I' m a 18 year old guy with big problems


Feb 13, 2021
So, sorry if my english is not that good i m not native.
I will try to give just the amount of needed informations
My problems are
-my mom, classmates, girls even todlers have bigger wrists than me.
-small head, small everything my gf have a bigger head /facial bone structure than me.
-I have no libido, i can t mentain a full erection.
-I tried to grow muscle, at 5'8 62 kg i was eating 3500 kcal and i was at 65 and hardly to mentain.
-high pitched voice.
-Soft skin and very young look.
-i m 12% bf and i can t see a bone in my face.
-Narrow palate i can t fit my tongue so i can t mew.
-Overbite, a bad one.
-I can t speak properly maybe because i can t fit my tongue..
-I m very emotional.

i TRIED TO inject testosterone 250mg for like 2 months and no changes...
What i want? A bigger bone structure/facial bones to look like a man and some erections..

I want to get advice about what i should try? I want to try a HGH cycle.. I m new here so i want to learn..
Here are some pics with me, i have a good body because of small bone structure in reality i m soo small.
Also my left side is smaller and weaker bad assimetry.
And in the end a picture with me and my gf.. Head difference IMG 20210202 170604 — Postimages


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Oct 7, 2020
What is your diet, sleep, stress levels like, have you had any medicines in the past and what your diet, sleep and stress levels were like growing up on the average?


Mar 8, 2015
But everything looks normal.

it sounds like you need to work on how you see yourself.


Feb 13, 2021
What is your diet, sleep, stress levels like, have you had any medicines in the past and what your diet, sleep and stress levels were like growing up on the average?
Bad diet before, now good but not improvments


Dec 17, 2018
So, sorry if my english is not that good i m not native.
I will try to give just the amount of needed informations
My problems are
-my mom, classmates, girls even todlers have bigger wrists than me.
-small head, small everything my gf have a bigger head /facial bone structure than me.
-I have no libido, i can t mentain a full erection.
-I tried to grow muscle, at 5'8 62 kg i was eating 3500 kcal and i was at 65 and hardly to mentain.
-high pitched voice.
-Soft skin and very young look.
-i m 12% bf and i can t see a bone in my face.
-Narrow palate i can t fit my tongue so i can t mew.
-Overbite, a bad one.
-I can t speak properly maybe because i can t fit my tongue..
-I m very emotional.

i TRIED TO inject testosterone 250mg for like 2 months and no changes...
What i want? A bigger bone structure/facial bones to look like a man and some erections..

I want to get advice about what i should try? I want to try a HGH cycle.. I m new here so i want to learn..
Here are some pics with me, i have a good body because of small bone structure in reality i m soo small.
Also my left side is smaller and weaker bad assimetry.
And in the end a picture with me and my gf.. Head difference IMG 20210202 170604 — Postimages
Tell us your diet. If its bad nothing will ever get better.

Your bone structure for your height actually looks normal. I can see the wrist as well, not particularly small. You have low confidence clearly. If you want to look bigger you need to increase muscle. Eating food doesn't do ***t you need to actually get stronger in the gym for muscles to grow. Your shoulders, back muscles and chest are tiny which gives the impression of making your bone structure looking small. If you grow those upper parts of your body properly you will look much bigger

Looking young is a good thing. You want to age? No of course not. That young looking face will be a blessing when you get older.

If you do not have access to heavy weights in a gym, that is the first step. You can try to take a multivitamin for men which should help you grow. You may need extra zinc on top of for a little while. This is heavily dependent on your diet though. If you are not eating a decent chunk of beef daily plus a few servings of dairy you will definitely not have enough zinc. Zinc will help increases androgens if you need it, but should be taken with a multivitamin. This should deepen the voice.

If you are overly emotional then that's a second indicator you need zinc. Zinc will reduce excess emotions, which is very important for men. Eat tons of red meat, rice, fruits... Red meats will provide the protein, iron and zinc, which will make you more of a man physically and mentally.

