Low Libido From Carnivore Diet


New Member
Nov 10, 2017
Which Peat-friendly foods should I add to my raw, keto carnivore diet to increase my libido? I would like to have morning erections again. Would my current diet PLUS orange juice be a fix? I thoroughly enjoy the carnivore diet, so I am trying to modify my diet as little as possible, yet still increasing libido. Thank you.


Mar 20, 2013
+1 on fruits especially.

Whole oranges. Pineapple is excellent. Bananas, wild blueberries. Medjool dates.

Raw honey is another great one to add. Coconut butter and raw honey together make quite a nice type of frosting. Just a little of that with some bananas or dates would give you a good dose of sugar to help with libido.

If you're trying to stay keto then just keep the portions reasonable to meet your goals. Blueberries are not incredibly high in sugar and you should be able to eat more of those than the other fruits without going out of ketosis.


Mar 20, 2019
I'm 2 and 1/2 years deep into a severe health decline. I tried Carnivore, and whilst easy on digestion and good cognition, it left me with low energy and of course cravings for anything but meat. LC diets have been an on and off mistress of mine for years now, due to various issues, and I by then had recognized the issue of making zero sugar drinks into a food group. Alas, as with most people on these diets, it was doomed to fail (again), and I started doing weird stuff like eating ungodly amounts of pork rinds and drinking strange heavy cream concoctions. Those foods made me worse though, and for me, it simply wasn't mentally sustainable, as with most people. I quit several months ago.

I'm now only a few days into my new diet, and knock on wood but I've seemed to have found the perfect diet for me. A decade long quest. Carnivore diet meets fruit juice, with much Peat inspiration, ad libitum. All the digestion benefits of Carnivore, without all the LC problems (cravings, libido, energy, etc...). The carnivore side of the equation is literally just fatty, hopefully organic/natural, pork, chicken, or beef (if on sale) with occasional liver and shellfish. If lean stuff is really on sale or the only option, I dip it in lard to taste. For juices, it's mostly Old Orchard pineapple and orange juice at a 1:1 ratio/glass, as this source Sugar Content of Fruit | Nutrition Information from Dr. Loren Cordain would suggest OJ has a bit more fructose and pineapple a bit more glucose. To avoid fructose malabsorption, it is optimal to keep fructose and glucose at 1:1, in order to avoid feeding gut bugs and increasing endotoxin.

Supps are tums, baking soda, mag carb, k2, taurine, and a multi with non folic acid folate. 5g glycine mixed into each of my 3-4 glasses of juice each day. For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling good. A also crave nothing but more of the foods I'm consuming on this diet. The diet is also relatively cheap. Good luck.


Sep 25, 2018
Your hormones are probably not converted from cholesterol into androgens in a efficient enough way, due to a lack of T3 because of low carbohydrate consumption, so adding OJ is probably a good idea. Also making sure your thyroid status is good is important, as the carnivore/keto diet raises adrenaline/cortisol due to fatty acid mobilization.


Oct 4, 2017
Half of humanity is adapted to high starch consumption and would be your perfect annoying vegan propagandist. The other half, not so much, but still reliant on glucose to perform optimally. Usually found in the paleo zealot camp, teaching the whole world to eat like Australian Aborigines because ThEiR gEnOmE dId nOt EvOlVe (too bad, agriculture did happen elsewhere).

The carnivore diet is a fad and will break more people than causing them good over the long run. Glycolysis always my friend. Get some whole fruits in


New Member
Nov 10, 2017
I was just trying to lose weight, then incorporate one new food at a time. I have good strength and stamina while I am working out and training jiujitsu. I don't have a lot of energy throughout the day, since I slowly restricting my calories. Milk would have plenty of carbs.


Feb 18, 2018
Milk consistently allows me to have morning woods. When dairy disappears from my diet, my libido drops.

I was at Whole Foods one day and as I was walking in there was a cute girl walking behind me into the store. I didn’t even think much about it besides noticing she looked attractive. While there I ravenously consumed a couple free yogurt samples (the lady was nice and kept feeding me more as I was licking the first cup clean, attempting to scrape up every last little bit of yogurt).

As I continued my excursion, I saw the same girl again, but I had an intense sexual desire spring up at the sight of her.

