I'm suffering with major health problems. Nothing I've done has worked, and need your precious advice on where to go from here.



Age 24, male, Canada.

I've been suffering with insatiable hunger, depersonalization, blurry vision, IBS (diagnosed), Cholinergic Urticaria (diagnosed), extreme ADHD symptoms (not diagnosed), insomnia, and on and off memory problems for years now. This is not a "Oh, just change your diet, and take X, Y, and Z supplements, and you'll be fine". Something is seriously wrong with my physiology, genetics, or body. Momentarily forgetting where I live when driving back home and being dizzy/blurry all the time with constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.

Medical tests I've done:
- Normal
Sleep test- Normal
EEG- Normal
Blood glucose- Normal. Tested 200+ times at home and 10 times In lab.
23andMe- I don't have the main genetic diseases shown, though I am a carrier for Fructose intolerance and Biotinidase deficiency, but I am only a carrier and thus do not have either disease, so my symptoms cannot correlate to that. I've checked hundreds of SNP's on SNPEDIA for diseases involving Dopamine, Serotonin, hormones, and more... Nothing bad (that I have seen, at least)
Treated for H-Pylori
many years ago: No change at all
Blood panel (Iron, B12, Thyroid, testosterone, cholesterol, prolactin)- Normal every year
Celiac disease- Negative
Vitamin and Minerals- Normal

Activities/foods supplements I tried that make me feel a bit better, but does not cure anything:
- (obviously)
Eating high protein every 2 hours- Improves my symptoms greatly, the only reliable thing that somewhat works, but it's only a 30% reduction in symptoms.
Creatine- Helps brain fog by... 10-20%? No cure at all, but at least I get a little relief.
DHA- Helps a bit with memory, perhaps 10%
NAC- Memory, 10%
Excessive exercise- Helps a bit by lowering my appetite, but does not "cure" anything, in the same way exercise could not cure diabetes for example (even if it makes you feel better, being unrelated to disease)
Winter swimming- Swimming in freezing temperatures between 0 and -20 to "shock my system" has not done anything. Feels like a caffeine high, but my problems are still there.

What I've tried that have no effects and/or makes me feel worse:
High Carb-
Makes everything 10x worse, unless I hover around low carb-ish 70-90 G which is alright.
Practically every supplement recommended here: Taurine, Glycine, Niacinamide, Aspirin, Thyroid glandular/hormones- No effect and/or makes me worse.
100's of supplements ranging from B-Complex to Lecithin to zinc to all types of herbs to individual amino acids to....- Nothing.
PUFA avoidance- No difference. at all. My symptoms are a lot better off eating tons of fish and eating almonds. This is not a pufa or dietary issue...

My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet. I eat 10x better than the average person, yet even a drug addict does not have any of my symptoms.

Cognitive Testing: I've done multiple Mensa ranked online IQ tests (Norway, Luxemburg, Denmark) + clinical Psychometric IQ test (online), both of which (supposedly) accurately correlate to in person testing, created by Mensa members and psychologists - My IQ is consistently around 110 to 130, SD 15. Variations are likely a result of 1) different tests 2) health issues affecting my thinking. Despite that, my depersonalization and brain fog make me forget repeatedly and I never feel "real". Everything is a blur. I forget what happened 3 seconds ago. I can NEVER concentrate. Ever. My attention does not exist. Driving down the same road feels "unfamiliar to me", even though I could draw it from memory, I feel "distant" from it, somehow.

My fastest typing score (on the computer/keyboard) was 91 words per minute (two finger typing), but I average 75 normally writing, so my processing speed seems... Great. Yet, my memory or recognition of memories is failing.

The worse symptoms are the ones that affect my cognitive health. I could live with IBS, urticaria, and insatiable hunger... but the cognitive issues are destroying my life.


TL;DR: I don't know what to do anymore... I have a $10,000 budget for my health and don't know what other tests or therapies to try... My life is spiraling down, I cannot live like this anymore, suffering day to day for years, please someone recommend something; anything new for me to try.

I'm a desperate man. Being at rock bottom is a compliment.


