Matt Stone Posted his face for the first time in over a decade


Dec 8, 2016
This is interesting
I look forward to watching tonight

Someone told me I healed the Matt Stone way
But I didn’t know what that meant

Im not sure what is going on here
But he looks not only overweight
But not healthy as well?
Or is he sad….

I look forward to the comments here

I hope he posts his lab work
Temps and all that jazz too….
Mar 21, 2014
His awareness of the liver regulating metabolism in response to energy intake was I think a really valuable concept in health and dieting. If I eat a large pizza myself, I can feel my metabolic rate go up, and if I fast, I can feel it go down. Really useful concepts, but I don't think that means you should "eat for heat" by just force feeding yourself junk at all times... body building type carb cycling diets probably work in part by leveraging these effects.


Apr 8, 2016
Very interesting.

I vaguely recall that Danny Roddy mentioned in one of his shows that he ended up on the path to Ray Peat by watching a interview of Matt Stone by Jimmy Moore. Does anyone know what episode and what show that was? (Not the Jimmy Moore episode with Matt Stone but the Danny Roddy episode where he talked about it).


Sep 11, 2015
His 180degreehealth blog was the RPF of its day. I was amazed to read Peat-savvy comments and intelligent commentary under articles dating from as long ago as 2008. Not only Matt, but his readers were among the pioneers of Peatarian talking points, and also more recently with the Grant Generaux stuff.

Matt looks about how I imagined he would look, there's nothing shocking here. His appearance is a continuation of his last 2013 video, just 10 years on.


Jun 10, 2020
Wow. This is what he looked like 13 years ago.

Other than the above YouTube video, I don't know much about him. Does anybody know what his diet was like for those in-between years? He really aged. I respect him a lot for being upfront about his experience, and he seems like a good and honest guy.

Edit: I watched a video of him from 12 years ago, where he advocates eating what he describes as "junk food," including pancakes, burgers, fries, and ice cream. He seems to advocate in favor of high sugar, high calorie, highly processed foods for the sake of increasing metabolism. Can anyone confirm that this is his dietary framework? I wonder if he ate like that the whole time until he "got it" in 2020. You can see him gaining weight even between 2010 and 2013, when he stopped posting videos. He seemed to be falling apart in those years, so his strategy didn't seem to work.
Last edited:


He ends the video by talking about the alternative health community – it looks like he is back to tackle “misinformation”.


Jun 10, 2020
He ends the video by talking about the alternative health community – it looks like he is back to tackle “misinformation”.
His question of "how do you know when to get off the contrarian train?" is a really interesting one. Because it's true. It's hard to know when to be contrarian and when to be mainstream. Because plenty of mainstream practices are beneficial.

Just like I critique "normies" for blindly and lazily following mainstream practices, I myself often blindly and lazily subscribe to alternative theories that are often less supported than the mainstream ones. I'm talking about diet here, but I think the concept applies to basically anything.
Mar 21, 2014
He seems to advocate in favor of high sugar, high calorie, highly processed foods for the sake of increasing metabolism. Can anyone confirm that this is his dietary framework?
Yes, that was more or less the gist of it. Eat to maximize metabolism over all else, specifically with calorie dense junk foods. He claimed that you won't get fat from eating this way once your metabolism kicks into high gear. He saw traditional diet approaches as flawed, because calorie restriction suppresses metabolism, causing all sorts of health problems. He had a pretty popular book (still on Amazon) called "Eat for Heat."

It was an attempt to make a mainstream diet book inspired mostly on Ray Peats ideas. As with Peat, people often found that they would gain weight following this advice and not really know what to do about it.


His question of "how do you know when to get off the contrarian train?" is a really interesting one. Because it's true. It's hard to know when to be contrarian and when to be mainstream. Because plenty of mainstream practices are beneficial.

Just like I critique "normies" for blindly and lazily following mainstream practices, I myself often blindly and lazily subscribe to alternative theories that are often less supported than the mainstream ones. I'm talking about diet here, but I think the concept applies to basically anything.
I agree with you - I just noted he made of point of addressing this on his first outing in years.


Apr 30, 2015
Yes, that was more or less the gist of it. Eat to maximize metabolism over all else, specifically with calorie dense junk foods. He claimed that you won't get fat from eating this way once your metabolism kicks into high gear. He saw traditional diet approaches as flawed, because calorie restriction suppresses metabolism, causing all sorts of health problems. He had a pretty popular book (still on Amazon) called "Eat for Heat."

It was an attempt to make a mainstream diet book inspired mostly on Ray Peats ideas. As with Peat, people often found that they would gain weight following this advice and not really know what to do about it.
Yeah his book has probably been at least part of how he was able to support himself watching Netflix for years.

There is a good lesson in here.

