My Ask For Help Tome, Volume 1


Jan 3, 2014
I need help because I’m not getting results. In terms of health, energy and weight loss. See history below (warning: encyclopedic; but trying to provide all relevant info). Have had much help here already to which I attribute my successes (thank you!).
Attempts to raise things like caffeine and aspirin end in tears though revisiting often pays off, gone from 100 to 200, sometimes 400mg caffeine a day.
Pregnenolone now out of reach (prescription-only), but got strong positive then negative reactions, would like to revisit.
Flushing worse (it’s also hot) and missed period led to estrogen bad patch (swelling, weight gain, depression, energy slump, hangover, etc.). Progesterone helps. But my supply is threatened and can’t get anything via mail.
Recent 6g a day aspirin fail (malaise, tinnitus, headache then migraine, nausea, liver pain).
Female, 51, recently started menopause, long dieting history, yo yoing, mostly low fat, marked by severe mid morning, mid afternoon energy dips with hypoglycemic symptoms and sugar cravings. Low carb 11 years ago, for 7 years, impressed by initial effects on weight loss, energy dips and cravings. Migraines began 1 year in, by 2011 I was permanently nauseatingly light headed and dizzy, deepening into migraine weekly.
About 15 years of fatigue and bad aching. Tested positive for rickettsia, chlamydia and another I forget – gulf war syndrome? CRP and blood pressure high. Treated with flagyl (very ill on this) and doxycycline, for a year. Much but not entirely improved, fatigue better for a few years.
PMS from about my 30s.
Minor symptoms a classic list of hypothyroidism. Insomnia, constipation, weight gain, brittle crumbling nails.
In 2010 – 11 I compounded the damage with rounds of hcg dieting because of the weight creep. I lost a ton of weight but the permanent dizziness got scary. I read Matt Stone’s blog and stopped dieting, prepared to pick up some weight if it would heal me.Put on a lot of weight (about 60 pounds, from trim to huge) especially on stomach. Health got worse. Slight cushinglike fatty hump on the shoulders. I felt I had aged 40 years, hair went grey, feet and ankles ached and swelled, I bloated, struggled to get out of a chair, muscles, strength and stamina vanished, I was breathless, exhausted, aching, insomnia went from bad to terrible, constipation about the same, without taking something like cascara, I’m in trouble. My voice got deeper and husky for a while. Better now, sometimes slight recurrence.
This is getting very long! Sorry!
Peating since September 2013, joined forum Jan 2014. Initially big boost from aspirin and sugar. Pattern of good and bad patches soon began/more noticeable. Bad patches – dizzy, hangover, nausea, exhaustion, aching, depression, bloating, weight gain, migraine, light sensitive.
Successes: migraines ended June 2014 due I think due to cyproheptadine, steadier ‘blood sugar’. What I thought was hypoglycaemia was more hyper in spite of having most symptoms, so I am confused as to cause. Most importantly forcing myself to eat to nip migraine in the bud.
Light sensitivity vanished, haven’t needed sunglasses since.
Aching much better thanks to aspirin and mostly avoiding yoghurt, cottage cheese. During bad patches it comes back.
Some improvement in bloating, feel a bit more comfortable.
Temps stubbornly low, 36.4 on waking on a good day. Up to 36.9 on a hot day!
Pulse in 70s-80s. About 90 on T3.
Blood pressure tended to be high from about 2008, I took taurine, kept the doctor at bay.
In spite of hypoglycemic symptoms, when I started testing I found I was on the high side, always. Usually around 5.9 (100ish) between meals. Like temps, unresponsive. Today 1 h after breakfast, 7.4. (130-135) 2 h later, 6.3 (110-115). Late afternoon an hour after fruit juice and cheese, 7.7 (135-140). Haven’t tested before breakfast for a while but used to be just over 6.
By 2014 cholesterol was so high doc was shouting about statins to me. FFAs high, LDL, liver enzymes had surprised doctors since my 20s – levels of an alcoholic. Felt hungover much of the time. Alcohol intake dropped from light to almost zero over the years.
From log March 2014, the landmark day he admitted that TSH of 4.5 now officially made me hypothyroid:
cholesterol - 290. Triglycerides 241
Progesterone 14.3 nmol/ L on day 23 of cycle - range 5.3 – 86
estradiol 541 pmol /L (nice and high ) doc says I'm not peri menopausal.
DHEA bit low
Cortisol 226/nmol /l fasting ( midrange)
Vit d 25.2 ( 'moderate deficiency ')n T3 and a bit of T4 since March 2014. Somewhat helpful but 6 months later cholesterol not much down confirming my impression of underdosing. Taking about the max without adrenalin backlash – approx. 6x5mcgT3 and about 12T4 at bedtime. Eltroxin and tertroxin. The former gives me adrenalin. The latter, not if I’ve eaten. Adrenalin is a problem but not aware of link to dosing T3.
2 occasionally 3 eggs for breakfast in 1tsp coconut oil. Can’t do without them or within days, hangover, dizziness. Choline and the liver I assume. A strong Vietnamese coffee, guessing 200mg caffeine. This is really the only successful meal of the day in terms of how I feel, and lasting effects.
Fruit, fat free milk, juice, gummies, cheese at intervals all day before t3 dose and if I feel stressed, or hyper, which I think are signals of stress hormones. Caution with liquids or I go backwards.
I underdo lunch and pay for it with late afternoon slumps. Never feel like much. Fruit and greek yoghurt (but lactic acid). Jellies made with fruit, sugar, gelatin (but averse at the moment). Gummies, cheese.
Supper is family supper, usually chicken or beef, mince, a bit of veg/salad. Homemade pizza. Sugared milk before bed and during the night.
Eat little starch, almost never higher pufa than what I get in eggs. Avoid fat but without jumping through hoops seems about 30g a day unavoidable, probably more like 50.90% homemade food.
I haven’t counted calories for ages but used to be about 2500.
B1,3, eggshell if not having much milk. Cypro, progesterone, clonidine (pretty much daily, 25ug, yes I know you’re not supposed to stay on it but it's brilliant for flushing, sometimes for mind racing at night) T3 and T4 as above. All these had marked effect initially, but other than clonidine, now don’t feel much unless I stop …
Sadly, I used to take a tablespoon of fish oil, 5htp, melatonin, liquorice root. To name but a few. Stopped 4 years ago. Birth control pill during my 20s. I’ve been lucky to dodge many bullets by avoiding docs but fell right into the health shop trap.
Considering more promising woman doc who might consider progesterone, pregnenolone. Otherwise stuck with: mediocre, push statins, don’t listen; or overpriced, overhyped, 5 mins max, still don’t listen.
Thank you for reading.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:( so sorry your struggling SQu. I'm about to walk out the door for work atm but I will be keeping you in my thoughts and reply in more detail tomorrow. I hope you receive some valuable and helpful responses in the meantime.


