Inclined Bed Therapy - Sleeping With The Head End Of The Bed Elevated


Aug 23, 2018
Our Grandson was born a month ago on an inclined hospital bed, at home mum slept inclined, conceived and went full term with baby weighing 7 pounds. Mum now weighs 8 stones. Baby is silent at night, sleeping 5 hours inclined. Our Granddaughters also followed the same pattern. Grandson is growing fast and no signs of digestive issues.

That's good to know. I will keep at it then. I don't feel like it's the inclined sleep that's causing my issues.

I had better sleep last night. Good point about babies sleeping inclined.

I would like to do it with my toddler but he moves around the bed a lot. Would it have a negative impact if he ends up sleeping with his feet higher than his head?


Jan 25, 2014
Someone posted this in another thread-

I moved my bed around last night. I am now trying out head south, feet north. I had been doing the opposite of that (head north, feet south).

I know there had been some discussion about which orientation, but didn't think there were any solid conclusions so far, one way or another. I slept well last night, will monitor over the next few weeks.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Our Grandson was born a month ago on an inclined hospital bed, at home mum slept inclined, conceived and went full term with baby weighing 7 pounds. Mum now weighs 8 stones. Baby is silent at night, sleeping 5 hours inclined. Our Granddaughters also followed the same pattern. Grandson is growing fast and no signs of digestive issues.
Thanks for the reply and Congratulations on your new grandson!


Aug 23, 2018
Someone posted this in another thread-

I moved my bed around last night. I am now trying out head south, feet north. I had been doing the opposite of that (head north, feet south).

I know there had been some discussion about which orientation, but didn't think there were any solid conclusions so far, one way or another. I slept well last night, will monitor over the next few weeks.

My head is towards the East. I'm second best. That's good to know. I'm definately interested in learning how your experiment go.
Jul 12, 2018
That's good to know. I will keep at it then. I don't feel like it's the inclined sleep that's causing my issues.

I had better sleep last night. Good point about babies sleeping inclined.

I would like to do it with my toddler but he moves around the bed a lot. Would it have a negative impact if he ends up sleeping with his feet higher than his head?
My wife and I tested sleeping upside down and found that it lowered our urine density to close to water. Also we had headaches and acid problems and chronic diarrhea. After investigating this, it turns out that sleeping head down induces rapid weight loss and was used with Marlon Brando to reduce his weight.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
After investigating this, it turns out that sleeping head down induces rapid weight loss and was used with Marlon Brando to reduce his weight.
I sense a new experiment looming on the horizon...


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It's not a good feeling Blossom, trust me on this :)
Thanks, My husband asked me not to do it. He said our circulatory system isn’t designed to function well in that position and he thought it would be too stressful.


Jan 25, 2014
And, with amazing timing this week, here's a story from Zero Hedge about that (apparently ongoing) NASA experiment-

Hey Broke Millennials! NASA Will Give You $19k To Stay In Bed For 2 Months

From the article-

"Dubbed Agbresa (Artificial Gravity Bed Rest Study), NASA, ESA, and DLR have asked the public for 12 men and 12 women who will spend 60 days in special beds angled downward by 6 degrees, feet elevated above heads, with one shoulder touching the mattress at all times. This position simulates astronauts in space."

Huh. Six degrees. Where have I heard that before? Although, they are bass ackwards, and using it to destroy people's health, not improve it.

Many years ago, before I had ever heard of Andrew or IBT, I had a friend that had actually considered doing this NASA experiment. This was in the early 2010's, we both had little money at the time, and he said that he had applied and was considering doing this very experiment. I remember him talking about how he was warned how it could potentially cause negative and permanent changes in vision, and could cause serious injury to health and vital organs, and yet still might do it. I remember being amazed that he was even seriously considering this, and he said "Hey, it was $17,000." Ultimately, he did decline, but I guess that is about the right amount of money for people to do serious long term risk to their health.

Although this part sounds interesting-

"According to ESA, one group of volunteers will be spun around in a short-arm human centrifuge to generate artificial gravity and force blood back in the extremities, while the other group won't."