In short: multivitamin + extra zinc. Eat red meat for iron, lots of starches, some dairy, etc all will trying to lift heavy at the gym and working all muscle groups, emphasis on the chest, shoulders, back, arms. Should help hormones and deepen the voice and you will look better if you put the effort in.


Dec 12, 2020
You look good. You look like a handsome young kid.

I think some emotional healing may be necessary, but honestly, everyone has these feelings at 18. You're so so young.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I think your biggest problem is an inferiority complex. Relax. Time changes things. Even my myopia has gotten better over the years. Recessed chin caused by overbite can be "corrected" by growing a beard.


Feb 13, 2021
I think your biggest problem is an inferiority complex. Relax. Time changes things. Even my myopia has gotten better over the years. Recessed chin caused by overbite can be "corrected" by growing a beard.
man i know what i see, i m not delusional. At a group photo i have the smallest head, when i armwrestle with my friends my wrist/hands look so girly in comparison to them.. They have that hard look, and me , me have a soft look. Short limbs, short fingers.


Feb 13, 2021
Tell us your diet. If its bad nothing will ever get better.

Your bone structure for your height actually looks normal. I can see the wrist as well, not particularly small. You have low confidence clearly. If you want to look bigger you need to increase muscle. Eating food doesn't do ***t you need to actually get stronger in the gym for muscles to grow. Your shoulders, back muscles and chest are tiny which gives the impression of making your bone structure looking small. If you grow those upper parts of your body properly you will look much bigger

Looking young is a good thing. You want to age? No of course not. That young looking face will be a blessing when you get older.

If you do not have access to heavy weights in a gym, that is the first step. You can try to take a multivitamin for men which should help you grow. You may need extra zinc on top of for a little while. This is heavily dependent on your diet though. If you are not eating a decent chunk of beef daily plus a few servings of dairy you will definitely not have enough zinc. Zinc will help increases androgens if you need it, but should be taken with a multivitamin. This should deepen the voice.

If you are overly emotional then that's a second indicator you need zinc. Zinc will reduce excess emotions, which is very important for men. Eat tons of red meat, rice, fruits... Red meats will provide the protein, iron and zinc, which will make you more of a man physically and mentally.

In short: multivitamin + extra zinc. Eat red meat for iron, lots of starches, some dairy, etc all will trying to lift heavy at the gym and working all muscle groups, emphasis on the chest, shoulders, back, arms. Should help hormones and deepen the voice and you will look better if you put the effort in.
That's not a good young look, i have no bone structure in my face. i want to be masculine not young , my bone structure is underdeveloped for sure.
Lol some say i look like a twink gay. I can t even gain weight, every bit of weight and my face is more bloated than already is because of lack of bones.


Feb 13, 2021
Again, that s a underdeveloped bone structure and everyone around have bigger bones..


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Feb 13, 2021
I can fit my hand like that and i have short fingers.


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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
man i know what i see, i m not delusional. At a group photo i have the smallest head, when i armwrestle with my friends my wrist/hands look so girly in comparison to them.. They have that hard look, and me , me have a soft look. Short limbs, short fingers.

I get it because I have/had some of the same issues. However, there are certain things that we just cannot change and have to accept. You can spend your life obsessing and worrying about things you can't change, or accept them and take the good with the bad, like we all have to do. That's called growing up.

Weight gain will come with age. I couldn't gain weight until my late 20s. There's nothing much you can do about overbite except consult a dentist to see if there is a solution. Small wrists? Sorry there's nothing you can do about that (I have the same). We don't have to like or agree with the hand we've been dealt, we just have to accept and deal with it. Find your strengths and focus on them.
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Dec 17, 2018
That's not a good young look, i have no bone structure in my face. i want to be masculine not young , my bone structure is underdeveloped for sure.
Lol some say i look like a twink gay. I can t even gain weight, every bit of weight and my face is more bloated than already is because of lack of bones.