Jul 8, 2014
@Dan77, have doctors ever tested you for SIBO? Or have you ever taken an antibiotic or natural antimicrobial and found they lessened your symptoms?


May 8, 2017
I'd encourage you to invest $33 in this e-book. Has a lot of information on nutrition, mineral balancing, heavy metals, detoxing, gut health, protecting yourself from EMF. These things are the root cause of a lot of people's issues.



@Dan77, have doctors ever tested you for SIBO? Or have you ever taken an antibiotic or natural antimicrobial and found they lessened your symptoms?
Hello Jennifer,

I have not been tested for SIBO. I have, however, taken antibiotics for H-pylori with confirmation of it being eradicated-- yet no change in any symptoms.

I've eaten copious amounts of garlic, tried high dose oregano oil, Nigella Sativa (black seed), megadose Vitamin D3, and other herbal anti-biotics/anti-parasitics and have found no difference, sadly.


I'd encourage you to invest $33 in this e-book. Has a lot of information on nutrition, mineral balancing, heavy metals, detoxing, gut health, protecting yourself from EMF. These things are the root cause of a lot of people's issues.

I've done Nutritional Balancing before and have a few years worth of hair tests from Endomet on my old computer. It did nothing beneficial for me. Tried multiple practitioners with different interpretations (Eck vs Watts, etc.), different "balancing" protocols, and just... Nothing. I don't have heavy metals or mineral deficiencies. I don't believe EMF is a problem and even if I did, I'm not exposed to any electromagnetic fields other than a basic WIFI connection and computer which has never been scientifically proven to cause health issues.

My father, with mercury fillings in his teeth, smoker for 25 years, and does not eat healthy, is far healthier and stronger than I, so I don't think that is the root of my problems + I tried it already.


May 4, 2019
Have you ever experimented with having no caffeine for prolonged periods of time? I've seen some anecdotes of quitting caffeine curing depersonalisation, like this one
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/k40gg6/quit_caffeine_right_now/

Someone posted about depersonalisation and brain fog being a result of excessive opioid signalling in the brain, maybe that is worth exploring? I know for me too much coffee compounds any stress and can produce moments of high opioids/high stress hormones (stress being a powerful trigger of endogenous opioids release).

Good luck man, I had DP/DR in my teenage years as a result of extreme stress and it was not fun.


Have you ever experimented with having no caffeine for prolonged periods of time? I've seen some anecdotes of quitting caffeine curing depersonalisation, like this one
View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dpdr/comments/k40gg6/quit_caffeine_right_now/

Someone posted about depersonalisation and brain fog being a result of excessive opioid signalling in the brain, maybe that is worth exploring? I know for me too much coffee compounds any stress and can produce moments of high opioids/high stress hormones (stress being a powerful trigger of endogenous opioids release).

Good luck man, I had DP/DR in my teenage years as a result of extreme stress and it was not fun.

That's interesting. There is a lot of research on opioid/glutamate levels in the brain, but do you know of any tests to measure it? Some people say a SPECT scan can detect it, others disagree. Not sure if blood levels correlate to brain levels or how helpful that would be?

I started drinking coffee last year, and it does alleviate/improve/ brain fog and depersonalization by, a very rough estimate of, 40%.
It provides some clarity, especially if I'm around 400-500 mg caffeine levels, but obviously is not a cure.

Thank you man, DP/DR/brain fog is hell.
Happy to see you recovered from it.
Jul 17, 2021
That's interesting. There is a lot of research on opioid/glutamate levels in the brain, but do you know of any tests to measure it? Some people say a SPECT scan can detect it, others disagree. Not sure if blood levels correlate to brain levels or how helpful that would be?

I started drinking coffee last year, and it does alleviate/improve/ brain fog and depersonalization by, a very rough estimate of, 40%.
It provides some clarity, especially if I'm around 400-500 mg caffeine levels, but obviously is not a cure.

Thank you man, DP/DR/brain fog is hell.
Happy to see you recovered from it.

What is your vaccine status?

Do you take various pharmaceuticals now, or have you taken them in the past ie, SSRI’s, antibiotics etc?


What is your vaccine status?

