Multi Racial Society - The Biggest Stressor Of Them All?


Jul 23, 2018
Im really sorry man, your people don't deserve what is being done to them. Sooner or later the national spirit will awaken.


Mar 15, 2014
It makes sense, otherwise a lot of these ”peoples” would have much more genetic fixation and become different species
We were basically different species back in the Neanderthal days. Over time, hominids became more technologically capable, which allowed bigger populations (this slows down the evolution of unique genetic signatures). It also allowed faster travel (which helps mix the already existing genetically unique people)

Neanderthals and Denisovans for example evolved a highly unique genetic signature from Humans (Sapiens). The equivalent of those two today are Caucasoids and Mongoloids, who are genetically very close to each other in comparison (and 98% Sapiens). The periods of isolation and differentiation are getting shorter, and the periods of mass travel and migration are getting longer. We've had a period of mass migration since 10,000 years ago, which is when people started getting genetically mixed, and also when Y chromosomal diversity plummeted.

Also, the boundary of "species" is completely arbitrary, not a single pair of species has been tested for reproductive viability (except lions and tigers, forming ligers, and a few others). Many so-called "different species" aren't, and are just separate due to environmental factors, and would breed with each other if conditions were different.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
Im really sorry man, your people don't deserve what is being done to them. Sooner or later the national spirit will awaken.

thank you. it will not. let me tell you a story that hapened the other day
im sitting on the subway, when this black guy wearing headphones comes onto the end of the cart opposite to me. hes singing some random ghetto song super loud and screaming in peoples faces. surely, since he is doing this to every single person, someone will give him a well deserved smack before he comes over to me, since the cart is full. but no one did. because everyone here is a weak god damn *****. and the few who arent are affraid of being convicted of a hate crime. eventually he comes up to me, and hes screaming "**** white people man" "black powaaah" (i know this sounds like a joke but its not) i tell him that if he doesnt go away im gonna hit him. he backs off and everyone is giving me an ugly look. this is sweden.

its my stop and i get off and switch trains. but this dude follows me. i sit down next to a mother with two kids. he comes up and starts hassling me again, and the kids start crying. they are terrified, (as if taking your three year olds on the subway isnt bad enough) i told him he was scaring the kids and pushed him off.
then i go back to the mother and asked her why she didnt move and let that guy spit and scream at her kids before i got there. and she starts giving me ***t. and everyone were looking at me like i was hitler or something.
i can not wait for this horrible country to die. these people deserve it.


Jan 6, 2019
they are still biologically multiracial.
Which European countries are multiracial in your view? Or better put, since you believe most are: which are not? At what percentage of demographic representation would you deem a country multiracial, rather than monoracial with minorities?

thank you. it will not. let me tell you a story that hapened the other day
im sitting on the subway, when this black guy wearing headphones comes onto the end of the cart opposite to me. hes singing some random ghetto song super loud and screaming in peoples faces. surely, since he is doing this to every single person, someone will give him a well deserved smack before he comes over to me, since the cart is full. but no one did. because everyone here is a weak god damn *****. and the few who arent are affraid of being convicted of a hate crime. eventually he comes up to me, and hes screaming "**** white people man" "black powaaah" (i know this sounds like a joke but its not) i tell him that if he doesnt go away im gonna hit him. he backs off and everyone is giving me an ugly look. this is sweden.

its my stop and i get off and switch trains. but this dude follows me. i sit down next to a mother with two kids. he comes up and starts hassling me again, and the kids start crying. they are terrified, (as if taking your three year olds on the subway isnt bad enough) i told him he was scaring the kids and pushed him off.
then i go back to the mother and asked her why she didnt move and let that guy spit and scream at her kids before i got there. and she starts giving me ***t. and everyone were looking at me like i was hitler or something.
i can not wait for this horrible country to die. these people deserve it.
This is painful. It's clear that Sweden has gone far too long without a major conflict. Its people have turned into prideful, useless sheeple devoid of common sense. As a Finn, it's truly sorrowful to see all the madness manifesting in our neighboring country (moreso since some of it radiates into our politics). Not that we're much better off. One can only hope it will be for the best in the end: only a profound crisis can shake our populations out of their delusions. I hope you'll find some peace amidst the insanity.
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Mar 15, 2014
Which European countries are multiracial in your view?
All of them are. Some more than others.

