If you are shut-down, what to supplement for neurosteroids?


Sep 25, 2018
If you were or are shut down from using exogenous steroids, what supps would you use to make sure you are getting sufficient neurosteroids? I'm doing TRT (T base in DMSO) and supplementing 100 mg Pregnenolone E3D but I'm not sure if that's optimal or if I should add in DHEA/more Preg/Progesterone. I'm not concerned about being shut down itself, so let's not discuss Haidut's thread on Pregnenolone for this purpose.
Nov 16, 2012
I am experiencing this right now I believe. For over a week my nuts have been tight, small and painful (burning sensation), sometimes they withdraw entirely.

The only new things I used recently were magnesium carbonate (1 g) and androsterone (10 mg for a few days). Fat chance that magnesium would cause those symptoms.
Androsterone, despite the safety many here claim? Most likely culprit.

I tried Vitamin E, pregnenolone, and the usual recommended here. Saw no improvements for a few days and I didn't want to risk any kind of testicular atrophy.

I got on HCG & Tamoxifen a few days ago, and I seem to be improving slowly. It's the only stuff that I would trust with the job. If the steroids you are using aren't aromatizing a lot then the suppression likely doesn't come via the estrogen receptor, but via the androgen one. In this case tamoxifen will take a long time to work and only does so "indirectly". HCG would be the preferred intervention here as it will immediately provide gonadotropin stimulation to the testicles (and it should also contribute to an increase in neurosteroids). I suppose it's not exactly a "supplement" though.


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Aug 24, 2017
Pregnenolone on its own will mostly convert to prog, so it will be good to take DHEA as well. TRT has been shown to lower DHEA over time. But ultimately, checking your DHEA and prog is the way to go. But even with sufficient prog, you might still experience benefit from taking allopreg for example. So it will only make sense to do tests and experiment.
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