Do you take various pharmaceuticals now, or have you taken them in the past ie, SSRI’s, antibiotics etc?
I had a basic flu vaccine in my adolescence, that's about it.

Have never taken SSRI's. Took antibiotics maybe 2-3 times in my life? Felt no different before or after them.


May 4, 2019
That's interesting. There is a lot of research on opioid/glutamate levels in the brain, but do you know of any tests to measure it? Some people say a SPECT scan can detect it, others disagree. Not sure if blood levels correlate to brain levels or how helpful that would be?

I started drinking coffee last year, and it does alleviate/improve/ brain fog and depersonalization by, a very rough estimate of, 40%.
It provides some clarity, especially if I'm around 400-500 mg caffeine levels, but obviously is not a cure.

Thank you man, DP/DR/brain fog is hell.
Happy to see you recovered from it.

Sorry I don't know of any such tests, the only thing I can think of are blood tests for beta-endorphin, enkephalins, and stress/inflammation mediators that would go along with high opioid signalling like CRH. Still... it's unclear on how to act on that information, taking naloxone? It would probably be through addressing life style factors, stress, infections, gut health, heavy metals, etc, which you seem to have a pretty good grasp on already.

Okay then it's unlikely that coffee is to blame here, seeing as you introduced it after symptoms appeared and it seems to be helping you.

By the way forgot to ask, did these symptoms appear out of 'nowhere' or were there any specific thing/event that you think could be involved? Or was it just a steady gradual decline in health over the years?


Feb 18, 2018
Asking a couple questions from information I didn’t pick up from your initial post.

Vitamin D status? Living in Canada is certainly concerning.

Insatiable hunger? There’s gotta be a nutrient you’re missing that your body is dying for and not getting, thus the incessant hunger cues. Choline from egg yolks? Magnesium from well cooked greens and veggies?

I’m sorry man that’s a rough existence. I started to go down that path myself and it’s not fun. At the risk of sounding trivial, stress can also cause a lot of these symptoms, if you have a stressful job and around stressful people.


Dec 8, 2016
Age 24, male, Canada.

I've been suffering with insatiable hunger, depersonalization, blurry vision, IBS (diagnosed), Cholinergic Urticaria (diagnosed), extreme ADHD symptoms (not diagnosed), insomnia, and on and off memory problems for years now. This is not a "Oh, just change your diet, and take X, Y, and Z supplements, and you'll be fine". Something is seriously wrong with my physiology, genetics, or body. Momentarily forgetting where I live when driving back home and being dizzy/blurry all the time with constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.

Medical tests I've done:
- Normal
Sleep test- Normal
EEG- Normal
Blood glucose- Normal. Tested 200+ times at home and 10 times In lab.
23andMe- I don't have the main genetic diseases shown, though I am a carrier for Fructose intolerance and Biotinidase deficiency, but I am only a carrier and thus do not have either disease, so my symptoms cannot correlate to that. I've checked hundreds of SNP's on SNPEDIA for diseases involving Dopamine, Serotonin, hormones, and more... Nothing bad (that I have seen, at least)
Treated for H-Pylori
many years ago: No change at all
Blood panel (Iron, B12, Thyroid, testosterone, cholesterol, prolactin)- Normal every year
Celiac disease- Negative
Vitamin and Minerals- Normal

Activities/foods supplements I tried that make me feel a bit better, but does not cure anything:
- (obviously)
Eating high protein every 2 hours- Improves my symptoms greatly, the only reliable thing that somewhat works, but it's only a 30% reduction in symptoms.
Creatine- Helps brain fog by... 10-20%? No cure at all, but at least I get a little relief.
DHA- Helps a bit with memory, perhaps 10%
NAC- Memory, 10%
Excessive exercise- Helps a bit by lowering my appetite, but does not "cure" anything, in the same way exercise could not cure diabetes for example (even if it makes you feel better, being unrelated to disease)
Winter swimming- Swimming in freezing temperatures between 0 and -20 to "shock my system" has not done anything. Feels like a caffeine high, but my problems are still there.

