Methylene Blue


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
I have been taking 15mg daily for almost a week. So far I have not gotten any blue urine or discoloration of the eyeballs!
I wonder if that's good or bad...

What results have you noticed since starting MB?

I would say more energy and better mood, which corresponds well to its usage for depression and brain dysfunction. Better sleep too. I am still only a week in, but the study on humans was only 2 weeks (I think) so it should not be a placebo effect by end of week 1.


Aug 7, 2014
haidut said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
I have been taking 15mg daily for almost a week. So far I have not gotten any blue urine or discoloration of the eyeballs!
I wonder if that's good or bad...

What results have you noticed since starting MB?

I would say more energy and better mood, which corresponds well to its usage for depression and brain dysfunction. Better sleep too. I am still only a week in, but the study on humans was only 2 weeks (I think) so it should not be a placebo effect by end of week 1.

I just started 48 hours ago...I do not notice more energy...and noticeable effects on depression are not too high yet. Keep me posted on how yours progresses if you do not mind.


Jul 22, 2012
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
I have been taking 15mg daily for almost a week. So far I have not gotten any blue urine or discoloration of the eyeballs!
I wonder if that's good or bad...

What results have you noticed since starting MB?

I would say more energy and better mood, which corresponds well to its usage for depression and brain dysfunction. Better sleep too. I am still only a week in, but the study on humans was only 2 weeks (I think) so it should not be a placebo effect by end of week 1.

I just started 48 hours ago...I do not notice more energy...and noticeable effects on depression are not too high yet. Keep me posted on how yours progresses if you do not mind.

Are you also doing the 15mg dosage, divided?
And are you using Vit C to defeat the blue whites-of-the-eyes thing?


Dec 19, 2014
I started taking this 3 days ago. Mainly hoping for resolution of some fungal issues. I had heard it mentioned a few times before, then Honeybee suggested it over on Narouz's candida thread, and I decided to give it a try.
Ordered the Kordon from amazon and then blew up my brain trying to figure out the dosage! (I'm really dumb math-wise). In the end, I went with the guy on the selfhacked site who says a dead simple way to do it is:
get a one-ounce bottle w/ dropper (I had some of these). Put 5 drops of the Kordon stuff in, then fill with 1 oz. water. This apparently yields a 1% solution. Start off taking 5 drops of this. You can increase by 5 drops a day if you want. Therapeutic dose is around 60mcg, but that's just a guideline. It has been used safely in doses 10,000 times that amount. Day 1 I took 5 drops, yesterday 15, today 20. Felt about the same each time, subtly clearer mind and better mood. Still trying to work out whether placebo effect or not. Honestly, I think I felt it most the first day, at the 5 drops. Strange. A lot of people say the effect is greater the less they use, like a homeopathic thing, which I always thought was probably a bunch of hooey. Also read that for mitochondrial function, the smaller doses are more effective, whereas for other things such as treatment of malaria, urinary tract infections, etc., higher doses are used. I didn't bother with taking VitC with it -- at these doses, it's not going to give you blue eyes or urine.

So still only 3 days in, I will report back when I have more to go on! I would really appreciate hearing others' experiences, too.


Aug 9, 2012
artemis said:
Strange. A lot of people say the effect is greater the less they use, like a homeopathic thing, which I always thought was probably a bunch of hooey. Also read that for mitochondrial function, the smaller doses are more effective, whereas for other things such as treatment of malaria, urinary tract infections, etc., higher doses are used. I didn't bother with taking VitC with it -- at these doses, it's not going to give you blue eyes or urine.

So still only 3 days in, I will report back when I have more to go on! I would really appreciate hearing others' experiences, too.

Larger doses may also reduce stress, and this can be perceived as negative if you're relying on cortisol for instance. Just be careful about the MAO-A inhibition effect.


Jan 22, 2013
I'm taking 5 drops intermittently/not daily. I started with 5/8/10 per day and the third day I experienced insomnia. So I stopped. I have insomnia issues and don't want to go down that route again.I waited a few days and started taking 5 drops two days ago. I am visiting folks for the holidays and it seems everyone is sick. The first day back on the drops I developed a stomach bug(?)- my body got rid if it in about24 hours but I did experience intense shakes hot cold feelings and body sweating until I got rid of it. The crisis lasted about a half hour in the middle Of the night and then I felt great the next day. Now I fighting a sore throat (virus that I picked up from a child who was dx) and am still using the 5 drops but am taking charcoal too.
Symptoms appeared last nite so we shall see.
Interesting note is that I haven't had a cold or any type of virus for a couple years since peating ( half a**ed Peating I admit). But I haven't been. Around so many sick people in awhile either.
Also I did apply a few drops to an itchy area of my body that was pretty much driving me a little crazy. And it stopped the itch after 1 round.
I'm using the same dilution as Artemis and self hacked guy. Easy to do.


