Stopping Estrogen: Mission Impossible


Oct 10, 2012
I took aspirin and it 100% caused my nipples to grow bigger. The answer most people say is "eat more". Okay.. I eat more milk and my scalp gets itchy. The answer there? Not enpugh calories and you are hypo.

Here's a possibility, maybe you had gynecomastia before but because your core body temperature was low you, didn't notice it. After taking aspirin your temperature rose and it became more noticeable ? Isn't it well know that when people are cold that part of the bodies decreases ?
Aug 18, 2015
That is only reflective of your own state of affairs.
I've come to a point where I now a pretty much what makes things better or worse for me.
Allow yourself some time to tune in to your system and figure out what exactly works and what doesn't.
It could be chronic lack of sleep, light, hormones or nutrients. It could be digestive problems, cold tempreatures - anything really.
Sometimes it gets too out of control for me, it only settles after a good dose of cyproheptadine, a rich meal and some 12-hrs of sleep.

I agree with what you are saying, but this leaves a lot of people me included with no clue what direction to take.

If you cant handle milk calcium, really what is the problem? Its not like one person is taking aspirin and that magically cured them and if you dont you are screwing yourself.

I think everyone's bodys work the same way. If you cant handle calcium and your prolactin is high.. you probably need magnesium as well. Or if you keep eating calcium, your zinc is probably getting destroyed from stress on top of stress of all ready too much calcium. I mean, its the same root cause is what I'm saying, but everyone thinks eating more or increasing your metabolic rate will fix it... which obviously dont bec underlying mineral deficiencies.

Here's a possibility, maybe you had gynecomastia before but because your core body temperature was low you, didn't notice it. After taking aspirin your temperature rose and it became more noticeable ? Isn't it well know that when people are cold that part of the bodies decreases ?

Yeah that is basically the point I'm getting at.. the aspirin or all the metabolic recommendations in the world arent going to help you unless you hit the core problems first. .. a la brians zinc and mag needs first.. which is what I'm doing now


Mar 29, 2014
I think your body has enough calcium via leeching from bones if your prolactin is up.. I dk about mag, does it leech from bones too?
Yeah, if what you mean by enough is that it will leech enough calcium from your bones to sustain short-term survival and function.
Speaking as a middle aged woman approaching menopause who does not relish the prospect of osteoporosis after decades of low-calcium diets, some of us are quite keen not to leech too much more of our bones, and would prefer to supply most or all of our daily needs orally. Peat has spoken of benefits from more a bit more, but the RDA is around 1g.
Aug 18, 2015
Yeah, if what you mean by enough is that it will leech enough calcium from your bones to sustain short-term survival and function.
Speaking as a middle aged woman approaching menopause who does not relish the prospect of osteoporosis after decades of low-calcium diets, some of us are quite keen not to leech too much more of our bones, and would prefer to supply most or all of our daily needs orally. Peat has spoken of benefits from more a bit more, but the RDA is around 1g.

Yeah of course not to have that.. but my point im getting at is that calcification happens when you have too much calcium in your blood and not enough mahnesium and other cobfactors.. so when you follow I the peat style right away and get a bunch of calcium.. you are basically screwing yourself by making it worse if you are not addressing other issues which is what a lot of people are doing around here me included for a while and still to some extent without findinf the "root cause' which is not necessarily increasing metabolic rate as the cure to it which is what all these boosters are doing


Mar 29, 2014
I mean, its the same root cause is what I'm saying, but everyone thinks eating more or increasing your metabolic rate will fix it... which obviously dont bec underlying mineral deficiencies.
Which everyone are you talking about? There are many opinions here. My opinion includes that both eating enough and attending to mineral deficiencies (as well other factors - light, breathing, human connection and meaning etc) are likely necessary for restoring healthy metabolic rate, and that a healthy metabolic rate along with all those factors are all together probably really helpful towards getting all systems functioning well - ie being healthy.


Mar 29, 2014
Yeah of course not to have that.. but my point im getting at is that calcification happens when you have too much calcium in your blood and not enough mahnesium and other cobfactors.. so when you follow I the peat style right away and get a bunch of calcium.. you are basically screwing yourself by making it worse if you are not addressing other issues which is what a lot of people are doing around here me included for a while and still to some extent without findinf the "root cause' which is not necessarily increasing metabolic rate as the cure to it which is what all these boosters are doing
Peat does not recommend taking several grams of calcium and neglecting magnesium and zinc, so i wouldn't put his name on that method of getting into trouble.
Aug 18, 2015
Peat does not recommend taking several grams of calcium and neglecting magnesium and zinc, so i wouldn't put his name on that method of getting into trouble.