What I've tried that have no effects and/or makes me feel worse:
High Carb-
Makes everything 10x worse, unless I hover around low carb-ish 70-90 G which is alright.
Practically every supplement recommended here: Taurine, Glycine, Niacinamide, Aspirin, Thyroid glandular/hormones- No effect and/or makes me worse.
100's of supplements ranging from B-Complex to Lecithin to zinc to all types of herbs to individual amino acids to....- Nothing.
PUFA avoidance- No difference. at all. My symptoms are a lot better off eating tons of fish and eating almonds. This is not a pufa or dietary issue...

My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet. I eat 10x better than the average person, yet even a drug addict does not have any of my symptoms.

Cognitive Testing: I've done multiple Mensa ranked online IQ tests (Norway, Luxemburg, Denmark) + clinical Psychometric IQ test (online), both of which (supposedly) accurately correlate to in person testing, created by Mensa members and psychologists - My IQ is consistently around 110 to 130, SD 15. Variations are likely a result of 1) different tests 2) health issues affecting my thinking. Despite that, my depersonalization and brain fog make me forget repeatedly and I never feel "real". Everything is a blur. I forget what happened 3 seconds ago. I can NEVER concentrate. Ever. My attention does not exist. Driving down the same road feels "unfamiliar to me", even though I could draw it from memory, I feel "distant" from it, somehow.

My fastest typing score (on the computer/keyboard) was 91 words per minute (two finger typing), but I average 75 normally writing, so my processing speed seems... Great. Yet, my memory or recognition of memories is failing.

The worse symptoms are the ones that affect my cognitive health. I could live with IBS, urticaria, and insatiable hunger... but the cognitive issues are destroying my life.


TL;DR: I don't know what to do anymore... I have a $10,000 budget for my health and don't know what other tests or therapies to try... My life is spiraling down, I cannot live like this anymore, suffering day to day for years, please someone recommend something; anything new for me to try.

I'm a desperate man. Being at rock bottom is a compliment.
Hi honey.
(Im a mom at heart- hope that’s ok)

Im at work but I wanted to say two quick things.

- you can and will heal.
Your body is fighting for you not against you.
That’s why you have symptoms.
Your body is desperately trying to find balance and health.
You’re young.
You’ll get there quickly once you get on the right path.

- you are certainly not on the perfect diet.
Look at you.
It’s not working.

I’ll add that your current health looks great compared to where i was.
I was hallucinating!
I was dying.
And im well now.

How i got well isn’t exactly how you will get well.
But basic principles help.

All my best.
Hang in there.
Have hope.


May 11, 2022
I've done Nutritional Balancing before and have a few years worth of hair tests from Endomet on my old computer. It did nothing beneficial for me. Tried multiple practitioners with different interpretations (Eck vs Watts, etc.), different "balancing" protocols, and just... Nothing. I don't have heavy metals or mineral deficiencies. I don't believe EMF is a problem and even if I did, I'm not exposed to any electromagnetic fields other than a basic WIFI connection and computer which has never been scientifically proven to cause health issues.

My father, with mercury fillings in his teeth, smoker for 25 years, and does not eat healthy, is far healthier and stronger than I, so I don't think that is the root of my problems + I tried it already.
Sorry you're dealing with so many problem, like many of us are, especially the past 2-3 years. I will say that your statement that EMF's have never scientifically been proven to cause any health issues is unequivocally false.



Mar 20, 2021
Age 24, male, Canada.

I've been suffering with insatiable hunger, depersonalization, blurry vision, IBS (diagnosed), Cholinergic Urticaria (diagnosed), extreme ADHD symptoms (not diagnosed), insomnia, and on and off memory problems for years now. This is not a "Oh, just change your diet, and take X, Y, and Z supplements, and you'll be fine". Something is seriously wrong with my physiology, genetics, or body. Momentarily forgetting where I live when driving back home and being dizzy/blurry all the time with constant hunger is destroying my life and I cannot take this anymore.