I keep wondering if some sort of motion, like a gentle swaying of the bed back and forth, would have positive effects on circulation. I imagine it would, but that would be a lot tougher to create than simply putting some bricks or books under your bed.
Last edited:
Jul 12, 2018
NASA called me and asked how we could improve the health of astronauts. I said you can't though a centrifuge might mitigate some of the effects :)
Apr 30, 2016
Someone posted this in another thread-

I moved my bed around last night. I am now trying out head south, feet north. I had been doing the opposite of that (head north, feet south).

I know there had been some discussion about which orientation, but didn't think there were any solid conclusions so far, one way or another. I slept well last night, will monitor over the next few weeks.

How is this position working out for you?


Jan 25, 2014
How is this position working out for you?

Really good so far. It's been just about a week, and I was about to post an update.

I notice that I'm sleeping all through the night for the most part. Previously, I would find myself waking frequently during the night, maybe 3-4 times. I chalked this up to waking really early for work, about 4:30am. But this week, I found myself sleeping through the night.

Yesterday, I also took an extended nap (like 4 hours), and then slept about 7 hours last night. I used to have those sort of reset days because of the early shift, but hadn't in a while. So, that's also notable.

Also, I thought the head to the south position might be more beneficial for me, as I used to be really iron loaded. It there was any extra iron in my brain, I though having two forces (gravity and magnetic north pull) might be best to get rid of it, instead of having those forces oppose each other a bit.

One other thing, I happen to be sleeping with my head in the middle of the room. I did move my bed 3 feet away from the wall a couple years ago, due to the idea of EMFs from the electrical wiring. So, maybe there is some benefit there as well.

So, I'm sleeping with my head elevated, to the south, in the center of the room, and feet lower, to the north, closer to the wall.
Apr 30, 2016
I slept most of this winter with head to south and had to switch to head to east last week due to renovation plans. Last night I fell asleep early (9:30 p) but awoke at 2:30 am and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’ve been up since then and am able to function. Normally 5 hours of sleep would put me on the couch all day as I have Hashimoto’s. I’m hoping the early awakening doesn’t continue. FWIW I do struggle with insomnia and it didn’t get much better with head to south. I am sleeping on a mild incline.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
A couple of weeks ago I had to sleep on an uninclined bed for a night. I really didn’t notice any bed effects but I missed my inclined bed. I really think having the head elevated is calming.


Jan 25, 2014
Really good so far. It's been just about a week, and I was about to post an update.

I notice that I'm sleeping all through the night for the most part. Previously, I would find myself waking frequently during the night, maybe 3-4 times. I chalked this up to waking really early for work, about 4:30am. But this week, I found myself sleeping through the night.

Yesterday, I also took an extended nap (like 4 hours), and then slept about 7 hours last night. I used to have those sort of reset days because of the early shift, but hadn't in a while. So, that's also notable.

Also, I thought the head to the south position might be more beneficial for me, as I used to be really iron loaded. It there was any extra iron in my brain, I though having two forces (gravity and magnetic north pull) might be best to get rid of it, instead of having those forces oppose each other a bit.

One other thing, I happen to be sleeping with my head in the middle of the room. I did move my bed 3 feet away from the wall a couple years ago, due to the idea of EMFs from the electrical wiring. So, maybe there is some benefit there as well.

So, I'm sleeping with my head elevated, to the south, in the center of the room, and feet lower, to the north, closer to the wall.

I guess it's been about a month sleeping head south, feet north. I do think my sleep has been a little better this past month, but really, not incredibly different from in the past. This week I have slept really well, though I think that is due to other factors. Not sure if there is much reason to switch your bed around, though I think this could be a YMMV thing. The "head east" orientation may make a difference if you get up just after the sun rises (like normal people). I am waking far earlier than the sun rise during the week.

I may switch my bed back to the original way it was angled, simply to not have my head in the center of the room.


