MEAT Is Now Infected With COVID19! GO VEGAN


Feb 18, 2016
It’s incredible isn’t it, covid 19 has coincidentally assisted the religion of climate fanaticism so much, no planes flying, no cars, tracking people,more taxes, and now onto meat. What about the coming headline- TRANSGENDER ARE IMMUNE TO COVID19, with the chronic use of DHT and progesterone they well be, Maybe plastic next also.
What else should we expect from said fanatics that will enter the rhetoric that covid19 has infected soon?

The rhetoric on INFECTED MEAT PRODUCTS is ramping up now in Europe ,we have seen it in America the last few weeks. EAT MEAT DURING COVID 19 AND YOU DIE!

Ironically Vegans are probably more susceptible to death from infection from covid 19 because of low grade chronic inflammation in some cases imo ,it’s hard to separate healthy meat eaters from the cliche western diet meat eater in testing, vegans always use this cohort for studies.
The b12 is also an issue -

Vitamin B-12 and homocysteine status among vegetarians: a global perspective. - PubMed - NCBI
Vitamin B-12 and homocysteine status among vegetarians: a global perspective.

Evidence exists that well-planned vegetarian diets provide numerous health benefits and are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle. It is also known that animal foods provide micronutrients that are nonexistent or available only in limited amounts in plant foods. Restriction or exclusion of all animal foods may therefore result in low intake of certain micronutrients such as vitamin B-12, thereby affecting vitamin B-12 status and elevating plasma homocysteine concentrations. Overall, the studies we reviewed showed reduced mean vitamin B-12 status and elevated mean homocysteine concentrations in vegetarians, particularly among vegans. Low vitamin B-12 intake may lead to decreased bioavailability and functional deficiency of cobalamin. Although early noticeable symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency are nonspecific (unusual fatigue, digestion problems, frequent upper respiratory infections), the best-known clinical manifestations of cobalamin malabsorption are hematologic (pernicious anemia) and neurologic symptoms. Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Given these health concerns, vegetarians, particularly vegans, must be advised to carefully plan their diets, to monitor their plasma vitamin B-12 on a regular basis to facilitate early detection of low cobalamin status, and to use vitamin B-12-fortified foods or take vitamin B-12 supplements if necessary.


Feb 18, 2016
It wont stick, but we will enjoy a drop in meat prices for a little while at least

Hopefully it won’t but it’s the power a few have to pump these agendas that concerns me, we need to fix the information sources.

This appears in the BBC online headlines today -Can a book make you vegan?

"Can a book make you vegan".

"Imagine a world where a virus rendered other animals inedible. Then, with people still craving the taste of meat, human cannibalism became normalised. This is the dystopian world in which Argentinian author Agustina Bazterrica’s new novel Tender is the Flesh takes place."

The stupidity of this article is impressive, they argue a pro vegan stance from the philosophical point of view, animals feel pain, this is the weakest argument for vegan’s, it highlights an intelligence problem possibly from a lack of creatine , vegetables clearly signal pain/bruising, plants are also communicating in their own language.
Soon all humans will be expected to not touch nature at all,just starve, at its core current veganism is misanthropic and an expression of self loathing imo.

A deadly virus will now be used to explain everything our ruling deluded class don’t want us to touch.


Aug 17, 2016
Hopefully it won’t but it’s the power a few have to pump these agendas that concerns me, we need to fix the information sources.

This appears in the BBC online headlines today -Can a book make you vegan?

"Can a book make you vegan".

"Imagine a world where a virus rendered other animals inedible. Then, with people still craving the taste of meat, human cannibalism became normalised. This is the dystopian world in which Argentinian author Agustina Bazterrica’s new novel Tender is the Flesh takes place."

The stupidity of this article is impressive, they argue a pro vegan stance from the philosophical point of view, animals feel pain, this is the weakest argument for vegan’s, it highlights an intelligence problem possibly from a lack of creatine , vegetables clearly signal pain/bruising, plants are also communicating in their own language.
Soon all humans will be expected to not touch nature at all,just starve, at its core current veganism is misanthropic and an expression of self loathing imo.

A deadly virus will now be used to explain everything our ruling deluded class don’t want us to touch.
Sure. It's a catabolic view of population AND the environment AND they want to look like good guys who advocate this attrition of competition and abolishment of truth.

Also, they have to forward the zoonotic idea of pandemics. Fauci does not want any suspicion of what they do in labs in ADDING animal bits in bioweapons and vaccines.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Hopefully it won’t but it’s the power a few have to pump these agendas that concerns me, we need to fix the information sources.

This appears in the BBC online headlines today -Can a book make you vegan?

"Can a book make you vegan".

