Need Help And Advice (ibs-d, Frequent Urination, Fatigue . )


Nov 14, 2016
I had thought at one point that a thyroid issue was to blame, but the tests mainly came back as normal or hypothyroid. Supplementation with synthroid did nothing. I am wondering if a UC type drug like humira would work.

Have you tried t3? or t3/t4 combo? It's worth experimenting with.

Few get better on t4 alone and there's reasons not to do it.


Nov 14, 2016
IBS is an autoimmune disease and it is very little you can do, it does not go away, just control it.

I think a stronger case can be made for IBS being a result of chronic stress. Ray has said the intestine is highly sensitive to stress and there's plenty of evidence to support that: a majority of IBS sufferers having childhood trauma, research showing CRH keeping the gut sensitive, the clinical effectiveness of cypro, tianeptine, amitriptyline and thyroid...
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Carnivore diet? Just meats?
Good for a vulture bird Doesn't it!
Yes the diet you would never think about. ...
For some people it works when keeping also greens and for others the miracle happens with using only meat. And yes some people have done it long term with success.
Just worth enquiring!

Some people can have cheese or only aged ones but for others like me, it is constipating.

Eggs fish and shells are5included. Fat tolerance depends but is needed enough to get bowel movement.

All Sat fats are ok even vegetal. Emulsify with egg yolks is the best idea.

I plan to just solve guts issues and see what I can reintroduce safely.

My guts love it. And I think no more about food. No more big Hunger. More energy. Reduced cooking because not damaging proteins is essential.

My low phosphorus on hair test proved my low protein digestion so I needed tips to increase stomach acid and aloe vera for healing my stomach.

My tendones also seem to stand more muscle work now.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I think a stronger case can be made for IBS being a result of chronic stress. Ray has said the intestine is highly sensitive to stress and there's plenty of evidence to support that: a majority of IBS sufferers having childhood trauma, research showing CRH keeping the gut sensitive, the clinical effectiveness of cypro, tianeptine, amitriptyline and thyroid...
This is true too, so I use Somatic Experiencing!

No digestive juices without a good natural parasympathetic state!

Yet this is a circle... If your food hurts because you ae already irritated, then the inner fight response will go on!

So I do this inner job and the hair testing at the same time.


Sep 1, 2017
Good for a vulture bird Doesn't it!
Yes the diet you would never think about. ...
For some people it works when keeping also greens and for others the miracle happens with using only meat. And yes some people have done it long term with success.
Just worth enquiring!

Some people can have cheese or only aged ones but for others like me, it is constipating.

Eggs fish and shells are5included. Fat tolerance depends but is needed enough to get bowel movement.

All Sat fats are ok even vegetal. Emulsify with egg yolks is the best idea.

I plan to just solve guts issues and see what I can reintroduce safely.

My guts love it. And I think no more about food. No more big Hunger. More energy. Reduced cooking because not damaging proteins is essential.

My low phosphorus on hair test proved my low protein digestion so I needed tips to increase stomach acid and aloe vera for healing my stomach.

My tendones also seem to stand more muscle work now.
How you deal with PUFA? Low PUFA meats?


Apr 11, 2018
Have you tried t3? or t3/t4 combo? It's worth experimenting with.

Few get better on t4 alone and there's reasons not to do it.
Could you elaborate concerning the type of dosage/regimen you have undertaken or heard works. I have tried synthroid many years ago, when on some tests indicated possible a hypothyroid.


Apr 11, 2018

How did this all start? What you are telling us seem to be different issues at different times rolled into one sentence. Can we have a timeline?
The first symptom that appeared that I recall was pronounced scalp psoriasis, and brain fog. The other symptoms I can recall coming together, likely near puberty.


Apr 11, 2018
And me too! Zero carb diet until I figure out if IBS is gone. Worth a try. In a few days you know if it helps.
Did you find Phil Escott?
The best benefits seem to be for gut issues and auto-immunity.
Indeed, do let us know how the trial goes. I am trying niacinamide, and about to read more about copper, and Phil.