Mar 22, 2017
If you feel pain somewhere or discomfort, you can use nettle sting whipping. Stinging neetles is natural source of iron---->iron is responsible for histamine/cortisol reaction---->neetle sting increase blood flow beacuse it has histamine in it. Not pleasant but may help. It's the same rule as with bee sting theraphy, or red ants theraphy (You can meet this method in Wiktor Suworow ,,Aquarium'' book). Hope someone will try it, beacuse we have season for neetle. I tried it and it increase blood flow.

Science source:
,,Dr Rudolf F Weiss in Germany recommends whipping with a nettle switch or the external application of nettle spirit: 'Whip the painful area with a bunch (switch) of nettles for three successive days then a break of three days to prevent sensitisation - long lasting overly strong burning sensation of skin. Avoid cold water touching treated skin for rest of day, said to cause pleasurable warmth to turn into unpleasant burning sensation' (Pahlow M, 1992)
'use externally as nettle spirit utilising the local hyperaemic action and the irritant effect achieved via the cutaneous nerves. It is applied to treat neuralgic and rheumatic pain, particularly with degenerative and chronic arthritic conditions such as lumbago, sciatica pain, chronic tendonitis, sprains, and other similar conditions' (Weiss RF, 1991 )
- page 33


Nov 5, 2017
I heard about inclined bed therapy years ago but only started experimenting with it last week

This is what has happened in less than two weeks:

Tongue: The thick, white, mucous that has coated my tongue since I was 20 (I'm 32) is entirely gone. NOTHING has ever had such a profound impact on my tongue. It is pink and lovely and I am still surprised that it cleared up so fast and so thoroughly and did so on a terrible diet of fast food lol.

My feet: I work as a lifeguard and I have had hyper-hydrosis of the feet for a few years now. This is extreme moisture retention that literally rots the skin of my feet and causes callouses almost an inch thick to form. It's disgusting, it smells terrible, and there is nothing that "fixes" it, tho baking soda can treat it...except now my feet are practically perfect. I spent the better part of six hours with my feet submerged in work and my feet were pink and warm and notably less swollen (I did not even realize they had been swollen) than I've seen in over a decade.

My nails: The lunulu on my nails are beginning to come back...This is maybe a small thing but what I find interesting is that the feet, nails and tongue are all used as major indicators of health in holistic medicine and the transformation I've experienced in such a small space of time is incredible.

For such a small change I just can't begin to fathom what exactly the incline is doing besides maintaining lymph and glymph drainage at night

I highly recommend this as a treatment for anyone who suffers from a white gunky tongue or who may have edema issues.


Aug 23, 2018
I heard about inclined bed therapy years ago but only started experimenting with it last week

This is what has happened in less than two weeks:

Tongue: The thick, white, mucous that has coated my tongue since I was 20 (I'm 32) is entirely gone. NOTHING has ever had such a profound impact on my tongue. It is pink and lovely and I am still surprised that it cleared up so fast and so thoroughly and did so on a terrible diet of fast food lol.

My feet: I work as a lifeguard and I have had hyper-hydrosis of the feet for a few years now. This is extreme moisture retention that literally rots the skin of my feet and causes callouses almost an inch thick to form. It's disgusting, it smells terrible, and there is nothing that "fixes" it, tho baking soda can treat it...except now my feet are practically perfect. I spent the better part of six hours with my feet submerged in work and my feet were pink and warm and notably less swollen (I did not even realize they had been swollen) than I've seen in over a decade.

My nails: The lunulu on my nails are beginning to come back...This is maybe a small thing but what I find interesting is that the feet, nails and tongue are all used as major indicators of health in holistic medicine and the transformation I've experienced in such a small space of time is incredible.

For such a small change I just can't begin to fathom what exactly the incline is doing besides maintaining lymph and glymph drainage at night

I highly recommend this as a treatment for anyone who suffers from a white gunky tongue or who may have edema issues.

Did you start with the full incline?
Jul 12, 2018
@ExD Thank you for your feedback and congratulations on your wins. Having warm healthy feet must feel awesome after such a long time :)

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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