Medical tests I've done:
- Normal
Sleep test- Normal
EEG- Normal
Blood glucose- Normal. Tested 200+ times at home and 10 times In lab.
23andMe- I don't have the main genetic diseases shown, though I am a carrier for Fructose intolerance and Biotinidase deficiency, but I am only a carrier and thus do not have either disease, so my symptoms cannot correlate to that. I've checked hundreds of SNP's on SNPEDIA for diseases involving Dopamine, Serotonin, hormones, and more... Nothing bad (that I have seen, at least)
Treated for H-Pylori
many years ago: No change at all
Blood panel (Iron, B12, Thyroid, testosterone, cholesterol, prolactin)- Normal every year
Celiac disease- Negative
Vitamin and Minerals- Normal

Activities/foods supplements I tried that make me feel a bit better, but does not cure anything:
- (obviously)
Eating high protein every 2 hours- Improves my symptoms greatly, the only reliable thing that somewhat works, but it's only a 30% reduction in symptoms.
Creatine- Helps brain fog by... 10-20%? No cure at all, but at least I get a little relief.
DHA- Helps a bit with memory, perhaps 10%
NAC- Memory, 10%
Excessive exercise- Helps a bit by lowering my appetite, but does not "cure" anything, in the same way exercise could not cure diabetes for example (even if it makes you feel better, being unrelated to disease)
Winter swimming- Swimming in freezing temperatures between 0 and -20 to "shock my system" has not done anything. Feels like a caffeine high, but my problems are still there.

What I've tried that have no effects and/or makes me feel worse:
High Carb-
Makes everything 10x worse, unless I hover around low carb-ish 70-90 G which is alright.
Practically every supplement recommended here: Taurine, Glycine, Niacinamide, Aspirin, Thyroid glandular/hormones- No effect and/or makes me worse.
100's of supplements ranging from B-Complex to Lecithin to zinc to all types of herbs to individual amino acids to....- Nothing.
PUFA avoidance- No difference. at all. My symptoms are a lot better off eating tons of fish and eating almonds. This is not a pufa or dietary issue...

My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee. It's basically the perfect diet. I eat 10x better than the average person, yet even a drug addict does not have any of my symptoms.

Cognitive Testing: I've done multiple Mensa ranked online IQ tests (Norway, Luxemburg, Denmark) + clinical Psychometric IQ test (online), both of which (supposedly) accurately correlate to in person testing, created by Mensa members and psychologists - My IQ is consistently around 110 to 130, SD 15. Variations are likely a result of 1) different tests 2) health issues affecting my thinking. Despite that, my depersonalization and brain fog make me forget repeatedly and I never feel "real". Everything is a blur. I forget what happened 3 seconds ago. I can NEVER concentrate. Ever. My attention does not exist. Driving down the same road feels "unfamiliar to me", even though I could draw it from memory, I feel "distant" from it, somehow.

My fastest typing score (on the computer/keyboard) was 91 words per minute (two finger typing), but I average 75 normally writing, so my processing speed seems... Great. Yet, my memory or recognition of memories is failing.

The worse symptoms are the ones that affect my cognitive health. I could live with IBS, urticaria, and insatiable hunger... but the cognitive issues are destroying my life.


TL;DR: I don't know what to do anymore... I have a $10,000 budget for my health and don't know what other tests or therapies to try... My life is spiraling down, I cannot live like this anymore, suffering day to day for years, please someone recommend something; anything new for me to try.

I'm a desperate man. Being at rock bottom is a compliment.

It sounds to me like you have extremely elevated stress hormone levels. Cortisol, aldosterone, adrenaline, etc. Thus the insomnia, dysphoria, ADHD symptoms... Please stop cold plunging and any intense exercise! Just simple walking, preferably in nature, several times a day.

High protein every 2 hours? This encourages gluconeogenesis. (Starvation stress pathway) You can keep eating the protein but have a little orange with it or half an apple or a cup of watermelon chunks...

Idealabs' Diamant would help lower stress hormones, I would take five to 10 drops a couple times a day. Lanosterol is quite relaxing, too.

Heavily salted bedtime snacks would help you sleep through the night and lower stress hormones. You can also sit in front of a red light before bed and also first thing in the morning.


Sorry I don't know of any such tests, the only thing I can think of are blood tests for beta-endorphin, enkephalins, and stress/inflammation mediators that would go along with high opioid signalling like CRH. Still... it's unclear on how to act on that information, taking naloxone? It would probably be through addressing life style factors, stress, infections, gut health, heavy metals, etc, which you seem to have a pretty good grasp on already.