Nov 14, 2016
Could you elaborate concerning the type of dosage/regimen you have undertaken or heard works. I have tried synthroid many years ago, when on some tests indicated possible a hypothyroid.

Ray advocates starting out with 1 or a few micrograms per day for a little while then go from there. So just cutting up a t3 or t3/t4 combo tablet into 8 or more parts and having some everyday for a while to get a feel of how it affects you.

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki
Demystifying Thyroid Supplementation | on Patreon

In my experience cyproheptadine took a week to see a change. Its worth persevering if you've suffered long term health problems I think. Split dosing 2mg twice a day has the bigger effect for me, rather than taking a bigger dose in one go. It can take some experimenting to find out what sort of benefit it's going to impart. And there is also Haidut's topical version you could try. I get much different effects from that one. Certainly less side effects.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Indeed, do let us know how the trial goes. I am trying niacinamide, and about to read more about copper, and Phil.
I hope it can help you, because he got cured from pso!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
How you deal with PUFA? Low PUFA meats?
When you get no sugar, you burn the fat, and remember that the saturated part of a fat protects against the unsaturated part. So animal fat will always be better than vegetable fat. Then if you want to do it better, the best fat is from ruminants, because they process pufas. I do not eat pork for this reason, because pigs would need a much better diet to give good fat. All old people can tell you how pork fat changed! And I can tell you that a chicken fed with animal products as it should, has yellow hard fat looking like butter... So I do not eat industrial chicken either. Lamb and goat and cow. Local fish too. Pastured eggs too.

The thing I have started to reproach to any diet is that they do not take into account cycling, which means taking into account seasons, light and temperature. If we eat local and natural, not processed, then we get the food that is able to grow under the conditions we live in! I even think now that we can eat some nuts for a short time when they are in season and if we do not keep them for later. I am pretty sure that a small short shock with omega 6 is warning the body to change something inside in order to prepare winter!

Then you can eat fruits in seasons, and eat more animal products in winter, but eating fruits in winter is just silly for me, or move to the tropics...

Just cut RP diet in 2 ! Eat the fruits in summer, and eat the meat and organs in winter! Keep some animal products in summer, but do not keep fruits in winter! We need to cycle, or else we are left only with fasting for doing the job. Even for sat fat, coconut is for summer and lard or butter for winter.

I have also noticed that a lot of people get good when changing diet... but it does not get better with time, as it happend for me with increasing sugars.

I have also noticed I was feeling good when I moved to the subtropics, and was feeling warm with the mild winter. Now I am f*ck*ng cold all winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I never get below +8ºc..................... So I did not keep the first benefit...

So my conclusion is that we need to cycle diets the same we need to cycle day and night. And I need to cold bath I guess......... cycle cold and warm. Cycle blue and red light with the sun, cycle nutrients. It will thus cycle pathways! Then the other pathway can rest! Let's go from sugar to fat burning and sugar again etc! You cannot get a cold bath without warming up before. You need the cold shower to be able to stand more heat too. Sun gazing should not be done without the proper palming, as darkness is necessary to integrate the photons. etc Remember @Daniel11 (I think..) who went to Tibet, and saw the use of sun and cold? Very good wise examples...

Why stay fix if we see that it is never like this in us nor in anything in nature? Movement is life does not mean only to move the body in exercise!
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Apr 11, 2018
Ray advocates starting out with 1 or a few micrograms per day for a little while then go from there. So just cutting up a t3 or t3/t4 combo tablet into 8 or more parts and having some everyday for a while to get a feel of how it affects you.

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki
Demystifying Thyroid Supplementation | on Patreon

In my experience cyproheptadine took a week to see a change. Its worth persevering if you've suffered long term health problems I think. Split dosing 2mg twice a day has the bigger effect for me, rather than taking a bigger dose in one go. It can take some experimenting to find out what sort of benefit it's going to impart. And there is also Haidut's topical version you could try. I get much different effects from that one. Certainly less side effects.

