New to the Peatarian Ways!


Oct 31, 2012
Hello Everybody,
My name is Matt and I recently began reading up on Ray Peat and found this website! His articles make a lot of sense and are actually back up by a scientific foundation which is what I like. He is definitely a brilliant and well respected man.
I am 25 years years old with some nagging health issues which I have tried almost everything to fix. I started with doctors, but they only want to give you medication to treat the symptoms and do nothing for the real problem. I then moved on to cleansing, detoxing, fasting, supplements etc. etc. and nothing has really worked. So frustrating! When I turned 18 I started getting severe cystic acne and this is when it all went downhill basically. This started the never-ending journey towards health. I began to cut out junk food and try to eat healthy, but unfortunately none of it worked. I went to the derm and was prescribed creams, antibiotics and finally Accutane. The accutane cleared me up for a bit, but it just came back. Then a couple years ago I found out I had many food allergies (non-life threatening kind). So I started avoiding all possible allergens, and it helped. My skin def got clearer, but it was very a restrictive diet and very hard to avoid everything. Around the same time I found out I was Hypothyroid, with a TSH around 5.5. I have refused to take any medication for it so far because I am still holding out hope that I can cure myself naturally. I am currently suffering from hypo symptoms such as cold hands, low temperature, low libido(lately), bad skin. My restrictive diet has forced me to overeat nut/seeds and other PUFAS for years now, which I think has been making my thyroid worse, and consequently my allergies and acne. I ate a ton of fruit this summer, which is good, but also a lot of PUFAS as well. I have also avoided dairy like the plague for the past few years, with a special fear of milk. I am not allergic to dairy but it seems to enrage my acne. It was really hard to give it up but there is no doubt that milk makes my acne explode. I have tolerated cheese and yogurt ok, but had given those up almost completely over the past year or so as well. I have recently added cheese and yogurt back into my diet and I can tell my body has missed them. So far I had an initial breakout, but it doesn't seem to be getting worse. My skin actually looks better overall. I think stopping the PUFAS has already helped. I also have added back OJ after not really having any in the past 2 years due to a mild-moderate allergy. Unfortunately, I think I may still be allergic to it. I am good with potatoes and have been eating more of those. I have always loved eggs and try to eat them in moderation. I cut back on coffee for the past year because It tends to hurt my sleep and I fear it's bad for my adrenals. I would classify myself as sensitive to caffeine. I do love it thought and still have it on occasion. I use coconut oil sometimes bc I know it's good for your thyroid, but I probably shouldn't because I am allergic to that as well. I have started incorporating more gelatin into my diet through, soup with bones, pork rinds, gummy snacks etc. Im ordering some gelatin and will start cooking with it. Overall, I just want to feel good. I'm sick of the restrictive lifestyle and I'm going to try to eat more Peat like while avoiding the worst offenders like PUFAS. I should also mention I have a history of mild/moderate depression which I have dealt with my whole life. I took medication for a few months in high school, but that was it.

How did you find the forum?
Googled Ray Peat.

How did you find Ray Peat's work?
I first heard his name on a RawBrahs youtube video. I didn't come across his website until I started researching about serotonin dominance and it's effects (depression, inflammation, estrogen connection)

How long have you been Peating?
Only about a week- so too early to tell, but i feel pretty good.

What is your favorite part about Peating?
It's not too restrictive and has some scientific credibility behind it. I like his philosophy to avoid the bad/irritating things while focusing on the nourishing and simple foods rather than just try to compensate with a bunch of antioxidants. It also helps that I love dark chocolate, cheese, butter, eggs, jello, gummy bears, sugar(duh), coffee, potatoes, OJ, liver. I also know how much I have been overeating nuts/seeds (even before discovering peat), and will give them up in a second if I can replace them with more dairy. My ultimate goal is to be able to tolerate milk.

What is the worst part?
So far I haven't been as regular with #2. Maybe my body is adjusting to less fiber?

My health issues?
Acne, hypothyroid, food allergies, depression, stress.


