Libido issues most of my life



Dec 29, 2020
I have the same story. I had one summer at 22yo where I had a normal libido, and never again since. Sometimes I wish it had never happened so I wouldn't have spent almost a decade chasing after getting that feeling back.

My best guess is high prolactin. I have had above range prolactin on a blood test. I don't know what causes it or cures it. I've tried almost everything. I might try cabergoline as a last ditch effort even though it's a bit dangerous, after which I'm giving up on the matter altogether.

Standard recommendations for you: sunlight, carbs, easy to digest food, lifting/squats, etc.
Yeah, that's exactly my experience. I'm sorry you've found no solution in a decade, I can fully understand wanting to try desperate measures, I think I'm moving closer towards that too. Other people wont understand though.

Have you tested your prolactin levels? What were they like?

Spent a summer sunbathing almost every day for an hour. Felt nice, but no health improvements. Been trying different amount of carbs, from zero to a moderate amount (never really tried super high carb). Actually, doing a zero carb/carnivore diet seemed a bit promising, but it wasn't sustainable at all, I ended up undereating (too expensive, not palatable enough etc). Went from sedentary to going to the gym 6 days a week, still no health improvement.

Right now the only thing I can think of is this either being a hormonal thing (not enough testosterone, too high prolactin like others mentioned, etc), or something to do with allergies/the immune system.


Jul 13, 2014
t3, creatine or high dose k2 mk4 - they all send my libido stratospheric. my girlfriend doesn't understand what's going on lol. i have in periods also suffered from very low libido


Jun 10, 2020
t3, creatine or high dose k2 mk4 - they all send my libido stratospheric. my girlfriend doesn't understand what's going on lol. i have in periods also suffered from very low libido

How do you dose your T3? iirc, you posted a while ago that starting the day low fat helped?


Dec 29, 2020
You could have problems making enough dopamine. Vitamin C potentiates dopamine's inhibition of prolactin. Also nutrients required include BH4 (for phenylalanine -> tyrosine conversion, and tyrosine -> L-dopa conversion).

BH4 is made from B-vitamins/folate and methylation.

To make L-dopa you need iron and BH4. Hence why vitamin C is helpful, as it can help recycle BH4 and is vital for iron metabolism.

L-dopa to dopamine depends on P5P. If you have never tried high doses of P5P, you can try that and see if it helps. Otherwise if you have tried all these things I suggest you get treated medically for it with something prescribed for you. Dopamine is one of the most important neurotransmitters for quality of life, not just for sexual issues (still is a major part of it).

I don't know how high your prolactin is, but prolactinoma is technically a possibility.

Also unlikely, but manganese neurotoxicity will cause high prolactin:
So if I understand this correctly, supplementing vitamin C could help, as could high doses of P5P? And if this doesn't work, look for medical treatment, but what kind of medical treatment should I look for?


Sep 27, 2015
@redsun I've tried all of that except for BH4, which I'm not even sure I've heard of, and I doubt that it's meant to be supplemented. I've tried all of the B's including B6 P5P. I know you're big on iron--I've never supplemented iron but I don't avoid it in my diet. Red meat, oysters, etc. I've tried multiple forms of folate. I've tried so many vitamins and supps it's stupid.

What type of doctor do I see? Every GP I've went to just tries to prescribe me an SSRI no matter what problems I describe to them.

@Llta123 the last time I tested my prolactin it was 16 ng/ml on a range of 4-15. So, barely out of range--I doubt I have prolactinoma. But I've read 5 ng/ml is ideal.


Dec 17, 2018
So if I understand this correctly, supplementing vitamin C could help, as could high doses of P5P? And if this doesn't work, look for medical treatment, but what kind of medical treatment should I look for?

Well if you get decent amounts of vitamin C in the diet, its likely not the limiting factor. P5P on the other hand may be.

If you have a test showing high prolactin, you should be prescribed dopamine agonists to bring it back down. And other tests may be done to see if you have a tumor and of course the doctor will have options from there. You should go to an endocrinologist, who specialize in hormonal problems.

