Is Racial Animosity Inherent?

Are we racist by default?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 53.1%
  • No

    Votes: 30 46.9%

  • Total voters


Jun 29, 2017
The penis envy was just an exaggerated example. Actually on second thought there is some legitimacy to your theory. Obviously I can see people of a race that is typically thought of as inferior harboring racist feeling towards the race the thinks of itself as superior. I suppose this alone is the main source of racial animosity that blacks feel towards whites in the US. But I think this rarely applies to the mainstream white racism.

Not really trying to be defensive, just arguing. I do appreciate your response. Actually there were some fantastic replies in this thread, several even from the other side of the isle. Seriously a pleasure to read some of the polemics going on. It just needs an open mind and be able to take one step beyond the taboo. I just don't think the traditional way of dimissing racism as stupid or insecure people's thing adds that much.

A pleasure to discuss :)

Ah well I suppose I see no point in belaboring the finer points of WHY rasicm happens when in my opinion it just doesn't have to lol. Insecurity also means to be open to threat or danger; a lack of protection. It's not just about self confidence. In lieu of that, racism any way you slice it boils down to insecurity, which is why I suggested getting to know people.

My aunt was one such person who did this. My cousin (aunts daughter) wanted to date a kid from her high school who is black. My aunt called me and asked if it was ok for her to feel un easy about because that side of my family is Caucasian. Instead of rebuking her, I told her to invite the kid over for dinner to get to know him, judge him by his words as best you can, then make your desicion about whether or not you're ok with it based on the character he has.

She ended up loving the boy like her own son, he was always respectful and caring and never gave any cause for concern of his intentions. And then after 2 years...MY COUSIN CHEATED ON HIM :confused:. My aunt ended up disappointed in her daughter for messing it up and hurting the kid, rather than her dating someone of the wrong color. Minds can be changed, perhaps people feel some sort of inclination to despise a group of people for reasons they cannot define, but it doesn't mean they can't rid themselves of such a thing. Personally I think they should, but I suppose that's not really what we're talking about here (what we could or should do) more so just what we tend to do. I'm probably not the best to discuss this sort of thing though since I'm a progressive mindset kind of person (or atleast I try very hard to be) lol.
Aug 30, 2018
But all crimes are justifiable if you think of it.

A marginalization can start after a certain foreign group was not able to fit in for whatever reasons in a society (already too crowd, lack of resources, etc); their condition will then deteriorate and it gets progressively worse. But your igmorant behavior is worse, because there wasn't any existing marginalization, it's just someone being pushed aside for being different, so you're creating it yourself. This might decorate you as a master racialist. You can't use your primitive instincts as justification for the same reason that they're not a satifactory explanation for twisting someone's nipples for saying 'no' to your invitation.

Someone being different is not some abstract poetic atribute. Being different in this case has a shitload of very specific issues attached to it. Different culture, upbringing, world view, values. All things that may (and clearly do) cause huge problems as they clash with mine. What group does not fit in for "lack of resources"? Muslims in sweden? That's a good one. Let me try to blow your mind: what if they don't fit in, because they don't fit in?
Aug 30, 2018
A pleasure to discuss :)

Ah well I suppose I see no point in belaboring the finer points of WHY rasicm happens when in my opinion it just doesn't have to lol. Insecurity also means to be open to threat or danger; a lack of protection. It's not just about self confidence. In lieu of that, racism any way you slice it boils down to insecurity, which is why I suggested getting to know people.

My aunt was one such person who did this. My cousin (aunts daughter) wanted to date a kid from her high school who is black. My aunt called me and asked if it was ok for her to feel un easy about because that side of my family is Caucasian. Instead of rebuking her, I told her to invite the kid over for dinner to get to know him, judge him by his words as best you can, then make your desicion about whether or not you're ok with it based on the character he has.

She ended up loving the boy like her own son, he was always respectful and caring and never gave any cause for concern of his intentions. And then after 2 years...MY COUSIN CHEATED ON HIM :confused:. My aunt ended up disappointed in her daughter for messing it up and hurting the kid, rather than her dating someone of the wrong color. Minds can be changed, perhaps people feel some sort of inclination to despise a group of people for reasons they cannot define, but it doesn't mean they can't rid themselves of such a thing. Personally I think they should, but I suppose that's not really what we're talking about here (what we could or should do) more so just what we tend to do. I'm probably not the best to discuss this sort of thing though since I'm a progressive mindset kind of person (or atleast I try very hard to be) lol.

