No Fap No Porn 2013 (NSFW) Adult Topic Thread!


Nov 15, 2012
Haha! A ranking system! I've always tried these no fap missions but maybe this was the incentive I was lacking for adherence.

Good job to whoever made it past a month!

8th of October to become a Warrior



Mar 20, 2013
I've been reading Cupid's Poisoned Arrow. That's been helping a lot. I'm very familiar with Gary Wilson's work and his site and some articles by Marnia Robinson but having a book I can hold in my hands and take outside to read just works better for me.

I'm on one week of no PMO and feeling better. I've tried to quit for probably over 2 years although I've only been counting the past 6 months because I gave up for a long time. I've relapsed more times than I can count.

I'm very isolated most of the time and especially at my age (24) and thinking back on the fact that I went through my entire teen years without so much as even hugging a gets pretty overwhelming. I feel like it's never going to get better. But the funny thing is that when I stop masturbating to cope, the frustration starts to subside. I've only ever made it a few weeks, and even then I was still masturbating, just not to orgasm, but I'd edge quite a bit and I think that made everything worse.

My understanding is that abstinence increases the levels of testosterone in the body, as well as dopamine (over time). I know that prolactin is released after orgasms as well. So from a Peat perspective I have hope for abstinence contributing to better health by indirectly antagonizing estrogen and lowering prolactin.

But more importantly, for the better part of 10 years I've binged to unimaginable excesses on masturbation, porn and fantasies to cope with my isolated environment...and I'm excited at the idea of eventually being in an actual relationship with affection and everything.

Although I'm excited enough for now to feel benefits simply from abstinence even in the absence of any kind of intimacy or affection. I'm really trying hard to stay the course here. I know that the withdrawal symptoms get worse and every time I've done this over the past year or two or whatever it's the same thing -- up and down and up and down. I'm trying to ignore the rollercoaster in my brain and just keep my hands away from myself.

Although I have been massaging coconut oil and vitamin E onto my genitals every day, although I don't get aroused by it. TMI? XD Have to make sure I'm strong and healthy for a possible potential future girlfriend :) They say to pray as if you've already received what you're asking for, after all!


Mar 20, 2013
EDIT: In all seriousness, though, I'm trying to "fill the void" in the best ways I know how. So in addition to cutting out masturbation and porn, I'm trying to get back into music (I've been playing for 10 years) and working on getting a career going doing guitar repairs and building and selling parts, as well as staying up to date with taking care of my health.

Trying to make myself stronger and more resilient and -- above all -- peaceful and fulfilled is my priority. I think one of the reasons I've kept relapsing is because I kept thinking of sex/intimacy/affection as needs instead of focusing on building myself up and enjoying all the other things life has to offer, like good food and nutrition and the rewards of working hard and building skills. Not to mention all the bonds I've formed with other guys through things like that. At the end of the day this is really about rebalancing the reward circuitry in your brain and finding more enjoyment and peace in everyday life...if I can keep that in mind, I think I'll be successful this time.


Nov 9, 2012
I have yet to see any evidence that this long abstinence is healthy (or Peaty - on that note, there is a quote from him saying ejaculating isn't bad - I'm guessing the prolactin in that case is negligible). I can imagine why no porn is good, why reducing to a reasonable frequency is good - doing it only when really desired. But long term abstinence is a different thing, and after a few days I would imagine that the testosterone and other things stabilize.


Oct 14, 2013
I find this difficult because it's such a great stress reliever. I already don't watch porn much if at all... not sure how much benefit I would get, but reading people's stories it sounds pretty cool.


Nov 9, 2012
stressucks said:
I find this difficult because it's such a great stress reliever. I already don't watch porn much if at all... not sure how much benefit I would get, but reading people's stories it sounds pretty cool.

If its a stress reliever then you better do it...


Mar 20, 2013
I just went over a month without going on porn. Longest I've gone since I started using it 10 years ago. Masturbated regularly during this time, and I think that's okay. My goal now is to quit porn, not porn and masturbation.