The countries in the Baltic retain the largest amount of European ancestry, maybe 85% European, 15% Middle Eastern.
The European ancestry %age peaks in northeast Europe, decreases in northwest, even more in southwest, and least of all in southeast Europe.

At what percentage of demographic representation would you deem a country multiracial, rather than monoracial with minorities?
It has nothing to do with demographic representation or new immigrants. It has to do with old conquests and racial mixing within the last several millennia. Obviously new immigrants would make the population even more mixed.

mixed race and homogeneity are completely different things. Homogeneity just means that the mixing is uniform. Europe and Chile are both homogeneous, in Chile the most Spanish individuals are pretty much the same as the least Spanish individuals.

This is different from Argentina, where some individuals are almost entirely Native, and some almost entirely Italian/Spanish. Argentina is mixed and heterogeneous, Chile (and Europe) are mixed and homogeneous.


Jan 6, 2019
All of them are. Some more than others.
Such nonsense.
The countries in the Baltic retain the largest amount of European ancestry, maybe 85% European, 15% Middle Eastern.
The European ancestry %age peaks in northeast Europe, decreases in northwest, even more in southwest, and least of all in southeast Europe.
Baltics 15% Middle-eastern? Please. While geographically it is true that ancient Europeans migrated from east to west, the modern populations of the Middle-East have little to do with Europeans on genetic level. Scandinavian and Baltic countries are as monoracial as it gets when it comes to native populations of these countries.


Oct 16, 2017
Awesome content as always by @lvysaur, thanks man! Impressive.
Will see if I contribute later...
Such nonsense.

Baltics 15% Middle-eastern? Please. While geographically it is true that ancient Europeans migrated from east to west, the modern populations of the Middle-East have little to do with Europeans on genetic level. Scandinavian and Baltic countries are as monoracial as it gets when it comes to native populations of these countries.
Your claim about racial purity of scandinavians is what Hitler affirmed. Do you have any evidence to corroborate your view?

"concept of a single scandinavian genetic type, a scandinavian race that wandered to Denmark, settled there, and otherwise lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, is a fallacy."
"Another interesting feature of the approximately 50 graves assessed so far on the two sites and also from other burial sites and time periods in Danish history is that none of the individuals seem to be maternally related to one another"
New Research Refutes Myth Of Pure Scandinavian Race.

And: Vikings Weren’t All Scandinavian, Ancient DNA Study Shows | Archaeology, Genetics |
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Mar 15, 2014
While geographically it is true that ancient Europeans migrated from east to west, the modern populations of the Middle-East have little to do with Europeans on genetic level
Spaniards have little to do with Mexicans, they're still half Spanish


Jul 31, 2015
i live in stockholm. you are very right about the Muslims. the blacks are not so much a problem as the Muslims. they seem to have a deep hatred for us. from their perspective, i also think moving from a warm climate drinking fresh goat milk and no emf, to this cold dark emf hell with crap food would make anyone go nuts. and even though your kids grew up in sweden, you still came from a completely different climate.
I can promise you they won't make the same mistake as you when they get power


Jul 31, 2015
Gotta love the way you generalize. Seems as though you have a deep hatred for "them." So it begs the question what came first... the chicken or the egg? Maybe overcoming your cultural ignorance will help you cope with living on a diverse planet, or do different species of animals stress you out too? Im sure we can find a mono climate for you to relax in.
That's your mistake. Its not diverse anywhere else except white western countries