Aug 27, 2015
If you want thyroid just buy it yourself, what is the point of going to the doctor? Same with pregnenolone, just order it online.


Jan 12, 2014
Joocy_J said:
If you want thyroid just buy it yourself, what is the point of going to the doctor? Same with pregnenolone, just order it online.

Agreed. Screw doctors. Be your own doctor.


Dec 19, 2014
Hi, SQu,

I struggle with many of the same issues as you.

I think you may have answered your own question in this post:

SQu said:
post 103937 Most importantly forcing myself to eat to nip migraine in the bud.
SQu said:
post 103937 The former gives me adrenalin. The latter, not if I’ve eaten.
SQu said:
post 103937 I underdo lunch and pay for it with late afternoon slumps

One valuable thing I've learned from working with the naturopath over these last weeks is that it is better to eat 3 solid meals a day, plus snacks as needed. I've learned not to trust my hunger, because I'm rarely hungry. I used to graze all day like you, and assumed I was getting enough nourishment, but I wasn't. It's easy to overestimate how much you eat, I found. Maybe you should focus on not "underdoing" lunch, or any meal. It really makes a huge difference in how you feel. I find if I don't get adequate calories at breakfast and lunch, I am more likely to have an adrenaline rush, which usually happens at around 3 -4 pm for me. I know you say you're struggling with weight, so it's a catch-22, just something to consider...

