Info about/experience with Strattera/Atomoxetine?


Mar 26, 2019
I haven't been able to find any articles Ray has about Strattera/Atomoxetine/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors.

I'd like to know what people may know about this, and potential substitutes/alternatives.

I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early 20s and have been on and off ADHD meds for over 15 years.

The stimulants don't work well over time, but Strattera was amazing that year that I used it, around 2018. When I switched insurance companies I didn't have access to that anymore, so they put me on Wellbutrin and Adderall. It wasn't great.

I've been Peating since Dec 2018, and went off all meds by March 2019. Due to severe traumas since then that have left me with debilitating PTSD, my doctor wants to put me back on Strattera, and now I have affordable access to it again.

I'm not thrilled to go back on anything, but at this point I'm willing to since I'm mentally/emotionally out of commission and I'm commencing trauma therapy that may take 6 mo to 2 years.

I take niacimide, glycine, zinc, Retinil, aspirin, vit K, vit E, Progestene, magnesium, Cynomel. Benadryl at night.

I don't eat PUFAs, I work out 4x a week, walk outdoors as much as possible, meditate, tan, bag breathe, red light. When I'm not self-isolating during the worst of episodes, I spend time with loved ones. I'm trying everything I know to do, and still there's a massive gap that I hope Strattera can help bridge a little. I don't really want any SSRIs.


Feb 13, 2016
Have you tried caffeine pills? & I don't think Peat dislikes norepinephrine but I would ask him about Strattera just to be sure. Plus I think the effects these NRI, SNRI, SSRI, etc. type drugs aren't really isolated in many cases, a drug might be called an NRI but still have moderate effects on serotonin.


Mar 26, 2019
Have you tried caffeine pills? & I don't think Peat dislikes norepinephrine but I would ask him about Strattera just to be sure. Plus I think the effects these NRI, SNRI, SSRI, etc. type drugs aren't really isolated in many cases, a drug might be called an NRI but still have moderate effects on serotonin.
I drink plenty of coffee milk each day. 3-4 cups with sugar and milk. I haven't used caffeine pills in maybe 8 years, when I was a low carber and personal trainer. Is there any specific way to take caffeine pills, or quantities to take, that you're thinking of?

I have been wanting to email him for a few months, but just haven't had the mental capacity. However, now that I do, I can't seem to find where/how to contact him. I've gone to his website, but there's no contact form and I can't find any email address. Any ideas for how to reach him are welcome ?


Feb 13, 2016
I drink plenty of coffee milk each day. 3-4 cups with sugar and milk. I haven't used caffeine pills in maybe 8 years, when I was a low carber and personal trainer. Is there any specific way to take caffeine pills, or quantities to take, that you're thinking of?

I have been wanting to email him for a few months, but just haven't had the mental capacity. However, now that I do, I can't seem to find where/how to contact him. I've gone to his website, but there's no contact form and I can't find any email address. Any ideas for how to reach him are welcome ?

In my experience it's hard the get the amount of caffeine needed to have noticeable effect for ADHD via coffee alone. But it's hard to find pills without harmful excipients and Peat says coffee has many other useful ingredients besides just caffeine. Maybe espressos could work instead of regular coffee.

PMed you his email.
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