Fair enough, for what it's worth i think zewe and Lolinaa are quite right about you. That said, someone needs to stand guard.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Someone being different is not some abstract poetic atribute. Being different in this case has a shitload of very specific issues attached to it. Different culture, upbringing, world view, values. All things that may (and clearly do) cause huge problems as they clash with mine. What group does not fit in for "lack of resources"? Muslims in sweden? That's a good one. Let me try to blow your mind: what if they don't fit in, because they don't fit in?
Did you remember to shout 'taken'? Maybe the others didn't hear. A flag sometimes is not enough because depending on which side they're invading your territory it might appear as a party hat.
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Jun 29, 2017
Fair enough, for what it's worth i think zewe and Lolinaa are quite right about you. That said, someone needs to stand guard.

I appreciate that, gent :) likewise for what it's worth I applaud you bringing such a topic to the forum. This is, if anything, the market place of ideas. And though I'm not entirely sure why you posed the question, I do feel that you asking such a thing shows a step towards becoming part of a community. For anyone to be outwright intolerant, and unwilling to listen, just shows their own ignorance and desire for segregation from differing peoples.


Nov 3, 2017
No, that isn’t normal and your reaction described in the OP is actually super unsettling to me.

Yep I couldn't agree more. It's full of arrogance, ignorance and insecurity.
The sex size's answer to Jon's post was clearly "funny".
It reminds me of a song in Pocahontas "you believe that the world belongs entirely to you".
I am in Europe and hear plenty of arrogant people speaking that way as if they were perfect and clearly forgot past atrocities committed on others and each other. I tend to ignore them as I don’t have time to waste or patience with bullies and extremists from any side, but sometimes its good to answer back.
Aug 30, 2018
Yep I couldn't agree more. It's full of arrogance, ignorance and insecurity.
The sex size's answer to Jon's post was clearly "funny".
It reminds me of a song in Pocahontas "you believe that the world belongs entirely to you".
I am in Europe and hear plenty of arrogant people speaking that way as if they were perfect and clearly forgot past atrocities committed on others and each other. I tend to ignore them as I don’t have time to waste or patience with bullies and extremists from any side, but sometimes its good to answer back.

I’ve never committed any atrocities on anyone, so kindly spare me of your nazi guilt. Neither did my ancestors. But yes, it is that kind of thinking of owing something to someone (which alone is as racist as you can get) that’s plunging this continent down the rabbit shithole it’s going.


Nov 3, 2017
I’ve never committed any atrocities on anyone, so kindly spare me of your nazi guilt. Neither did my ancestors. But yes, it is that kind of thinking of owing something to someone (which alone is as racist as you can get) that’s plunging this continent down the rabbit shithole it’s going.

Where did you read I said "you animalinstinct and your family committed atrocities"? Are you playing a game with this post or do you want to have an open and honest conversation? Its called extrapolation what you are doing.

You had to place the "guilty European mentality" somewhere that the "horrible uncivilsed invaders" are taking advantage of.

Spare me the "nazi" label please, stay classy. I have dealt with people like you since my teenage years. I know the mentality.

To finish on a more positive note, I think we all have to deal with doubts and insecurities, fears. It's important to stay grounded and kind enough to not get confused.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
It's understandable a certain apprehension if someone lives for example in a small homogeneous and successful country and there are different people moving in as refugees. It's a desperate act in which the main planning involved was usually just figuring out how to get away from trouble to a place that seems promising. Admitting them is accepting that there will be either a cultural change or marginalization that will eventually lead to problems.
Being selective in admission creates similar issues to fraternities and sororities.
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Sep 6, 2018
There's plenty of research that is concerning. Just the IQ research on its own is reason to worry. When grandparents worry about their offspring mating with other races it's probably not because of 'insecurities' but maybe because the future depends on children and if said children have lower intellect as well as lower morals the whole nation changes for the worse. It's really only the data that matters. Immigration has pros and cons.


Mar 18, 2017
I never knew what racism was until I was like 16 or something. As a kid, I didn't care or notice that some people looked different than me. I was happy to be friends with anyone. So no from my real life experience I'm very sure that racism is not inherent. Racism is an ideology that was invented to justify organizing the world in a certain way, it's highly irrational and frankly stupid. One of the things that I love about Ray Peat is how he calls out and debunks racism and other idiotic ruling class ideas like Social Darwinism.

All of the best friends that I have now (some of them I've known for about 8 years now) are of a different race than me and I couldn't give less of ***t. I just love my friends for who they are. All of my Exes were a different race from me too.

it's really sad and disturbing to see some people here actually believe that racism is inherent and actually justifiable.