No wonder monks go vegan. I couldn’t imagine consuming animal products and attempting to be celibate...

Dairy is awesome. Try some coffee, maple syrup, and milk, and i bet you’ll energy AND your pecker will be rising...


New Member
Nov 10, 2017
My old recipe was 20 oz coffee, 5 pz heavy cream, 5 packets of sugar. Then it became 5 shots of espresso, 2 oz heavy cream, 2 packets of sugar. I was thinking of doing 8oz coffee, 1 teaspoon honey, and 1 oz cream, since I haven't had caffeine in 8 months and haven't had a carbohydrate in 4 months.
Oct 20, 2018
@dudinator - through very tedious experimentation, I am discovering that the only foods that cause spontaneous weight loss for me are beef, fruit juice and coconut oil. Almost everything else without exception has no effect or causes weight gain.


Mar 20, 2019
@dudinator - through very tedious experimentation, I am discovering that the only foods that cause spontaneous weight loss for me are beef, fruit juice and coconut oil. Almost everything else without exception has no effect or causes weight gain.
Nice! For me it's that, minus the coconut oil unfortunately. Thus the fattier meat for me. Of course I have the opposite phenotype, skinny with unbelievably bad digestion.

Have you noticed anything in regards to brand of coconut oil? I've actually noticed more refined brands are easier to digest.
Oct 20, 2018
Nice! For me it's that, minus the coconut oil unfortunately. Thus the fattier meat for me. Of course I have the opposite phenotype, skinny with unbelievably bad digestion.

Have you noticed anything in regards to brand of coconut oil? I've actually noticed more refined brands are easier to digest.

To be honest, consuming the coconut oil/MCT is a chore and I only do it because of how strong of a correlation I have found with weight loss. The MCT definitely gives me a little discomfort but I plough through it because it's convenient and I can mix it with some coconut milk. Fortunately, I haven't had any issues digesting coconut oil but the problem is I can't really pair it with anything that doesn't make me gain weight, haha


Mar 20, 2019
To be honest, consuming the coconut oil/MCT is a chore and I only do it because of how strong of a correlation I have found with weight loss. The MCT definitely gives me a little discomfort but I plough through it because it's convenient and I can mix it with some coconut milk. Fortunately, I haven't had any issues digesting coconut oil but the problem is I can't really pair it with anything that doesn't make me gain weight, haha
I see... Interesting that you notice losing more weight with it in spite of digestive discomfort. In myself, I noticed that any digestive discomfort naturally leads to more cravings, likely through stress. A positive feedback loop stressor with my gastroparesis.

I've noticed with this new diet, I keep what I like to call "vagal voice" pretty much no matter what. Even with sleep deprivation, which normally has me losing it in the morning. It's possible the coconut is killing some kind of overgrowth too quickly for my body to handle, with all this evidence I've piled up for my disorder. Maybe it's doing the same to you but to a lesser extent? I've stopped believing in harsh "detoxes" for myself, but maybe some day the coconut oil will only induce a small detox reaction in myself and I can add it back.

I've also heard coconut oil can be hard on dysfunctional livers, like my endotoxin overburdened one.


Mar 5, 2017
I see... Interesting that you notice losing more weight with it in spite of digestive discomfort. In myself, I noticed that any digestive discomfort naturally leads to more cravings, likely through stress. A positive feedback loop stressor with my gastroparesis.

I've noticed with this new diet, I keep what I like to call "vagal voice" pretty much no matter what. Even with sleep deprivation, which normally has me losing it in the morning. It's possible the coconut is killing some kind of overgrowth too quickly for my body to handle, with all this evidence I've piled up for my disorder. Maybe it's doing the same to you but to a lesser extent? I've stopped believing in harsh "detoxes" for myself, but maybe some day the coconut oil will only induce a small detox reaction in myself and I can add it back.

I've also heard coconut oil can be hard on dysfunctional livers, like my endotoxin overburdened one.

What do you mean with vagal voice?


