Iodine & Estrogen

Nov 16, 2012
Yes I get this amazing soft skin feeling after taking lugols 2%, just one drop! Any idea why/how it does this?

Do you think this improvement in skin quality/softness is a sign that you should continue using it?

I have no idea how it does this, it may have something to do with androgen/estrogen metabolism, but I believe it is more likely to have something with the fact that it is typically stored in skin and sweat glands, and perhaps by concentrating in those places it enables more production of moisture thus making the skin softer. I believe it is a positive effect in any case.

I take it occasionally, 1 or 2 drops of Lugol's a few times per week. I don't megadose, only because I haven't seen any benefit from taking 25, 50, or 75 mg and above. Certainly not any of those miracle stories like you'd see all over the Internet. Originally I thought that perhaps lack of iodine may be the rate-limiting factor in my deficient thyroid hormone production, but that turned out to be far too simple to be true. So as I've lost my primary reason for taking it, I just take it on a 'as-I-feel' basis.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
In the iodine debate, how in the world do you tell all the many thousands of people around the globe, patients of the iodine doctors, etc. that use high iodine supplementation who are experiencing improved health, reversing of disease conditions, etc. that they are sick people who are doing the wrong thing? Answer, you don't, proof is in the pudding. I have vascilated back and forth on this debate, and came to the conclusion that there is enough clinical evidence, if not scientific evidence to show that high dose iodine is legit. Maybe not for everyone, but unrefutable to be beneficial to many followers of this protocol.


Feb 26, 2018
This made me look around, and I found this article- Natural thyroid and hormone treatment – Why I Discourage High-Dose Iodine

Dr. Christianson does an excellent job summarizing the points of The Iodine Project (from the article)-
  1. High-dose iodine helps conditions, such as fibrocystic breast disease; therefore, these doses are necessary for everyone.
  2. The Japanese consume much more iodine than Americans and have lower rates of thyroid disease and breast cancer.
  3. Iodine status can be determined by 24-hour, urine-iodine levels following a 50,000 mcg oral dose. Those excreting a smaller fraction of the dose may have retained more iodine; therefore, their bodies needed it.
  4. Adult humans need 12,500 – 50,000 mcg of iodine for good health.
  5. Iodine overdose is not a real phenomenon and the “Wolff-Chaikoff effect” is a delusional construct, resulting from “iodophobic bioterrorism.”
  6. The topsoil of the earth was divinely created 6000 years ago with an extremely high level of iodine, which was depleted by the flood of Noah. Human health has been poorer ever since.
  7. The current, academic views on iodine are distorted by international, foreign powers in order to make zombies out of Christian America.
First off, points 6 and 7 are at least as bad as the paleo arguments, if not worse. Point 3 is of there own making, dubious at best, and hasn't been used as a test of iodine deficiency by anyone else. It's pretty much the only justification for point 4. They do present an alternative hypothesis for Wolff-Chaikoff (as mentioned by point 5), but again, use Point 3 to justify it. Point 2 is only correlation, not causation. Other dietary and lifestyle factors certainly play a role.

So that pretty much only leaves Point 1. And yeah, high dose iodine can certainly be useful in some situations. But this is no different than Jimmy Moore and the other recent Keto Crazies using the fact that a Keto Diet can be successfully used to treat epileptic kids (usually for only 2-3 years, by the way) to justify their claims that everyone should eat a ketogenic diet for the rest of their lives. It's silly, and freaking dangerous.

When I experimented with the high dose iodine protocol, it was when I brought into the naturalistic fallacy. I was also some NDT and thyroid tissue supplements at the time. Looking back, it makes even less sense. I always had doubts about how any human would get that much iodine, but I did see how the thyroid gland could easily be used as food. I didn't realize at the time that eating milk, seafood, and whole insects would give one a significant dose of thyroid hormones (possibly equivilant to between 1/4 to 1 grain a day). As the liver converts T4 to T3, you might be getting a dose from eating liver too.

i mean thats fine and all, but how do you explain the benefits people experience then ? it s not that im on any side but , where do all the good things reported by people come from ? its not all placebo ... i had some great experiences myself. i had erection problems and they were solved after the first dose iodine on scrotum ... last time i had an erection like that i was probaly 16 ,at which ponint i still had great hormones. so there must be something physiological going on where the body is shifting hormones or stuff but i havent really figured it out ...