Do you ever eat liver?

What would you say are your main issues right now?
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Mar 29, 2014
Hi SuQ,
Sorry you are struggling still after all this time.

SQu said:
post 103937 Attempts to raise things like caffeine and aspirin end in tears though revisiting often pays off, gone from 100 to 200, sometimes 400mg caffeine a day.

Me too, so far. I'm currently trying ~100mg aspirin, and little instant decaf.

SQu said:
post 103937 Supper is family supper, usually chicken or beef, mince, a bit of veg/salad. Homemade pizza. Sugared milk before bed and during the night.
Might not be relevant for you, but I seem to do much better if I save the evening meat to eat for lunch the next day. I think I make better use of the protein, and it helps satisfies the midday appetite.

Personally, I seem to feel worse if I have a day or two without onions and greens.

SQu said:
post 103937 Considering more promising woman doc who might consider progesterone, pregnenolone.
That looks hopeful - frustrating to not be able to buy supps yourself when you know they are helpful - hope she supports you well if you go with her.

artemis said:
post 103959 I find if I don't get adequate calories at breakfast and lunch, I am more likely to have an adrenaline rush, which usually happens at around 3 -4 pm for me.

How much calcium on the average day? Not Peaty, but have you checked your UpH at all lately?
How do you feel if you get out for gentle walks and suchlike?
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Jun 24, 2015
What are your main issues now? Are you still aches and in pain ?


Jan 3, 2014
Thank you for the replies!
Joocy_J said:
post 103946 what is the point of going to the doctor? Same with pregnenolone, just order it online
I'd love to cut out the doc, hate needing them. But I can't trust the postal service. Stuff doesn't arrive.
artemis said:
post 103959 I've learned not to trust my hunger, because I'm rarely hungry.
Me neither. It has not turned out to be a weight loss advantage either!
artemis said:
post 103959 Maybe you should focus on not "underdoing" lunch, or any meal.
tara said:
post 103994 I seem to do much better if I save the evening meat to eat for lunch the next day
I'm going to do this. I am sure it's an excellent point. Overdue for addressing.
artemis said:
post 103959 Do you ever eat liver?
Yes, about every 10 days.
tara said:
post 103994 How much calcium on the average day? Not Peaty, but have you checked your UpH at all lately?
About 1-2 litres of fat free milk - about 2000mg. i top up with eggshell if less milk. I feel the difference with calcium for the aches mostly.
Looked for, didn't find testing strips so no to the UpH, never tested.
tara said:
post 103994 How do you feel if you get out for gentle walks and suchlike?
I'm active but currently not actually exercising and feel best for being outdoors but not in direct sun, as long as possible. Funnily enough winter is better for this. Gentle walks are great but I get averse to pretty well all exercise after a while, and get hypo symptoms, except when i'm in a good patch.
kaybb said:
post 103995 What are your main issues now? Are you still aches and in pain ?
Aches and pains under control except in bad patches they come roaring back. Main issue I'd say is bad patches which take a toll, and weight.
Blossom said:
post 103941 I will be keeping you in my thoughts
Thank you! Thank you all for the thoughtful replies.
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Jun 12, 2013
Are you getting carbs with those eggs in the morning? Otherwise they could cause you to feel awful afterward. It doesn't sound like they are hurting you though.

As far as the caffeine, I do better if I eat something before I have morning coffee (even though I use dairy and sugar in the coffee). And for later caffeine, I always make sure to have food in my stomach (or at least something sugary). I take caffeine pills and sometimes have coffee during the day. I worked up slowly to the dose of caffeine I take now. Taking caffeine with food/sugar and 100 mg (estimating) niacinamide seems to help cut the adrenaline response.

Do you get sodium? At least to balance the amount of liquids.

That was just a few thoughts atm. Wishing you well.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Have you ever tried Red light SQu?


Jun 24, 2015
You may have already tried this but doing caffine and asprin for a liver flush has turned things around for me personally. Haiduts writings on this is excellent. Good luck !