Mar 20, 2019
What do you mean with vagal voice?
When I was about 20, years back, my voice suddenly got much deeper. It occurred after a long period of low carb dieting which successfully treated my acne, but which I gave up once I figured out UV could get rid of it (I know). I went whole hog off the "health train" and ate whatever I wanted and partied, drank, and smoked a lot. I thought the voice lowering was from late development due to a testosterone spike from UV exposure. It turned out that it was from some kind of inhibition of my vagus nerve or something. I learned that anti-cholinergics increased this voice lowering effect, while things like cold showers and meditation would raise the tone of my voice, all things that increase vagal activity. So in actuality I had simply screwed up my body.

Since then, I've been trying to improve my vagal tone, and "vagal voice" has been a good marker for it. Low carb diets would always produce this effect temporarily, but it always went away completely. Lately, this diet and positive social interaction through community involvement, oxytocin time with gf, and social support have drastically improved the stability of this effect which I used to take for granted as a kid/teenager. Along with that, cold showers, meditation, and prayer are still invaluable and useful for it as well. Humming/singing has a minor effect too, and is just good for the soul.

I would bet most who have poor digestion (90% of this forum), have some kind of vagus nerve issue. I want to emphasize that this is IMO a much deeper issue than simply "bio-haxzing" this nerve, and more that it is a representation of an inability to cope with chaos. As it seems the primary inhibitors in my sense were endotoxins, which can be seen as the inability to cope with the universal forces of competition. As well, loneliness, the inability to cooperate with others and produce order. I think the latter is more important, although the former can sometimes make the latter much less possible.

Edit: The vagus nerve passes through the voice box area, and releases acetylcholine which increases muscle tone. This is what is responsible for this "vagal voice" effect. Those with completely paralyzed vagus nerves often have very low and hoarse voices. Some people might think they want this, but having others be able to hear you is much more important, not to mention your health.


Mar 5, 2017
When I was about 20, years back, my voice suddenly got much deeper. It occurred after a long period of low carb dieting which successfully treated my acne, but which I gave up once I figured out UV could get rid of it (I know). I went whole hog off the "health train" and ate whatever I wanted and partied, drank, and smoked a lot. I thought the voice lowering was from late development due to a testosterone spike from UV exposure. It turned out that it was from some kind of inhibition of my vagus nerve or something. I learned that anti-cholinergics increased this voice lowering effect, while things like cold showers and meditation would raise the tone of my voice, all things that increase vagal activity. So in actuality I had simply screwed up my body.

Since then, I've been trying to improve my vagal tone, and "vagal voice" has been a good marker for it. Low carb diets would always produce this effect temporarily, but it always went away completely. Lately, this diet and positive social interaction through community involvement, oxytocin time with gf, and social support have drastically improved the stability of this effect which I used to take for granted as a kid/teenager. Along with that, cold showers, meditation, and prayer are still invaluable and useful for it as well. Humming/singing has a minor effect too, and is just good for the soul.

I would bet most who have poor digestion (90% of this forum), have some kind of vagus nerve issue. I want to emphasize that this is IMO a much deeper issue than simply "bio-haxzing" this nerve, and more that it is a representation of an inability to cope with chaos. As it seems the primary inhibitors in my sense were endotoxins, which can be seen as the inability to cope with the universal forces of competition. As well, loneliness, the inability to cooperate with others and produce order. I think the latter is more important, although the former can sometimes make the latter much less possible.

Edit: The vagus nerve passes through the voice box area, and releases acetylcholine which increases muscle tone. This is what is responsible for this "vagal voice" effect. Those with completely paralyzed vagus nerves often have very low and hoarse voices. Some people might think they want this, but having others be able to hear you is much more important, not to mention your health.

Dude, you just have put something into words, that I have been suspecting for a long time but couldn't figure out.

For years, I have had the same type of weird thing were my voice would depend on my state. Now I understand.

When I was low carbish, paleoish, Intermittent fasting back in the days, people would always tell me my voice is super low, monotonous and almost mumbly. When I feel good after lots of carbs, good digestion, it is radiant etc.

I have looked into vagus nerve in the past and it definitely spiked my interest. Things like meditation and cold showers worked for me, too


Mar 20, 2019
Dude, you just have put something into words, that I have been suspecting for a long time but couldn't figure out.

For years, I have had the same type of weird thing were my voice would depend on my state. Now I understand.