Oct 2, 2018
thank you. it will not. let me tell you a story that hapened the other day
im sitting on the subway, when this black guy wearing headphones comes onto the end of the cart opposite to me. hes singing some random ghetto song super loud and screaming in peoples faces. surely, since he is doing this to every single person, someone will give him a well deserved smack before he comes over to me, since the cart is full. but no one did. because everyone here is a weak god damn *****. and the few who arent are affraid of being convicted of a hate crime. eventually he comes up to me, and hes screaming "**** white people man" "black powaaah" (i know this sounds like a joke but its not) i tell him that if he doesnt go away im gonna hit him. he backs off and everyone is giving me an ugly look. this is sweden.

its my stop and i get off and switch trains. but this dude follows me. i sit down next to a mother with two kids. he comes up and starts hassling me again, and the kids start crying. they are terrified, (as if taking your three year olds on the subway isnt bad enough) i told him he was scaring the kids and pushed him off.
then i go back to the mother and asked her why she didnt move and let that guy spit and scream at her kids before i got there. and she starts giving me ***t. and everyone were looking at me like i was hitler or something.
i can not wait for this horrible country to die. these people deserve it.

I’m really sorry for the loss you and many of us in western countries are experiencing as we seemingly go backwards in many social aspects due to the acceptance of people from incompatible cultures.

As women have moved into politics and ideas around their feminine desires for “inclusiveness and tolerance of all” have started to be exercised, this is the result.

Also there has been a push by certain groups that multiculturalism is the ideal that all countries should aspire too. Some countries have adopted that idea more so than others.



Mar 15, 2014
"concept of a single scandinavian genetic type, a scandinavian race that wandered to Denmark, settled there, and otherwise lived in complete isolation from the rest of the world, is a fallacy."
An interesting thing to note about Scandinavians is that the 1800s race scientists were obsessed with the "Nordic" type as opposed to the "Alpine" or "Mediterranean" types of Europe.

But cursory examination reveals that "Nordic" was simply a depigmented variant of the "Mediterranean" type, and it was more common in Southern Europe and the Middle East.


The entire category of "Australoid" was also a bankrupt one which grouped together people with wildly different craniofacial features. Australians, Papuans, Solomon Islanders and Andamanese people look nothing alike. Of course, facial morphology is difficult to measure objectively, is influenced heavily by environmental factors, and should not be used as a criteria for any type of "race" relatedness.


May 25, 2020
In accordance with Reich Frommm, maybe some society members are unproductive.


Jul 26, 2020
i considered making a burner account for this one because i dont want people to stop giving me good advice but im going to trust that the users here are mature enough to not take this personally.

living in a big European city, dealing all the immigrants is naturally very stressful to me. but this can be attributed to the fact that they hassle me every time i take the subway or the fact that they are more likely to be violent/criminal. but ever since i was a small child, before i had even started judging people based on their skin color, i was always unhappy being around non-white kids. this feeling never went away as i grew older. though i try not to judge other people based on race there is just this deep natural feeling of stress from seeing them. i grew up with a very small amount of immigrants in my small town, so at this point it wasnt even because of the huge immigrant problem we have now. i just can not be happy or relaxed knowing there are other races around me. its not like walking down the street and seing a Chinese person ruins my day, but constantly seeing people of all colors around me just makes me depressed and angry.
of course, arabic and black people stress me out the most, because they most are likely to hurt me. but even the peoples that i know are not a problem, being around them to much makes me feel alone and isolated and this deep unnatural frustration.

(americans who have not visited a northern european city in the last 5 years, please do not tell me about what our situation is like)

surely fighting these instincts must cause harm

i cant think of any people that wouldn't be happier surrounded by their own kind. racism is a deep natural instinct and completely suppressing it must be so tiresome and exhausting. i think the fact we we teach kids from the moment they are born to not categorize people is dumbing down the population. the brain WANTS to categorize and generalize. we are fighting our natural way of understanding the world.

who actually feels happier in a multicultural society? you are constantly put on guard.
I think cultural homogeneity is good - we should stop trying to force everyone to merge.

I think this would actually give us a higher tolerance for different races and less “racism”.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
I can promise you they won't make the same mistake as you when they get power

who wont make what mistake?

I think cultural homogeneity is good - we should stop trying to force everyone to merge.