Jan 25, 2014
i mean thats fine and all, but how do you explain the benefits people experience then ? it s not that im on any side but , where do all the good things reported by people come from ? its not all placebo ... i had some great experiences myself. i had erection problems and they were solved after the first dose iodine on scrotum ... last time i had an erection like that i was probaly 16 ,at which ponint i still had great hormones. so there must be something physiological going on where the body is shifting hormones or stuff but i havent really figured it out ...

Well, none of those points claim that iodine deficiency isn't a real problem, either. So, some people may get a benefit from high dose iodine, but may have gotten a similar (or better) benefit from a much lower dose. They are all anecdotal reports, and that has it's own issues. Sure, they reported good experiences..... did they later have issues from that level that you never saw?

Even your own personal report is simply from a single topical dose. NOT from 50mg daily for months or years. The older literature reporting benefits of iodine are only using doses of 2.5-10mg a week.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Well, none of those points claim that iodine deficiency isn't a real problem, either. So, some people may get a benefit from high dose iodine, but may have gotten a similar (or better) benefit from a much lower dose. They are all anecdotal reports, and that has it's own issues. Sure, they reported good experiences..... did they later have issues from that level that you never saw?

Even your own personal report is simply from a single topical dose. NOT from 50mg daily for months or years. The older literature reporting benefits of iodine are only using doses of 2.5-10mg a week.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
If the people are being treated by iodine literate doctors, i.e. Brownstein, Flechas, etc., etc., their success is being monitored clinically, and if symptoms change, then the iodine doctors treat accordingly. Statistics show that those on high dose iodine therapy treated by iodine literate doctors stay on high dose iodine indefinitely, unless there is a clinical reason to pause or stop the treatment. High dose iodine use is not just some underground cult type of thing, there are millions around the world using high dose iodine medically with success.


Feb 26, 2018
Yeah i ge
Well, none of those points claim that iodine deficiency isn't a real problem, either. So, some people may get a benefit from high dose iodine, but may have gotten a similar (or better) benefit from a much lower dose. They are all anecdotal reports, and that has it's own issues. Sure, they reported good experiences..... did they later have issues from that level that you never saw?

Even your own personal report is simply from a single topical dose. NOT from 50mg daily for months or years. The older literature reporting benefits of iodine are only using doses of 2.5-10mg a week.

Yeah i get it. but from someone who wants to improve its standpoint perspective there is not much to choose : Either very high or very low doses
Soo theres a lot of confusion right now .
I have stoped completely for a day or two since i got weird estrogen like symptoms that i couldnt handle anymore


Mar 27, 2018
Iodine gave me such a great effect I got lean, muscular, and had great libido. It does something good. I’m not sure what it does but it’s good. Strong anti depressive effects too.
I only stopped taking it because I read peats work on it’s. This is one of his few views I am skeptical about just from personal anecdotal experience.

(UPDATE) I just took some iodine for the first time in a year and I’ve been feeling depressed for about 6 months and wow I feel amazing no morelethargy and I have a more positive outlook!
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Feb 26, 2018
Iodine gave me such a great effect I got lean, muscular, and had great libido. It does something good. I’m not sure what it does but it’s good. Strong anti depressive effects too.
I only stopped taking it because I read peats work on it’s. This is one of his few views I am skeptical about just from personal anecdotal experience.