I told you what to do. Go to the gym, start working out, heavy compound lifts and secondary exercises to isolate muscles. Take the time to learn what exercises you need to do instead of thinking you have weak bone structure because you don't. When your shoulders back and chest fill out you will look a million times better. You are who you are. I was like you once, every little stupid thing I thought was wrong with me I would let it bother me. But then I got over it. I also thought my frame was small until I built muscles and I realized I am full of ***t. Take some zinc so you can stop thinking these little b**** thoughts and be confident in who you are and work to improve your physique.

Multivitamin + Zinc. Eat lots of red meat and food and you will grow. If you can eat organ meat such as liver you will grow even faster. But you need to use weights and progress. That's how you grow. Anyone who thinks you actually have a small bone structure doesn't know what they are talking about, including you. If you train your forearms enough the wrist width does increase. But the bones you have now you are basically stuck with.

However because you are still only 18, you still have a few years where you may grow taller. But you need to eat well, take vitamins, drink plenty of milk for minerals for your bones then a few years your height may increase and everything else like bone structure gets bigger proportionally as well.


Oct 7, 2020
Just do things that boost androgens and bone and muscle growth in the general as Redsun already mentioned therefore good diet with enough calories and nutrients and factors enabling proper androgen production in combination with good sleep and exercise will give your body the signaling that will make the bones and muscles grow if the body senses the need to make that occur and as it was said increasing muscle mass will be probably enough.

With proper food, sleep, exercise and lifestyle you are going to see what is the maximum genetical potential that your body is capable of.

You said that you tried to inject Testosterone however if you are not deficient in it there is no reason to and it could also result in excess Estrogen production due to the aromatese having more Testosterone to convert into the Estrogen and other issues in the general.

Food, sleep, exercise and lifestyle is the core and everything else simply enhances those core primary factors.


Nov 22, 2017
I shared a lot of similar characteristics at your age, i.e. young look, small wrists, low libido, energy, feeling cold etc. I was still pretty happy but If there is one thing I can tell you to work on its improving your metabolism (thyroid function). Focusing on eating good foods (milk, meat, gelatin, eggs, oysters, liver etc.) and getting plenty of sunshine and vitamin D, will go a long way and will allow you to develop fully.

Thankfully, at 18 you have a long of leeway to keep on developing.


Feb 13, 2021
You guys have some suggestions for bone growth? DHEA, HGH?
What about low libido and no erections? I never ever had one throughout the day. And never a strong morning wood and i get one at like 3 4 weeks.
Also can t stay hard with gf


Feb 13, 2021
I think you're pretty dumb to hang around stupid people like that who would even think to say something so abusive and inconsiderate like that.
I don t hang around with them.
They are 6ft 3 jocks who say that random
Listen guys, i want to know if anyone here know something who can grow bone structure?
I will try HGH and progesterone , big dosses of test.
I don t care about side effects. I just want do it, i don t want to live like that. Not in the future when the average height would be even bigger, 15 year old kids average are 6foot tall now.
That is something important for me, i want to be a boxer? HOW I CAN BE A BOXER WHEN I CAN T TAKE A PUNCH ? Everyone here in my gym look neanderhal , huge jaws and forehead, i have one dream and that bone structure is destroying me. One punch at the jaw, even a jab and i m dizzy.
Also my ribs are soft i just punch them softly and it hurt.
Im not delusional, if i think everyone around me looks more manly, naturaly stronger, bigger, i think with a reason and i don t want to live with this ***t.
I want to intimidate others, and i had a period with gym where i had muscle on steroids but still i looked soft , and i need 4000kcal to mentain 67 kcal, and i don t have the money for that. And no hell a guy with small head with muscle look good. or intimidating.
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Apr 30, 2015
You look better then you think you do, but I will give you an answer assuming you are correct in your self assessment.

First, have grounded expectations.

It takes awhile for protein structure and bone to build. I used to have a jaw on the narrow side. Would have to use a retainer often to keep my teeth from crowding. Taking vitamin K2 for a year and a half or so made a difference, so no longer use the retainer, but it was slow going, and the growth is not super noticeable unless you look hard.

Try eating raw meat. It will give you confidence, libido, and will help build protein structures overtime.
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