@redsun I've tried all of that except for BH4, which I'm not even sure I've heard of, and I doubt that it's meant to be supplemented. I've tried all of the B's including B6 P5P. I know you're big on iron--I've never supplemented iron but I don't avoid it in my diet. Red meat, oysters, etc. I've tried multiple forms of folate. I've tried so many vitamins and supps it's stupid.

What type of doctor do I see? Every GP I've went to just tries to prescribe me an SSRI no matter what problems I describe to them.

@Llta123 the last time I tested my prolactin it was 16 ng/ml on a range of 4-15. So, barely out of range--I doubt I have prolactinoma. But I've read 5 ng/ml is ideal.

Go to an endocrinologist. They should treat you with dopamine agonists like cabergoline, bromocriptine, etc if your prolactin is shown out of range. And of course let them know you have libido issues.

Yeh BH4 is not something you supplement. Pretty sure it is very expensive. Its supposed to be made and recycled in the body from B-vitamins.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Definitely start icing your balls if you haven't tried this yet. I did a video talking about the benefits:

I noticed that I have a certain set of underwear that are very loose and my rate of wet dreams I way higher when I wear them,they became my underwear of the victory

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Did you manager to fix It?
periodically yes.whats your B1 and B6 intake like?how much liver do you eat and from wich animal?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
So if I understand this correctly, supplementing vitamin C could help, as could high doses of P5P? And if this doesn't work, look for medical treatment, but what kind of medical treatment should I look for?
whats your B1 and B6 intake like?how much liver do you eat and from wich animal?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Well if you get decent amounts of vitamin C in the diet, its likely not the limiting factor. P5P on the other hand may be.

If you have a test showing high prolactin, you should be prescribed dopamine agonists to bring it back down. And other tests may be done to see if you have a tumor and of course the doctor will have options from there. You should go to an endocrinologist, who specialize in hormonal problems.

Go to an endocrinologist. They should treat you with dopamine agonists like cabergoline, bromocriptine, etc if your prolactin is shown out of range. And of course let them know you have libido issues.

Yeh BH4 is not something you supplement. Pretty sure it is very expensive. Its supposed to be made and recycled in the body from B-vitamins.
redsun i have notice that when i eat grass fed lamb liver wich according to certains data bases is the richest in B1,up to 1Mmg and some per 100G,after a few days,i get a spike in libido that dont vanish until i eat massives amounts of honey to the point where i destroy my thiamine status and get all the symptoms of it,how do you manage your thiamine status?if i do not eat lamb liver/heart/kidneys for a week or two i am mister thiamine deficient beef and veal liver from the same butcher doesnt do it.can to much fructose at one,i sometimes eat400 grammes as its to good,can it lead to malabsorbtion and fructose being converted to alcohool in the gut,then wrecking even more my thiamine status?


Dec 29, 2020
Well if you get decent amounts of vitamin C in the diet, its likely not the limiting factor. P5P on the other hand may be.

If you have a test showing high prolactin, you should be prescribed dopamine agonists to bring it back down. And other tests may be done to see if you have a tumor and of course the doctor will have options from there. You should go to an endocrinologist, who specialize in hormonal problems.

Go to an endocrinologist. They should treat you with dopamine agonists like cabergoline, bromocriptine, etc if your prolactin is shown out of range. And of course let them know you have libido issues.

Yeh BH4 is not something you supplement. Pretty sure it is very expensive. Its supposed to be made and recycled in the body from B-vitamins.

Tbh I haven't been getting that much vitamin C lately, I haven't eaten much fruit in a while, so I decided to order some vitamin C, along with P5P. How high dose of each should I take every day?


Feb 3, 2020
Low-dose aspirin (100mg) daily really dramatically improved my erections strength, sexual endurance, random boner frequency and just sexual confidence as a side-effect of all those things. I've cycled on and off the aspirin to see the effects more clearly - I always notice a dramatic increase in erection strength.
I've come across this because haidut mentioned it, and said it is as effective as viagra.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Low-dose aspirin (100mg) daily really dramatically improved my erections strength, sexual endurance, random boner frequency and just sexual confidence as a side-effect of all those things. I've cycled on and off the aspirin to see the effects more clearly - I always notice a dramatic increase in erection strength.
I've come across this because haidut mentioned it, and said it is as effective as viagra.
are salicylates from plants and honey per exemple has similar effect as honey on the body?


