Im losing hope..


Jun 28, 2020
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.


Jun 28, 2020
ive tried 5000 iu 1000 mcg mk2, zinc piconilate 15mg, multiple cups of decaf, coffee (makes me feel very irritable and gives me thoughts of death), walking, pushups.

Ive ate chinese food probably 20 times in the past 2 years, pizza probably 30 times, mcdonalds 10 times, I don't remember, but the majority of the time ive been eating red meat, sugar, coffee, dairy, oj, kefir.
May 2, 2021
For me it all flipped when I found an activity I enjoyed doing and just did it, which was climbing in my case. This drive and enjoyment I got out of the new found passion saw a myriad of other benefits appearing in my life, including the ability to get leaner.


Mar 26, 2014
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.

Have you had any blood tests done?


Jun 28, 2020
For me it all flipped when I found an activity I enjoyed doing and just did it, which was climbing in my case.
Thats good, I don't really have much activities I enjoy, I guess i could try the gym again, maybe taking 2 laps around the block just isn't enough exercise.

Have you had any blood tests done?
Yes, I posted them in another thread but the thyroid tests weren't relevant, it was t3 uptake, thyroxine but i needed to get free t3 and t4 tests. I had low thyroid and a slightly high tsh at 3.5 last year but i guess docs just think its within range and can be cured by diet, or the risk of treating it isn't worth it. My vitamin D levels were low was well at 37.


  • Bloodresults.png
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Jul 27, 2017
maybe taking 2 laps around the block just isn't enough exercise.

Depends on how intense your walking is - I can walk long distance without sweating or getting out of breath, but i can also take 10-15min rage-walk ending with drenched shirt and feeling like my lungs are prolapsing :)


Oct 1, 2019
Skim milk is best for weight loss. Whole milk will make you fat. You can get dessicated thyroid or T3 + T4/T3 online.
May 29, 2013
Sorry to hear you're struggling; I know it can be really disheartening when things aren't working. Just a couple of thoughts about what you've written here, through the lens of my own experience.

1. Recently, to the surprise of many here, Peat was quoted as saying something along the lines of [if you want to lose weight, it's probably best to stop eating for a while, whilst getting enough nutrients from nutrient dense foods]. Paraphrasing massively as I don't have time to find the quote, but I pray someone here can back me up on that.

2. Full-fat or even semi dairy, for some, including myself, is the most fattening component in the diet. If you're not already, definitely go low fat on dairy.

3. Again, if it doesn't suit YOU, like it didn't suit me, drinking so much fluid really messes with your digestion and metabolism. I was constantly bloated and not shedding weight when I drank so much. My first year of 'Peating' I was drinking 2 litres of milk and 1 litre of OJ a day and I put on a lot of weight.

4. A lot of peole here might disagree with this, but look into @Amarsh213 's posts on acidity / alkalinity in the diet. It might not be for you, but I've certainly experienced some benefits trying to balance out acid and base forming foods in my diet. My circulation and complexion, for example, is much better now. I have rosey cheeks, which I haven't had for years whilst hammering the dairy, red meat, and added sugar.

5. Tagging on to that, personally, I'd ditch the added white sugar for now, if you haven't already. I've found that unless my diet is bursting with all the nutrients I need, added sugar makes me feel like crap. To the best of my understanding, it speeds up your metabolism and uses up various resources, so if you don't have them available, it'll cause inflammation. This has been the case for me, as I've struggled to get good quality meat and fruit.

This is just my take! Make of it what you will! Hope you find the strength to keep on at the problem.

Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.
Peating caused me weight gain and depression. I went back to keto and my blood sugar is so much better. Everything is normalizing. I tried peating 2 years with many variations including skim milk, no ice cream… just would not work and never helped my thyroid. It was just a little low but normal range. I feel much more balanced on low carb. You could always try the soup GAPS approach. Chicken soup for a while. It works!


Jun 23, 2017
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick
Being easy on yourself is gonna be way more productive. Tsh 3.7 is probably the first thing Peat would mention. You know which tests to get but Danny Roddy made a pretty great couple primers on how one would assess thyroid status (even without blood labs as a general) and places to get thyroid relatively cheap. It takes 4 years to show a significant change in stores. Most people give up after hearing that.