Take anything from the BBC with a 'huge' grain of salt, MSM is depressingly poor IMO


Jul 11, 2019
The stupidity of this article is impressive, they argue a pro vegan stance from the philosophical point of view, animals feel pain, this is the weakest argument for vegan’s, it highlights an intelligence problem possibly from a lack of creatine , vegetables clearly signal pain/bruising, plants are also communicating in their own language.
Soon all humans will be expected to not touch nature at all, just starve, at its core current veganism is misanthropic and an expression of self loathing imo.
the only reason this argument is the weakest is because it's unrefutable, it is 100% immoral to take the life of a sentient being if you can survive off of plants, keyword, survive. Although that doesn't include the quality of life, one can still technically live without eating animal products, thus it's impossible to provide an argument against the immorality of eating animals. If someone is having a debate with a vegan and either one of them brings up this argument it's conclusive that they're both void of intellect, it's 100% immoral to eat an animal if you can eat plants, and live, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat animals though.

vegetables clearly signal pain/bruising, plants are also communicating in their own language.
this is stupid, you cannot compare a sentient being to a plant. I seriously don't understand why people get so caught up against veganism, who honestly cares? natural selection their men will become infertile whilst we pro-create.


Feb 18, 2016
Take anything from the BBC with a 'huge' grain of salt, MSM is depressingly poor IMO

“MSM is depressingly poor”
Spot on, it’s disconcerting to say the least to know they know their spouting lies and exaggeration but continue because they have mortgages to pay.
I use them to gauge the ”global" narrative and where they are moving.

Adam Curtis, hypernormalization sanctioned by the BBC,what doesn’t he talk about in this documentary is the question, still worth watching-

Interestingly here is speaking about the covid 19 creator


Feb 18, 2016
the only reason this argument is the weakest is because it's unrefutable, it is 100% immoral to take the life of a sentient being if you can survive off of plants, keyword, survive. Although that doesn't include the quality of life, one can still technically live without eating animal products, thus it's impossible to provide an argument against the immorality of eating animals. If someone is having a debate with a vegan and either one of them brings up this argument it's conclusive that they're both void of intellect, it's 100% immoral to eat an animal if you can eat plants, and live, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat animals though.

this is stupid, you cannot compare a sentient being to a plant. I seriously don't understand why people get so caught up against veganism, who honestly cares? natural selection their men will become infertile whilst we pro-create.

Define sentient being? Define life?
The meaning of words are relevant and must be explored relative to the point of veganism and not forgetting their use within a context.
From Wikipedia -Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. A carrot does all of what these 3 words imply, if the carrot doesn’t do these things, how does it do what it does? How is it being/becoming?

"one can still technically live without eating animal products"
You can technically live for a period of time once out of the womb without eating anything, it become a question of what kind of life do you want to live.

Words like survive are also relative to a context.

The reason people are caught up in the vegan argument is because it’s clear our ruling class want to move us toward meat free diets, this is forcing it upon us,just like covid19 lockdowns.

There is an argument for protein skeletons that could be used without ammonia build up, this isn’t feasible currently but it could potentially be beneficial allowing more protein to be consumed and possibly utilized.


Feb 18, 2016
Sure. It's a catabolic view of population AND the environment AND they want to look like good guys who advocate this attrition of competition and abolishment of truth.

Also, they have to forward the zoonotic idea of pandemics. Fauci does not want any suspicion of what they do in labs in ADDING animal bits in bioweapons and vaccines.

When science is garnering it’s approval from pop culture we know it’s got issues, so called scientists are using PR techniques similar to Hollywood and politics to communicate “science".


May 30, 2018
I guess I’m ok if this is used to kill off factory farming. It’s a corrupt industry at least in the US. It may open up opportunity for pastured local production to increase dramatically. I’m fine with meat becoming 2-3 tines more expensive if it means it is higher quality and more humane to the workers and animals. Not that I expect this to be the agenda of most elites, but maybe it’s an opportunity to make the case for it during the meat shortage. Interest in regenerative farming is increasing a lot across the political and ideological spectrum among both farmers and the rest of the public in the last few years. Now is a great time to make the switch.
Dec 18, 2018
Define sentient being? Define life?
The meaning of words are relevant and must be explored relative to the point of veganism and not forgetting their use within a context.
From Wikipedia -Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. A carrot does all of what these 3 words imply, if the carrot doesn’t do these things, how does it do what it does? How is it being/becoming?

"one can still technically live without eating animal products"
You can technically live for a period of time once out of the womb without eating anything, it become a question of what kind of life do you want to live.

Words like survive are also relative to a context.

The reason people are caught up in the vegan argument is because it’s clear our ruling class want to move us toward meat free diets, this is forcing it upon us,just like covid19 lockdowns.

There is an argument for protein skeletons that could be used without ammonia build up, this isn’t feasible currently but it could potentially be beneficial allowing more protein to be consumed and possibly utilized.

indeed,the enforced save the planet ~ (kill yourself!) mentation.The state-sponsored kill yourself-veganism angle is soooo concerning,desinformation works,vegan diets crippling human potential.

Vegans Killing Kids • r/VegansKillingKids

..has shocking news and aggregates about the state of the human self experiment that is running with full force.Thing is,Science already know that vegan diet regimes dont work.Or do they?