I think this would actually give us a higher tolerance for different races and less “racism”.

japan is a good example.

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
All of them are. Some more than others.

The countries in the Baltic retain the largest amount of European ancestry, maybe 85% European, 15% Middle Eastern.
The European ancestry %age peaks in northeast Europe, decreases in northwest, even more in southwest, and least of all in southeast Europe.

It has nothing to do with demographic representation or new immigrants. It has to do with old conquests and racial mixing within the last several millennia. Obviously new immigrants would make the population even more mixed.

mixed race and homogeneity are completely different things. Homogeneity just means that the mixing is uniform. Europe and Chile are both homogeneous, in Chile the most Spanish individuals are pretty much the same as the least Spanish individuals.

This is different from Argentina, where some individuals are almost entirely Native, and some almost entirely Italian/Spanish. Argentina is mixed and heterogeneous, Chile (and Europe) are mixed and homogeneous.

im reading what you recommended and wow its a lot to take in. how long did it take you to amass this amount of knowledge about race?


Dec 27, 2019
thank you. it will not. let me tell you a story that hapened the other day
im sitting on the subway, when this black guy wearing headphones comes onto the end of the cart opposite to me. hes singing some random ghetto song super loud and screaming in peoples faces. surely, since he is doing this to every single person, someone will give him a well deserved smack before he comes over to me, since the cart is full. but no one did. because everyone here is a weak god damn *****. and the few who arent are affraid of being convicted of a hate crime. eventually he comes up to me, and hes screaming "**** white people man" "black powaaah" (i know this sounds like a joke but its not) i tell him that if he doesnt go away im gonna hit him. he backs off and everyone is giving me an ugly look. this is sweden.

its my stop and i get off and switch trains. but this dude follows me. i sit down next to a mother with two kids. he comes up and starts hassling me again, and the kids start crying. they are terrified, (as if taking your three year olds on the subway isnt bad enough) i told him he was scaring the kids and pushed him off.
then i go back to the mother and asked her why she didnt move and let that guy spit and scream at her kids before i got there. and she starts giving me ***t. and everyone were looking at me like i was hitler or something.
i can not wait for this horrible country to die. these people deserve it.

If you're certain that your countrymen will not change and will meekly accept their demise, then you should yourself take action and move out from this country, and go where you will feel better, maybe post-Soviet bloc countries. If you have some money, it will give you a start in these countries as its power will be much more. What have you got to lose? Better stay and as you said yourself subject yourself to stress, or remove stress?

pro marker

Feb 26, 2020
If you're certain that your countrymen will not change and will meekly accept their demise, then you should yourself take action and move out from this country, and go where you will feel better, maybe post-Soviet bloc countries. If you have some money, it will give you a start in these countries as its power will be much more. What have you got to lose? Better stay and as you said yourself subject yourself to stress, or remove stress?
i am from norway and im only living here temporarily because of necessity. im planning to move to another country next year, though things will most likely go to ***t there too soon enough.


Mar 15, 2014
im reading what you recommended and wow its a lot to take in. how long did it take you to amass this amount of knowledge about race?
A few years of reading. Similar story to the health-related stuff.


Jan 6, 2019
Spaniards have little to do with Mexicans, they're still half Spanish
You are constantly referencing populations that have no relation to your claims. Mexicans? Chileans? Who cares?

You think Baltics are 15 % middle eastern. You think no European country is racially homogenous despite genetic clustering showing otherwise. What's the deal with that?

Earlier you dismissed the notion of genetic clustering and race having anything in common.

Genetic clustering IS race.

If race is not genetic clustering, then it is nothing biologically factual, because nothing else than genetic similarity can group individuals together under a cohesive racial framework.

Your claim about racial purity of scandinavians is what Hitler affirmed. Do you have any evidence to corroborate your view?
Purity has nothing to do with what we are discussing here. Scandinavians are racially homogenous to the point where each county forms a distinct genetic cluster. So are many other European countries (see the pics that were shared in last page). Whether you want to call these clusters pure or impure is irrelevant sentimentalist argumentation.
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