Not neglecting. .. rather it's not enough for someone thats all ready in a deficit and then slams down a quart of milk and wonders why his estrogen is out of control


Mar 29, 2014
Not neglecting. .. rather it's not enough for someone thats all ready in a deficit and then slams down a quart of milk and wonders why his estrogen is out of control
I think he's said that the RDI of 400mg Mg is probably reasonable for many people in hypothyroid states, and that euthyroid people probably require less.
I think he's suggested about a dozen oysters a week for zinc. I think that's in cooey of RDI .
Were you taking these amounts and finding them insufficient?
Aug 18, 2015
I think he's said that the RDI of 400mg Mg is probably reasonable for many people in hypothyroid states, and that euthyroid people probably require less.
I think he's suggested about a dozen oysters a week for zinc. I think that's in cooey of RDI .
Were you taking these amounts and finding them insufficient?

Yes. The point of this thread is to say that a lot of people have pro estrogen symtpoms and I'm trying to say this might be the cause. What do you think? It's not really an argument I'm trying to have about it.. it clearly is happening.


Dec 11, 2013
I think everyone's bodys work the same way. If you cant handle calcium and your prolactin is high.. you probably need magnesium as well. Or if you keep eating calcium, your zinc is probably getting destroyed from stress on top of stress of all ready too much calcium. I mean, its the same root cause is what I'm saying, but everyone thinks eating more or increasing your metabolic rate will fix it... which obviously dont bec underlying mineral deficiencies.

Ya i seem to have something causing estrogen to increase when i try to ramp up my metabolism also. I recall reading a quote from Ray Peat somewhere that a week of zinc supplementation at 25mg/day would restore any deficiency.

I take 50mg+ of zinc picolinate per day for the last year. If i dont take it I start to get insomnia after a few days. Also, doing the zinc tally taste test i dont get an overly strong taste from it - not that i am certain this is accurate.
Aug 18, 2015
Ya i seem to have something causing estrogen to increase when i try to ramp up my metabolism also. I recall reading a quote from Ray Peat somewhere that a week of zinc supplementation at 25mg/day would restore any deficiency.

I take 50mg+ of zinc picolinate per day for the last year. If i dont take it I start to get insomnia after a few days. Also, doing the zinc tally taste test i dont get an overly strong taste from it - not that i am certain this is accurate.

I just bought that and it tastes like water to me. I even woke up today and thought I needed some zinc bec I know I wouldnt taste anything.. it was like my body was asking for it. I felt a huge difference yesterday taking it... I really need mh level up
Aug 18, 2015
I supplemented about 50mg of zinc yesterday and my nipples are small right now after drinking milk and oj... it's a beautiful thing... never thought I would ever say something like this in my life... good times


Mar 29, 2014
Yes. The point of this thread is to say that a lot of people have pro estrogen symtpoms and I'm trying to say this might be the cause. What do you think? It's not really an argument I'm trying to have about it.. it clearly is happening.
I do think that deficiency in Mg and Zn can probably contribute to trouble, but I'm not familiar enough with the various metabolic pathways to have much of an opinion about how, other than a couple of commonly mentioned symptoms of these, like cramps and skin issues. IIUC, Zn is required for good Cu metabolism, and Cu metabolism affects estrogen balance?


May 21, 2015
Zinc opposes copper, it doesn't help to metabolize it. As practical evidence. studies were published about increased zinc lowering the leptin gene expression. A few years later, a study found that copper is the determinent of leptin levels, not zinc. Zinc would decrease leptin by opposing copper. Copper increases the inflammatory cytokine il-6, zinc inhibits it.


Jun 12, 2013
Anymore updates, has lowering copper/increasing zinc or something else helped?


Mar 2, 2015
I started having estrogen symptoms 1.5 month ago, including gyno, itch around area, and also noticed I have red shine in some of my otherwise black/dark brown hair. I used Znpiccolinate at 30 mg pr day, and I think it helped with they gyno.


Jul 13, 2014
Here's a list of supplements several people have noticed cause estrogenic symptoms (when I say symptoms I mean things like water retention, bloating, puffiness, along with other main estrogenic signs):

Aspirin; Thyroid (t3, t4, combination, or dessicated) Pregnenolone; DHEA; Progesterone; Vitamin E; Niacinamide; Caffeine (In myself, I have noticed caffeine reduces estrogen initially, but in the long run seems to increase it); Antibiotics; Antihistamines; Methylene blue; Milk and dairy;.
I completely agree. I get symptoms of high estrogen after taking aspirin. I have no idea why.

There's certain things that work every time to reduce my Estrogen. They include;

- Androsterone
- iodine
- vitamin E
- vitamin A
- 5adhp
- Keto 5 DHT
- zinc
- b2r5p
- b1
- activated charcoal
- carrots/ bamboo

But with Aspirin, T3 and progesterone, it seems to sometimes back fire and estrogen actually increases.

I think it's maybe something about Progesterone/Aspirin releasing estrogen from the cells into the blood stream maybe?

I read Progesterone can do this. But I'd like to know more of the science behind it


Jul 13, 2014
I heard from a woman who tried progesterone, thyroid and aspirin (separately, not in combination), and she says they all caused her the typical estrogenic symptoms she is familiar with from her cycle. She got so bloated she couldn't fit into her jeans, she was emotional, would sleep all day, couldn't remove her wedding ring from her finger due to the increased water retention
Same as me! Who is this woman out of interest?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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