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Dec 18, 2018
I guess I’m ok if this is used to kill off factory farming. It’s a corrupt industry at least in the US. It may open up opportunity for pastured local production to increase dramatically. I’m fine with meat becoming 2-3 tines more expensive if it means it is higher quality and more humane to the workers and animals. Not that I expect this to be the agenda of most elites, but maybe it’s an opportunity to make the case for it during the meat shortage. Interest in regenerative farming is increasing a lot across the political and ideological spectrum among both farmers and the rest of the public in the last few years. Now is a great time to make the switch.

You underestimate the importance of cheap meat for the egality of a society.Only wealthy individuals will be able to have non-retarded children,thus producing stable monarchies.
86% of the Animalfeed isnt even fit for human consumption.


May 30, 2018
You underestimate the importance of cheap meat for the egality of a society.Only wealthy individuals will be able to have non-retarded children,thus producing stable monarchies.
I agree meat should be affordable for the general health of society. Ideally subsidies should be switched from corn, soy, and factory farming over to regenerative farming. Probably not going to happen without a long hard fight, but that’s policy I would support and worth a try. Factory farming as it existed couldn’t last forever for a lot of reasons. It’s time to try something new regardless.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I guess I’m ok if this is used to kill off factory farming. It’s a corrupt industry at least in the US. It may open up opportunity for pastured local production to increase dramatically. I’m fine with meat becoming 2-3 tines more expensive if it means it is higher quality and more humane to the workers and animals. Not that I expect this to be the agenda of most elites, but maybe it’s an opportunity to make the case for it during the meat shortage. Interest in regenerative farming is increasing a lot across the political and ideological spectrum among both farmers and the rest of the public in the last few years. Now is a great time to make the switch.

WORD!, You sir are a gentleman, alas I fear profit over morals to sadly continue
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Oct 21, 2013
ban factory farmed meat
eat local humanely raised, pastured
or raise your own


Jul 8, 2014
I guess I’m ok if this is used to kill off factory farming. It’s a corrupt industry at least in the US. It may open up opportunity for pastured local production to increase dramatically. I’m fine with meat becoming 2-3 tines more expensive if it means it is higher quality and more humane to the workers and animals. Not that I expect this to be the agenda of most elites, but maybe it’s an opportunity to make the case for it during the meat shortage. Interest in regenerative farming is increasing a lot across the political and ideological spectrum among both farmers and the rest of the public in the last few years. Now is a great time to make the switch.
I agree, though I can also understand Tristan's point. But as you said, it's worth a try. As crazy as this may sound, I believe veganism has actually played a role in the increasing interest in regenerative farming. Eating nothing but plants doesn't work for all who attempt it, but a new understanding of animal agriculture and ethics are usually instilled with veganism and so when someone leaves the movement, he/she is more likely to source humanely and sustainably raised and harvested animals and their byproducts. At least, that was my experience.


Feb 18, 2016
I guess I’m ok if this is used to kill off factory farming. It’s a corrupt industry at least in the US. It may open up opportunity for pastured local production to increase dramatically. I’m fine with meat becoming 2-3 tines more expensive if it means it is higher quality and more humane to the workers and animals. Not that I expect this to be the agenda of most elites, but maybe it’s an opportunity to make the case for it during the meat shortage. Interest in regenerative farming is increasing a lot across the political and ideological spectrum among both farmers and the rest of the public in the last few years. Now is a great time to make the switch.

Yes ,some practices are redundant because it effects quality and ultimately us, some European countries have good practice and New Zealand.


Feb 18, 2016
I agree, though I can also understand Tristan's point. But as you said, it's worth a try. As crazy as this may sound, I believe veganism has actually played a role in the increasing interest in regenerative farming. Eating nothing but plants doesn't work for all who attempt it, but a new understanding of animal agriculture and ethics are usually instilled with veganism and so when someone leaves the movement, he/she is more likely to source humanely and sustainably raised and harvested animals and their byproducts. At least, that was my experience.

This would help greatly.

Vegans sometimes forget culling will have to continue, I can’t envisage a scenario currently within this reality where it wouldn’t be needed. Maybe sound/frequency manipulation could disperse creatures in the future but for now we don’t have it fine tuned, they’ll probably adapt anyway requiring stronger frequencies that will damage them.
I think veganism is built on hope like religion sometimes ,nothing wrong with that but it’s built on the belief there is an ultimate good or kindness within reality, it’s to deal with the stress of a reality where scenarios like crash landing in the Serengeti in front of hungry lions can happen.
A house full of pests like rats or insects also.


Feb 18, 2016
Are viruses and bacteria vegan? What are their dietary choices ,can it be defined as eating?


Feb 18, 2016
Bill Gates has huge money in artificial meat, clearly this is the main reason we are getting alarmists articles on Meat plants, forgot to add this at the start of the thread.
Richard Branson is also investing in it so expect him to be pumping propaganda around real meat soon. Branson also linked to the child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

It’s incredible the influence this guy has, he is just using his cash to pump his own personal ideology and force it down the worlds throat, he is pathological, those who interact with him obviously do so because they are paid a lot, they must know at this point he’s nuts.

Bill Gates and Richard Branson Invest in Lab-Grown Meat Startup

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