By allowing myself to masturbate, I can get some relief without reinforcing the addiction.

Perhaps the most significant thing I've been doing is focusing a lot on my thoughts and feelings. I get very frustrated and angry when I think about sex, because it's not a part of my life. So I've been stopping myself when I feel frustrated and angry and depressed, and instead of focusing on the specifics, I just focus on the feeling.

i.e., if I start thinking something like "sex is never going to be a part of my life," I try to ignore the specific thought and focus on the feeling. The feeling I get when I think about that is extremely negative, oppressive and consuming. So then I think of it like a buffet: this negative feeling is just a food I don't want to eat.

So I move onto something else I'd rather have -- a thought that gives me a good feeling. And I don't make a bigger deal out of it than that. This strategy has gone a long way in a short amount of time in changing my perspective. I have to keep in mind that I need to be on guard 24/7 or I'll drop the ball. My default mode is despair/depression/anxiety/helplessness/frustration, and it takes a lot of discipline for me to try to switch my default mode to contentedness/clearheadedness/confidence/tranquility.

Anyway, I found this interesting in regards to withdrawal symptoms. As much as I have faith that I'll keep getting better as the PUFAs clear out of my body, I have faith that I'll feel better the longer I go without porn. ... -look-like

Current science finds that withdrawal initiates a cascade of neurochemical alterations, which may include:

further decline in dopamine levels
further decline in opioids and endorphins
drop-off in GABA, which is an anti-anxiety neurotransmitter
rise in brain stress hormones CRF and norepinephrine
elevated dynorphin which inhibits dopamine and lowers your pleasure response
one week after quitting the reward center sprouts new nerve cell branches, which correlate with cravings to use


Oct 27, 2013
Lots of science of the effects of porn, and in the end it leaves me with too many question unanswered. For example, what are the parameters for these studies? How many different scenes is one watching per session (same individual, vs multiple)? Is there any lead up to the sex act, or is it instant (think straight sex vs one that comes with a lead up or story involved)? what is the difference b/w watching a scene and creating one with your imagination (this is my biggest question as I would imagine it would be a lot healthier to watch a complete stranger, than to imagine possibly someone you like but cannot get with, as this might effect the body more harshly from an energy stand point). Are pictures the same as video? in relation to photos, is a screen the same as printed? etc ...

In the end I just go back to the large amount of information from the east that took thousands of years to compile. That is to save your semen as it takes lots of energy to produce, but in the presence of stress, relieving oneself has more positives that outweigh the energy expenditure issue.

Jib regarding your current conundrum, I'll go back to the age old adage of happiness is the space between your perceived reality & your desires. So if you desire something not current in your reality, either make it your reality, or choose to realize that maybe you desire too much. By desiring too much I don't mean desiring being in a relationship as too much, rather desiring to be in a situation you are not currently in, while also desiring not to change your current circumstance is a recipe for disaster (or as Einstein put it ... insanity). So which do you desire more, being with someone, or the desire for things to remain the same. There's lot of males & females that desire connection in this world, you just have to decide to make the change and go find it. Assuming you've had many fantasies, whatever comes about putting yourself out there may not be perfect or even a success, but in my mind it would be better than being inactively desiring something. I think to much sometimes, so sorry if this doesn't come across in the loving way I intended.

Fun fact: During my no ejaculation trial to try & curb um.. horniness, which lasted 6 months & included no intercourse as well, i had several wet dreams. So it seems the body will take over if you are not doing it consciously.


Jan 12, 2014
Bumping this thread as I am starting NoFap today. I am looking for someone to hold me accountable otherwise I will give in. I want to go 90 days straight in hopes of increasing testosterone levels along with seeing the other benefits NoFappers have claimed to experience. Please let me know of anyone has done this. And let me know if you're in!


lookingforanswers said:
Bumping this thread as I am starting NoFap today. I am looking for someone to hold me accountable otherwise I will give in. I want to go 90 days straight in hopes of increasing testosterone levels along with seeing the other benefits NoFappers have claimed to experience. Please let me know of anyone has done this. And let me know if you're in!