Jan 3, 2014
That's wonderful kaybb! I'm really happy for you. Aspirin works for me so I tried the high dose experiment but I felt ill from day one and had a migraine by day 4, end of experiment! I'm going through his excellent suggestions. Am starting on the cypro heptadine at higher dose for short period to lower cortisol which is clearly an issue for me.
Peata the beauty of my breakfast is that after eggs and with condensed milk, strong coffee works great. A second cup in the evening works fine but I have to take care, at the wrong time eg before breakfast it'll give me stomach ache. the pills give me adrenalin so I'm not using them. I salt to taste - must get around to mmmeasuring sometime but suspect my salt limit had risen


Jan 3, 2014
Excuse spelling - smart phone! I'm not in the US. And I do like red light but it is too hot to consider during summer so, as being outdoors but not in direct sun makes me feel good I'm doing that instead. bcaas I have found helpful in the past when I was addressing migraines and I'm about to try them again maybe as a way to bump up lunches.
Feeling like health is in up phase the past couple of days, which, while great, I must not be tempted to think of as solved. As I said bad patches are main issue so avoiding, shortening and recovering fast from them is the real test of progress. I'll be recording this.


Jan 3, 2014
Experiments: 6g aspirin - fail, led to migraine, felt bad mostly for the 4 days I tried. Usually aspirin really agrees with me. Haidut suggests liver enzymes rose. Gradually back to 1-2g, feels good.
12mg cyproheptadine - started to feel similar, stopped at about 6mg before I repeated the above. Back to about 4-5, 3 of which at night.
15mg biotin - stopped at 10, crashed my sugars fast. 1-2 a day feels good though.
BCAAs - 15g going great, calming after food.
Taking less T3 because adrenalin is getting worse. Can't always stop it with food. Clonidine 12-25ug helps. As does theanine.
Coffee tolerance up at the moment to 3 strong cups a day. Hopeful.
Added vitamin A. P5P. Revisiting bag breathing.
Following suggestions to increase lunch helps, and I will certainly keep this up, but slumps just come later in the day in spite of vigilance.
Aiming for no adrenalin days, with no slumps. Not there yet. But seems a reasonable goal to start with.


Aug 6, 2015
pro metabolic fat soluble vitamins : k2
pro metabolic b vitamins : b1 thiamin, niacinamide, and b7 biotin
pro metabolic amino acids : glycine, taurine, lysine, proline (glycine/proline in coffee)
pro metabolic minerals : zinc/copper/ selenium , magnesium glycinate

haidut topicals too , including progesterone, aspirin , methylene blue etc

optional : theanine


Jan 3, 2014
johnwester130 said:
post 106440 pro metabolic fat soluble vitamins : k2 may revisit this, put off so far by price and tiny amounts
pro metabolic b vitamins : b1 thiamin, niacinamide, and b7 biotin taking all, thumbs up
pro metabolic amino acids : glycine, taurine, lysine, proline (glycine/proline in coffee) thanks for reminder, forgot to mention I am taking gelatin and taurine, also thumbs up; lysine I don't feel much with so far
pro metabolic minerals : zinc/copper/ selenium , magnesium glycinateI'm behind on the oysters, put off by a nasty one. Magnesium i usually take in bicarbonate water form, currently I'm having so much fruit juice and more coffee and just watching for muscle tics, slight ones so I should make a new batch

haidut topicals too , including progesterone, aspirin , methylene blue etc taking progesterone, what a life saver, aspirin, a little MB but with caution because that experiment also ended badly some time back but as always worth a relook

optional : theaninelove theanine

Thank you for the useful checklist!
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
SQu said:
post 106443 may revisit this, put off so far by price and tiny amounts
Can you make a broth from collard greens? Nicholas reporting nice results from oxtail/collard green broths.
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Jan 3, 2014
I should do that. I've been discouraged by the tiny amounts, ugs, compared with the mgs many people take. But I really must do this sometime. Probably it could just get to be an easy habit to toss a couple of leaves in with whatever you're cooking. thanks Charlie
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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