Excercise for people that are hypothyroid (according to Ray something above 1 to 1.5) would be very detrimental to the system. General concentric exercises is a good way to build muscle and send signals to utilize calories but in general you're probably looking at high cortisol (causes myriads of issues, one of which be fat gain, or big belly). God, if He does exist, necessarily made all the people here and so I think you have a decent amount of help. If it's any consolation I've been on the road to metabolism healing for about 3+ years and only last week got my thyroid working and tsh at sub .4.

Things take time. (Took 3 or 4 times supplementing thyroid for at least a month patiently trying to get the right dose).


Oct 6, 2020
Yup! Many people simply forget about this simple rule. Yet, this is the most important one.

It actually is wrong. Obviously eating little to nothing will make you loose fat eventually but i highly doubt these individuals will remain healthy for very long on 500 calories a day and eating a little more will make them fat again quickly unless the diets or whatever else it was that helped caused a long lasting shift in their hormonal and microbiome makeup of the individual.

If the flexibility of the body is so far off that you need to starve to loose fat then something is wrong.

I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer

Missing out on what? Unless you are referring to a certain type of sport you are not realy more or less capable than a skinny/starved person.

Its not that you are carrying to much weight, you are just unhealthy, period. I am super skinny and i eat like a obese person and it sucks. Your weight/fat diposit is not the issue, feeling ***t inside the meat suit is. It matters how you feel as it's a direct feedback/response of how well you are.

It's the same missconception that people have of muscular/ripped people being "happy and healthy".

Absolutism in health/biology realy gets annyoing considering how wrong it is. I blame society and media for that sort of thinking tho.


Feb 22, 2021
Thats good, I don't really have much activities I enjoy, I guess i could try the gym again, maybe taking 2 laps around the block just isn't enough exercise.

Yes, I posted them in another thread but the thyroid tests weren't relevant, it was t3 uptake, thyroxine but i needed to get free t3 and t4 tests. I had low thyroid and a slightly high tsh at 3.5 last year but i guess docs just think its within range and can be cured by diet, or the risk of treating it isn't worth it. My vitamin D levels were low was well at 37.
Please don't despair! Many people are in similar positions to you. I, for one, have a weight problem and a large abdomen that doesn't want to leave me. My income is also limited. I just keep learning as much as I can about Ray Peat and getting the inside scoop on food. But, I am not a true Ray Peat diet follower mainly because I can't drink milk. But I do think Dr. Ray Peat is brilliant and listen to him and @haidut when I can.

Lately, I have had a tiny bit of progress in shrinking my abdomen. It feels like all the reading I've done and podcasts I have watched for so long have started to help me make better choices. Lately, I drink more Poland Springs spring water because I think I have been dehydrated for years. I stopped drinking coffee in the morning which I used to have with half and half. Instead I wait until after my mid day meal and then have a cup of black coffee. I am eating the bulk of my big meals at mid day rather than at night. I've been cooking more for myself rather than getting take out. Sometimes I feel like the home cooked meal won't be satisfying but then as long as I eat a meal with protein and vegetables I am usually surprisingly satisfied. I've been making choices to eat more food with fiber. I never use PUFA. I try to keep the stress down. Try to take a walk but don't pressure myself. I pray and read something from the Bible daily. I have a small bowl of Vanilla Bean Hagen Daz ice cream most nights.

When I looked at your blood work I noticed you had 4 - out of range - readings:

High RBC
Low platelets
High Lymphs (absolute)
Also, you said your TSH was 3.5 so that might be considered high. (low thyroid)

I wonder what your doctor said about your blood work readings? Or, maybe I missed that information somewhere.

Regarding your stated anger at God, I am going to share my religious beliefs only because you noted your anger in the post. In my Christian faith, God is our creator and he does not try us with evil things. The bad things we experience ultimately come from Satan, not God. If you pray to God for things that he approves, he will hear you and will help you.


Jul 30, 2017
It actually is wrong. Obviously eating little to nothing will make you loose fat eventually but i highly doubt these individuals will remain healthy for very long on 500 calories a day and eating a little more will make them fat again quickly unless the diets or whatever else it was that helped caused a long lasting shift in their hormonal and microbiome makeup of the individual.
You're taking what that person said to the extreme, which is not his point. He didn't say anything about eating only 500 calories and starving yourself to lose weight. His point was if you eat more calories than you use a day you'll not lose weight. So this guy trying to lose weight should reduce his calories by 100-200 a day if he wants to lose weight.

ive tried 5000 iu 1000 mcg mk2, zinc piconilate 15mg, multiple cups of decaf, coffee (makes me feel very irritable and gives me thoughts of death), walking, pushups.