I will try the t3 route, perhaps the ideal labs version.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I must admit my frustration level is high, after weeks making little progress. I have ibs-d, frequent urination, headaches (neck/shoulders), fatigue, sensitivity to light, disassociation, brain fog, dizziness, sweating clammy feet. I thought this was classical serotonin syndrome, but efforts to address that hypothesis were unsuccessful. The hypothesis paired well with the fact that I have the mao 297 mutation, but I'm unsure recently of its significance, particularly since progesterone, snake root, and pregnelone did not significantly improve my situation. The ibs-d was remedied at a certain threshold of paxil, and also wellbutrin, but they bring a suite of side-effects that are unpleasant, and address few of the other symptoms. The only supplements I found to be (marginally) helpful are vitamin D for mood, vitamin C and vincopetine and zinc for improved brain function (still far to go), methionine and maybe stinging nettle leaf for minimizing diassociation and dizziness. I would also note that post-orgasm the symptoms become worse.

I'm now trying cyproheptadine and I'm on day two, and I immediately had increased brain fog and general malaise on it, and I did not yet see the improved GI impact. My question regarding cyproheptadine is whether other have needed time to see the positive effects on GI, and if I should continue my trial and the symptoms would subside.

cyproheptadine increased brain fog -> low serotonin(From high MAO)* with low histamine -> possibly overmethylated
supplement: niacinamide 50/100mg+
*Possible deficiencies in B1, B6, FAD, B5, niacin, L-tryptophan, zinc, 5-HTP, SAM

IBS; post-orgasm inflammatory pain -> GABA deficiency; nervous system disorder
eat foods that are rich in glutamine, bone broth, garlic, turmeric
supplement: B6, magnesium, taurine, Gotu kola (centella asiatica), vitamin E
Gotu kola protects against neurotoxicity and is anti-estrogen, it synergizes with vit E, and helps fight mast cells inflammation, healing the gut and with GABA enhancing effects.

frequent urination, dissociation, brain fog -> Acetylcholine deficiency
eat: egg yolk, liver
supplement: taurine; acetyl L-carnitine ALCAR, korean ginseng

Do aerobic exercise
Do a hair analysis and check if you have metal or chemical liver poisoning.

Samurai Drive

Jul 11, 2018
I must admit my frustration level is high, after weeks making little progress. I have ibs-d, frequent urination, headaches (neck/shoulders), fatigue, sensitivity to light, disassociation, brain fog, dizziness, sweating clammy feet. I thought this was classical serotonin syndrome, but efforts to address that hypothesis were unsuccessful. The hypothesis paired well with the fact that I have the mao 297 mutation, but I'm unsure recently of its significance, particularly since progesterone, snake root, and pregnelone did not significantly improve my situation. The ibs-d was remedied at a certain threshold of paxil, and also wellbutrin, but they bring a suite of side-effects that are unpleasant, and address few of the other symptoms. The only supplements I found to be (marginally) helpful are vitamin D for mood, vitamin C and vincopetine and zinc for improved brain function (still far to go), methionine and maybe stinging nettle leaf for minimizing diassociation and dizziness. I would also note that post-orgasm the symptoms become worse.

I'm now trying cyproheptadine and I'm on day two, and I immediately had increased brain fog and general malaise on it, and I did not yet see the improved GI impact. My question regarding cyproheptadine is whether other have needed time to see the positive effects on GI, and if I should continue my trial and the symptoms would subside.

Sounds like me..


Jun 7, 2016
Just to be clear and so you don't mistake what I'm saying:

**** aspirin

(unless you find the specific dose that helps you, your immune system, and your renin-angiotensin system, which is impossibly difficult)

I have every respect for Dave who wrote a book on this that I didn't read, but my personal experience is, for christs ******* sakes do what works for you personally.

Okay I'm a little drunk but everything I'm saying is 100% from personal experience and I will back it up as such.
Yeah I think there is a reason people go for paracetamol and ibuprofen for head aches.

Sometimes I get headaches from slight neck misalignment from my car mechanic job and 1200mg of aspirin dose nothing. 400mg ibuprofen will stop It.
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