Okay then it's unlikely that coffee is to blame here, seeing as you introduced it after symptoms appeared and it seems to be helping you.

By the way forgot to ask, did these symptoms appear out of 'nowhere' or were there any specific thing/event that you think could be involved? Or was it just a steady gradual decline in health over the years?
That's okay, I appreciate the comments and insight. Naltrexone is something to look into, heard good stuff regarding DPDR.

Symptoms appeared gradually at the age of 14, full onset at 15. When I was a child, I had momentary "lapses" of consciousness, a complete and near disassociation that would subside in 2 minutes.
It appears those transient experiences in childhood were in fact depersonalization. Now? It's 95% of the time.

Perhaps I have a genetic or neurological susceptibility to this (?).

My little sister (age 15) is starting to show similar signs of depersonalization and blurry vision and thinks she might have ADHD (thankfully not as bad as my health, and she can live normally).
It makes me furious that life is so cruel, that evolution has no morals, no feeling; it is impartial to our struggle.
She cannot, not with every ounce of my being, suffer as I did. I'm hellbent on solving this for her sake and of course mine, and very strangely, my mother and father do not have DP, blurry vision, or any other symptoms. Not sure what to make of that.


Asking a couple questions from information I didn’t pick up from your initial post.

Vitamin D status? Living in Canada is certainly concerning.

Insatiable hunger? There’s gotta be a nutrient you’re missing that your body is dying for and not getting, thus the incessant hunger cues. Choline from egg yolks? Magnesium from well cooked greens and veggies?

I’m sorry man that’s a rough existence. I started to go down that path myself and it’s not fun. At the risk of sounding trivial, stress can also cause a lot of these symptoms, if you have a stressful job and around stressful people.
Vitamin D is normal, I megadosed it before with no changes, and took magnesium for years. No cure or change. Tried every form and brand, glycinate, citrate, chloride, etc.. I eat a lot of eggs + have supplemented choline- not much of a change.

Thank you man, appreciate your insights and help. I do not have stress, either.


Oct 13, 2022
My diet: Fish, beef and chicken, Balkan yogourt and milk, fruit, beans, and coffee.
Maybe try the elimination diet. At the start of my bioenergetic journey, I only ate orange juice, honey, egg yolks, and some pork chops. I was eating like that for many months, and rubbing vitamin D daily. Then I started slowly and carefully to use thyroid and intestinal antiseptics (tetracyclines, CamphoSal). What is your armpit temperature, after leaving the thermometer under the armpit 10 minutes? The light is very important, too.

The other part of it is people elimination. I’ve found that the web, ads, and something like this forum are great places to find good enough people and communities.

I know one person who is in a similar situation. She’ll use every supplement but won’t eat enough surgery juices (which is way too much from the perspective of most people). Also, she doesn’t want to give up on high-iron food, starch, and vegetables.

At least 2g of calcium daily is very important as well.


Have you tried megadosing thiamine in 500-2000mg range?
I've tried 100 mg Thiamine and it made everything far far worse, taking 5-20x that dose would only exaggerate the negative symptoms, sadly.

Everyone, I am sorry for repeatedly commenting "I have tried that". I appreciate every single one of your comments, and am incredibly thankful at all the suggestions, that you've all taken the time to help a fellow internet stranger. Thank you. Honestly.

I seem like an inconsiderate jerk, I know, but believe me when I say I have genuinely tried almost everything in my power. I've been in health circles for 10 years.
Last edited by a moderator:


Nov 21, 2012
It makes me furious that life is so cruel, that evolution has no morals, no feeling; it is impartial to our struggle.
She cannot, not with every ounce of my being, suffer as I did. I'm hellbent on solving this for her sake and of course mine, and very strangely, my mother and father do not have DP, blurry vision, or

It is frustrating and infuriating being stuck in the same circle....or even getting worse.
I was thinking that your parents might not suffer these issues, bc genetic issues tend to skip a generation.
Do you know,if your grandparents suffered from similar issues?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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