(UPDATE) I just took some iodine for the first time in a year and I’ve been feeling depressed for about 6 months and wow I feel amazing no morelethargy and I have a more positive outlook!
interesting to hear !
i actually made the same experience with with adenosyl b12 today ...felt more confident and much increased libido
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Mar 27, 2018
@jpgio how much did you take & in what form?
I took about 1 mg of triple iodine complex from Swanson it’s like iodoral I open up the capsule and put like 1/12 of it into water I’ve been taking it about once a week still getting good effects


Sep 12, 2015
I've been doing well on 300 milligrams KI daily for about a month.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I recently seen that the You Tube guy Tony Pantallaresco uses 300 mg of iodine/day, and advocates high doses. And I thought I was taking a lot.....


Mar 27, 2018
I’ve been using low dose iodine for about two months now have been getting excellent anti estrogenic effects from it. I see no need to go crazy with the stuff I’ve been staying around 1mg every other day and I feel that is a good way to stay safe with it but reap the anti estrogenic benefits!


May 1, 2020
I've also used low-dose iodine for the past couple of years (50-100 mcg). Every time I forget to use it or stopped using it, my hair got noticeably thinner and strands fall out. It immediately stops if I incorporate it back in regardless of my diet or other factors. I did feel like it increased testosterone, but the the biggest impact it had on me was definitely hair loss.


New Member
May 27, 2013
I know this is an old post, but I am supplementing with high dose iodine again. The first time I was using just over 100mg yes mg. I had fibrocystic breasts. One night I felt a couple of lumps, pressed a little hard and they broke and a moderate amount of serosanguineous fluid drained from my nipple. (I know, too much info) ever since my breasts have been soft no more lumps. My nails grew, my eyes almost glowed (I have awful dry eye/occular rosacea) Colors seemed brighter. I've suffered from depression my whole life, but suddenly I just felt at peace,enjoyed my children. Things I had never felt before. Then, I had some blood work my TSH was 60 so I stopped. Since I have done more investigating. There is some research that sodium iodine symporters need time to repair. In addition, I had been on high dose prozac in the I have/had a calcified pineal gland. I use to soak in our heavily chlorinated pool as a child. Super-duper floride treatments from the dentist, the list could go on. I was not taking selenium at the time either. So, I am restarting my journey. When I realized that a CT scan requires drinking 3500mg of iodine and amiodarone contains 75 mg per tablet (both organic iodine) it got me thinking. The amount of breast cancer, prostate cancer, afib. Maybe we have been lied to. People use to use a lot of iodine late 1800's early 1900's. Now it has been wiped from the medical literature. I'll update down the road. Wish me luck.


Mar 26, 2014
I know this is an old post, but I am supplementing with high dose iodine again. The first time I was using just over 100mg yes mg. I had fibrocystic breasts. One night I felt a couple of lumps, pressed a little hard and they broke and a moderate amount of serosanguineous fluid drained from my nipple. (I know, too much info) ever since my breasts have been soft no more lumps. My nails grew, my eyes almost glowed (I have awful dry eye/occular rosacea) Colors seemed brighter. I've suffered from depression my whole life, but suddenly I just felt at peace,enjoyed my children. Things I had never felt before. Then, I had some blood work my TSH was 60 so I stopped. Since I have done more investigating. There is some research that sodium iodine symporters need time to repair. In addition, I had been on high dose prozac in the I have/had a calcified pineal gland. I use to soak in our heavily chlorinated pool as a child. Super-duper floride treatments from the dentist, the list could go on. I was not taking selenium at the time either. So, I am restarting my journey. When I realized that a CT scan requires drinking 3500mg of iodine and amiodarone contains 75 mg per tablet (both organic iodine) it got me thinking. The amount of breast cancer, prostate cancer, afib. Maybe we have been lied to. People use to use a lot of iodine late 1800's early 1900's. Now it has been wiped from the medical literature. I'll update down the road. Wish me luck.
Did you ever continue supplementing? Hopefully you're doing well and the forum will ping you an email notification of a reply.
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