Dec 17, 2018
Tbh I haven't been getting that much vitamin C lately, I haven't eaten much fruit in a while, so I decided to order some vitamin C, along with P5P. How high dose of each should I take every day?

25mg P5P daily is max. Vitamin C up to 1g a day. Vitamin C is tricky as it will stimulate adrenal activity if you take too much and thus increase sympathetic activity which tends to reduce libido. P5P is more important here and some vitamin C is helpful as long as you don't overdo it.

redsun i have notice that when i eat grass fed lamb liver wich according to certains data bases is the richest in B1,up to 1Mmg and some per 100G,after a few days,i get a spike in libido that dont vanish until i eat massives amounts of honey to the point where i destroy my thiamine status and get all the symptoms of it,how do you manage your thiamine status?if i do not eat lamb liver/heart/kidneys for a week or two i am mister thiamine deficient beef and veal liver from the same butcher doesnt do it.can to much fructose at one,i sometimes eat400 grammes as its to good,can it lead to malabsorbtion and fructose being converted to alcohool in the gut,then wrecking even more my thiamine status?

I don't think the lamb liver being high in B1 is why it helps libido. It has a lot of nutrients and is a bit more balanced then beef liver in respect to copper (less copper), as it has more iron, zinc, and selenium in there as well. You are getting a surge in libido because its organ meat which is one of the best things you can eat and copper intake is not crazy enough to lower it. Some (depending on who you are) get a boost in libido as well from copper containing foods and its actually the copper helping that aspect.


Dec 29, 2020
whats your B1 and B6 intake like?how much liver do you eat and from wich animal?
Here are some educated guesses:

B1: 3.7mg (340% RDA)
B6: 2.5mg (180% RDA)
Was a while since I ate liver, last time was from chicken.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
25mg P5P daily is max. Vitamin C up to 1g a day. Vitamin C is tricky as it will stimulate adrenal activity if you take too much and thus increase sympathetic activity which tends to reduce libido. P5P is more important here and some vitamin C is helpful as long as you don't overdo it.

I don't think the lamb liver being high in B1 is why it helps libido. It has a lot of nutrients and is a bit more balanced then beef liver in respect to copper (less copper), as it has more iron, zinc, and selenium in there as well. You are getting a surge in libido because its organ meat which is one of the best things you can eat and copper intake is not crazy enough to lower it. Some (depending on who you are) get a boost in libido as well from copper containing foods and its actually the copper helping that aspect.
okay,its weird because despit eating a lot of lamb liver wich mighe be loaded with copper and iron,and when i eat to much my saliva flow totally stop,my iron saturation is only 17%,my hemoglobin was very low up until i added gelatin and or vitamine c rich fruits,dont know wich one increased it,my copper lvl was high but my ceruloplasmin only middle you know if vitamine E or stearic acid lower transferin saturation,dont remember where but i seen an interaction with both.redsun,is conscious dreaming where you are decide your actions and you have 100% real life feeling a "symptom"or is that a normal process?it hapen to me everynight,100% pleasant,every night when i eat liver everyday
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Here are some educated guesses:

B1: 3.7mg (340% RDA)
B6: 2.5mg (180% RDA)
Was a while since I ate liver, last time was from chicken.
okay,as i said copples of day of liver intake,60G per day from veal or lamb specifically lamb,hate beef liver,generally ther eis more time between the slaughter and the moment you get it as its a bigger animal,i feel grounded like atlas carrying earth on my spine,and my libido and wet dreams spike up and dont vanish unless i stop to it it


Nov 26, 2020
Zinc piccolinate 50-100mg daily. Since I started zinc little nipple fat went away, I feel more aggresive masculine through out the day and pennis seems fuller. I didnt have libido problems before, but I suspect what I experience is an increase in adrogens which is always helpful in these cases. Zinc is also anti-prolactin, anti-estrogen, pro-testosterone. Aspirin also makes wonders in boner strength (probably due to its blood thinning effect, thus circulation to your member is eazier).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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