He probably knew for quite some time that the advice his old books gave was wrong, and didn't work for most people. Especially him. But he never came out and recanted or corrected until now. He chose to continue to collect monthly revenues on information he knew failed him. I am sure his books still sell.

If he had come out 3, 4, or 5 years ago and said, "hey guys, I was wrong, this didn't work for me, look what happened when I followed my own book." He would be in a much better place then he is today. Then if his books still sold, well at least the reality would be out there. Living a lie is bad for your health

But at least now he is starting a new chapter based on truth


Jul 8, 2020
His question of "how do you know when to get off the contrarian train?" is a really interesting one. Because it's true. It's hard to know when to be contrarian and when to be mainstream. Because plenty of mainstream practices are beneficial.

Just like I critique "normies" for blindly and lazily following mainstream practices, I myself often blindly and lazily subscribe to alternative theories that are often less supported than the mainstream ones. I'm talking about diet here, but I think the concept applies to basically anything.
it wouldnt be a good video without an "angle". "In todays episode we dicsuss my agnostic nature toward everything, and how I have no clue what is happening around me!". Even in poor health, he has a lesson to teach us about health. I think that people in this culture see themselves as gurus and this creates a framework for how they think about everything.


Dec 8, 2016
Yeah his book has probably been at least part of how he was able to support himself watching Netflix for years.

There is a good lesson in here.

He probably knew for quite some time that the advice his old books gave was wrong, and didn't work for most people. Especially him. But he never came out and recanted or corrected until now. He chose to continue to collect monthly revenues on information he knew failed him. I am sure his books still sell.

If he had come out 3, 4, or 5 years ago and said, "hey guys, I was wrong, this didn't work for me, look what happened when I followed my own book." He would be in a much better place then he is today. Then if his books still sold, well at least the reality would be out there. Living a lie is bad for your health

But at least now he is starting a new chapter based on truth
I have a feeling that this may be the largest takeaway for most people

I see why

But why would someone gain 35 pounds in three months and people think that was like - ok
Like who follows that?


I see his story from the brief video above
Of a man with a weak relationship to himself

He couldn’t handle the stress or the “responsibility”

He was and is confused

Following the Vitamin A dogma now?
I don’t know….

I know of another “nutritional guru” girl
Who helped thousands heal
And it broke her

She became reclusive and trashed all her work and became a graphic designer

She just couldn’t handle the burden of responsibility she felt

I see Matt’s story as a mental health story more than anything

Completely lovely, likable fella

I wish him true healing


Mar 26, 2014
Stuff what you want into your face but say "It's OK bro I'm bulking, sorry, eating for heat"

Get fat.



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this @Tarmander. I’m definitely planning to watch it.


May 18, 2020
I'm glad he's doing alright. Would the Ray Peat movement even have taken off if it wasn't for Matt Stone's website and Bruce K? Maybe, but not in the same way.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Very good that he came out and talked about his experience. He can really start to heal now.

Many people, including myself, followed a lot of his advice in the early years.

This is where it led

This is so true. I just watched the video. He led many people astray with his take on Peat although probably not on purpose. I think he just got caught up in his guru status. If I were braver I’d share a picture of my short time paying attention to him. I looked like I could be his sister. I’m super grateful life circumstances intervened and I was forced to get back to fully living. I can’t imagine how his wife coped tbh. My husband sure didn’t tolerate it well and refused to let me continue on that path. I’m happy he’s turning things around though and being honest.


Sep 12, 2018
A bunch of years ago, I followed his blog, I had been reading Ray's articles, but it was something about the "eat for heat" that clicked for me and was healing. I would do lots of exercise, skiing and get too wiped out, and remember going on a long ski hike with a friend, who one morning poured so much sugar on his oatmeal that I was astonished, but realized that sometimes you just need the fuel...and I am tall and skinny....the "refeeding" as he called it worked!

Anyways Matt's Eat for Heat lead to a better understanding of Peat's ideas. If I recall Matt was not warning against PUFA ?


Sep 21, 2014
A bunch of years ago, I followed his blog, I had been reading Ray's articles, but it was something about the "eat for heat" that clicked for me and was healing. I would do lots of exercise, skiing and get too wiped out, and remember going on a long ski hike with a friend, who one morning poured so much sugar on his oatmeal that I was astonished, but realized that sometimes you just need the fuel...and I am tall and skinny....the "refeeding" as he called it worked!

Anyways Matt's Eat for Heat lead to a better understanding of Peat's ideas. If I recall Matt was not warning against PUFA ?
If I remember correctly, excluding high PUFA foods was about the only requirement for his "high everything diet". Eat whatever you want unless it's high PUFA. Or maybe I'm confusing him with someone else, it was a long time ago since I read his blog. Probably around 2007/2008.


Oct 15, 2015
Eating in abundance really was not good for him long term.
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