milk alternative


New Member
May 3, 2014
I have an allergy to milk protein. I have tried 3 times to drink milk (pasturized skim). Each time I start drinking milk I get all over joint pain. When I go off dairy the pain goes away. Is there an alternative? Almond milk is out due to Pufas and soy milk is out for obvious reasons.


You can't eat cheese either?

Potato protein juice is an alternative, but that can be time consuming and maybe expensive.

My guess is that trying to fix the allergy, even with careful use of supplements, such as thyroid, would be a good strategy.


Oct 27, 2013
homeschoolmom said:
I have an allergy to milk protein. I have tried 3 times to drink milk (pasturized skim). Each time I start drinking milk I get all over joint pain. When I go off dairy the pain goes away. Is there an alternative? Almond milk is out due to Pufas and soy milk is out for obvious reasons.

Regarding your milk allergy, I would try drinking different types of milk to see if your inflammation still appears. I would be much more beneficial to find a source of dairy that you can tolerate, rather than substituting it out. Possible types of milk to try would be organic, raw (if it's legal to buy, i know in the US you can buy as long as you say it's for your pet), unhomogenized milk, lactose-free, or try looking for a brand that uses low pasteurization techniques. It would also be beneficial to find out what in milk doesn't digest well with you, ie the casein, whey, lactose, so you may still get the benefits of milk from say cheese. There are many lactose free products on the market, greek yogurt is low in whey.

As per your initial question, if you are looking for a substitute liquid that is similar to milk, the best alternative is coconut milk. You can make your own by boiling water, mixing with dried flaked coconut in a blender, then draining out the coconut. Keep in mind this will not have the same benefits of drinking milk, but if you want to make a shake or have a dessert with, it's your best bet. You can also add sugar & gelatin to balance the fat/protein/carbs ratio.


One thing to try is to drink it only in the morning. You might have digestive issues if you drink it later in the day that don't let you sleep.


Feb 20, 2013
Lactose intolerance is quite common and allergy to milk protein is very rare.
Are you guessing about allergy to milk protein or have you had blood test for that?
RP recommends dairy mainly for protein and calcium. You can get protein and calcium
from other non-dairy source. He thinks Egg shell powder is a very good calcium supplement and
oyster shell powder is second best.
I used to get joint pain from small amount of milk. Now i can safely drink 1-2 quarts of milk
everyday. if you are lactose intolerant then you can slowly introduce milk.
Half a cup of milk with a meal should not cause much problem.
It takes about 3 weeks for body to get adjusted to milk.
RP mentioned a study that showed lactose intolerant people were
able to drink half a cup of milk with meal ,3 times a day without
symptoms in few weeks. I started with quarter cup and after few days its half cup
and reached a quart in 2-3 months. You can try home made farmers cheese
to see if protein is the problem or lactose. Store bought cheese can have
problematic enzymes and additives. Old cheese can have histamine problem.
Coconut milk can be hard on digestion. You do not have to rely on dairy to
follow RP's dietary recommendations. If you choose to eat fish, beef, chicken etc
then make sure you are getting enough calcium to balance excess phosphorus in
muscle meat and some gelatine to balance the extra tryptophan in meat.
Regular raw carrot salad was very helpful in adapting to milk.


Aug 16, 2012
I have the same problem with the joint pain. For me it's related to the casein. I found I can have ricotta cheese without issue as it's almost exclusively whey.

Curiously, I can eat any dairy product without issue in South American countries! Perhaps it was the protective benefits of the altitude, or what the cows/sheep were eating. Haven't figured that out yet.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
I agree with mt_dreams, the source of the milk can make a world of difference. The closer you get to what comes out of the cow, the better your chances of tolerating it, IMO.

Ray says pasteurized is OK, but added vitamins can introduce problematic excipients, like polysorbate 80 as a carrier fluid; vitamins A and D are not water soluble, so (my thinking here) they have to be in an emulsion. Lots of modern, and secret, processing involved, never a good thing, IMHO.

Ray also says reduced fat milk is OK, but I'm not sure if that is true, at least for milk from the commercial food chain. I just read Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food"* and he writes

"To make dairy products low fat, it's not enough to remove the fat. You then have to go to great lengths to preserve the body or creamy texture by working in all kinds of food additives. In the case of low-fat or skim milk, that usually means adding powdered milk. But powdered milk contains oxidized cholesterol, which scientists believe is much worse for your arteries than ordinary cholesterol..."

