I haven’t seen one healthy looking person since arriving back in london

Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
If you are basing a lot of your reaction by the "looks" someone is giving you this means you are mind reading. I would try to attend your lectures and just be yourself and learn.
Ahh shame I’m being gaslit again. You don’t think people communicate nonverbally?

At the end of the day the biggest problem for young people is that society is controlled by older people who don’t understand us at all and give us no agency or understanding.

I am learning on my own account and being myself so don’t worry about that. Thanks anyway
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
"•Hooking up
•Getting blackout drunk (e.g going on pub crawls)
•Going to nightclubs and snogging random people"

this is how the UK is
Scotland is the same
Yes I know. The only difference in London is that everyone also identifies as trans or pansexual or aro-ace or nonbinary.


Feb 12, 2020
Yes I know. The only difference in London is that everyone also identifies as trans or pansexual or aro-ace or nonbinary.
actually there's lots of vegans, lgbtq, environmentalists and blue hair arts students here
the ones that aren't that way, rarely want to talk about subjects that aren't superficial

you're more likely to find people who are not brainwashed and are capable of critical thinking in england and northern ireland


Ahh shame I’m being gaslit again. You don’t think people communicate nonverbally?

At the end of the day the biggest problem for young people is that society is controlled by older people who don’t understand us at all and give us no agency or understanding.

I am learning on my own account and being myself so don’t worry about that. Thanks anyway
I’m not gaslighting you at all. I’m just suggesting giving people the benefit of the doubt because people are not always thinking what we imagine they are thinking. Why deny yourself the opportunity to get the best out of your degree? You don’t have to be like them (getting drunk and go clubbing) but there are other ways you can engage without compromising your principles. The question is do you have the courage to be different and still participate in college life?
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
actually there's lots of vegans, lgbtq, environmentalists and blue hair arts students here
the ones that aren't that way, rarely want to talk about subjects that aren't superficial

you're more likely to find people who are not brainwashed and are capable of critical thinking in england and northern ireland
Yikes. Thanks for letting me know. Probably best to GTFO of this country then.
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I’m not gaslighting you at all. I’m just suggesting giving people the benefit of the doubt because people are not always thinking what we imagine they are thinking.
I always do this, and have done so too much in the past and have been stung badly. People can be evil. Also I’ve learned how to get a good read on most people, which isn’t hard because in a hypothyroid state people become very predictable and robotic.
Why deny yourself the opportunity to get the best out of your degree?
I’m not. All of my textbooks, resources and lectures are online. Also all my tests and exams are online. I literally have 0 reason to subject myself to other people. I don’t think you understand.
Again, I can keep explaining this but you are not going to understand this because you haven’t experienced it. I think when you were my age things were drastically different and people were healthier and more lively.


I always do this, and have done so too much in the past and have been stung badly. People can be evil. Also I’ve learned how to get a good read on most people, which isn’t hard because in a hypothyroid state people become very predictable and robotic.

I’m not. All of my textbooks, resources and lectures are online. Also all my tests and exams are online. I literally have 0 reason to subject myself to other people. I don’t think you understand.
Again, I can keep explaining this but you are not going to understand this because you haven’t experienced it. I think when you were my age things were drastically different and people were healthier and more lively.
I agree with you, I can't understand your world because I am not in it. I didn't do my degrees online and I can't imagine how this would work. Don't romanticise the past. Every generation has huddles to overcome. Participation in social media was encouraged when I was at college – I opted out – it wasn’t easy.


Jun 7, 2016
I really like English working people, I relish in their bad attitude towards authority and the goverment. I really appreciate how they know the whole thing is a massive con job. I really like their sense or humour and non challant attitude but serious when needed.

My biggest concern is that a lot of people just don't eat much food, I wish they would eat well and plentiful.


Mar 26, 2014
I really like English working people, I relish in their bad attitude towards authority and the goverment. I really appreciate how they know the whole thing is a massive con job. I really like their sense or humour and non challant attitude but serious when needed.
You'd be surprised, I ignored all the made-up rules but I saw people I would never have expected to go along with it either do just that, or fold at the first pressure. Although it was good to see people hold protests, and this country didn't seem so draconian as say Australia.