Aug 7, 2014
narouz said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
I have been taking 15mg daily for almost a week. So far I have not gotten any blue urine or discoloration of the eyeballs!
I wonder if that's good or bad...

What results have you noticed since starting MB?

I would say more energy and better mood, which corresponds well to its usage for depression and brain dysfunction. Better sleep too. I am still only a week in, but the study on humans was only 2 weeks (I think) so it should not be a placebo effect by end of week 1.

I just started 48 hours ago...I do not notice more energy...and noticeable effects on depression are not too high yet. Keep me posted on how yours progresses if you do not mind.

Are you also doing the 15mg dosage, divided?
And are you using Vit C to defeat the blue whites-of-the-eyes thing?

I have seen no discoloration of the eyes and I'm not supplementing vit c...just orange juice.


Jul 22, 2012
Ewlevy1 said:
narouz said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
Ewlevy1 said:
haidut said:
I have been taking 15mg daily for almost a week. So far I have not gotten any blue urine or discoloration of the eyeballs!
I wonder if that's good or bad...

What results have you noticed since starting MB?

I would say more energy and better mood, which corresponds well to its usage for depression and brain dysfunction. Better sleep too. I am still only a week in, but the study on humans was only 2 weeks (I think) so it should not be a placebo effect by end of week 1.

I just started 48 hours ago...I do not notice more energy...and noticeable effects on depression are not too high yet. Keep me posted on how yours progresses if you do not mind.

Are you also doing the 15mg dosage, divided?
And are you using Vit C to defeat the blue whites-of-the-eyes thing?

I have seen no discoloration of the eyes and I'm not supplementing vit c...just orange juice.

Thanks for the update, Ew.
Keep us posted! :)


Dec 13, 2013
Great, sugar is healthy, saturated fat is healthy, salt is healthy, cholesterol, and now DRINKING FROM PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS is healthy! What will you think of next, Doctor Peat? :lol:

In all seriousness, are there any variants that are pure enough to consume? How do you they don't have toxins? Is it better to take them topically? Someone mentioned anti-fungal activity, does it mean putting it on your feet can stop fungus? And does it stain clothes permanently? How suspicious are urinalysis practitions when you have blue pee?


Jul 22, 2012
Ben said:
Great, sugar is healthy, saturated fat is healthy, salt is healthy, cholesterol, and now DRINKING FROM PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS is healthy! What will you think of next, Doctor Peat? :lol:

In all seriousness, are there any variants that are pure enough to consume? How do you they don't have toxins? Is it better to take them topically? Someone mentioned anti-fungal activity, does it mean putting it on your feet can stop fungus? And does it stain clothes permanently? How suspicious are urinalysis practitions when you have blue pee?

from "TDog333" at a Candida forum

The results indicate an MB dose-dependent effect. Concentrations from 250 to 400 microgram/mL reduced fungal growth but did not eliminate Candida albicans. MB concentrations of 450 and 500 microgram/mL totally eradicated Candida albicans from the oral cavity, resulting in reductions from 2.5 log(10) and 2.74 log(10) to 0, respectively. These results suggest that MB-mediated photodynamic therapy can potentially be used to treat oral candidiasis in immunodeficient patients.
I've seen a few people take it for candida overgrowth. Heard it can cross blood brain barrier and works systemically. I was thinking of trying it out. Has anyone heard about it, found any other studies, or tried it before?
From what I've read it has a low toxicity as well which is very ideal due to all the stress the body is currently under.
(plus the bonus that it turns your pee blue if you don't take any vitamin c lol)
PS: Do you think the photodynamic therapy is key? They don't try it without the light therapy it seems, wish they did.


same poster, same forum:

hahaha true that
Found another study where it is shown to help metabolize ethanol and acetaldehyde. If I remember correctly candida thrives in enthanol and releases it as a byproduct


The results show you need to take a high dose for it to possibly be effective. Just as in the other study I think.


Jul 22, 2012
Just some general information,
but I thought the chart was interesting:
I have a lot of those disparate symptoms.
Methylene Blue Cures
Last Modified on Dec 22, 2014

Considered both a medicine and a dye, methylene blue has a variety of medicinal applications. The first synthetic drug created, methylene blue originally served as an effective malaria treatment. While still used as a malaria treatment today, the applications now extend far beyond this singular use to include a wide array of purposes.

What is Methylene Blue?

Known as a heterocyclic aromatic chemical compound, methylene blue possesses a unique molecular formula that situates it well as an effective medicinal treatment. The compound appears as a solid, odorless, dark green powder when held at room temperature. However, when mixed with water, the green powder dissolves and yields a characteristic blue solution.