Just avoid triggers and you will be fine, maybe get a blocker on your computer so you wont find any tittymeat


Oct 5, 2014
Charlie said:
2 months in. I got this. Don't get me wrong, it has been hard(HAHA pun intended!) at times. But well worth the effort indeed.

Everything that was expected to improve, has.

Yes Charlie, I'm intrigued on how is it going for you!

I never managed to get past 15 days of no ejaculation. Was climbing up walls, to speak politely.

But I'm wondering : The problem is the masturbation, the porn, or both ?


Mar 31, 2014
Europe/SE Asia
Isn't not cumming a stress in itself? They call it "blue balls syndrome" for a reason.

Anyway, isn't getting a gf or gfs better that doing all that celibacy thingy?


Oct 28, 2012
If you can abstain more than 7 days something is off and it is not healthy

I went 90 days one time... BTW my Testosterone was around 300 and thyroid was terrible, now with healthy testosterone and thyroid levels is impossible to go a week...


Aug 6, 2015
Peat is speaking a bit about sex in "mind and tissue" refering to Reich, this is interesting.


Oct 5, 2014
Daimyo said:
Isn't not cumming a stress in itself? They call it "blue balls syndrome" for a reason.

Anyway, isn't getting a gf or gfs better that doing all that celibacy thingy?

Daimyo it's a bit more complicated I think.

There are two things :
- Watching Porn
- Ejaculation

Regarding how damaging is porn to brain, you can find the references in this same thread. Click on the links. I'm not sure how legit are these information sources claiming that watching porn rewires your brain, it makes you addict, depressed, anxious, etc. Is it really that bad ? I don't know. The information comes from USA sources, a quite puritan(+compulsive) country in all regards : sex, tobacco, etc. so who knows how much of this info is a religious thing disguissed as science. All my respects to USA anyway. No ofenses.

Regarding ejaculation, this is well known for thousands of years in traditional cultures, for instance, Ayurveda and Taoism. To make it short, ejaculation is not bad or good. It depends on many factors. Ejaculation with masturbation is very bad though. Ejaculation as one ages and in winter is even worse. I won't enter into details of why. There's plenty of information about that on the internet and TCM books. There are even tables listing how many ejaculations per month is ok depending on your age and constitution. In western culture we have some studies about ejaculation and testosterone levels, studies about sperm composition that claim it uses lots of minerals and other essential nutrients, etc. That being said, TCM and Taoism are all about BALANCE. So no masturbating in 3 months could be bad, as well as masturbating 3 times a day. BUT... There are taoist/yogic techniques to not ejaculate and use that energy to heal yourself and develop spiritually. They advise to ejaculate every once in a while if you don't follow any of these techniques for the mentioned reason of BALANCE.

Now, I guess, masturbating often WITH porn is a very bad combo.

My :2cents


Apr 2, 2015
Parsifal said:

It has to be in person though. Major difference to watching it on a screen imo.

Testosterone is interesting. I can think of three things that contribute to a healthy testosterone level:

1. Less masturbation. Masturbation is usually associated with sex ideation. This means that if you indulge in too much sex ideation you disbalance the desire to have sex in real life.

2. Physical sex. This elevates testosterone due to the excitation of pleasure and a satiated self-esteem which leads to...

3. Purpose. Testosterone raises when one explores beyond his boundaries; achieves his goals, succeeds over obstacles and finds a life of meaning and discovery (including adventure).

3.1 (supplementary). Always, ALWAYS go outside your comfort zone. I have a theory that testosterone seeks and retains power. This means that one must not over-indulge in masturbation (internal) but also explore the external world to acquire new experiences (external). The first one is also known as sex transmutation, meaning that semen retention can lead to success in the external world which supports the latter.

In a simplistic primal sense, you abstain from masturbation (internal) so you can spend that energy (sex transmutation) to seek out a "mate" to have sex (external).

Woman care about the content of one's balls more than the size of one's dong.

Or as the old saying goes:

"Grow some balls and take control of your life".
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