Feb 12, 2020
I really like English working people, I relish in their bad attitude towards authority and the goverment. I really appreciate how they know the whole thing is a massive con job.
celts are the most government submissive people on the planet what are you talking about


Jun 7, 2016
celts are the most government submissive people on the planet what are you talking about
Im not English but worked and lived there for two years. England has less laws than Australia even though the constitution of Australia was written in Westminster. I should have said compared to Australians


Sep 9, 2019
celts are the most government submissive people on the planet what are you talking about

I really like English working people, I relish in their bad attitude towards authority and the goverment. I really appreciate how they know the whole thing is a massive con job. I really like their sense or humour and non challant attitude but serious when needed.
We really like you too Mr Herbie.


Mar 25, 2016
I am not paranoid. I am in stellar physical and mental health. It is an observation that is not hard to make and that others have made. Please do not make this personal.

I know it’s not everyone. However finding a kind soul here is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Light it up to pass the time? Uhhh…

Essentially what OP said. Everyone is extremely stressed and can only cope by inflicting their misery on each other.

In short, with very few exceptions, people are willing to lie, dominate and conspire against each other to get their way; passtimes for young people include:
•Hooking up
•Getting blackout drunk (e.g going on pub crawls)
•Going to nightclubs and snogging random people
People on the street are openly hostile and I frequently experience young men (especially of African descent) giving me death stares as I pass them and just doing things like throwing garbage everywhere and screaming.
The girls my age are all extremely mentally ill (every girl that I spoke to at my old uni accommodation had depression or worse) and some of walk around with a look of pure hatred in their eyes like they’re about to murder someone. I am weary of (mostly young) white and asian women because these treat me the most aggressively and are the ones who actually barge into me in the street. Black women seem to be friendlier for some reason.
I have stopped attending my lectures in person because even some of the female staff there treats me aggressively.

This might all sound like I’m exaggerating but I’m not and I know that other people, especially other young men, are experiencing similar things.

About me: I am Christian so unsurprisingly I believe strongly in treating everyone with kindness. I do not behave like much of my fellow Londoners and I am appalled my many people’s way of life even if I am not qualified to judge others.
I do experience friendly conversations from randoms in cafés or when I’m out or about, and I often get asked for directions — or with help with something.
This is because I am actually a peaceful and friendly person and it shows on my face (not my words, strangers that I meet sometimes tell me this).

The best remedy for me has been idealabs supplements with emphasis on androgens.
Basically I have made myself into a big scary guy to ward off aggression from others and it works and continues to work. At the same time they have completely quelled my stress hormones and anxiety so I have a very relaxed demeanour.
This means that I am both energetically expensive to challenge and also neither a threat. That is how I carry myself and lately I barely experience aggression from Londoners- with a few exceptions.

I have decided to mostly withdraw myself from others (except a handful of friends) and I’m going to immigrate somewhere else the second I get my bachelor’s degree. (I have dual nationality)

I apologise if this was too long but I am trying to communicate my experience through words which isn’t easy for me to do succinctly.
What you have described is just typical London 'parklife'...don't sweat on it too much.
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Mar 25, 2016
celts are the most government submissive people on the planet what are you talking about
The English aren't Celts and the Celts are nowhere near the most government submissive people on the planet. You must have missed the Irish fight for independence. It was brutal, bloody and ultimately successful so far! Often against the greatest Empirical power the world had known to that date!


Jan 10, 2023
People just don’t function well here, I think it’s the glyphosate in food chelating minerals, tap water used in cooking, PUFA consumption and possibly vaccine stuff too. A lot of people have the lifeless look in their eyes and that can be from magnesium deficiency causing low gaba.

When it’s sunny nearly everyone is wearing sunglasses and hiding from the sun as if they are scared of it. They are actually relieved they get to finally wear sunglasses so they can hide their anxious stressed faces from everyone else.

Hope I can get a remote job and move out of this place soon it’s a big trap that leads to an unfulfilling and unhealthy life.
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