**** racism.


Jun 25, 2017
Attitude toward other races has been associated with oxytocin.

Oxytocin receptor gene and racial ingroup bias in empathy-related brain activity. - PubMed - NCBI
The human brain responds more strongly to racial ingroup than outgroup individuals' pain. This racial ingroup bias varies across individuals and has been attributed to social experiences. What remains unknown is whether the racial ingroup bias in brain activity is associated with a genetic polymorphism. We investigated genetic associations of racial ingroup bias in the brain activity to racial ingroup and outgroup faces that received painful or non-painful stimulations by scanning A/A and G/G homozygous of the oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (OXTR rs53576) using functional MRI. We found that G/G compared to A/A individuals showed stronger activity in the anterior cingulate and supplementary motor area (ACC/SMA) in response to racial ingroup members' pain, whereas A/A relative to G/G individuals exhibited greater activity in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) in response to racial outgroup members' pain. Moreover, the racial ingroup bias in ACC/SMA activity positively predicted participants' racial ingroup bias in implicit attitudes and NAcc activity to racial outgroup individuals' pain negatively predicted participants' motivations to reduce racial outgroup members' pain. Our results suggest that the two variants of OXTR rs53576 are associated with racial ingroup bias in brain activities that are linked to implicit attitude and altruistic motivation, respectively.
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Mar 15, 2014
Attitude toward other races has been associated with oxytocin.
And Whites (specifically westerners, Russians are slightly lower) and Blacks have the highest levels
I don't think oxytocin is related to racism outside of Eurasians


Mar 15, 2014
Even so, Europeans and their descendants created the West, the only culture that offers significant altruistic provisions for other cultures and indeed minority members of its own cultures.

What is the Mongol empire (only cared about taxes), what is India (a bunch of different religions), what is Mughal India (built syncretic Hindu-Muslim temples and infrastructure projects), what is China (hopefully this is self explanatory), what is literally almost every state that ever existed (including many Islamic ones even)
Every large state in history had a significant degree of religious tolerance, because religion frankly just doesn't matter that much, and it not worth killing your tax base over

Europeans/West Eurasians are the odd ones out here. Your unwittingly projectionary reply forgot to mention that the US was only built on religious freedom because (wait for it) they were fleeing the religious persecution of other whites.
Following Moorish rule, Spain made a point to execute a genocidal-like inquisition on every Muslim in the country. Again, other whites.
During the Crusades, Europeans sent literal children to fight against Muslims in the Levant for something they had no material interest in lmao. How exactly does sending a bunch of white kids to "fight for christendom" in Lebanon entail "cultural freedom"?

Meanwhile if you have minorities practicing different religions/cultures in:
China: nobody cares
Southern India: nobody cares
Southeast Asia: nobody cares

This is uniquely a Western Eurasian problem, and it reaches its zenith among Western Europeans. I'm sorry, your assertion is just so laughably wrong to me that I can't take it seriously, you're in denial. Europeans (and West Eurasians in general) are the least culturally tolerant on average, and any metric claiming otherwise is just an artifact of their high income (poor people get nastier)
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Jan 6, 2019
Meanwhile if you have minorities practicing different religions/cultures in:
China: nobody cares
Southern India: nobody cares
Southeast Asia: nobody cares
China is sending muslims to re-education camps and exercising tight control over christianity. A third of muslims in India think that they are facing a lot of persecution and hate crimes against christians are rising rapidly year by year. Several countries in SE Asia score high on christian persecution index and local wars between muslims and buddhists are common.


Mar 15, 2014
A third of muslims in India think that they are facing a lot of persecution
Yeah, by the high Iranian/Aryan descent Brahmins

China is sending muslims to re-education camps
They're not, it's all fake news by Zyklon Zenz

Anyway, even if it was, it's only because West Eurasians have forced their hand to sink as low as they have. If everybody's stealing it doesn't make sense to follow the law.

You can even see it in the way they've historically treated sexual minorities. There's some type of "third gender" category in basically every culture except European/Middle Eastern, because West Eurasians are just more "triggered" by the prospect of an LGBT person simply existing, while in Asia the reality on the ground is that nobody cares
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Jan 6, 2019
Anyway, even if it was, it's only because West Eurasians have forced their hand

There's some type of "third gender" category in basically every culture except European/Middle Eastern, because West Eurasians are just more "triggered"
That Western Europeans are causing Chinese and Middle-Easterns to oppress religious or sexual minorities seems like a non-sequitur in absence of further elaboration, especially when considering how much antipathy these cultures show towards anything the Europeans say or do.
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