on which one right now) that 90mg/kg of aspirin a day returned all "metabolic biomarkers" (paraphrasing) to normal in obese participants over a 10 day period. Aspirin has also always been recommended by Ray for cancer which as we know is due to fat/lactic acid adapted metabolism, which appears to be what you developed through the excessive fatty acid release in weight loss, a cancerous/diabeteic metabolism. So I think giving a trial run of aspirin would be a worthwhile endeavour. It's relatively safe on it's own but the standard precautionary measures here seem to be 1mg k2 for 300mg aspirin for protecting against blood thinning effects. Limiting singular doses to 1.5g at a time and scattering them throughout the day would b good measure.


Sep 16, 2021
What are some names of the supplements that could do this, im not too well versed in the idealabs world yet.
Doing the very well cooked white button mushrooms and carrot salad once a day could be a easy start. I waited way too long before I took the carrot salad seriously when I started peating, but it's probably the most beneficial peating hack, warming euphoric effect experienced within 30 mins after consumption. The white button mushrooms effect on estrogen is nothing to joke about too, I supressed my estrogen to a point where I lost my libido temporarily with it.


Some great advice already - Have you tried b vitamins especially thiamine? It’s so easy to become thiamine depleted – it’s blocked by so many things.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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