Oct 1, 2012
Hi Matt,

Welcome! Have you ever tried raw milk? It is the only kind I can drink. I do get it from a food co-op.



Aug 9, 2012
So... what do the RawBrahs have to say on Ray Peat, you got a link to the video?


Aug 28, 2012
Number 2s.

Coffee and carrot salad helps. If still need extra then Cascara sagrada.

But when thyroid function improves so does bowel function.

Dont be so into doing things 'naturally'. I used to think like you but there is a place for, a very limited number of, pharmaceuticals. Also natural desiccated thyroid is pretty natural (except some excipients). I would recommend it as you sound pretty hypothyroid to me, it could take a long time to get the PUFAs out.

Oh and welcome to the forum.


At the beginning the only thing I did was eliminating PUFAs. Three months later I felt great improvements.

For acne, vitamin A might help. Liver once every one or two weeks is a good source.

Your allergies might be caused by hypothyroidism. It might be a good idea to test your allergies by eating the food every 3 months or so. I mention this figure of 3 months because it's every 3 months when I feel an improvement, but your body might be different.

As NWO said, the carrot salad is good for #2. Having some meat and fruits seems to improve regularity for me. I tend to ignore Peat's statement that bananas are not a great fruit, because I crave them if I don't eat them.

If you're allergic to coconut oil, try the refined one.

You shouldn't have coffee on an empty stomach. Try to have it with milk, sugar, and cream. Or after eating a lot of food. Or after consuming beef liver, doing so will also help to reduce iron absorption. You could also try chocolate powder instead of coffee, but being able to drink milk will be helpful to do this. It's better to have chocolate with milk.

Is the OJ you're allergic to home-squeezed?


Oct 31, 2012
kiran said:
So... what do the RawBrahs have to say on Ray Peat, you got a link to the video?

They have mentioned him a few times in their videos regarding coffee, ice cream and sugar after someone commented on their channel about him. They have never done a video specifically about Ray Peat because that's not really how they do videos but they are very open minded and will try anything which is why I like them.
They mention him around the 5:00 mark in this video:
They mention him in this one too. It's worth a full watch:


Oct 31, 2012
nwo2012 said:
Number 2s.

Coffee and carrot salad helps. If still need extra then Cascara sagrada.

But when thyroid function improves so does bowel function.

Dont be so into doing things 'naturally'. I used to think like you but there is a place for, a very limited number of, pharmaceuticals. Also natural desiccated thyroid is pretty natural (except some excipients). I would recommend it as you sound pretty hypothyroid to me, it could take a long time to get the PUFAs out.

Oh and welcome to the forum.

Thanks! Does Peat recommend any type of thyroid you can get from a doctor?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Oct 31, 2012
j. said:
At the beginning the only thing I did was eliminating PUFAs. Three months later I felt great improvements.

For acne, vitamin A might help. Liver once every one or two weeks is a good source.

Your allergies might be caused by hypothyroidism. It might be a good idea to test your allergies by eating the food every 3 months or so. I mention this figure of 3 months because it's every 3 months when I feel an improvement, but your body might be different.

As NWO said, the carrot salad is good for #2. Having some meat and fruits seems to improve regularity for me. I tend to ignore Peat's statement that bananas are not a great fruit, because I crave them if I don't eat them.

If you're allergic to coconut oil, try the refined one.

You shouldn't have coffee on an empty stomach. Try to have it with milk, sugar, and cream. Or after eating a lot of food. Or after consuming beef liver, doing so will also help to reduce iron absorption. You could also try chocolate powder instead of coffee, but being able to drink milk will be helpful to do this. It's better to have chocolate with milk.

Is the OJ you're allergic to home-squeezed?