With this characteristic color, the compound is often used in medicinal practices to perform medical tests and surgeries as it colors the bodily fluids and tissues, making them easy to see.

Methylene blues is also considered a form of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a substance that transports oxygen and distributes it to the tissues and organs. As methylene blue functions in much the same way as hemoglobin, it is effective for treating a wide range of conditions.

Health Benefits of Methylene Blue

Used as both a dye and a medicinal treatment, methylene blue possesses a wide range of effective applications. The compound is considered a mild antiseptic, so it can be used to kill bacteria in the body, particularly in conjunction with other treatments. These and other properties make it an effective treatment for a variety of other conditions as well.

Methylene blue is often used as a treatment for urinary tract infections and other mild infections in conjunction with other treatments. Additionally, the compound can be used to treat malaria, cancer, skin conditions including psoriasis, Alzheimer’s disease, and cyanide as well as carbon monoxide poisoning. It is also used as a treatment for parasites, swine flu, and Parkinson’s disease.

While several applications for the treatment have already been identified, it is likely that continued research will reveal more applications for methylene blue. In any case, care must be taken when using the treatment to prevent interactions and adverse effects associated with overconsumption.


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Jul 22, 2012
Possible Toxicity Issues with Methylene Blue Products

Just thought I'd bring this up.

Posters over on another forum discussing Methylene Blue
(name escapes me, but it was mostly just speculation anyway)
were talking about possible purity/toxicity issues with some Methylene Blue products,
namely the ones for aquariums.

They were wondering if heavy metals like arsenic might be a worry there.
Less alarmingly,
if you go to some of the websites of companies that make/sell USP Methylene Blue,
seems like they go to some length to advertise the USP form
as being Zinc-free.
I guess zinc may commonly be present in the non-USP forms;
how much, I don't know.

Personally I'm looking into the USP/food grade products.
Looks like they aren't cheap that way.
Well...if you're only taking in microgram doses--cost not a problem even with USP.
But in the higher doses like 15g-60mg/day,
the USP wouldn't be cheap.


Aug 18, 2013
hey, everyone who's taking this:

Are any of you eating aged cheese while taking MB; drinking alcohol or smoking (nicotine, or MJ)?

I am wondering what the dosage tolerance is for Serotonin Toxicity. When I took Elavil for postpartum depression I was not allowed to do *any* of those things under very strict orders from my physician. I am concerned also about "accidental" or accidental-ish ingestion where someone might even eat chocolate or something too long in the fridge and have an event.

Any thoughts?


Aug 18, 2013
haidut said:
messtafarian said:
From what I understand, 1 ml ( at 2.33 percent solution) should be about 4 mg? Shouldn't have much of an effect either way. The standard for research studies was 15mg 3x or more than that intravenously.

I think there is more than NO uncoupling to MBlue. But if you are using other NO uncoupling strategies and are not seeing your symptoms resolve then, yes, I agree, why take Le Melange? I think you have to know the goal before you decide on the medicine and the dosage.

Aside from serotonin poisoning, the one issue with MBlue dosing is that in sufficient amounts it can spike blood pressure. It's actually a documented treatment for hyp*o* tension. This is my real concern with the stuff since one can easily avoid SSRI's and Tyramine but once you get involved with micromanaging heart stuff, I'm personally in over my head. In that arena it's really a good idea not to be wrong.

I think your calculation is a bit off. If you have 2.33% solution then 100ml would have 2.33gm of methylene blue in them, which is 2330mg. So, 1ml would have 2330/100 = 23.3mg. I am using a 1% solution in a dropper bottle and one drop has 500mcg, so I am using 30 drops to get to the 15mg dosage a day. In your case, you'd need less then 1ml per day to get the 15mg used in the studies. However, the studies used IV administration so the oral dosage will probably have to be higher to get similar effects.
Just my 2c.

All right Haidut, thanks for your help with my dodgy math.

Okay so this is what I did. I took 1 ml of the Kordon fish detergent ( 2.33 percent) which equals 23.3 mg of MBlue in aqueous solution. Then I diluted that with 100 mls of water to get a solution that would give .233 mls per milliter; therefore four milliters would equal 1 mg of MBlue.

I think that's right, and thank you for your service Haidut in making sure people do not kill themselves out there in Darwinian fashion :).


Aug 18, 2013
So I tried my first swallow of MBlue and results were not good. Within one hour my BP spiked to 172/99. And that was at about .05 mg.

It seems really strange that would happen at such a low dose, but it did.


Jul 22, 2012
Hmmm...that is odd.
When I get mine I guess I will start in the microgram doses.
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