Need Help With Sex Life.


Aug 24, 2013
HIIT said:
So a little embarrassing but here it goes. I am a 25 year old male in decent shape, and been having libido / semen issues. Sorry to sound blunt or disgusting buy my girlfriend has a bit of a cum fetish. She like when guys able to "produce" a lot of semen when they orgasm. Dont ask why but it is a total turn on to her. Unfortunately for me I hardly produce any semen when I orgasm maybe like 1-2 squirts or a teaspoon full. Also been having a lot of libido issue over the past year I am maybe in the "mood" only once a week which is not normal for a 25 year old male. I have had my testosterone checked it fluctuates between 600-700ng/dl, so that doesn't seem to be an issue. I follow a Peat diet the bulk of my foods consist of OJ, Milk, Ice Cream, Potatoes, Coconut Oil, Eggs, Butter, Liver, Lamb leg, and I avoid PUFAs life the plague. I live a pretty stress free life, have money, get 7-9 hours sleep, steady job, generally good moods, workout 1-2 times a week.

So I guess my questions are is their any foods in particular that will raise libido, produce more semen, and if possible boost testosterone? Any are there any natural supplements you guys would recommend like horny goat weed, tongkat ali, ginseng etc..

Also... there are a lot of sex-negative people on this forum, don't pay them any attention. It's good you're freaky, and Ray does't have a whole lot to say about sex, so all those opinions on it are not based on any of his work.


Feb 25, 2015
HIIT said:
Sorry to sound blunt or disgusting buy my girlfriend has a bit of a cum fetish.

Add this to the list of problems I wish I had.

Unsurprisingly, there's a lot of information out there on the internet about improving the volume, velocity and taste of male ejaculate — so you should not be at a loss for things to try.

What I can share from personal experience is that when experimenting with DHT supplementation in the form of Andractim gel, I noticed a marked increase in libido and I noticed that my ejaculate had perhaps a bit more volume, but was definitely thinner and more "watery." Just now I looked it up and Wikipedia seems to corroborate:

[highlight=#eeeeee]"The seminal vesicles produce a yellowish viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of human semen.[1] The prostatic secretion, influenced by dihydrotestosterone, is a whitish (sometimes clear), thin fluid containing proteolytic enzymes, citric acid, acid phosphatase and lipids. The bulbourethral glands secrete a clear secretion into the lumen of the urethra to lubricate it."[/highlight]

Another relevant snippet:

[highlight=#eeeeee]"A review of 30 studies concluded that the average was around 3.4 milliliters (ml), with some studies finding amounts as high as 5.0 ml or as low as 2.3 ml."[/highlight]

So, DHT supplementation seemed to give more of that "prostatic secretion" — which may or may not be something you and your girlfriend want more of.

Also, this means that saw palmetto is the opposite of what you want, since it'll actually lower DHT. And without DHT, semen volume could be the least of your problems — just look up the side effects of Propecia (finasteride).

You should do your research about supplementing DHT though, it is not without risk. As for how to get it, the gel is expensive so you'd probably be better off looking for Proviron (mesterolone), but which might also be tricky to get.


Jul 22, 2012
Just an odd stray note on this semen/seminal fluid topic.
A few years back, before I had found out about Peat,
I found that this Chinese herb,
Shizandra, or Wu Wei Zi,
seemed to really increase the volume of know...ejaculate.

(It's a little embarrassing, but natedawgh fearlessly leads the way and gives us strength.
Also, you should ask him about his lysine experience. :D )
Jul 17, 2015
ChrisRay said:
I know from personal experience, if I want to have a lot of sex, I need Carbs and Sleep. And not the Carbs from fruits, but the carbs from White Rice, Ezekial Breads, Garden of Eaten Blue Chips, Hummus, Popcorn, Pasta's, Carbs in Greek Yogurt, etc which are not Peat friendly....but you have to experiment with your own body. Try having a few days of High Carbs and see how your sex drive fluctuates.
Just before I became aware of Ray Peat I started consuming a large bowl of porridge every morning made with whole milk. As I slowly started adopting Ray's ideas I ditched the whole milk for skimmed and added coconut oil to replace the milk fat. I did notice that my libido and sleep quality increased did my weight!

I've cut out the porridge now and I am busy trying to lose that extra weight. I'm not sure how much of a role the starch from the porridge played in my libido boost or whether it was just the increase in calories in general but for a few days last week I was having a large baked potato every day with coconut oil (Virgin) instead of butter and I also experienced an increase in libido. When I have my coconut oil with carrot this doesn't happen.

I'm leaning towards increased calorie intake as the thing that increases my libido but I also suspect that starches might help for me in that respect and are certainly no hindrance. In all honesty I miss my big bowl of porridge in the mornings. For whatever reason it made me horny, regular...........and fat!


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
answersfound said:
I think all questions regarding libido can be answered with this excerpt from a blog post by Danny Roddy:

Fat-soluble vitamins are anti-prolactin, anti-estrogen, and are the building blocks of steroid hormone synthesis. Vitamin A seems to be especially important—suggesting that the widespread use of Vitamin D to be potentially dangerous.
•Vitamin A - beef liver, egg yolks
•Vitamin D - sun, minor supplementation (if A and K levels are adequate!)
lly) couldn't touch Peat's unorthodox approach.

Hmm...Why would vitamin D be dangerous? Vitamin D is fat soluble and also a need pre-hormone for testosterone.
Nov 21, 2015
High amounts of vitamin c and some aged garlic improves semen volume. Quite a lot. Not sure why. Takes about 3 or 4 weeks.


Mar 5, 2018
cucumbers, anecdotal but try eating lots of cucumbers before sex and see results :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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