Is this how you look when you are PUFA depleted?

Jul 17, 2021
didn't you say you take after your part native american father to the point of looking like a blonde asian as a child? Any amerindian and east asian admixture will soften and feminise a woman
idk about this
this isn't too important to me, so agree to disagree
I said I have SOME native American…my eyes look slightly Asian but I have mostly Norwegian and German. Some French, some Scottish.

My eyes:


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Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Oh, don’t talk about the elephant in the room? Right. As I said, cognitive dissonance. MOST people love their cognitive dissonance. It’s like a nice warm blanket of safety. Unfortunately, left in one’s own delusions can kill you if you don’t wake up. Let’s not talk about uncomfortable things like men becoming women and women becoming men on the outside ( when it’s right in our faces) because the idea of it makes us uncomfortable.

I said on the OUTSIDE they become the opposite sex because inwardly, they are STILL the sex they were born.

At least watch the video example’s I’ve given, then make up your own minds. Or don’t. I gave you some information. What you do with it is your business. But at the very least RESEARCH for yourself. The days of staying ignorant are long gone.

I’m just giving my opinion at what I see, because I have studied this. I am perceptive. Most of you ones engaging me on this topic can’t handle it. It rocks your boat that they can and DO have the capability to transgender a person AT BIRTH. With very very sophisticated genetic techniques. And drugs. And surgery.

Techniques they have been developing for at least the last 100+ years. People, do your homework. Hello. Nazi’s anyone? They did a lot of “experiments”.

Right now, they are putting these individuals in front of us in ALL aspects of the media, and gee, this person just suddenly happens to pop up IN THE MEDIA in the last few years???

Like suddenly it’s such a big thing that there is this Amazonian type of woman who can hunt and fish like a man who’s become the darling of YouTube and social media. Oh, and is attractive to boot, in a masculine sort of way.

Hmmm…..wonder why that is? Do you ever ask WHY? WHY NOW? Probably most of you don’t. Because you are content with the narrative the media spews out to you. Non questioning.

Oh yeah, that’s just an “athletic” looking chick.

Are you “perceiving”? “Thinking”? “Acting”?

Doesn’t seem like it.

Do you even question WHY? Hmmm….think. There are dikey looking women. Sure. We’ve all seen them. I’m just getting you to think outside the box.

We’ve been brainwashed FOR YEARS, especially in the sports media.

People are not who you think they are on your idiot box or on your favorite social media platform.

Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m trying to help you.
There's no need to read too deeply into what i said, i stated it plainly. Also, the words we type are a reflection of ourselves, not others, and you said a mouthful.

Enjoy yourselves.


Sep 13, 2019
On it's face, I think that picture is a very good representation of what a more 'natural' woman might look like.
It comes down to how we define natural or normal.

For example dogs and wolves are the same species,
Canis lupus, vs Canis lupus familiaris.

The difference is only epigenetic, caused by domestication syndrome.
Is the wolf natural/normal, or is the dog?

Perhaps we might consider the same for domesticated humans. No longer are we Homo sapien, but subspecies Homo sapien familiaris.

I know several women of similar framework fitness and hand size etc. some of whom hunt and fish as well as anyone man or woman.
One is the mother of my nieces, others I've know since early childhood, so am quite confident of their sex.
Last edited:
Jul 17, 2021
There's no need to read too deeply into what i said, i stated it plainly. Also, the words we type are a reflection of ourselves, not others, and you said a mouthful.

Enjoy yourselves.
That wasn’t a very good come back. Sorry. Btw, my comments weren’t really directed towards your comment per se. There were more rhetorical in a general sense. So move along if they don’t apply.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
That wasn’t a very good come back. Sorry. Btw, my comments weren’t really directed towards your comment per se. There were more rhetorical in a general sense. So move along if they don’t apply.
That wasnt a cameback, you read too deeply again.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
One of the many videos on the Williams “sisters” lol


Wow I haven’t seen such a transphobic line of thinking on this site for a while. I feel sorry for you. You must just look at women in the world and feel threatened all the time?!? Your line of reasoning is bizarre.. get off YouTube for a while! Some women do have more androgenic features. This doesn’t mean they are a man or a trans woman or the bloody boogie man.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I said I have SOME native American…my eyes look slightly Asian but I have mostly Norwegian and German. Some French, some Scottish.

My eyes:
With those other videos and pictures you posted she does look much more masculine than before, also has a lot of muscle, almost unnatural looking. Someone mentioned she was a pro athlete before, maybe she used some androgenic or masculine hormones? They are common as performance enhancers.
Apr 25, 2018
I posted another one with some high carb vegans...the problem with any of these looks discussion is you can always find an outlier that tolerates a diet better than another.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@FocusedOnHealth although the woman in the miniature/thumbnail does spark some positive emotions at sight,she does have a higher degree of masculinity in some aspects than most women,and than a lot of men,i dont remember precisely the video contain,considering that she seems to be the main hunter,(and even considering how his companion looks,and his kidneys problems)perhaps she is eating a high enough quantity of organs specifically the liver,and it could be one of the factors that contribute to her developping more geared to fight/hunt features.

she has certains facial features that instantly reminded me one of the chiefs of a hunter gatherer tribe that i seen in a documentary,he had the most well developped facial features out of all men in the tribe,and had uniques facial features that others men did not have
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