* Pollan's defense of food relates to real, unprocessed food; what your great grandmother knew as food. My take on it is that the food industry can modify the basic food in innumerable ways, and we have no idea what they have done. RP uses milk powder for his ice cream, I'm not sure if he knows about oxidized cholesterol or not. I'm damn sure I didn't know anything about until I read Pollan's book.

I don't think it's a coincidence that milk, eggs, and fruit are some of the only foods you can still buy in the western world that are real food, and that RP recommends them. I get a little peeved that it is so hard to track them down, but then I realize they are like gold. So the effort is worth it!

Homestead Dairy sells milk in the mid-Alantic states that is (nominally) grass fed and has a line called Creamline that is (maybe) low temperature pasteurized but is not homogenized and has no additives. If you can find something like that you can let it sit and skim off the fat to get healthy skim milk.

For me, I just moved to SE Tennessee so I lost my Amish provider of raw milk in Pennsylvania. It's a four hour drive to South Carolina, where raw milk is legal, but that's what I'm going to do. It's better than living in a world where real food is illegal, eh?


Jan 25, 2014
Milk alternative... No Whey!

I have the same, or a similar problem. It started after I was poisoned by a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. After quite a lot of experimentation, I found that the part of the milk that causes joint pain for me is the whey fraction. So, for instance, yogurt that has been drained of most of its whey doesn't bother me. Even whey-based protein powders that exclude the immunoglobulins are okay. (I get those from Anything that excludes most of the whey and therefore it's immunoglobulins seems to be acceptable, cream, for instance, is fine. Farmer's cheese and cottage cheese seem to be okay too. it works for me, it might be worth a try.


Apr 15, 2015
Still I think milk is a questionable product. You have to be cautios trying to stuff yourself with milk.
That's what I found on Dr McDougalls site: ... arthritis/
Molecular Mimicry
Another fate of the foreign proteins is they can cause the body to make antibodies that are not solely specific to that foreign protein, but also interact with similar human proteins. This mechanism is known as molecular mimicry. The body attacks itself and the resulting diseases are referred to as autoimmune diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and the other inflammatory forms of arthritis are autoimmune diseases.
Molecular mimicry in rheumatoid arthritis has been identified with cow’s milk. One analysis showed that the amino acid residues 141-157 of bovine albumin were essentially the same as the amino acids found in human collagen in the joints (Clin Chim Acta 203:153, 1991). The antibodies synthesized to attack the foreign cow’s milk proteins, end up attacking the joint tissues because of shared sequences of amino acids between the cartilage and the milk proteins, that the antibody is directed to attack.


Apr 1, 2015
In Massachusetts, it's against the law to sell raw milk. I go to CT which is just over the border to get it. However, it gives me asthma, so I quit doing raw. I will also get asthma on regular milk, but if I buy it organic, I'm fine.


Apr 15, 2015
My grandfather had a cow (grass fed) and consumed milk a lot , raw or boiled...thinking it is the healthiest product.
Knowing that milk was his staple for years I'm sure it was the main cause for his arthritis and joint pains.
When I start drinking milk myself I develop joint pains in a couple of days too.
I think milk is good only for very few people and trying to adapt yourself to drinking milk you will develop arthritis with time.


Jul 29, 2014
kkrtype said:
In Massachusetts, it's against the law to sell raw milk. I go to CT which is just over the border to get it. However, it gives me asthma, so I quit doing raw. I will also get asthma on regular milk, but if I buy it organic, I'm fine.

This is not true. I lived in Boston and would go to Foxboro to get milk. The law in Massachusetts is that you cannot sell raw milk in stores but are able to go to the farm and purchase it. Now I'm back in Canada where it's illegal nationwide, so I bought goats. :shock:

This is the farm I purchased it from:

Pet Peeve

Nov 9, 2015
kkrtype said:
post 76749 In Massachusetts, it's against the law to sell raw milk. I go to CT which is just over the border to get it. However, it gives me asthma, so I quit doing raw. I will also get asthma on regular milk, but if I buy it organic, I'm fine.

I bought some organic milk after reading your post and it didn't give me any asthma symptoms like normal milk either. Great! Think I'm just gonna go full organic.

However, I read somewhere that organic milk has more estrogens and PUFAs because of the organic diet of the cows. Would this be a concern, or insignificant?
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Aug 22, 2013
Do you need something milky, or can you just replace with food? I'd say potatoes and broth made from greens are great options.
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