Ive ate chinese food probably 20 times in the past 2 years, pizza probably 30 times, mcdonalds 10 times, I don't remember, but the majority of the time ive been eating red meat, sugar, coffee, dairy, oj, kefir.

Decaf will not help your metabolism, there's no caffeine in there. Not sure why you're drinking it especially if it gives you adverse effects. Drinking lots of milk and oj isn't really considered peating nor a healthy diet. I think you need to go back to basics to learn what a balanced diet is and weight loss strategies.

Besides diet (although probably the most important thing if your goal is weight loss) you should think about incorporating infrared saunas. Dr. Wilson shows you how to build your own infrared sauna with 4x near infrared heat lamps and 4 clamp aluminum reflectors. You just need a shelf to clamp them too and a closet or bathroom. Sauna Therapy

If you're short term goal is losing weight you may try other non peat diets temporarily which are much more effective for weight loss like keto. Sure those diets aren't that great LONG TERM, but if you treat them as therapeutic diets that you only do temporarily it's fine. Heck, you can even try vegetarian for a few months. I guarantee you will lose lots of weight naturally and no, it won't kill you lol. Don't let extremists tell you otherwise. Everything's fine in moderation. Use what you need until you don't need it anymore.

Niacin also has free fatty acid liberating effects which may contribute to weight loss. C60 lipofullerene is also reported as useful for increasing metabolism and weight loss.


May 4, 2022
Peating caused me weight gain and depression. I went back to keto and my blood sugar is so much better. Everything is normalizing. I tried peating 2 years with many variations including skim milk, no ice cream… just would not work and never helped my thyroid. It was just a little low but normal range. I feel much more balanced on low carb. You could always try the soup GAPS approach. Chicken soup for a while. It works!
I do mostly carnivore and I sleep so much better.


May 10, 2022
I've been somewhat peating for a year now, now ill admit i don't go 100% but Ive drank a lot of milk and probably more OJ then ever, I've drank a lot of coffee, and its not working. I'm still fat as ****, I have a massive belly and it just never seems to go down. I feel like I need to either go keto or starve myself it seems thats the only way i can lose weight. Im poor and on EBT so im sure the stress of being in poverty is not helping my fat loss. I know I can't get any help from the doctors, they will just want me on SSRI. I know im missing out on so much because of being fat. I'm really sick of it and can't take it much longer. I feel like I'm going to be one of those people that has to practically starve myself and work out massively to ever lose weight, I have the worst bodytype known to man, I'm just so damn sick of this world. I take walks, lift dumbbells and still nothing significant. I curse this world and this creator. F you Mthr fkr. You sick SOB.
That's how you want to feel. If you're mad then you can train harder


Oct 6, 2020
You're taking what that person said to the extreme...

Ofcourse i did, to get my point across.
Sounds like you didn't understand my explanation at all which is ment to explain why i think his point and from the looks of it, yours, is wrong. Especially based on the context that is discussed/presented here.

He didn't say anything about eating only 500 calories and starving yourself to lose weight. His point was if you eat more calories than you use a day you'll not lose weight. So this guy trying to lose weight should reduce his calories by 100-200 a day if he wants to lose weight.

Where did i say exactly that that is what he/she said? I was exagarating on purpose.

Calories in calories out is "right" on paper but completly delusional to the reality that is peoples daily life and unique physiological situation.
I'm quite sure the OP tried eating less food and moving more so i suggest exploring the more likely reasons that could be but are not limited to: organ malfunction/damage, infections, thyroid/hormonal issues, nutrient deficiencies etc.


Jul 6, 2019
Los Angeles, California
Here is what worked for me:

1. Go to and start tracking a day of eating. It actually becomes fun! All the foods are in a huge database and you can build a day of eating.

2. I found that adding a little starch (white rice) and broccoli in 2 of my meals kept me quite full!

3. Cup of a milk before bed helps with sleep.

4. Make sure you're getting enough Vitamin D3/K2. I do 5000IU a day.

Everyday I would monitor what kept me full. I found that I was able to lower my meat intake slightly and still feel full!
You'll notice it becomes a challenge of figuring out what satieties you while keeping you happy! You'd be surprised of the diet you can build if you just hit the calorie goal! Healthy burgers, low fat tacos, low fat quesadillas with lean protein. The website has helped immensly!


May 10, 2022
I can tell you that if your thinking about cutting down to 500 calories, you'd be better off eating nothing.
If you just want to play around with the idea, get you some exogenous keytones
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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