Ya elimating PUFAS is the main thing i'm doing right now. I have already been eating liver every couple weeks for about 6 months now. It gives me a boost if i'm working out a lot. I love bananas too, but I think I abused them a bit over the summer. I ate about 5-6 a day sometimes more. I will continue to eat them, less now that the winter is coming, but they help me sleep at night. I will have try refined coconut oil and see. What does Non-Certified mean and what is the shipping cost for that site? Also, I notice dark chocolate is high in iron yet still recommended? What's up with that? (I love chocolate). I have been getting plenty of beta carotene over the summer from green smoothies, especially if I add spirulina. I also like to eat sweet potatoes on a normal basis especially in the colder months. What does peat think about those things? I was found out i was allergic to oranges when I got an allergy skin-prick test and have always noticed they tend to make my skin worse. I have been eating some clementines lately and they seem to upset my stomach. I have been drinking some OJ from a carton, not from concentrate, and notice a mild reaction.


PeatFeat said:
What does Non-Certified mean?

Dont't know, but that's the one I get.

PeatFeat said:
Also, I notice dark chocolate is high in iron yet still recommended? What's up with that? (I love chocolate).

I think chocolate has some things in it that reduce absorption of iron. I usually put a little coffee when I have chocolate milk, because coffee also reduces absorption of iron.

PeatFeat said:
I have been drinking some OJ from a carton, not from concentrate, and notice a mild reaction.

I had bad reactions to Tropicana and Minute Maid, but do a lot better on the home-squeezed. I suggest trying to make your own home-squeezed oj.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
PeatFeat said:
What does Non-Certified mean and what is the shipping cost for that site?

It means you are not paying the extra money for the organic certification. It's the same exact stuff you get with the certified organic, just not paying the cost of the certification. Ray Peat has said that coconuts are usually always grown organically.


PeatFeat said:
I have been getting plenty of beta carotene over the summer from green smoothies, especially if I add spirulina. I also like to eat sweet potatoes on a normal basis especially in the colder months. What does peat think about those things?

Potato vs. Sweet Potato

From that link:

Peat talks about carotene in interviews that people with hypo have a hard time converting carotene into pro-vit A and that carotene can block thyroid function.

You could try Japanese Sweet Potatoes. Taste just as sweet but without the carotene.


Oct 22, 2012
For Depression, the sun, but especially Magnesium and B-Complex Vitamins...and they help carb digestion and bowel peristalsis....keeps things moving normally. Hypothyroids waste a lot of Magnesium....lose it easily.

OJ doesn't like me much either, so I don't worry about it. Just getting in the gelatin several times a day also helped my digestion and elimination.

I personally have used Soloray brand Magnesium Asporotate....however I'm wondering if the Asporotate and other tates in this brand is good. I've had success with it, but check the contents with Dr. Peat's articles at his website...or here. I know I've read of it in the last few days, but cannot remember where.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Oct 22, 2012
32 ... ronggeorge

This page (actually a section of a HUGE page) starts out with
"Could George be Wrong about Magnesium Oxide?"
Read the letters below this paragraph. And read above. It's a very extensive study of Magnesium.

So yes, use the Mg oxide in whatever dosage helps.

I'll be getting some for our house, if I don't have some tucked somewhere already. The nutritional supplement cabinet is getting an overhaul today.

All the best,

PS Read the rest of this page (Mr. Eby's research) with discretion...much is not compatible: i.e. nuts=good, sugar=bad, etc.


Aug 28, 2012
PeatFeat said:
nwo2012 said:
Number 2s.

Coffee and carrot salad helps. If still need extra then Cascara sagrada.

But when thyroid function improves so does bowel function.

Dont be so into doing things 'naturally'. I used to think like you but there is a place for, a very limited number of, pharmaceuticals. Also natural desiccated thyroid is pretty natural (except some excipients). I would recommend it as you sound pretty hypothyroid to me, it could take a long time to get the PUFAs out.

Oh and welcome to the forum.

Thanks! Does Peat recommend any type of thyroid you can get from a doctor?

Some Drs will prescribe desiccated thyroid and sometimes T3, but just skip them as very easy to source your own.

I see no need for Magnesium pills. Plenty in OJ and Epsom baths. Even coffee gives us some especially if you brew it strong from freshly ground beans (we do). All good Peat recommendations. Dont believe the hype about coffee depleteing Magnesium, total nonsense in the context of Peat eating.


Oct 31, 2012
Thanks guys for all your help! Really like how helpful and positive this little community is!
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