It's that Red-Light time of year!


Aug 24, 2013
Hi Ray Peat Forum,

I haven't posted or visited much over the last six months, because my health has improved so much I am finally leading a normal life.

To review/update anyone reading this post, a summary of my past issues: 3 years ago onset of debilitating insomnia, depression, weight gain, and symptoms of thyroid disease led to self diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease, simultaneous diagnosis of cancerous thyroid tumors and enlarged thyroid and fatty liver, adopting Ray Peat inspired diet/supplement routine led to elimination of goiter, tumors, excess weight and other thyroid disease symptoms. The key to achieving this was abstaining entirely from alcohol. If you don't believe me keep drinking and see how your symptoms never improve...and when they don't and you frankly get tired of it, you can seek assistance in quitting if you can't do it on your own, as I couldn't.

With the onset of winter I was feeling particularly good. I've gone from a 42 waist to a 36, seen large increases in muscle mass without working out, and my hair has thickened and the gray lessened, skin looks healthier, and sex drive is better than at 25 (I'm 35 now).

I did in the last week however notice a dramatic plunge in my feeling of vitality, though I had been doing things consistently since this summer. My body had this feeling that if I could just get some sunlight I would feel better (it's cloudy here and I also work during any available natural sunlight) so I went to Home Depot and bought a cheap heat lamp with a red heat bulb (which uses red/infrared light). After spending an hour underneath it my pulse strengthened significantly p, temperatures evened over my whole body (it's ******* cold here right now) and I feel more relaxed. I think it's pretty much necessary to have some artificial red light exposure to maintain vitality through the winter, even if it's not from a fancy shmancy device, or the optimal wavelength. Some is better than none, but the way this heat lamp makes me feel I think is indicative of being very beneficial.

I have been going strong on my casein protein supplement every night (Naked Brand Casein), cytomel, aspirin, fruit, potatoes, taurine, lysine as needed, oysters, chicken, niacinamide and occasionally fat soluble vitamins.



Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
This is a motivating post. Thanks, natedawggh. :hattip

I have been drinking in excess at least 1-2 times (often times more) a week for probably the last 10 years. I have a big group of great friends, but unfortunately drinking celebrations seem to be the thing that brings us together more often than not.

I moved out of state for a little over a year in 2014 and was drinking significantly less. I noticed dramatic improvements in my health during that time, so I'm positive what you're saying would apply to me.
Nov 21, 2015
thanks for dropping in and letting us know.

Can you tell us besides abstaining fro alcohol (me too BTW) what your diet is like these days and what really helped you the most? If you've already posted all this, I apologize and will search your old posts out. Thanks!


Nov 28, 2014
natedawggh said:
With the onset of winter I was feeling particularly good. I've gone from a 42 waist to a 36, seen large increases in muscle mass without working out, and my hair has thickened and the gray lessened, skin looks healthier, and sex drive is better than at 25 (I'm 35 now).

I did in the last week however notice a dramatic plunge in my feeling of vitality, though I had been doing things consistently since this summer. My body had this feeling that if I could just get some sunlight I would feel better (it's cloudy here and I also work during any available natural sunlight) so I went to Home Depot and bought a cheap heat lamp with a red heat bulb (which uses red/infrared light). After spending an hour underneath it my pulse strengthened significantly p, temperatures evened over my whole body (it's f***ing cold here right now) and I feel more relaxed. I think it's pretty much necessary to have some artificial red light exposure to maintain vitality through the winter, even if it's not from a fancy shmancy device, or the optimal wavelength. Some is better than none, but the way this heat lamp makes me feel I think is indicative of being very beneficial.
:yeahthat I noticed a change a couple of months ago (maybe I'm farther north than you?) and started using a brooder light that I have from when my chickens were little. It's definitely better than nothing, and the extra warmth feels so nice. I try to use it every evening before bed.


Jun 12, 2013
Hi Nate, it's good to hear how well you're doing.

I wanted to ask where you shine the light on yourself? Do you just sit under it and let it shine on top of head or ..?


Aug 24, 2013
Peata said:
post 117195 Hi Nate, it's good to hear how well you're doing.

I wanted to ask where you shine the light on yourself? Do you just sit under it and let it shine on top of head or ..?

I go naked and let it hit everywhere. At first I thought I had to be close (it feels warmer up close, Which is pleasant in the cold) but even sitting five feet away from it I get an increase in pulse and temperature. I do know there is a direct benefit from red light shining on thyroid (but doesn't have to be close) and testicles for men.
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