When I was low carbish, paleoish, Intermittent fasting back in the days, people would always tell me my voice is super low, monotonous and almost mumbly. When I feel good after lots of carbs, good digestion, it is radiant etc.

I have looked into vagus nerve in the past and it definitely spiked my interest. Things like meditation and cold showers worked for me, too
Glad I could help! Wish my friends/family were as perceptive as your's, mine simply make me feel insane for noticing things they don't. At least I have their love and support though. Feel free to share anything else you've noticed wrt this as well.

As an aside, I'm trying to make Knox Gelatin and Pineapple Juice jello atm. On Carnivore I always wanted to make jello for the gelatin, but couldn't mix it with anything good tasting, and sometimes bone broth had other compounds that wouldn't agree with my digestion. If the gelatin wasn't set, it never digested well, so I gave up on it. Now... I can make delicious fruity jello all the time, and I'm hoping it will be a little easier on my teeth than all this juice is so far. Getting some Xylitol for that as well atm.


Mar 5, 2017
Glad I could help! Wish my friends/family were as perceptive as your's, mine simply make me feel insane for noticing things they don't. At least I have their love and support though. Feel free to share anything else you've noticed wrt this as well.

As an aside, I'm trying to make Knox Gelatin and Pineapple Juice jello atm. On Carnivore I always wanted to make jello for the gelatin, but couldn't mix it with anything good tasting, and sometimes bone broth had other compounds that wouldn't agree with my digestion. If the gelatin wasn't set, it never digested well, so I gave up on it. Now... I can make delicious fruity jello all the time, and I'm hoping it will be a little easier on my teeth than all this juice is so far. Getting some Xylitol for that as well atm.

Lol, wish they were supportive/perceptive. It usually was very condescending and annoying way to try to bring me down in any way possible. They didn't comment on the radiant voice, that was my own perception haha but anyways ... and also make me feel insane for noticing things too but that's all besides the point.

How does your diet look like right now?


Mar 20, 2019
Lol, wish they were supportive/perceptive. It usually was very condescending and annoying way to try to bring me down in any way possible. They didn't comment on the radiant voice, that was my own perception haha but anyways ... and also make me feel insane for noticing things too but that's all besides the point.

How does your diet look like right now?
Basically I eat some kind of whole food source of protein (pork steak is cheapest and almost as low PUFA as beef) in the morning, and the rest of the day is homemade jello mixed with honey - or juice if I've run out of jello. It's working VERY well. The Jello is like the only food I can tolerate completely at this point, but the juice is close as well - in small amounts.

My major issue is that the food that sits in my belly greatly perturbs my sleep, and sleep deprivation greatly perturbs my already bad digestion. A deadly cycle that is hard to get out of. Finding a FREE (comfort wise for me) food has me thanking god every day. When I wake up after generally only 5-6 hours and need several more, I usually can't get back to sleep. Lately I've been waking, having a bowl of jello and a pill of Allicin (straight garlic bloats big time), cuddle/pray and I can GET BACK TO SLEEP! I got 9 hours this last night.

I have a sore throat actually right now and am extremely pleased about it. I haven't gotten "sick" since I've gotten into this mess 2 & 1/2 years ago. I know that isn't because I have a "too strong" immune system. My body is finally fighting this dysbiosis or chronic infection that has been ruling my life for years now IMO. I know I still have a long ways to go.

It sounds like you have a toxic social environment like I do/did. If possible, maybe consider a support group. It doesn't have to be spiritual or terminal. It changed my life quickly. Along with EMF reduction, this has been one of the biggest keys for me. Oxytocin is as calming as gelatin, and unlike gelatin, it rewrites your brain connections to make you more resistant to stress in the future. Unlike a significant other, support groups of all sorts will probably always be there for you, short of calamity.

I dunno, I still have so much to learn.

What is your diet like right now?

Edit: This forum needs to properly prepare their gelatin too. We're all individuals, sure, but if I can digest gelatin, surely it must be relatively easy. Yet I see tons of threads of people with gelatin trouble. If I just mix it into a drink, all gloppy, it kills my belly for ages. I'm using Knox brand, nothing special. Homemade Jello is freaking delicious!
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